Databases L

Databases beginning with the letter L.

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Labor Priests: Progressive Politics and the Catholic Church, Francis J. Haas Papers, 1904-1953

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Descritpion:The Francis J. Haas Collection includes materials from his family, his time as a seminary student, and his role as an educator and cleric from the 1920s until his death in 1953. The materials focus most heavily, however, on his role as a public servant in New Deal agencies and as a labor arbitrator in the 1930s and 1940s. The collection includes correspondence, official organizational reports, press releases, lecture notes, sermons, speeches, meeting minutes, research notes, and publication materials.



Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: John A. Ryan was the foremost social justice advocate and theoretician in the Catholic Church during the first half in the 20th century. Ryan was a Professor of Political Science and Professor of Moral Theology at the Catholic University of America from 1915 until 1939 and Director of the National Catholic Welfare Council's Social Action Department during its first 25 years, from 1920 until his death in 1945. Ryan’s relationship with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal both personally and politically garnered him the nickname "Right Reverend New Dealer." The John A. Ryan Papers span from 1892 to 1945, with a heavy focus on the last twenty years of his life, 1925 to 1945. Most of the collection consists of Ryan’s correspondence, focusing on the Catholic Church, politics, and Ryan’s writings, speaking engagements, and personal matters. The Ryan Papers also include articles, sermons, reports, pamphlets, lecture notes, scrapbooks, and a personal journal


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Unique, important documentation on the growth and transformation of four major labor organizations takes history, business and other research topics in exciting new directions. Content explores the history and influence of the 19th century Knights of Labor, the first national labor force to recruit women and African Americans as a matter of policy. Another module traces the American Federation of Labor (AFL) with records that illuminate years of strikes and boycotts, competition with rival organizations, political developments and the direct election of U.S. senators. Content on the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) focus on labor activism from 1935 to 1955, — years characterized by mass organizing, nationwide strikes, and bitter ideological and political conflict. Records that document the AFL-CIO in this module consist of State Labor Proceedings for 1885-1974 with the 1955-1974 portion of the records pertaining to the AFL-CIO.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The database contains the full text of over 300 periodicals published in the late Qing Dynasty of China. This represents an almost complete collection of the Chinese periodical publications during that period, the beginning of such literature in China. It is an important resource on the history, literature and social conditions of the late Qing dynasty. It is cross searchable with Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949).



Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Latin American Drama is a one-of-a-kind database with plays written by Latin American playwrights in the 19th-21st centuries.  Besides serving as a rich resource for literature scholars, the collection also supports the study of American history, ethnic diversity, immigrations issues, and political history.


Access information: Access on and off campus. 

This resource gives rich insight into the efforts of the Executive Branch of U.S. government to reach out to the burgeoning Latino population during the last 2 years of the Carter Administration. Major topics covered in this collection include inflation, bilingual education, police brutality, political unrest in Latin America, Haitian refugees, and immigration (legal and otherwise), Puerto Rican self-determination, and the U.S. Navy’s use of Vieques Island. Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration also documents some of the most important Latino organizations of the time, including LULAC, TELACU, La Raza, the Puerto Rican Legal Defence and Education Fund, the Mexican American Legal Defence and Education Fund, and the American G.I. Forum.



Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive, 1979-1990 (ProQuest 350)

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive, 1979-1990 showcases two radio programs: the weekly Spanish-language Enfoque Nacional (1979-1988) and the Daily English-language Latin File (1988-1990), available for the first time in a searchable database as digitized audio with transcripts. They focus on Latinx issues related to politics, sociology, human rights, the arts and more with interviews of key figures and news reporting by a new generation of Latino/a journalists at the time

  • Enfoque Nacional, 1979-1988 (Weekly, 500 episodes of 30 minutes each)
  • Latin File, 1988-1990 (Daily, 414 episodes of 15 minutes each)



Law and Society since the Civil War

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This module consists of 11 collections from the Harvard Law School Library, highlighting three Supreme Court Justices, the first Black federal judge, high-profile cases, and insights into developing ideologies and laws, as far back as 1861 with the Papers of Oliver Wendell Holmes, which span from the Civil War to the Great Depression. The Papers of Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter provide a behind-the-scenes view of the Supreme Court between 1919 and 1961. The Frankfurter Papers are of special note because they reveal how the Supreme Court approached the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the landmark school desegregation case that is well documented in other History Vault modules.



Law Library of Congress Reports

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Developed in collaboration with the Law Library of Congress, HeinOnline’s Law Library of Congress Reports is an exclusive database boasting a collection of more than 3,500 meticulously crafted reports on foreign, comparative, and international law. These reports have been compiled in response to requests from Members of Congress, Congressional staff and committees, the federal courts, executive branch agencies, and other institutions, making this collection an indispensable tool for legal researchers.

The Law Reports cover a vast range of subject areas relevant around the world, including: Abortion, Adoption, Anti-discrimination, Asylum law, Bribery, Copyright systems, Divorce, Environmental law, Extradition, Gun control, Immigration and citizenship, Jury systems, Labor law, Marijuana and narcotics, National security, Taxation, Voting, Wildlife and poaching, Women's rights and many more.




Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This is the newspaper of Regina, capital of Saskatchewan. Founder Nicolas Flood Davin famously sent reporter Mary McFadyen Maclean, disguised as a francophone cleric, to conduct a jailhouse interview in 1885 with Louis Riel right in front of uncomprehending and unsuspecting anglophone guards. The Trial of Riel, the leader of a resistance movement of First Nations people against the Canadian government, is arguably the most famous in the nation’s history.
Coverage: 1883-2010.


Access information: Free access on and off campus from The Learning Exchange
  Note: 1st August 2008 - there is currently only access to the free version of this resource.
Description: The Learning Exchange is a repository of digital learning resources for social care educators.



Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: ProQuest Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals is a collection of English-language publications spanning the 20th century and covering Communist, Socialist, and Marxist thought, theory, and practice. This collection includes 145 titles with over 200,000 digitized pages. Issues covered in this collection include workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, WWII Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism’s rise after WWII, Civil Rights, and modern-day class struggles which have given renewed interest in alternative social organizations today. This is an important collection for researchers asking relevant questions about socialism today.
Coverage: 1845-2015



Lexis 360 Etudiant (previously JurisClasseur) Access to this database will cease on 12/11/24.

Access information: Access on and off campus. Please note that access to this resource is dual authenticated. You must to be on the University of Edinburgh IP address ranges AND you need a personal username and password, which you create yourself. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.

Instructions to create a personal username and password:

  1. On the Lexis360 homepage, click the SE CONNECTER button.
  2. On the right side of the page under ” PREMIERE VISITE “, click on CREER MON COMPTE button
  3. Follow the on screen instructions to create your personal username and password. NB when asked to input your email address, this MUST be your University of Edinburgh ( or email address.
  4. On second and subsequent visits, simply input your username and password.

This French language database offers access to legal news and case law decisions. It contains JurisClasseur encyclopaedias and legal journals, editions of La Semaine Juridique, based on Jurisprudence (including JurisData), Official Journal Laws and Decrees, Official Bulletins, legislation (EU), case law (EU), doctrine and legal journals. Covering public law, private law and criminal sciences: civil law, tax law, medical and hospital law, pharmaceutical law, local law of Alsace-Lorraine. 


Access information:Access on and off-campus. 
Description:Online legal research service covering case law, legislation and most UK national and regional newspapers. Includes key resources such as Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia (found in the ‘Content’ tab), and UK Weekly Law Reports of England and Wales (published as ICLR reports under My Sources).

Authorised Users do not include:

a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at any other institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.


Lexis+ is a key resource

Access information:

Access on and off-campus.


Aimed at diploma level students it offers practice notes, precedents, forms and current awareness alerts. Access is provided to 5 specific modules within this database – Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Property. Specific Scots Law content is available within these modules. To access this area of Lexis+, select ‘Practical Guidance’ option on left of screen, and then navigate to your topic using the links in the main Practice Area pane.


Authorised Users do not include:

a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at any other institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.



LGBT Magazine Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Unlike other digital offerings in this area that have largely focused on short-lived, informal publications, LGBT Magazine Archive will offer the complete backfiles of many of the leading, established, long-running periodicals of this type. Coverage is from the first issue of each publication, with the earliest content dating from 1957 and the default termination point for each title is 2015 (or the journal ceased date). Each title is scanned from cover to cover in full colour.

Magazines of this type have been a crucial source of identification for many LGBT people; they chronicle the evolution of myriad aspects of LGBT history and culture, including law/politics/society, the arts, health, and, lifestyle. Whilst this material will be indispensable for dedicated LGBT studies and broader gender/sexuality research, it will, additionally, cater to interests in many related disciplines, including 20th-century history and culture, sociology, psychology, health, and literature/arts.

The library has access to:

  • LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 1
  • ​LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 2


1954 - 2015



LGBT Thought and Culture

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


LGBT Thought and Culture is an online resource hosting the key works and archival documentation of LGBT political and social movements throughout the 20th century and into the present day. The collection contains 150,000 pages of rare archival content, including seminal texts, letters, periodicals, speeches, interviews, and ephemera. 



LGBTQ+ Rights

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


This HeinOnline collection brings together more than 400 titles and nearly 46,000 pages charting the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. All titles in this collection have been assigned one or more title-level subjects relating to their scope, and are further divided into six subcollections, whose areas of focus constitute Marriage and Family, Employment Discrimination, Military Service, AIDS and Health Care, Public Spaces and Accommodations, and Historical Attitudes and Analysis.


Access information. Access on and off campus.

The Library of Latin Texts - Series A (formerly known as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts) contains texts taken from the Corpus Christianorum series. These include the Vulgate and the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, the complete corpus of decrees from the ecumenical Church councils from Nicaea to Vatican II and many Latin versions (ancient, medieval or modern) of works by Aristotle, Averroes, Avicenna, Dionysius the Areopagite, Flavius Josephus, Irenaeus of Lyon, Maximus the Confessor, Origen, Plato and Porphyrus. Each text draws on additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre 'Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium'.

The complementary Library of Latin Texts - Series B database gathers other Latin texts of all genres and all periods including chronicles, medieval saints' lives and travel narratives, legal texts, and theological, philosophical and scientific treatises from the early modern period, drawn from existing scholarly editions.


Access information: Freely available from EBSCOhost
Description: Searchable database of librarianship, classification, cataloguing, bibliometrics, online information retrieval and information management abstracts from the contents of nearly 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Email and RSS alerts available.
Coverage: Mid-1960s – present.



Lidar Digimap

Access information: Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided

Lidar Download allows you to select and download Lidar data for use in GIS/CAD software. Lidar Digital Terrain Model, Lidar Digital Surface Model and point cloud data are available. There is no Lidar Roam.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Abstracts 2000 journals worldwide with coverage of books, papers, technical reports, dissertations and book reviews in language, linguistics and their various subdisciplines.
Coverage: From 1973 to date.



The Listener Historical Archive 1929-1991

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Developed as the medium for reproducing broadcasts, The Listener was the weekly newspaper published by the BBC. The complete archive of this landmark publication is an essential witness to the intellectual and cultural history of the twentieth century, and also to the golden years of radio and television. This resource offers researchers and students access to the complete, fully searchable facsimile archive of The Listener.

Coverage: 1929-1991



Literary Print Culture : The Stationers’ Company Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus

Description: Explore this unique archive relating to the history of printing, publishing and bookselling dating from 1554 to the 21st century. The Stationers’ Company was a key agent in the process by which the book trade was regulated and monitored and thus it is widely regarded as one of the most important sources for studying the history of the book, publishing history, the history of copyright and the workings of an early London Livery Company. 


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Literary Reference Center is a rich full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of literary-related subjects. Selections include literary criticism, study guides, and classics such as Emma, Dracula and Frankenstein.


Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Published weekly since 1929 by the Soviet Writers' Union, Literaturnaia gazeta has always served as the leading Russian literary newspaper. Established on April 22, 1929 with the support of the "father of Soviet literature," writer Maxim Gorky, Literaturnaia gazeta is a landmark publication in Russia's cultural heritage. With its focus on literary and intellectual life, Literaturnaia gazeta allowed Soviet Russia’s preeminent authors, poets, and cultural figures a particular podium for commentary, affording perhaps fewer restrictions than might be possible in other publications. Literaturnaia gazeta was considered the most open among newspapers of the Soviet era, and it remains popular among the intelligentsia in today’s Russia.
Coverage: 1929-2013
Note: Current issues can be accessed freely at


Access information: Freely available
Description: Liverpool University Press is committed to supporting the academic community through Open Access and has been publishing Open Access books since 2010 (as part of OAPEN-UK with Jisc).


Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Digital Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek and English texts aiming to be a virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin Literature, epic and lyric poetry, history, travel, philosophy and oratory, medical writers and mathematicians, and the Church Fathers who make particular use of pagan culture. Readers can browse, search, bookmark, annotate and use a Greek keyboard.



London Low Life

Access information:Access on or off campus.

London Low Life is a full-text searchable resource, containing colour digital images of rare books, ephemera, maps and other materials relating to 18th, 19th and early 20th century London. It is designed for both teaching and study, from undergraduate to research students and beyond.

In addition to the digital documents, London Low Life contains a wealth of secondary resources, including a chronology, interactive maps, essays, online galleries and links to other useful websites.



Los Angeles Sentinel

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: FROM ITS EARLIEST beginnings when it urged African-Americans not to “spend your money where you can’t work,” the Los Angeles Sentinel has exposed prejudice, promoted social change, and empowered the black community. By accessing more than 70 years of cover-to-cover reporting, today’s readers view the Depression through the eyes of African-Americans in the 1930s. They can follow the grass-roots struggle against the racially restrictive housing covenants of the 1940s. Researchers can follow Roy Wilkins’ column, “The Watchtower,” and see how he attacked efforts to label civil rights activists as “communists” during the Cold War. Today, this independent publication continues to cover community and world issues from the unique cultural perspective of the Los Angeles African-American community.
Coverage: 1934-2005.



Los Angeles Times

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Coverage: 1881-2014.



Louisville Courier Journal

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: THOMAS EDISON. The Kentucky Derby. Strip mining. Prohibition. Decades of natural disaster, including the devastating tornado of 1890 and the Ohio River flood in 1937. Louisville’s Courier-Journal offers award-winning in-depth coverage of the pivotal people and events who shaped the local region, and made an impact on the rest of the world. In the early decades of the 20th century, the Courier-Journal became a forum for conflict when it was purchased by liberal Robert Worth Bingham whose views clashed with the longtime conservative editor, Henry Watterson. The paper went on to become a progressive voice in southern politics, championing causes such as public education, equal rights for blacks and advocating for the poor of Appalachia. The Courier-Journal became the first U.S. daily newspaper to appoint a woman managing editor when Carol Sutton accepted the position in 1974.
Coverage: 1830-2000.



LSEG Workspace

Access Information:

Workspace is subscribed to by the Business School.  Access is available to Business School Year 3 and Year 4 undergraduate students and Business School postgraduate students.  To request access to Workspace, please complete the application from:  An alternative source is S&P Capital IQ.


Workspace provides Reuters News, global pricing data, company fundamentals, real-time research, commodities data and research, I/B/E/S estimates, deals & league tables, Datastream and analytics + features.


1965 – present (varies).



Lyell Collection

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Features the full-text content of the Geological Society journals, special publications and society book series. The content is fully searchable.