Settling in with the Past

A short (five-week) discover and connect programme in partnership with Museums Galleries Edinburgh for people who are new to Edinburgh or those who are long-term residents and may enjoy exploring an eclectic mix of heritage and stories about characters from, and characteristics of, Auld Reekie.

Are you a new resident (temporarily or permanently) to Scotland’s (most recent) capital city? Do you feel you could benefit from becoming more familiar with your new home and/or having the opportunity to connect with others also new to the city? Then Settling in with the Past may be a useful programme to engage with.

Download the forthcoming Settling in with the Past programme below. Once you have browsed the 5-week programme, to register your place (15 places available), simply email


Settling in with the Past sessions will take place, weekly from Thursday 12 October-Thursday 16 November 2023. 3.30-5pm.

We intend to run this programme on a regular basis. If you'd like to be informed the next time this programme runs, please email