The Duncan Glen Papers include extensive working materials for works by and on MacDiarmid published by Duncan Glen together with a small number of MacDiarmid manuscripts. 1. MacDiarmid Manuscripts 'There is nae Movement in the Warld like Yours', TS poem with MS signature (Gen 2240/2)'The Poetry of Norman MacCaig: Introduction', 2 carbon TSS of text published in Akros, vol. 3, no. 7 (1968)130 letters and 2 postcards from MacDiarmid to Glen, 1962-78 (Gen 2240/1)5 Christmas cards from MacDiarmid and Valda Grieve to Glen, 1963, 1964, 1966, [1970?] and 1971 (Gen 2240/2)At Gen 2240/1, there is also correspondence from Valda Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid's second wife) to Duncan Glen. At Gen 2240/2, there are copies of 73 letters from Glen to MacDiarmid, 1962-71. For the originals of these letters, see: Duncan Glen Materials in Other EUL Collections 2. Works by MacDiarmid Published by Duncan Glen The Ministry of Water: Two Poems by Hugh MacDiarmid(1964), mock-up and corrected proof (Gen 2240/2)The Fire of the Spirit: Two Poems by Hugh MacDiarmid (1965), MS transcripts, mock-up, and corrected proofs (Gen 2240/2)'A Change of Weather' and 'Whuchulls', proof of poems published in Akros, vol. 1, no. 3 (August 1966)On a Raised Beach (1967), 3 TSS of 'Preface' with MS corrections, 1 galley proof of 'Preface' with MS corrections (Gen 2186/1/1 3. Works on MacDiarmid by Duncan Glen a) Books and Pamphlets Hugh MacDiarmid: Rebel Poet and Prophet (1962), MS and TS drafts (see below) (Gen 2186/1/2)Hugh MacDiarmid (Christopher Murray Grieve) and the Scottish Renaissance (1964), 2 TSS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/3-4) and unused draft preface (Gen 2186/1/2)The Literary Masks of Hugh MacDiarmid (1964), TS (Gen 2186/1/1)An Essay and Bibliographical Notes on Hugh MacDiarmid and Others All Published by Duncan Glen (1967), printer's mock-up (Gen 2186/1/2)An Afternoon with Hugh MacDiarmid: Interview Recorded at Brownsbank on 25th October 1968 (1969), MS and TSS (Gen 2186/2/5)A Small Press and Hugh MacDiarmid: With a Check-List of Akros Publications 1962-70 (1970), MS and TSS (Gen 2186/2/6)Forward from Hugh MacDiarmid, or, Mostly out of Scotland: Being Fifteen Years of Duncan Glen/Akros Publications 1962-1977 (1977), TS with MS annotations, mock-up and proof, both with MS annotations (Gen 2186/2/2)Hugh MacDiarmid: An Essay for 11th August 1977 (1977), mock-up, proof, and published copy of pamphlet (Gen 2186/2/2) b) Essays and Talks These are listed in chronological order, as arranged by Duncan Glen. Date and place of publication/delivery are given when known.'The Conversion of C. M. Grieve: From Poet to Makar', TS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)'Scotland's Public Enemy No. 1: Hugh MacDiarmid's Uncollected Essays', TS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)*'Hugh MacDiarmid' (1962), TS with MS annotations and insertions (Gen 2186/1/2)*'Hugh MacDiarmid: The New Poet and Prophet' (1962), 2 TSS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)*'Hugh MacDiarmid: Poet and Prophet' (1962), 2 TSS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)'The Voice of MacDiarmid', MS (Gen 2186/1/1)'Political Poet', TS with MS corrections (Gen 2186/1/1)'Hugh MacDiarmid: Universal Poet', MS (Gen 2186/1/1)Untitled MS draft of essay on MacDiarmid (missing first page) (Gen 2186/1/1)'The Angriest of them All: Hugh MacDiarmid', MS of review of MacDiarmid's The Company I've Kept published in the Yorkshire Post, 10 December 1966 (Gen 2186/1/1)'I First Met MacDiarmid in the Fifties' (1967), TS with MS Annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)Essay on MacDiarmid's 75th birthday (1967), TS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/1/2)'Hugh MacDiarmid: Supporting Roles', published in Agenda, vol. 5, no. 4-vol. 6, no. 1 (Autumn-Winter 1967-68), carbon TS (Gen 2186/2/6)Lecture on MacDiarmid to Leicester Poetry Society ('late sixties'), TS with MS corrections (Gen 2186/1)'The Word Which Silence Speaks: Divine Wisdom, or, Poetry and Hugh MacDiarmid' (1970), published in Akros, vol. 3, no. 12 (January 1970), MS (Gen 2186/2/3)'Lines of Communication with Hugh MacDiarmid' (1978), MS and 2 TSS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/2/1)*Material from these three essays was used in Glen's Hugh MacDiarmid: Rebel Poet and Prophet (1962). c) Encyclopaedia Entries 'Hugh MacDiarmid', in The Reader's Encyclopedia of English Literature (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1979) (Gen 2186/2/1)'Hugh MacDiarmid', in Great Writers of the English Language, ed. James Vinson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979) (Gen 2186/2/1) d) Broadcast Scripts 'MacDiarmid: For his 75th Birthday', TSS and transcript of radio broadcast marking Hugh MacDiarmid's 75th birthday, compiled by Glen and broadcast on the BBC Scottish Home Service, 11 August 1967 (MS 2186/2/6)Talk on MacDiarmid for BBC Radio 3 programme marking MacDiarmid's 80th birthday (1972), TS with MS annotations (Gen 2186/2/1) e) Reviews Review of MacDiarmid's Complete Poems, 1920-1976, ed. Michael Grieve and W. R. Aitken (1978) published in Akros, vol. 14, no. 40 (April 1979), MS and TS (Gen 2186/2/1) f) Poems 'In Memoriam Hugh MacDiarmid' (1983), MS and TSS (Gen 2186/2/4) 4. Miscellaneous MacDiarmid Materials The Duncan Glen Papers also include two pen-and-ink portraits of MacDiarmid by Duncan Glen (Gen 2186/1/2 and Gen 2240/2) and a proof of MacDiarmid's A Lap of Honour (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1967) with MS corrections by Glen (Gen 2240/2). Other Glen Manuscripts Follow the link below for further manuscripts of Scottish literary interest in the Duncan Glen Papers:Other Duncan Glen Manuscripts Further Details For further details, see the Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue. Related Links Archives Catalogue This article was published on 2024-08-21