Essays and Journalism

This page lists highlights of Edinburgh University Library's collection of manuscripts of the essays and journalism of Hugh MacDiarmid.


1. Essays

The MacDiarmid Papers contains MSS or TSS of the following essays, which include contributions to books and literary journals.

  • ‘Aesthetics in Scotland’, 92 ff., pen (Gen 907) and carbon copy of TS (MS 2975)
  • ‘Aesthetics in Scotland: Second Article’, 6 ff., pen (Gen 2189/4) (enclosed in letter to R. M. Douglas, editor of Catalyst)
  • ‘Appreciation of R. E. Muirhead’s Life and Work’, 6 ff. pen (Gen 900)
  • ‘ … But We Shall Be Free!’, 7 ff., pen (Gen 913/5)
  • ‘David Hume: Scotland’s Greatest Son’, 16 ff., pen (Gen 767/1(d)/i)
  • ‘Dedication’ to Collected Poems of William Soutar, 1 f., pen (MS 2993)
  • ‘Editorial’ (for The Voice of Scotland?), on the deaths of F. G. Scott, W. H. Meikle, and H. Willsher, [1958], 10 ff., pencil (Gen 767/25)
  • ‘Essay on David Hume’, 19 ff., TS (Gen 1782)
  • Essay on F. G. Scott, 5 ff., TS (Gen 887/31-35) (enclosed in letter to F. G. Scott)
  • ‘Even the Least of These’, 10 ff., TS (MS 2975)
  • ‘Exhumed’, 6 ff., TS (MS 3008)
  • ‘Films: The Brave Don’t Cry’, 2 ff., pen (Gen 913/7/1)
  • ‘Foreword’ to exhibition catalogue, Paintings by William Johnstone, O.B.E., Stone Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, 16 August- 13 September 1963, 4 ff., pencil (Gen 914)
  • ‘Foreword’ to Sculpture & Drawings by Benno Schotz (1962), 5 ff. pen (Gen 2001*/59) and carbon copy of TS (Gen 2001*/60)
  • ‘The Housing Record’, 6 ff., pen (Gen 913/1)
  • ‘Introduction’ to Collected Poems of William Soutar, 24 ff., MS and 19 ff., TS (MS 2993)
  • ‘Introduction’ to Henryson (1973), 6 ff., TS with MS annotations (MS 3008)
  • ‘Introduction’ to Rhymes ‘n Reasons by Donald Campbell (1972), 5 ff., pen (Gen 2001*/33-37) (enclosed in letter to Gordon Wright)
  • ‘Introduction’ to Selected Poems of Robert Burns (1949), 14 ff., TS (MS 2975)
  • ‘Is the Scottish Renaissance a Reality?’, TS copy (Gen 2118/25-30)
  • ‘The Late Robin Black’ (1963), 6 ff., pen (Gen 908/3) (enclosed in letter to Tom Spence, editor of Forward Scotland)
  • ‘Lewis Spence’, 4 ff., pencil, unfinished (Gen 767/27)
  • ‘The Little Rebel’, 1 f., pen (Gen 913/2/4)
  • ‘The Lllangollen Model’, 2 ff., pen (Gen 913/4/1)
  • ‘Londonisation Denounced’, 1 f., pen (Gen 913/2/1)
  • ‘The Man of (Almost) Independent Mind’, 17 ff., pen (Gen 767/1(c)/i) (on David Hume)
  • ‘Moral Rearmament’, 27 ff., pen (Gen 904)
  • ‘The National Party of Scotland’, 15 ff., pen (Gen 909/1) (as 'Special Correspondent')
  • ‘The Need to Raise our Sights’, 10 ff., pen (Gen 2189/4) (enclosed in letter to R. M. Douglas, editor of Catalyst)
  • ‘No Episcopacy for Scotland’, 1 f., pen (Gen 913/2/2)
  • ‘No Longer Bely Only’, 7 ff., TS (MS 2975)
  • ‘The Norman Conquest’, 10 ff., pencil (Gen 767/17) (on Norman MacCaig)
  • ‘Notable Events’, 2 ff., pen (Gen 913/2/3)
  • Note on F. G. Scott, 1 f., pen (Gen 2001*/51) (enclosed in letter to Gordon Wright)
  • Note on the formation of the Scottish National Party, 1 f., pen (Gen 2001*/52) (enclosed in letter to Gordon Wright)
  • Obituary of James Crichton-Browne, 10 ff., pen (Gen 913/3)
  • Obituary of Willie Gallacher, 3 ff., pen (Gen 901)
  • ‘The Peploe Exhibition’, 3 ff., pen (Gen 767/26) (as 'A. K. Laidlaw')
  • ‘Preface’ to Poems by Boris Pasternak (1958), 8 ff., pen (Gen 767/1(a)/iv)
  • ‘Preface to S. G. Smith’s Carotid Cornucopius’ (Gen 1761)
  • ‘Reflections on the Crux Decussata’, 9 ff., pencil and pen (Gen 913/8)
  • ‘Scottish Art and the English Attitudes’, 5 ff., pen (Gen 2189/4) (enclosed in letter to R. M. Douglas, editor of Catalyst)
  • ‘Scottish Books of the Month’, 8 ff., pen (Gen 913/6)
  • ‘Scottish Literature a la British Council’, 1 f., pen (Gen 913/7/2)
  • ‘Sir Patrick Geddes: Maker of the Future: A Centenary Tribute’, 11 ff., pen (Gen 899)
  • ‘Slainte Churamach, Sean’, 7 ff., TS (MS 2975) (on Sean O'Casey)
  • ‘Sorabji, the Critic and the Man: Alone on a Mountain Top’, 23 ff., pen (Gen 918)
  • ‘Tribute to Harry Miller’, 7 ff., pen (Gen 898)
  • ‘Tribute to John Maclean’, 2 ff., TS (MS 3008)
  • Tribute to Helen B. Cruickshank (1966), 3 ff., pen (Gen 1929/21/10-12) (enclosed in letter to Helen B. Cruickshank)
  • ‘When the Rat Race is Over: An Essay in Honour of the Fiftieth Birthday of John Gawsworth’, 4 ff., TS with MS annotations (Gen 767/15)
  • ‘Where the BBC Fails’, 1 f., pen (Gen 913/4/2)
  • ‘William Soutar’, 7 ff., typescript (MS 2993)

2. Journalism

Gen 890-892 contain MSS or TSS of 128 polemical articles on Scott affairs written by MacDiarmid between 1927 and 1929, using the pseudonyms 'Mountboy', or the bylines 'special correspondent', 'London correspondent', or 'our own correspondent'. A further 9 articles from this period are held at Gen 903, Gen 905, Gen 906, Gen 909/2, Gen 910/1/3, and Gen 911.

Further Details

Please note that these pages are still in development and that fuller information will appear in due course. For further details of MacDiarmid manuscripts, see the online Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue and the manual Index to Manuscripts held in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Library.