Scottish Authors F-I

Manuscripts of Scottish writers including Robert Fergusson, John Galt, Robert Garioch, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Anna Gordon, Anne Grant, Neil Gunn, Robert Henryson, and James Hogg.

William Falconer (1732-1769)

Robert Fergusson (1750-1774)

Kathleen Fidler (1899-1980)

Jane Findlater (1866-1946)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Letter to H. Field, 26 December, n.y. (Dk.8.43)
Materials in Other Collections

Mary Findlater (1865-1963)

Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925-2006)

Self-Standing Materials
Materials in Other Collections

John Finlay (1782-1810)

William Finlay (1792-1847)

Sir William Forbes (1739-1806)

James Allan Ford (1920-2009)

William Fowler (1560?-1612)

Antonia Fraser (1932- )

George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008)

G. S. (George Sutherland) Fraser (1915-1980)

James Baillie Fraser (1783-1856)

Ann Fraser Tytler (1783-1857)

George Friel (1910-1975)

Raymond Friel (1963- )

Robin Fulton (1937- )

Edward Gaitens (1897-1966)

John Galt (1779-1839)

Self-Standing Materials
  • 'The Tribulations of the Rev. Cowal Kilmun' (fragment of short story), ca. 1835 (Dh.6/67/86)
  • Microfilm copies of John Galt Papers held in the Canadian Public Archives (M.G.24, E.II.7) (Mic.M.668)
Materials in Other Collections

Alexander Garden (c. 1585-c. 1642)

Robert Garioch (1909-1981)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Material Relating to Robert Garioch Sutherland
  • Corrected typescript of 'Selected Poems and Verses' (1962) (Gen. 1930/8)
  • Edited typescript of 'Two Men and a Blanket' (1974) (Gen. 2193/2)
  • MS copy of poem "Whilk Mainer o' Lives?" (Coll-1848/18-0096)
  • Letter to Edinburgh University Library, 3 September 1979 (Gen. 1733/26)
Materials in Other Collections

Flora Garry (1900-2000)

Lewis Grassic Gibbon (1901-1935)

Self-Standing Materials
Materials in Other Collections

George Gilfillan (1813-1878)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Lectures and Sermons of George Gilfillan (New College Library Special Collections)
  • Letter to Dr John Eadie, 5 March 1849 (Gen. 1731/G/10)
  • 3 letters to the author of a ‘Tour in France’, 1851 (Dc.4.101-103)
  • 3 letters, 1853-1870 (Gen. 1801/3/2; Gen.1952/2/15)
  • Letter [fragmentary] (Dk.8.4/3)
Materials in Other Collections

Robert Gilfillan (1798-1850)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Receipt to Mrs Spaven for police assessments, printed, with MS additions (Gen. 1981/110)
Materials in Other Collections

William Gillespie (1776-1825)

  • Edinburgh University class cards and matriculation card of Gillespie, 1790-1795 (Dc.95/1, ff. 1-5)
  • Testimonial in favour of his brother D M. Gillespie, 1814 (Dc.4.95/1, f. 13)

Valerie Gillies (1948- )

Willison Glass (19th century)

Duncan Glen (1933-2008)

Anna Gordon, Mrs Brown of Falkland (1747-1810)

Giles Gordon (1940-2003)

Rody Gorman (1960- )

Laurence Graham (1924-2008)

W. S. (William Sydney) Graham (1918-1986)

James Grahame (1765-1811)

Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932)

Anne Grant (1755-1838)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Copy of 1st ed. of 'Letters from the Mountains' (1806) with MS alterations, presumed to be in Grant's hand, subsequently incorporated in the 2nd ed. (1807) (RB.S.4368 - RB.S.4370)
  • Review of Joanne Baillie’s 'Metrical Legends of Exalted Characters' [fragmentary], 182-? (Gen. 1995/31)
Materials in Other Collections

James Grant (1822-1887)

  • 2 letters, 1 to W. Tinsly and 1 to W. Archibald, 1877-1879 (Gen. 1731/G/2)
  • Letter from Grant, 1862 (JA3476)

Alasdair Gray (1934- )

Sir Alexander Gray (1882-1968)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Lecture notes, papers, and correspondence found in books presented by Gray to Edinburgh University Library (Dk.7.37)
  • Letter to Archibald H. Campbell, 21 May 1959 (Coll-1662)

  • Letter to R.S. Fifoot, Edinburgh University Library, 2 May 1963 (Dh.6.58*)
  • Letter to D. P. Heatley, 29 January 1912 (Gen. 1731/G/37)
  • Letter from Hedwig Born, 9 March 1952 (in S.B.P. .83191 Bor.)
  • Letter from Sir T. Jaffrey, 7 November 1948 (Gen. 1731/J/6)
Materials in Other Collections

James Gray (1770-1830)

Stanley Roger Green (1929-2015)

Alexander B. Grosart (1827-1899)

Self-Standing Materials
  • 5 letters to Colonel J. L. Chester, 1869-1873 (Gen. 1731/G/4)
  • 2 letters, 1 to Peter Cunningham, 1846, 1 to C. Godwin, 1861 (Dc.4.101-103)
  • Letter to H. W. King, 1861 (Gen. 1981/133)
Materials in Other Collections

George Gunn (1956- )

Neil M. (Miller) Gunn (1891-1973)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Letter to Eric Miller, 22 August 1964 (Gen. 1731/G/23)
Materials in Other Collections

Basil Hall (1788-1844)

Andrew Halliday (1830-1877)

  • Letter from Halliday, 1875, with portrait of Halliday (Gen. 1801/3/6)

Elizabeth Hamilton (1758-1816)

Margaret Hamilton (20th Century)

Thomas Hamilton (1789-1842)

William Hamilton (1704-1754)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Collection of MS Poems and Related Materials (Coll-2023)
Materials in Other Collections

Clifford Hanley (1922-1999)

James Hannay (1827-1873)

George Campbell Hay (1915-1984)

Ian Hay (1876-1952)

Dorothy K. Haynes (1918-1987)

James Hedderwick (1814-1897)

Hamish Henderson (1919-2002)

J. F. (James Findlay) Hendry (1912-1986)

Henry, the Minstrel (fl. 1470-1492)

Robert Henryson (1430?-1506?)

Self-Standing Materials
  •  ‘The Morall Fabillis of Esope the Phrygian: The Prolog and The Taill of the Cok, and the Jasp’, MS copy, late 15th-early 16th century (MS 205, ff. iiv-iiir)
  •  ‘The Prais of Aige’, MS copy, late 15th-early 16th century (MS 205, f. 87r)
  •  ‘The Ressoning betuix Aige and Yowth’, (MS 205, f. 181v)
  • The Testament of Cresseid’, first three stanzas, MS copy, mid-late 16th century (Dc.1.43, f. 301v)
Materials in Other Collections

John Herdman (1941- )

Robert Heron (1764-1807)

Thomas Kibble Hervey (1799-1859)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Letter from Hervey, 1831 (Gen. 1801/5/25a)
Materials in Other Collections

Archie Hind (1928-2008)

James Hogg (1770-1835)

Self-Standing Materials
  • ‘1831’, poem (Dc.4.101-103)
  • Autograph MS from 'The Shepherd's Calendar', being a leaf from the draft for 'Class IV. Dogs' (Coll-1713)

  • 2 letters from Hogg, 1 to ‘My dear Blakie’ and 1 to Sir John Hay, [182-?]-1833, with poem ‘When the Kye Come Home’ by Hogg (Dc.4.101-103)
  • 2 letters from Hogg, 1 to Mr Boyd and 1 to Messrs Oliver and Boyd, 1820 and undated (Dc.4.101-103)
Materials in Other Collections

Archibald Home (1705?-1744)

John Home (1722-1808)

Self-Standing Materials
  • Poems, 49 ff., autograph and MS, with autograph revisions (Dc.1.51)
  • Explanatory note, added to a letter from David Hume, 1776, Dk.6.27/4
  • Letter to Andrew Strahan, 1804 (Dc.4.101-103)
  • Letter from Adam Ferguson to Home, 9 October 1780 (Coll-1682)
Materials in Other Collections

Tom Hubbard (1950- )

David Hume (1560?-1630?)

Alexander Hutchison (1943-2015)

Mick Imlah (1956-2009)

Henry David Inglis (1795-1835)

Alexander Irvine (1773-1824)

David Irving (1778-1860)