Gàidhlig / Gaelic

Gaelic history and culture is strongly represented in the University of Edinburgh's collections.

Chaidh an duilleag seo a dhealbhadh gus ur n-aire a thoirt do ghrunnan chruinneachaidhean / phàipearan cudromach. Ma tha tuilleadh fiosrachaidh a dhìth oirbh, nach cuir sibh fios thugainn.

This page is designed to point you to some key collections / items and we would encourage you to get in touch if you are looking for further material.

Tasglannan Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba School of Scottish Studies Archives

Ann an Tasglannan Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba gheibh sibh 16,000 uair a thìde de chlàraidhean fuaim agus bhideo, cruinneachadh cudromach de dh’fhotos, cho math ri saoibhreas làmh-sgrìobhainnean: stòras bunaiteach de chultar agus de dh’eitneòlas na h-Alba, agus sàr-ionad eadar-nàiseanta airson obair-ionnsachaidh agus obair-rannsachaidh a-thaobh beul-aithris, cultar dùthchasach, agus ealain thraidiseanta. Ann an clàraidhean an Fhuaim-lainn cluinnear sgeulachdan, òrain, ceòl, naidheachdan ionadail, agus beul-aithris, cho math ri fiosrachadh eitneòlach a chaidh a chlàradh bho Ghàidheil anns gach ceàrnaidh den Ghàidhealtachd, air a’ Ghalldachd, agus na b’ fhaide air falbh, bho 1951 air adhart. Am measg a’ bheairteis de làmh-sgrìobhainnean anns an Sgoil, tha faisg air 10,000 taobh-duilleig mu chleachdaidhean agus mu chreideasan nan Gàidheal, clàraichte as leth Chomann na Beul-aithrise, fo stiùir Raibeirt Craig MhicLathagain (1839–1919).

Gheibh sibh grunn ghoireasan sònraichte annta cuideachd, leithid Shuirbhidh Cànanachas na Gàidhlig agus Shuirbhidh nan Ainmean-Àite. Tha làn fhiosrachadh mu na cruinneachaidhean rim faighinn air duilleagan-lìn nan tasglann.


The School of Scottish Studies Archives, embracing 16,000 hours of sound and video recordings, a major photographic collection, and a rich variety of manuscript material, are a vital repository of Scottish culture and ethnography, and an internationally significant hub for teaching and research in folklore, material culture, and the traditional arts. Among the Sound Archive recordings are tales, songs, music, local history and folklore, and ethnographic information recorded from communities in all traditionally Gaelic-speaking areas of the Highlands and Islands as well as the Gaelic diaspora from 1951 onwards. The School’s rich manuscript holdings include nearly 10,000 pages concerning Gaelic custom and belief recorded for the Folklore Society under the auspices of Robert Craig Maclagan (1839–1919).

There are also a number of specialist resources including the Gaelic Linguistic Survey and the Place-name Survey. Full information about the collections can be found on the archives' webpages.

Cruinneachadh MhicGilleMhìcheil MhicBhatair Carmichael Watson Collection

Tha a’ mhòr-chuid den chruinneachadh seo – am fear as cudromaiche aig CRC a bhuineas ri cultar Gàidhealach agus Ceilteach – dèante de phàipearan a’ bheul-aithrisiche Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil (1832–1912) agus de phàipearan a mhic-chèile an t-Ollamh Uilleam Iain MacBhatair (1865–1948). Tha làmh-sgrìobhainnean MhicBhatair, a’ sìneadh bho notaichean-òraide gu clàran ainmean-àite, a’ toirt dhuinn sheallaidhean drùidhteach air obair-bheatha aonan de na sgoilearan Gàidhlig a b’ àirde cliù anns an fhicheadamh linn. Am measg pàipearan Alasdair MhicGilleMhìcheil tha sreath luachmhor de leabhraichean-raoin, toradh trì fichead bliadhna de dh’obair-chruinneachadh, far a bheil sgeulachdan, òrain, eachdraidh thraidiseanta, eitneòlas, creideasan, agus cleachdaidhean bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd, cho math ris na pàipearan-deasachaidh tomadach far an do chur MacGilleMhìcheil ri chèile a chruinneachadh connspaideach de bheannachdan, ùrnaighean agus òrthachan, Carmina Gadelica (2 leabhn, 1900). Gheibhear nan lùib eisimpleirean cudromach de litrichean-ealain Ceilteach air an dealbhadh le a mhnaoi Màiri Frangag NicGilleMhìcheil (1838–1928) agus le a nighinn Ella (1870–1928), a phòsadh an t-Ollamh MacBhatair.

Cuideachadh ann an Cruinneachadh MhicGilleMhìcheil MhicBhatair tha beul-aithris luachmhor air a clàradh le Maighstir Ailein Dòmhnallach (1859–1905), sagart Eiriosgaigh; le clasaichean-sgoile Alasdair MhicBheathain (1855–1907), maighstir-sgoile ann an Inbhir Nis agus sàr sgoilear Gàidhlig e fhèin; cho math ri leabhraichean tomadach de ghearraidhean phàipearan-naidheachd, agus 1,400 leabhar clò-bhuailte. Ann an catalog nan tasglann gheibhear ceangal don làraich-lìn shònraichte aig a’ Chruinneachadh.


The CRC’s most important holding relating to Gaelic and Celtic culture, most of the collection comprises the papers of the folklorist Alexander Carmichael (1832–1912) and his son-in-law Professor William J Watson (1865–1948). Watson’s manuscripts, ranging from lecture notes to lists of place-names, offer insights into the life’s work of one of the major Gaelic scholars of the twentieth century. Carmichael’s papers include a precious series of field notebooks compiled during sixty years’ recording Gaelic tales, songs, traditional history, ethnography, customs and beliefs in the Hebrides and the Gaelic-speaking mainland, as well as the voluminous editing papers through which he created his controversial collection of blessings, prayers, and charms, Carmina Gadelica (2 vols, 1900). These are complemented by important examples of Celtic lettering created by his wife Mary Frances Carmichael (1838–1928) and his daughter Ella (1870–1928), future wife of Professor Watson.

The Carmichael Watson Collection also includes valuable folkloric material recorded by Father Allan Macdonald of Eriskay (1859–1905) and by the pupils of the pioneering Gaelic scholar and Inverness headmaster Alexander Macbain (1855–1907), as well as extensive volumes of newspaper cuttings and 1,400 printed books.

View in the archives catalogue

View the Carmichael Watson Research Guide

Ùrnaighean Coitcheann Gàidhlig Foirm na nurrnuidheadh agas freasdal na sacramuinteadh, agas foirceadul an chreidimh Christuidhe andso sios Gaelic Liturgy

’S e th’ anns an leabhar bheag seo an aon leth-bhreac ann an Alba den chiad leabhar a chaidh a chlò-bhualadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig a-riamh.

Chaidh an leabhar gu lèir a dhigiteachadh agus a chur air-loidhne. Chì sibh inntrigeadh-clàir an leabhair an seo.


This unassuming volume is the only copy in Scotland of the first book printed in Gaelic.

The book has been fully digitised and can be viewed online. You can see the book's catalogue entry here.

Dòmhnall MacFhionghain Donald MacKinnon

B’ e an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall MacFhionghain (1839–1914) a’ chiad sgoilear aig an robh Cathair na Ceiltis, Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, a’ chiad ollamhachd sa chuspair ann an Alba. Rinn MacFhionghain saothair bhunaiteach ann a bhith a’ stèidheachadh sgoilearachd Ghàidhlig na h-Alba, agus gu dearbh ann a bhith a’ cur ri sgoilearachd na Ceiltis anns an fharsaingeachd. Mar a bhiodh dùil, ’s ann susbainteach dha-rìribh a tha an cruinneachadh aige, le dreachdan, tar-sgrìobhaidhean, pàipearan-rannsachaidh, agus notaichean-òraide a bhuineas ri gach uile roinn-eòlais ainmichte san ollamhachd, eadar chànanan, litreachas, eachdraidh, agus àrsaidheachd. Cuideachd anns a’ chruinneachadh seo gheibhear làmh-sgrìobhainn Èireannach bhon chòigeamh linn deug mu Fhisiografaidh Meadhan-Aoiseach; geàrr-iomradh bhon t-siathamh linn deug de Chunntas Mhaighstir Ricardi bho Hippocrates agus eile; dà leabhar de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig bho thràth san naoidheamh linn deug sgrìobhte leis an t-seòladair Beniamin Urchadan; agus tasglann tomadach de thar-sgrìobhaidhean de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig, cho math ri searmoin, faclairean, agus gràmaran air an cur ri chèile leis an Urr. Pàdraig Stiùbhart Chill Fhinn (1701–89), le a mhac an t-Urr. Eòin Stiùbhart (1743–1821), Sgìre Luis, agus le ministearan Gàidhlig eile a bha an sàs ann an obair eadar-theangachadh a’ Bhìobaill leithid an Urr. Dr Eòin Mac a’ Ghobhainn Cheann Loch Chille Chiarain (1747–1807).

Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachaidh ann an catalog nan tasglann, agus tha clàr-làimhe (H28) ri fhaighinn aig an CRC.

Cuideachd ann an Cruinneachadh MhicFhionghain tha 1,700 leabhar agus 300 leabhran bhon leabharlann aige, mu sgoilearachd na Ceiltis agus mu dhiadhaireachd Albannaich. Tha iad seo air an clàradh air DiscoverEd fon chomharradh-sgeilf 'MacKinnon Coll.'.


Professor Donald MacKinnon (1839–1914) was the first holder of the university’s Chair of Celtic, the first of its kind in Scotland. MacKinnon did much to define the academic study of Scottish Gaelic as well as making major contributions to Celtic scholarship, and his collection is suitably substantial, with drafts, transcripts, research papers, and lecture notes concerning every category listed in his professorship: languages, literature, history, and antiquities. Also in the MacKinnon Collection are a fifteenth-century Irish manuscript on medieval physiography; a sixteenth-century summary or abstract of the Treatise of Maighstir Ricairdi compiled from Hippocrates and others; two early nineteenth-century Gaelic song notebooks written by the sailor Benjamin Urquhart, and a substantial archive of transcriptions of Gaelic songs as well as sermons and lexicographical and grammatical material compiled by the Rev. Patrick Stuart of Killin (1701–89), his son the Rev. John Stuart of Luss (1743–1821), and other Highland ministers involved in translating the Gaelic Bible such as the Rev. Dr John Smith of Campbeltown (1747–1807).

Further information is on the archives catalogue and a typescript handlist (H28) is available at the CRC.

The MacKinnon collection also includes 1,700 books and 300 pamphlets from his library on Celtic studies and Scottish theology. These are catalogued on DiscoverEd with the shelfmark 'MacKinnon Coll.'.

Cruinneachadh Laing The Laing Collection

B’ ann leis an eòlaiche-àrsaidheachd David Laing (1793–1878) a chaidh an cruinneachadh tomadach seo a chur ri chèile, ’s e a’ gabhail a-steach grunnan sheann làmh-sgrìobhainnean sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla Ghallda Mheadhan-Aoisich, nam measg làmh-sgrìobhainn mheidigeach Ghàidhlig agus Laideann bhon t-siathamh linn deug. Rinneadh digiteachadh de thaghadh de dhuilleagan. Faodaidh sibh Cruinneachadh Laing a rannsachadh tro chatalog nan tasglann. Anns a’ chruinneachadh gheibhear pàipearan leithid:

  • La.II.51: Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig, cho math ri briathran agus ceòl de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig, ann an leabhar de phàipearan sgrìobhte le Alasdair Caimbeul (1764–1824), ùghdar "Albyn's anthology". Tràth 19mh linn.
  • La.II.453/4: Litrichean inntinneach bhon Oll. Adhamh MacFhearghais agus George B. Hepburn gu George Chalmers mu inbhe na Gàidhlig ann an Alba bho shean. 1798; 1806.
  • La.II.474: Litrichean (27) bho dheifir sgrìobhaichean, a’ mhòr-chuid gu George Chalmers, le pàipearan nan lùib, mu sgoilearachd na Gàidhlig. 1791–1822.
  • La.II.509: Tabhartas £2/10/- bho sgìre Chùltair airson clò-bhualadh a’ Bhìobaill Ghàidhlig, bho W. Lockhart gu J. Davidson, W.S., 7 Dàmhair 1782. Tabhartas bho sgìre Bhaile Mheadhrain bho A. Thomson. 1 Ògmhios 1784.
  • La.II.511:  Litir bhon Urr. Seumas MacLathagain gu Iain MacNeachdain mu obair-thionail faclair Gàidhlig. Beul Feirste, 27 Gearran 1771.
  • La.II.695/5: Searmon leis an Urr. Cailean Caimbeul Àrd Chatain, 17mh–18mh linn.
  • La.III.21 (Sàr làmh-sgrìobhainn): Làmh-sgrìobhainn mheidigeach a bha an seilbh an teaghlaich MacBeatha, luchd-leighis air taobh siar na Gàidhealtachd. 16mh linn, 6 x 4.5 òirlich. 111 fon. Craiceann-sgrìobhaidh.
  • La.III.251, 251*: Leth-bhric de dhàintean cruinnichte ann an dà leabhar le Jerome Stone, maighstir-sgoile Dhùn Chailleann c. 1755.
  • La.III.341: Mionaidean comataidh an Àrd-sheanaidh gus oileanaich Ghàidhlig a mhaoineachadh, 1763–1787 4o 16fon.
  • La.III.352: Dualchas agus sgoilearachd nan Gàidheal air an dìon an aghaidh an Dr Johnson leis an Urr. Dòmhnall MacNeacail ann an litir don Oll. John Walker 1775.
  • La.III.353: Tagradh leis an Urr. Dr Eòin Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Ceann Loch Chille Chiarain, gus leabhar-cràbhaidh a sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig, cho math ri eadar-theangachadh ùr de na Sailm. 1799; Kemp (J.). Litir don Urr. Teàrlach Stiùbhart mu chlò-bhualadh de 20,000 Bìoball Gàidhlig a chur fo airgead-urrais an aghaidh teine. 1803. Faicibh cuideachd litir don Urr. Teàrlach Stiùbhart mun airgead a bheirte air ais air pàipear a bha ceadaichte dha airson an deasachaidh aige den Bhìoball Ghàidhlig.
  • La.III.475: Cruinneachadh de laoidhean na Fèinne a rinneadh leis an Urr. Alasdair Irbhinn, Dùn Chaillean Beag. 1801–1808. 4o 166 fon.
  • La.III.519: Duan Albanach. Teacs le eadar-theangachaidhean le Wilson agus Ó Conchúir, le notaichean mu na h-eadar-theangachaidhean leis an Urr. Dr Seumas MacDhonnchaidh, agus litir bho MhacDhonnchaidh gu George Chalmers, 14 Gearran 1800.
  • La.III.545: Leabhar-notaichean aig an Urr. Raibeart Kirk, Obar Phuill, anns a bheil "searmoin, co-labhairtean, beachdan dhaoine le cunntas mu Lunnainn’ sgrìobhte ann an 1689 nuair a bha e a’ stiùireadh clò-bhualadh Bìoball Gàidhlig Bhedell ann an Lunnainn. 8o 159 fon.
  • La.III.569: "An introduction to the Scottish Gallic". Earrainn 1 a-mhàin, ‘Orthography’. 1768. 4o 82 tdd.
  • La.III.584/24: Cunntas agus grunn eadar-theangachaidhean de dh’òrain Sheumasach Ghàidhlig ann an litir bho Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane gu Sir Walter Scott. 9 Samhain 1813.


The substantial manuscript collection assembled by antiquarian David Laing (1793-1878) contains a number of early manuscripts in Gaelic and Middle Scots, including a 16th century medical manuscript in Gaelic and Latin. A selection of folios have been digitised. You can explore the Laing Collection in our archives catalogue. Items in the collection include:

  • La.II.51: Some Gaelic poems, also words and music of some Gaelic songs, in a volume of papers of Alexander Campbell (1764-1824) author of "Albyn's anthology". Early 19th cent.
  • La.II.453/4: Interesting letters from A. Ferguson and G.B. Hepburn to George Chalmers on the position of Gaelic in early Scotland. 1798; 1806.
  • La.II.474: Letters (27) from various correspondents, mostly to George Chalmers, with a few associated papers, relating to Gaelic studies. 1791-1822.
  • La.II.509: Contribution from the parish of Culter of £2:10:- towards expenses of printing the bible in Gaelic sent by W. Lockhart to J. Davidson, W.S. 7 Oct. 1782. Contribution from the parish of Balmerino sent by A. Thomson. 1 June 1784.
  • La.II.511: Letter of Rev. J. McLagan to J. McNaughton about the compilation of a Gaelic dictionary. Belfast, 27 Feb. 1771.
  • La.II.695/5: Sermon by the Rev. Colin Campbell of Ardchattan. 17th-18th cent.
  • La.III.21 (Iconic Item): Medical manuscript which belonged to the McBeath family, physicians in the Western Highlands. 16th cent. 6 x 4.5 in. 111 ff. On vellum.
  • La.III.251, 251*: Copies of poems in two volumes compiled by Jerome Stone, schoolmaster of Dunkfeld c. 1755.
  • La.III.341: Minutes of a committee of the General Assembly for administering funds for Gaelic speaking students, 1763-1787 4o 16ff.
  • La.III.352: Gaelic poetry & learning defended against Dr. Johnson by Rev. Donald McNicol in a letter to Professor John Walker 1775.
  • La.III.353: Proposal by Dr. J Smith of Campbeltown to write a manual of devotion in Gaelic & Gaelic translation of the Psalms. 1799; Kemp (J.). Letter to Rev. C. Stewart about insuring against fire an impression of 20,000 copies of the Gaelic Bible. 1803. See also letter to Rev. C. Stewart about the drawback on paper allowed for his edition of the Gaelic Bible.
  • La.III.475: Collection of Ossianic poetry made by the Rev. Alexander Irvine of Little Dunkeld. 1801-1808. 4o 166 ff.
  • La.III.519: Duan Albanach. Text with translations by Wilson and O'Connor with remarks on the translations by Dr. James Robertson and a letter from Dr. Robertson to George Chalmers, dat 14 Feby. 1800.
  • La.III.545: Notebook of Rev. Robert Kirk, Minister of Aberfoyle, containing "sermons, conferences, men's opinions with a description of London" written in 1689 while superintending the printing of Bedell's Gaelic Bible in London. 8o 159 ff.
  • La.III.569: "An introduction to the Scottish Gallic". Only Pt. 1, Orthography. 18 cent. 4o 82pp.
  • La.III.584/24: An account of and some translations from Jacobite Gaelic songs in a letter from Margaret Douglas-Maclean-Clephane to Sir Walter Scott. 9 Nov. 1813.

Leabharlann na Colaiste Ùire New College Library

Ann an cruinneachaidhean Leabharlann na Colaiste Ùire tha barrachd air 400 leabhar agus leabhran Gàidhlig, bhon ochdamh linn deug gu ruige an fhicheadamh linn. Gheibh sibh air a’ chatalog iad, fon chlàr-sgeilf Gaelic Coll. Am measg nan làmh-sgrìobhainnean tha litrichean James Kirkwood, bho anmoch anns an t-seachdamh linn deug agus tràth anns an ochdamh linn deug, ’s iad a-mach air solarachadh Bhìoball Èireannach (Gàidhlig) don Ghàidhealtachd. Bu chòir ceistean a chur gu HeritageCollections@ed.ac.uk, air neo faodaidh sibh tadhal air an leabharlann air ur ceann fhèin.


New College Library's collections contain over 400 Gaelic monographs and pamphlets dating from the 18th to 20th centuries. They can be identified on the catalogue using the shelfmark Gaelic Coll. Manuscript material includes James Kirkwood's late 17th- / early 18th-century correspondence relating to the providing of Irish (Gaelic) Bibles to the Highlands and Islands. Enquiries should be directed to HeritageCollections@ed.ac.uk or you can visit the library in person.

Marsaili Cheanadach-Fhriseal Marjory Kennedy-Fraser

Tè den luchd-cruinneachaidh agus den luchd-eagrachaidh òran a b’ àirde cliù r’a linn, agus sàr sheinneadair cho math, an-diugh tha a’ mhòr-chuid eòlach air Marsaili Cheanadach-Fhriseal (1857–1930) airson na sreatha de leabhraichean òrain-ealain a bha i air cruinneachadh anns na h-eileanan eadar 1907 agus 1927, gu seachd sònraichte Songs of the Hebrides (3 leabhn, 1909–21). Ann an cruinneachadh tomadach Marsaili tha clàraidhean-sgrìobhte de dh’òrain, leabhar sgrìobhte de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig, dreachdan-làimhe agus dreachdan-clò, cho math ri litrichean bhon teaghlach, gu seachd àraid le a nighinn Patuffa (1889–1967). Tha an cruinneachadh leabhraichean a’ gabhail a-steach mu 100 leabhar bhon linn aice fhèin mu chuspairean Albannach, gu h-àraid ceòl, dannsa, eachdraidh, agus litreachas nan Gàidheal. Ann an CRC cuideachd tha 296 clàraidhean-siolandair dèante le Marsaili Cheanadach-Fhriseal, a’ mhòr-chuid bho sheinneadairean Gàidhlig nan eilean, anns a bheil faisg air 550 pìos-ciùil.


One of the most influential song-collectors and arrangers of her time, and an accomplished singer in her own right, Marjory Kennedy-Fraser (1857–1930) is best known today for a series of volumes of art settings of songs she had collected in the Hebrides from 1907 to 1927, most notably Songs of the Hebrides (3 vols, 1909–21). Kennedy-Fraser’s substantial collection includes manuscript song recordings, a manuscript volume of Gaelic songs, drafts and proofs, as well as family correspondence, in particular with her daughter Patuffa (1889–1967). The book collection includes about 100 modern books on Scottish topics, especially Highland music and dance, history, and literature. CRC also holds 296 cylinder recordings made by Marjory Kennedy-Fraser, mainly from Gaelic singers in the Hebrides, containing nearly 550 separate items.

Raibeart Kirk Robert Kirk

Ann an tasglannan an CRC gheibhear pàipearan coicheangailte ris an sgoilear beul-aithris iomraiteach an t-Urr. Raibeart Kirk, Obar Phuill (1644–92), nam measg ceithir leabhraichean coitcheann. Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh air catalog nan tasglann.

Ann an Cruinneachaidh Laing tha an leabhar-sgrìobhte aig Kirk fhèin den Secret Commonwealth, an cunntas aige mu chreideasan mu shìthichean agus mun dà shealladh. Tha seo mar phàirt de Shàr Chruinneachadh an CRC, comharradh-sgeilf La.III.551. Faodar coimhead air an duilleig-aghaidh air-loidhne.


The archives at the CRC contain items relating to Gaelic scholar and folklorist the Rev. Robert Kirk of Aberfoyle (1644–92), including four commonplace books. Further information is on the archives catalogue.

The Laing Collection includes Kirk's own manuscript volume of The Secret Commonwealth, his treatise on fair superstitions and second sight. It is part of the CRC's Iconic Collection, shelfmark La.III.551. The title page can be viewed online.

Bàrdachd Ghàidhlig an Fhicheadamh Linn Twentieth Century Gaelic Poetry

Ann an tasglann a’ bhàird chonnspaidich Christopher Murray Grieve (1892–1978) (aithnichte fon ainm-phinn aige Hugh MacDiarmid) tha dàintean Gàidhlig le Somhairle MacGill-Eain (1911–96) (LS 2995) agus Deòrsa mac Iain Deòrsa (1915–84) (LS 2951, LS 2961, LS 2976, LS 2981). Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu thasglann Hugh MacDiarmid air duilleagan-làraich Phàipearan Litreachas na h-Alba.


The archive of poet and controversialist Christopher Murray Grieve (1892–1978) (best known under his pseudonym Hugh MacDiarmid) includes Gaelic poems by Sorley Maclean (1911–96) (MS 2995) and George Campbell Hay (1915–84) (MS 2951, MS 2961, MS 2976, MS 2981). There is more information about the Hugh MacDiarmid archive in the Scottish Literary Papers webpages.

Làmh-sgrìobhainnean eile Other Manuscripts

Tha cuid de phàipearan coicheangailte ris a’ Ghàidhlig ann nach buin ri cruinneachaidhean sònraichte Gàidhlig. Am measg nam pìosan inntinneach tha:

  • Dc.8.128: Mac a’ Phearsain (D.). "Cursory remarks on Verstegan's Restiutiton of decayed intelligence. With some illustrations of the affinity of the Teutonic and Gaelic languages". Tràth san 19mh linn? 6.9 x 4.8 òirlich. 16 fon.
  • De.1.76: Gaussen (L.). The creation of the world. Eadar-theangaichte don Ghàidhlig leis an Urr. Donnchadh MacAonghais, 1895.
  • Dk.5.40-41: Leabhraichean de ghearraidhean phàipearan-naidheachd sa Bheurla agus sa Ghàidhlig coicheangailte ri cùisean Ceilteach, air an cur ri chèile leis an Oll. J.S. Blackie. Gun dàta 2 leabhn.
  • Dk.6.192: Tagradh le Comunn Gàidhealach Lunnainn gus cathair-ollamhachd a stèidheachadh ann am fear de dh’oilthighean na h-Alba: cunntas air ann an litir J.H. Allan. 18 Cèitean 1846.
  • Coll-1367 / Gen.44: Agallamh Oisin agus Padraig (Gàidhlig na h-Èireann)
  • Gen.45-46: Eadar-theangachadh don Ghàidhlig de phàirt den t-Seann Tiomnadh c.1800. 2 bhogsa.
  • Gen.1429/18/2: Eadar-theangachadh de na Sailm: cunntas m’a dheidhinn ann an litir an Urr. John Anderson gu George Chalmers. 25 Dàmhair 1797.


Some individual items relating to Gaelic are not part of specific Gaelic collections. Items of interest include:

  • Dc.8.128: Macpherson (D.). "Cursory remarks on Verstegan's Restiutiton of decayed intelligence. With some illustrations of the affinity of the Teutonic and Gaelic languages". Early 19th cent? 6.9 x 4.8 in. 16 ff.
  • De.1.76: Gaussen (L.). The creation of the world. Tr. Into Gaelic by the Rev. Duncan McInnes, 1895.
  • Dk.5.40-41: Scrapbooks of newspaper cutting in English and Gaelic relating to Celtic topics. Compiled by Professor J.S. Blackie. Nd.d. 2 vols.
  • Dk.6.192: Proposal by the Highland Society of London to found a chair of, in one one of the Scottish universities, mentioned in a letter of J.H. Allan. 18 May 1846.
  • Coll-1367 / Gen.44: Agallamh Oisin agus Padraig (Irish Gaelic)
  • Gen.45-46: Translation into gaelic of part of the Old testament c.1800. 2 boxes.
  • Gen.1429/18/2: Translation of the Psalms mentioned in a letter of Rev. John Anderson to George Chalmers. 25 Oct. 1797.