Licensing & Re-Use

Images from the University of Edinburgh collections are regularly featured in academic articles, major publications, webpages and TV programmes.

Permission to Re-Use (including private research use, publication, web use and broadcasting): We do not charge for licensing or for re-use of our images. For non-digitised images, we will use the information on the form to provide a quote for digitisation. 

Digitisation and Permissions Enquiry Form

Please use our online enquiry form to request digitisation and/or permissions for using images of our collections. If you are requesting Audio-Visual material, please use our AV enquiry form.


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Statement of Public Task

The University of Edinburgh complies with the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations. For more information, please see our statement of public task.

Takedown Policy

We make every effort to ensure that content published on the platforms and does not infringe any person’s intellectual property rights. If you believe that any intellectual property rights have been infringed by any of the images hosted on these sites, please see our Takedown Policy.