Databases F

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Description:Provides business news and information together with Reuters Fundamentals and D&B company profiles. It contains more than 35,000 authoritative sources including The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires. Also includes most world press including UK national and regional press and trade magazines. Content by freelance writers, some features and supplements may not be available.
Coverage:Click on the info icon next to each publication for coverage information and update schedules.  The oldest article is from 1944 (Le Monde).
Additional Information:

Please note that whilst Factiva can be used for academic research, bulk downloading and/or analytics of the content is restricted by the database provider. Permitted users are limited to download what can be reasonably read in one day. Excessive downloading may result in your access and the access of other University users being restricted. For more information see the Factiva User Guide.

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Access information:Access on and off-campus.  Choose University of Edinburgh from list then click Select button.

Detailed financial information of all UK and Irish companies updated monthly with up to 10 years of data.

FAME allows you to search by any combination of over 300 criteria including: geographic location, SIC code or activity description, number of employees, statement items, ratios, credit score/rating, legal form, year of incorporation, holding company/subsidiary.

Company comparisons can be achieved using the Peer Analysis option whilst the Statistical Analysis option allows you to produce market sector reports.



The Far Eastern Economic Review Archive

Access information:Access on and off-campus.  
Description:More than 3,000 issues comprising the run of the renowned newsweekly, The Far Eastern Economic Review (1946-2009). Known for its authoritative reporting, this publication was devoted to many facets of the Asia-Pacific region, including politics, economics, international relations, and the arts/culture. Following an initial emphasis on China and Hong Kong, the scope of the magazine’s coverage subsequently expanded to encompass other regions and countries, including Japan, India and Australia, as well as smaller Asian states.



FBI Confidential Files and Radical Politics in the U.S. , 1945-1972

Access information:Access on and off-campus.
Description:This module contains records from the FBI and the Subversive Activities Control Board. Under the leadership of the infamous J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI vigorously investigated and tracked the activities of Communist groups, Communist-front groups, and other radical organizations in the United States. Highlights include Hoover’s office files; documentation on the FBI’s so-called “black bag jobs,” as they were called before being renamed “surreptitious entries”; and the “Do Not File” File. Prominent subjects covered in the “Surreptitious Entries” file pertain to the Socialist Workers Party and the Weather Underground, both dating from the early 1970s. The records of the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB), an invaluable resource for the study of left-wing radicalism of the 1950s and 1960s, are also included in this module.



FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals

Access information.Access on and off campus.
Description.The FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Database contains over 800,000 article citations from more than 345 periodicals. It offers in-depth coverage of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals, dating from 1972 onward. Each entry consists of a full bibliographic description, an abstract, and comprehensive headings (biographical names, film titles, and general subjects). Over 70 Journals are available in full text.
Further information:A userguide for FIAF can be found here. The FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals can also be cross-search along with the AFI Catalog and Film Index International via ProQuest's Screen Studies Collection.



Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text

Access information.Access on and off campus.
Description.A resource for researchers of film and television, providing the most comprehensive, balanced collection of full-text and bibliographic coverage from scholarly and popular sources, and spanning the entire spectrum of film and television studies. Updated on a weekly basis, this database provides full text for hundreds of journals and books and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts and selected coverage for hundreds of publications. Variety movie reviews from 1914 to present and a vast image collection from the MPTV Image Archive are also included.



Film Index International

Access information.Access on and off campus.

Film Index International by ProQuest is the definitive online resource focusing on entertainment films and personalities. Produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute (BFI) it is based on the Summary of Film and Television (SIFT) database collated by the BFI over the past 70 years.

Film Index International provides in-depth indexing of over 125,000 films from the first silent movies to the latest blockbusters and biographical information for more than 900,000 personalities. Film Index International includes records on films from over 170 countries and has extensive coverage of international film awards and prizes. Its rich content also includes searchable plot summaries, full cast and crew lists as well as references to periodical articles on film and film-makers.

Further information:A user guide to Film Index International can be found here.  Film Index International can also be cross-search along with the AFI Catalog and the FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals via ProQuest's Screen Studies Collection.



Film Scripts Online Series: American Film Scripts Online

Access information.Access on and off campus. 
Description. The Film Scripts Online Series makes available, for the first time, accurate and authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays. Now film scholars can compare the writer’s vision with the producer’s and director’s interpretations from page to screen.  The Film Scripts Online Series contains 1,500 film scripts—an exploration of culture and cinema through the decades. This highly structured archive offers a bibliographic and biographical database of directors and writers, along with the full text of the movies themselves. From the earliest silent films through to the present, the cultural attitudes and lifestyles are reflected in the medium.  Students, instructors, and researchers use the Film Scripts Online Series for studying popular culture, film, diversity and gender issues, language and linguistics, writing, American history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines. American Film Scripts Online: Volume I contains more than 1,000 scripts of American cinema's greatest classic films. This collection contains detailed, fielded information on the scenes, characters and people related to the scripts. In addition, the database includes facsimilie images for more than 500 of these screenplays. Most of the scripts have never been published before, and nowhere else are they available online. 



Finance and market datasets

Access information: Varies with resource/product.
Description: Annual reports and company accounts; stock exchange and banking analysis; current and historical global information.


Access information:

Access via the library-specific url which will ask for your University login. First-time users will be asked to register for an individual account.

  In addition to the free information available to all visitors to the site, our subscription also provides access to a range of additional tools and resources including Exclusive FT News and Comment (including Lex) Industry-specific insight and analysis Surveys/in-depth reports - industries, countries and business trends, Power Search tool searching through the 15-year FT archive, View print edition - exclusive previews from the Financial Times newspaper, FT Confidential Research, Instant Insight and Editors Choice email.
Mobile access: On a mobile device, go to and use the email address and password you created on first-time login.
Note: FT Terms and Conditions



Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2021

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:A complete online, fully searchable facsimile, the Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2021 delivers the complete run of the London edition of this internationally known daily paper, from its first issue through 2021. Every article, advertisement, and market listing is included -- shown both individually and in the context of the full page and issue of the day. Each item has been subject- or topic-categorized for fast retrieval and review.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

To mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies in 1623 (otherwise known as the First Folio), this resource brings together dozens of digitised copies of this literary masterpiece. For the first time in history, you will be able to compare them, side by side, from the comfort of your own home.  As well as the stories told through the plays themselves, each copy offers up another narrative, depicting their unique journeys through history. Some are in prime condition, while others have received annotations, tears, or even lost pages. Many also bear printed differences – changes made by the printers as they produced each copy. 



Flavius Josephus Online

Access information:Access on and off campus
Description:This is the first comprehensive literary-historical online commentary on the works of Flavius Josephus in English including the Greek text by Niese from the late 19th century. About 65% of the project is complete, consisting of Life, and Against Apion, book 2 of the Judean War, and books 1-11 and 15 of the Judean Antiquities. Further volumes will be added as soon as they are delivered. 



Food Studies Online

Access information.Access on and off campus. 
Description.Food Studies Online is a first-of-its-kind database, bringing together rare and hard-to-find archival content with visual ephemera, text, and video. Food studies is a relatively new field of study, and its importance is felt in many major disciplines. It has social, historical, economic, cultural, religious, and political implications that reach far beyond what is consumed at the dinner table.




Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:FBIS Daily Reports, 1974-1996 consist of translated broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals and government statements from nations around the globe. These media sources were monitored in their languages of origin, translated into English and issued by an agency of the US government.

Africa, 1987-1996

Eastern Europe, 1974-1996

The Middle East and North Africa, 1974-1987

Near East and South Asia, 1987-1996

South Asia, 1980-1987

Sub-Saharan Africa, 1974-1980


Access information:Access on and off-campus.

Foreign Office Files for China provides access to the digitised archive of British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980. The complete files consist of six parts. We have purchased full content for the following six parts: 1919−1929: Kuomingtang, CCP and the Third International; 1930−1937: The Long March, Civil War in China and the Manchurian Crisis; 1938-1948: Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory; 1949-1956: The Communist revolution; 1957-1966: The Great Leap Forward; 1967-1980: The Cultural Revolution.

The formerly restricted British government documents include diplomatic dispatches, letters, newspaper cuttings, maps, reports of court cases, biographies of leading personalities, summaries of events and other diverse materials.  More information on this resource can be found at


1919−1929: Kuomingtang, CCP and the Third International.

1930−1937: The Long March, Civil War in China and the Manchurian Crisis.

938-1948: Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory.

1949-1956: The Communist revolution.

1957-1966: The Great Leap Forward.

1967-1980: The Cultural Revolution.


Access information:Access on and off-campus.
Description:This resource covers the political and social history of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan from 1947 to 1980, featuring essential content on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Kashmir, as well as other frontier regions. Files look at the impact on UK, US and European trade, industrial policy, education and the media through a vast array of material including diplomatic dispatches, inward and outward telegrams, newspaper cuttings and transcripts, maps, photographs, political and economic reports, accounts of visits and tours, minutes of meetings, conference proceedings, letters, leaflets and more.


Access information: Freely available
Description: Searchable collection of digitised photographs taken in both Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and held in the collection of The Scott Polar Research Institute in the University of Cambridge. All image captions are taken from original sources, where known. Collection may also be browsed by date, expedition or photographer. Resource section puts selected images in context. Images available for purchase.
Coverage: 1845-1982.


Access information:Available on and off campus
Description:The ARTFL Project's French Women Writers (FWW) Project is a searchable database containing over 158 full-text works by French women authors from the 16th to the 20th century. For titles and general publication information, please consult the database bibliography.