Did you know that if an item you require is on loan to another user, you can request it back from them? If an item is on loan to another user, you may place a request through DiscoverEd for it to be returned for you.DiscoverEd The borrowed item should be returned within one week and when you collect it, depending on whether the requested item is a Short or a Standard Loan item, will be available for you to borrow for one week or longer. You will have 5 days to collect your item if it is a Standard Loan item, or 3 days if it is a Short loan item.You can have up to 10 requests on your record at one time; this includes requests waiting to be collected.How do I request an item?Where do I collect the item I have requested?What do I do if someone puts a Request on an item I have borrowed?Why can't I make a request?Why can’t I borrow the item I have requested?Related LinksLibrary Regulations This article was published on 2024-08-21