Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter B below. HTML BabelScores Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: BabelScores gives access to a large and growing library of online contemporary music scores. It selects the works of the most creative, original and innovative contemporary composers offering a wide catalogue to instrumentalists, ensembles, orchestras, composers, musicologists, conservatoires, and universities. HTML The Baltimore Afro-American Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Baltimore Afro-American was the most widely circulated black newspaper on the U.S. Atlantic coast. It was the first black newspaper to have correspondents reporting on World War II, foreign correspondents, and female sports correspondents. This archive collection gives you access to all issues between 1893 and 1988. Issues have been scanned from cover to cover and you can search or browse the database. Coverage: 1893, 1895-1899, 1901-1988. HTML The Baltimore Sun Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: FOUNDED BY ARUNAH Shepherdson Abell as a paper devoted to the news that most directly affected the lives of its readers, The Baltimore Sun’s history is among the most distinguished in American journalism. It represented this bustling port city by reporting on pivotal issues and events of the 19th and early 20th centuries: immigration, the slave trade, commerce, the Civil War, Washington D.C. politics (The Baltimore Sun began publishing 40 years before the Washington Post), Americana, and literature. H.L. Mencken, the “Sage of Baltimore” and one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century, wrote for this renowned newspaper. Provide genealogists, researchers, and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time, now available from ProQuest. Coverage: 1837-1931. HTML BAS Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BAS Library is the Biblical Archaeology Society’s online archive and includes access to the journals Biblical Archaeology Review (1975 to present), Bible Review (1985-2005) and Archaeology Odyssey (1998-2006). It also includes the 5th volume of the New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations published by BAS and the Israel Exploration Society, as well as books published in collaboration with the Smithsonian. A selection of videos by noted scholars is also included. While BAS Library is fully searchable they have put together some Collections that allow you to browse a selection of relevant articles on popular topics in one place. HTML Bayeaux Tapestry Digital Edition Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The whole Tapestry (and two facsimiles) with full commentary, maps, genealogies, glossary, libraries of textual and visual analogues. Runs in all major browsers on all major computer systems - please note that this online version uses Flash, so it does not work in an i-Phone or i-Pad. Further information: You may have to enable or download Adobe Flash player to make this resource work properly. HTML BBC Landmark Video Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. The Library's subscription to this resource expires 31 July 2024. Description: More than 100 BBC natural history documentaries, including the series: "Africa", "Blue Planet", "Civilisations", "Dynasties", "Frozen Planet", "Icons", "Life", "Life Story", "Mission Galapagos", "Nature's Great Events", "Planet Earth", "Rituals", "Secrest of the Human Body" and "Spy in the Wild". HTML BBC Literary Adaptations in Video Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection of 236 titles comprises a treasure trove of BBC productions of famous literary works, many that were buried in the BBC archive for the past few decades. From Dickens to Shakespeare, from Chekhov to Arthur Miller, from Jane Austen to Mary Shelley, a great breadth of works is included. Talent like Mark Rylance, John Gielgud, Ian McKellen, Colin Firth, and more make this product a must-have for theatre, drama, performing arts, and literature courses. In addition to actual performances, the product includes titles like Face to Face where actors and directors discuss their craft. BBC MonitoringAccess information:Access on and off campus. Description:BBC Monitoring was founded in 1939 at the start of WWII. Its purpose was to listen to radio broadcasts and gather open-source intelligence to help Britain and its allies understand global dynamics and assess emerging global threats. Over the next 60 years, the scope of its monitoring grew quickly. Trained specialists transcribed broadcasts of speeches, current affairs, political discussions, and social and cultural events worldwide. Transcripts, in turn, were translated into English, then read by experts who carefully selected critical content for publication. Finally, selections were summarized and curated into daily reports that comprise the Summary of World Broadcasts. These original daily reports often included commentary and evaluation by subject matter experts, as well as synopses and specialist briefings.Please note, content for these resources is still currently being digitised. BBC Shakespeare ArchiveAccess information:Access on and off campus. Users are required to sign up for a free user account using their institutional email address in order to watch the resources from the collection.Description:The collection contains hundreds of TV and radio programmes from the BBC’s Shakespeare collection, including Shakespeare's plays, poems and sonnets, documentaries, interviews as well as entertainment programmes referencing Shakespeare. Essays and over a thousand photos from classic and contemporary Shakespeare productions are also available. HTML Beck Online Premium Access information: Available on campus only however during COVID-19 closure, access is available via the VPN see note below. Description: Beck Online Premium covers German law and is a leading provider of German language material. Beck Online Premium includes about 500 (full text) handbooks, lexica and commentaries, over 90 (full text) professional law journals and an abundance of statutes and court decisions. Note: Beck have now authorised the University of Edinburgh for remote access to their database. Please go to Access to beck-online via VPN to read the registration instructions (English language further down the page). While you are on the VPN and at the login box on the right hand side will display University of Edinburgh and then you can start the registration process using your University of Edinburgh email address. You will create your own username and password after that, use it to log into the Beck database whilst still on the VPN. HTML Beckett Digital Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The BDL is a digital reconstruction of Samuel Beckett's personal library, based on the volumes preserved at his apartment in Paris which currently houses 760 extant volumes and 248 virtual entries. The BDL module, being part of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, contains scans of book covers, title pages, all pages with reading traces, flyleaves, colophons, tables of contents, indexes and inserts of various kinds. In addition to facsimiles, it also offers transcriptions of readings traces and links to Beckett's manuscripts. The module is both browsable and full text searchable. The BDL is accompanied by a monograph (Dirk Van Hulle and Mark Nixon, Samuel Beckett's Library, Cambridge UP, 2013) which can be found in DiscoverEd. Beida fabaosee entry for China Law Info Beilsteinsee entry for Reaxys Benezit Dictionary of Artistssee description at entry for Oxford Art Online HTML Berg Fashion Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: Berg Fashion Library from Bloomsbury Publishing: “the authority on world dress”: an extensive online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to a large and growing range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, 200+ e-books, reference works, and over 20,000 images. Coverage: Content in the collection dates back to before 500 BCE via the taxonomy search and back to 1600 via the timeline search through to the present day and covers all continents of the World. HTML The Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962 Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Beginning with documents from late 1953, when the Eisenhower administration began to formulate its Berlin contingency plans, and closing with a series of declassified State Department histories from the late 1960s, The Berlin Crisis contains more than 11,500 pages from almost 3,000 documents. It provides a record of U.S. policy during the most prolonged U.S.-Soviet crisis of the Cold War era. The collection covers the most salient aspects of the Berlin confrontation – so central to the superpower conflict – during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, including East-West negotiations, military preparations, contingency planning, the "Wall Crisis," and other developments in Berlin and the two Germanies. Coverage: 1958-1962. HTML Bertolt Brechts Werke Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The first authorized electronic edition of Brecht's writings, Bertolt Brechts Werke (Jubiläumsausgabe) comprises the poetry, drama, and major critical writings contained within the Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden. Produced with the cooperation of German publishers Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, this new literary resource will provide scholars with much broader access to a range of Brecht's works. It will enable researchers to carry out more comprehensive analyses that compare and contrast his approach to the role of drama and his philosophy from his early work during the Weimar Republic through his time in the United States to his final residence in the German Democratic Republic. This edition is based on Bertold Brecht - Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden - Jubiläumsausgabe zum 100. Geburtstag, which collects Brecht's works and writings in six volumes, with brief notes on each text. HTML Bexar Archives: Colonial Archives of Texas during the Spanish and Mexican Periods, 1717-1836 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: From 1717 through 1836 the governments of Spain and Mexico collected in San Antonio de Bexar (when that city was the capital of Texas under Spanish and Mexican rule) an amazing series of official documents detailing the military, civilian, and political life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican state of Coahuila y Texas. Having formerly worked together on a microfilm version, now, in cooperation with the Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin, ProQuest is digitizing the Bexar Archives in History Vault. Coverage: Consisting of more than 200,000 pages of manuscript documentation and more than 4,000 pages of printed material, produced during the Spanish and Mexican periods, 1717-1836. HTML BFI Player SubscriptionAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Individual registration is required - see instructions below.Description:BFI Player is a video-on-demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. BFI Player’s focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases. The availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors.Instructions for registering for access to our BFI Player institutional subscription: Go to and create an account using your UoE email address and a password of your choice OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'.Select University of Edinburgh from the dropdown list and click "Link institution". Authenticate subscription using your university credentials.You will need to re-authenticate your individual account to the University's institutional subscription every subscription period (subscription period runs 1 October - 30 September). Follow steps 1-3 above to re-authenticate.Note:BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK. Content can change throughout the subscription period and films could be removed. Rental section & festival events are unavailable with the Library subscription. For any licensing queries, please contact IS Helpline at list:March title list titles with less than 6 months remaining are highlighted in orange on the first tab.Note:Please note that you first need to register your BFI Player account via a web browser by visiting Once your account is set up, you can log-in via pc, laptop, mobile devices (iOS: iOS 13 or higher ; Android: V11 or higher) and the following TV apps:Samsung Smart TV app (2015-2024)LG Smart TV app (2019-2024)Amazon Fire TV appApple TV appAndroid TV appChromecast with Google PlayFurther details are available in the "Supported Devices” section at: HTML Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China (Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng, 标 点古今图书集成) was edited by Chen Meng-lei, a renowned scholar of the Qing Dynasty. The first edition, comprised of 64 texts, was accessible exclusively to the royal court and was not available to scholars or commoners. The present digital edition of The Complete Classics includes the most seminal classics of Chinese literature and culture, from ancient China through the Qing Dynasty. The collection includes works on astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economics, art, education, agriculture, medicine, and more. HTML Bibliographia Franciscana Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: This is the digitised version of the Bibliographia Franciscana. The Bibliographia Franciscana is the annual supplement of the international peer-reviewed journal Collectanea Franciscana published by the Historical Institute of Capuchins. The Bibliographia Franciscana is a systematically ordered collection of bibliographic references to the principal works (books, pamphlets, articles, etc.) of every language in the area of Franciscan studies, from 1929 to the present day. This is a guest Open Access database currently being hosted by Brepolis. HTML Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: The BIS (Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis) offers an academic bibliography in spiritual theology, Carmelite studies and theological anthropology and is proposed by the Pontifical Theological Faculty Teresianum in cooperation with the Institutum Carmelitanum, both located in Rome. The current version (December 2020) includes the bibliography since 2007 and counts with about 16,000 entries and 200 reviews. This is a guest Open Access database currently being hosted by Brepolis. HTML Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: This on-line version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) contains 900,000 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. Through the 1991 printed volume, the BAS included citations to Western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc. Monographs published since 1992, however, have not been added to the database, and users seeking such monographs are urged to consult other general resources and databases such as WorldCat. HTML Bibliography of British and Irish History Access information: Access on and off campus. Select Bibliography of British and Irish History on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: The Bibliography of British and Irish History provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. Coverage: 55BC-present. The complete database now contains over 560,000 records, and is updated three times a year, usually in February, June and October. Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle AgesAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:The Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages is a fundamental source of information for the study of the history and archaeology of medieval East Central and Eastern Europe, an area of great interference and symbiosis of influences from Scandinavia, Western Europe, the steppe lands of Eurasia, as well as Byzantium. The bibliography provides comprehensive coverage of all publications, in all languages, pertaining to this vast area of the European continent and its impact on European history from about 500 to the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of 1241. The bibliography aims to encourage further research, but also to provide guidance through an enormous amount of information available in a variety of languages and a great multitude of publications. HTML Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches. HTML BioMed Central Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Description: An independent publishing house committed to providing open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research. The University of Edinburgh is a member. Coverage: Portfolio of 291 journals. HTML - Preprint service Access information: Freely available. Description: Searchable, full-text repository of author-submitted research papers in the life sciences. Preprints are preliminary versions of work yet to be peer reviewed and published. Coverage: 2013-present Notes: From the site: "bioRxiv can save authors time in submitting papers to journals [of participating publishers] or peer review services by transmitting their manuscript files and metadata directly from bioRxiv" HTML BIOSIS Citation Index Access information: Access on and off campus. The link above defaults to search in the Web of Science Core Colletion. Please select BIOSIS Citation Index from the dropdown menu. Description: The electronic version of Biological Abstracts for information about contents of journals, meetings, patents, and books in the life sciences and biomedical research. Covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies. Coverage: 1926 to present. Additional Information: Detailed information about BIOSIS Citation Index HTML Black Abolitionist Papers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This digital primary source collection, spanning 1830-1865, details the extensive efforts of African Americans to abolish slavery in the writings and publications of the activists themselves. Approximately 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence, proceedings, manuscripts, and literary works of nearly 300 black abolitionists show the full range of their activities in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Germany. HTML Black Drama Third Edition Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Black Drama, now in its third edition, contains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries. Many of the works are rare, hard to find, or out of print. James Vernon Hatch, the playwright, historian, and curator of the landmark Hatch-Billops Collection, is the project’s editorial advisor. More than 40 percent of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays by writers such as Langston Hughes, Ed Bullins, Willis Richardson, Amiri Baraka, Randolph Edmonds, Zora Neale Hurston, and many others. HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal Government Records Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The focus of the Federal Government Records module is on the political side of the freedom movement, the role of civil rights organizations in pushing for civil rights legislation, and the interaction between African Americans and the federal government in the 20th century. Major collections in this module include the FBI Files on Martin Luther King Jr.; Centers of the Southern Struggle, an exceptional collection of FBI Files covering five of the most pivotal arenas of the civil rights struggle of the 1960s: Montgomery, Albany, St. Augustine, Selma, and Memphis; and records from the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations, detailing the interaction between civil rights leaders and organizations and the highest levels of the federal government. HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal Government Records, Supplement Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This module supplements the original module of Federal Government records by adding civil rights records from the Ford and Reagan presidencies. The Ford administration records in this module consist of the subject files of J. Stanley Pottinger, the assistant attorney general in charge of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, which enforced civil rights laws, and the subject files of Anne R. Clarke, a special assistant in the Research Unit of the Civil Rights Division’s Sex Discrimination Program. The files of Pottinger and Clarke detail the implementation of federal civil rights law from 1973 through 1977 and thus are an important complement to the other Black Freedom modules that focus on the campaigns that led to the passage of landmark legislation like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights of 1965. HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Part 1 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Organizational Records and Personal Papers Part 1 brings a new perspective to the Black Freedom Struggle via the records of major civil rights organizations and personal papers of leaders and observers of the 20th century Black freedom struggle. The three major civil rights organizations are the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and the National Association of coloured Women’s Clubs. HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Part 2 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This Black Freedom module is highlighted by the records of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Africa-related papers of Claude Barnett, and the Robert F. Williams Papers. SNCC, formed by student activists in 1960 after the explosion of the sit-in movement, was one of the three most important civil rights organizations of the 1960s, alongside SCLC and the NAACP. With the addition of SNCC records, History Vault now includes SNCC, SCLC, and NAACP records. Rounding out this module are the papers of Chicago Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell, the Chicago chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality, and records pertaining to the Mississippi Freedom Summer. HTML Black Thought and Culture Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A digital collection of approximately 100,000 pages of nonfiction writings by major American black leaders covering 250 years of history including previously inaccessible material such as letters, speeches, prefatory essays, political leaflets, interviews, periodicals, and trial transcripts. The collection includes the words of Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Ida B. Wells, Mary McLeod Bethune, Constance Baker Motley, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Jackson and more. HTML BLDS (British Library for Development Studies) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from BLDS. Description: Depository library at The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, for publications from international organisations (including the UN system and World Bank) with a strong collection from developing countries. Coverage: Contains over 150,000 records of documents on economic and social development including serial titles held and monographs acquired since 1987 Journal articles selectively indexed since 1990. HTML Bloomberg Terminal Access information: Bloomberg is subscribed to by the Business School. 10 Bloomberg terminals are located in the Business School Finance Lab and available to Business School Year 3 and Year 4 undergraduate students and Business School postgraduate students only. An alternative source for company and financial information is S&P Capital IQ. If you require further information on Bloomberg, email the Business School: Description: Bloomberg is a global financial markets database providing news, analytics, real time pricing for over 5 million securities world-wide plus extensive historical pricing and stock charts. Coverage: 1965- present (varies) HTML Bloomsbury Architecture LibraryAccess information:Access on and off-campus.Description:Bloomsbury Architecture Library is a leading digital resource for the study of architecture, urbanism, and interior design. Its dynamic digital platform offers access to wide-ranging collections of text and image content, from architectural history to cutting-edge design guidance. The platform is comprised of multiple collections, including the newly updated ebook edition of Bannister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, 21st edition. HTML Bloomsbury Design LibraryAccess information:Access on and off campusDescription:The Bloomsbury Design Library provides cutting-edge scholarly coverage of design and crafts worldwide, from 1500 BCE to the present day. It offers a range of authoritative reference and book content, alongside a full searchable selection of museum object images.A valuable research and learning tool for design and visual arts, it will support both students and academics by allowing them to explore the history and context of influential design schools, people, periods, places, and disciplines. It offers cross-searchable access to a broad range of reference works, e-books, images, exhibitions, collections, and more. HTML Bloomsbury E-book Collections Access Information: Access on or off campus. Description: Bloomsbury eBook Collections delivers instant access to Bloomsbury’s research publications with unlimited user access and the facility to download and print chapter PDFs without DRM restriction. Collections available include: Anthropology, Biblical Studies, Christian Doctrines, Christology, Education, Film & Media, International Critical Commentary, Law (Hart Publishing), Literary Studies, Middle East, Political Theory and Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Religious Studies and Second Language Acquisition. HTML Bloomsbury Screen Studies Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Bloomsbury Screen Studies offers a broad range of content to support moving-image studies. It comprises award-winning screenplays, presented in industry-standard studio format, from ‘Orlando’ to ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. It also includes critical and contextual books on film from the late nineteenth century to the present, and an interactive timeline of cinema history. It is an essential resource for academics and students engaged in research and learning around film history, theory and practice. HTML BMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best Practice - mobile/app accessAccess code for uploading new casesAccess information:On campus or off campus and mobile app access.Description:BMJ Best Practice is a point of care tool from BMJ Evidence Centre designed to support clinical decision making from diagnosis to treatment. The latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion are combined in a single source and presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosisNotes:Further instructions on mobile app installation at please note the library has set up IP address and/or Shibboleth authentication.An access code is required to upload any new cases - see link above. HTML BMJ Case ReportsAccess code to upload Case ReportsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Description:BMJ Case Reports delivers a peer-reviewed collection of cases in all disciplines so that healthcare professionals, researchers and others can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions.Notes:An access code is required to upload any new Case Reports - see link above. HTML BMJ Learning Access information On campus and off campus (off campus users: see initial access notes below). Remote access Initial access: You need to create your own BMJ login for this resource, using either a computer on campus or if you are off campus using the Virtual Private Network (VPN), to register for the first time. After this you can access the information with your user name and password without needing to be on campus or using the VPN. If you already have a BMJ account, you will need to log in with your existing user name and password, either with VPN or on campus, to refresh the account. If you cannot remember your password please click the forgotten password link on the website. How to set up VPN: Description BMJ Learning offers online, accredited and peer reviewed learning sessions in text, video, and audio formats for students, doctors and other healthcare professionals. All modules are based on the latest available evidence and are sorted by profession and specialty and can be stored in a personal BMJ portfolio. BMJ OnExaminationAccess information:Access on and off campus. Access is via voucher code sign-up, click the following link to access the code - Access voucher code - and scroll down to BMJ OnExamination.Description:Pilot subscription running until 31 December 2025.Online question banks to help preparation for exams such as the Medical Licensing Assessment or Royal College exams such as MRCP, MRCS and FRCS. The questions are the same variety of question types as in the actual exams, and are based on published reports from examination boards incorporating up to date clinical practice and information. The platform allows you to keep track of your own performance and focus your revision on subjects where you are scoring less well.The pilot subscription has access to the following modules:MRCP Part 1;MRCP Part 2 Written;MRCS Part A 1 & 2;FRCS General Surgery;FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery;NB - after sign-up, access to your chosen module last for two months.Pilot subscription ends:31/12/2025. Click here to provide trial feedback BNFsee entry for British National Formulary HTML Books of Modern China (1840-1949) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Digital archive from Shanghai Library collections of over 120,000 books published in China between 1840-1949, covering the following categories: politics, economics, law, literature, lifestyle, contemporary biographies, children’s books, school textbooks, as well as communist publications. Additional information: Books of Modern China Title List (.xlsx) HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries. HTML The Boston Globe Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: THE DEVASTATING 1872 Boston fire. The suspenseful 1893 Lizzie Borden ax murder trial. The catastrophic 1919 police strike. Mid-twentieth century decline and renewal. These dramatic stories as well as accounts of everyday life in historical New England await your online researchers in the digitized pages of The Boston Globe (1872-1985), part of ProQuest’s Historical Newspapers. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Boston, already one of America’s largest cities, was struggling to absorb the immigrants that continued to pour onto its shores. It was a time of rapid industrialization, technological innovation, and urban development. It also was an era that saw a dramatic rise in the cost of living, the deterioration of labor relations, and an increase in poverty and crime. By the mid-twentieth century, Boston had entered a period of decline, which was followed by controversial urban renewal projects and an economic boom in the 1970s. Whether your researchers are interested in genealogy, “Yankee” perspectives on local and national events, politics, culture, urban development, business, religion, or other topics, The Boston Globe provides a window through which to study firsthand this fascinating time and place in American history. Coverage: 1872-1986. HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence. HTML Bridgeman Education Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Over 3 million images from museums, galleries, private collections and contemporary artists all copyright cleared for educational use. Bridgeman Education gives you access to the visual culture of every civilization and every period from Prehistory to the present day across continents and civilisations. HTML Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online I Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: This first online collection of Brill's acclaimed series of Companions in Classical Studies presents the best in current scholarship in a variety of subjects. These 25 volumes, ranging from Homer to Ovid and from Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC to Flavian Rome, will be of use to scholars and students alike as excellent starting points for teaching as well as research. HTML Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its 438 essays are original work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia presents a balanced and even-handed view of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and methods in the academic study of a religion that has ancient historical roots with many flourishing traditions today. Including all essays from the heralded printed edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now to be regularly updated with new articles and available in a fully searchable, dynamic digital format. Brill's Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics OnlineAccess Information:Access on and off campus.Description:The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers the most comprehensive reference work on Slavic languages ever published, with some 400 articles. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of the interaction of Slavic with other languages. Features and Benefits: - Contributions from leading scholars of Slavic languages worldwide. - Up-to-date references on legal and sociolinguistic developments of languages after the fall of multiethnic states. - Integrated articles on the interactions between linguistics, archaeology, and genetics to illuminate ancient Slavic-speaking communities. - State-of-the art reports on pertinent issues in Slavic semantics, pragmatics, discourse studies and more. - Coverage of theoretical approaches that emerged in Slavic linguistics. - Detailed, color maps. HTML Brill's Jacoby Online Access information: Access on and off-campus. Choose Jacoby Online to access this database Description: ‘Jacoby’ is short for die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (FGrHist, or FGrH), a collection of ancient Greek historic texts that were lost, except for fragments (citations, extracts and summaries) found in other sources. Most of these fragments are attributed to a particular author and/or work in the source text, but some remain anonymous and can only be categorized by their subject matter. Jacoby Online contains both Brill’s New Jacoby and Brill’s New Jacoby, Second Edition and is updated twice a year with new content. Most entries in Jacoby Online focus on a lost author, but some entries contain anonymous fragments on a particular era or region, or even a single fragmentary text from a papyrus or manuscript. HTML Brill's Medieval Reference Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Choose Brill's Medieval Reference Library to access this database Description: Brill's Medieval Reference Library includes three major encyclopedias on medieval dress and textiles; medieval pilgrimage; the medieval chronicle. HTML Brill's New Pauly Access information: Access on and off-campus. Choose New Pauly Online to access this database. Description: Recognized standard reference work for students and scholars of the ancient world. Brill's New Pauly is the English edition of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly, published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996, and both versions of the text are available online, fully searchable and cross referenced. Coverage: Fifteen volumes (Antiquity, 1-15) are devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than two thousand years of history, from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. Five volumes (Classical Tradition, I-V) are uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship. HTML Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Formed in 1929 and owned by the Illustrated London News, this magazine marketed itself to a predominantly female readership, and especially to wealthy and conservative women. It maintained an emphasis on fashion, beauty and the home, and featured contributions from some of the most influential female artists and writers of the time. It became well known for the artistry of its illustrations and for its wide-ranging coverage. Given its popularity, eclecticism and influence, it provides critical insights into the history of fashion, gender history and British print culture. HTML British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Covers with data derived from Index of Archaeological Papers, Archaeological Bibliography of Great Britain and Ireland and British Archaeological Abstracts. Abstracts are available for most publications from 1967. Coverage: Publications from 1695 to present day. HTML British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: British and Irish Women’s Letters and Diaries spans more than 400 years of personal writings, bringing together the voices of women from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Complementing Alexander Street’s North American Women's Letters and Diaries, the database lets researchers view history in the context of women’s thoughts—their struggles, achievements, passions, pursuits, and desires. HTML British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s) by Wiley Digital Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and connected collections from UK universities covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, history of science and STEM, and government grants for scientific research. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers, grey literature—all presented as fully searchable digital images that can be analyzed, downloaded, manipulated, and compared with content from other societies and universities in the Wiley Digital Archives program. HTML British Cartoon Archive Access information. Free access on and off campus. You will be prompted to select University of Edinburgh and then your University Login when downloading images. Description. The British Cartoon Archive, from the University of Kent at Canterbury, exists to encourage and facilitate the study of cartoons and caricatures published in the United Kingdom. This is achieved by collecting, preserving, cataloguing, exhibiting, and distributing the work of cartoonists and caricaturists, and by encouraging and publishing studies of their art. The BCA database contains details of the main cartoon collections held in the archive which can be searched online. Cartoons can be found under any of the cataloguing terms used (eg cartoonist, publication, date, name or subject). The database gives access to cartoon images and catalogue information. For publication purposes, digital images with supporting copyright details can be ordered through the feedback section of the website. Coverage. The database is a unique archive of over 140,000 pieces of cartoon artwork published in the UK. HTML British Education Index Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Compiled and edited at the University of Leeds, This collection covers educational policy and administration, evaluation and assessment, technology and special educational needs. The BEI provides coverage of all areas of education from pre-school to higher education and is searchable by educational level and age group. This comprehensive index currently includes more than 310,000 records for articles published in UK journals from 1929 onwards and over 11,650 records for UK thesis. Sources in the BEI include education and training journals, mostly published in the UK along with international literature. An education thesaurus with thousands of terms is also included. Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls) HTML British History Online Access information Available on and off campus. Login required. Click login then select Login using Shibboleth. Type University of Edinburgh into box and click continue. Enter your University Login if prompted. Description: British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, it aims to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research. Coverage: 11th – 19th Century HTML British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Parliamentary Labour Party is the organisation of Labour members of Parliament (MPs) founded in 1906. These papers cover that foundation; then follow the Party through Ramsay MacDonald's Governments, two world wars, the first Harold Wilson Government and the early part of his second Government. The events in these records are a reflection of current events as much as of the Party itself. From the suffrage campaign for the electoral enfranchisement of women, to nuclear tests over the Pacific Ocean, through the Beveridge Report, the Trade Union Bill and the development of the United Nations. HTML British Labour Party Papers, 1968-1994 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Parliamentary Labour Party is the organisation of Labour members of Parliament (MPs) founded in 1906. Included in this collection are all the minutes of the Party Meetings, the Liaison Committee and the Parliamentary Committee (Shadow Cabinet) for the period 1968-1994. This period represents a turbulent one in British politics, during the early part of which Labour were twice in power. It begins with the latter half of a Labour government under Harold Wilson and ends during the period of Margaret Beckett’s caretaker leadership after the death of John Smith. It covers the three-day week, becoming members of the EEC, the Margaret Thatcher years, including the Falklands War and the miners’ strike, the sift to New Realism and the progress to the top of Tony Blair. HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels. HTML British Library Newspapers, Parts I-VI (1732-1950)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:British Library Newspapers from Gale consists of collections from the British Library which span over two hundred years of newspaper publishing in the UK. The rise of newspapers in Britain was a phenomenon which characterised a new age and the huge production of newspapers provides an enormous resource for research on all subjects for all of the UK, both urban and rural. Over 150 regional and local titles are included.Coverage:1732 to 1950. Title lists and further info can be found at we have access to the British Newspaper Archive? ( HTML British National Formulary Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This essential reference provides up-to-date, practical guidance on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines. The BNF evaluates clinical evidence from diverse sources with information validated by a network of clinical experts and is published under the authority of a Joint Formulary Committee. The BNF reflects current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the uses of medicines. The resource includes: Guidance on the drug management of common conditions Details of medicines with special reference to their uses, cautions, contra-indications, side-effects, doses, and relative costs Guidance on prescribing, monitoring, dispensing, and administering medicines The BNF is published jointly by the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. HTML British Online Archives Access information. Free access on and off campus. Description. British Online Archives offers scholars and academics the primary sources to advance their research within the humanities and social sciences. BBC Listener Research Department, 1937-c.1950 Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957 British Labour Party Papers 1906-1969 British Labour Party Papers 1968-1994 Colonial Law in Africa, 1808-1919 Independent Labour Party Papers Records, 1893-1960 (Independent Labour Party Papers Records, 1893-1960) Kenya under colonial rule, in Government reports Prosecuting the Holocaust: British Investigations into Nazi Crimes, 1944-1949 Scottish Nationalist Leaflets 1844-1973 (Scottish Nationalist Leaflets 1844-1973) Slavery: supporters and abolitionists, 1675-1865 (Slavery: supporters and abolitionists, 1675-1865 Tanzania and Malawi in records from colonial missionaries, 1857-1965 The Tatler, 1901-1965 Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961 Zimbabwe Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1897-1980 HTML British Periodicals via ProQuest British Periodicals I & II via Journal Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. Userguide: Coverage: from 1680s to 1950s HTML British Periodicals III Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BRITISH PERIODICALS COLLECTION III extends the scope of the series by focusing on the first half of the twentieth century. The titles are from the prestigious stable of illustrated periodicals known as the “Great Eight” in British publishing history. They are among the foremost popular periodicals of the period and were highly influential in their mix of news/politics, miscellany, art, photography, literature and comedy/satire, while launching the careers of many leading artists/illustrators of the age. With the increased use of illustration, photography and colour in magazines of this period, British Periodicals III becomes a compelling collection for research and teaching in the areas of bibliographic and art history, while reinforcing the broad cross-disciplinary value of the British Periodicals series. Coverage: 1869-1970. HTML British Periodicals IV Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BRITISH PERIODICALS COLLECTION IV launched in September 2015 and continues the expansion into the twentieth century, with particular strengths in the areas of politics (notably socialism and the labour movement), international affairs and conflict, the arts, rural/sporting history, humour/illustration, travel and empire, and family/teen publications. The collection offers complete runs of ten major publications from the period, serving many other areas of teaching and research in twentieth-century topics, such as social history, journalism history, and gender studies. They include: Answers to Correspondents (1888-1965), The Field (1850-2005), Halfpenny Marvel (1893-1922), The Highway (1907-1959), Humorist (1922-1940), Picture Show (1919-1960), Top Spot (1958-1960), Tribune (1937-2005), War Weekly (1939-1941), Wide World Magazine (1898-1965). Coverage: 1850-2005. HTML British Pharmacopoeia Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Updated annually, the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the only comprehensive collection of authoritative official standards for UK pharmaceutical substances and medicinal products. It includes approximately 4,000 monographs which are legally enforced by the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. Medicinal products or active pharmaceutical ingredients sold or supplied in the UK must comply with the relevant monograph. All monographs and requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) are reproduced in the BP, making the BP a convenient and fully comprehensive set of standards that can be used across Europe and beyond. HTML British Standards OnlineAccess information:Access on and off campus. Description:Full-text of over 39,000 current, draft and historic British Standards, more than 16,000 of which are BSI adopted European and International Standards (ISO) including the full-text of all Eurocodes. As of June 2023, we subscribe to the Wiring Regulations Collection and the BSI Unadopted ISO (full collection). An email alert service is available to track any changes in selected current Standards.Coverage:Updated daily.Note:Authorised users are academic staff, students & library staff. HTML British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Some resources on BUFVC require sign in - click sign in, enter "University of Edinburgh" in the search box and if prompted sign in with your University Login. Description: BUFVC provides a range of services to promote the production, study and use of film and related media for education and research. Services and projects include: Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT); News on Screen - a resource for the study of news reels and cinemagazines (1910-1983) complete with Pathe film clips where they exist; the subject-based Moving Image Gateway. Coverage: International. HTML Bronze and Stone Rubbings Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The National Central Library of Taiwan purchased stone rubbings of Meng Chi-Hsuan from Tianjin when it was first established. The core parts of this collection are 150 or so stone rubbings with Meng’s inscriptions. Among the library’s collections, the most important are the bronze and stone rubbings rescued from Jiangnan in 1940 and 1941, as well as the bronze ribbings purchased from Shang Cheng-Tso. The library has a total of 6,462 articles and 12,462 bronze and stone rubbings, most of which are inscriptions on the memorial tablet within a tomb (2,820), followed by carved stones (2,826), and bronze rubbings (771). HTML BSAVA Library Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) publishes resources covering small animal clinical practice. The BSAVA Library is much more than a collection of their manuals - it provides a resource enabling users to discover the content, including book chapters, hundreds of hours of lecture recordings from the annual Congress, articles from Companion, drug dosages from the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary and much more, in one place. The BSAVA Library provides online access to BSAVA’s publications at the granularity of chapter, article, drug entry, client leaflet, congress lecture summary etc. A search will show everything that is relevant to your enquiry – whether from a manual, a Companion article or a Congress lecture. HTML Burney Newspaper CollectionSupported browsers (also clear cache if having difficulties)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:The newspapers and news pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757 - 1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media. The present digital collection provides nearly 1 million pages from approximately 1,270 titles of newspapers, news pamphlets, and newsbooks of the period. They were published mostly in London, however there are also some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India.Coverage:17th to 18th century. HTML Business of Fashion (BoF) Access information: Access is via a user generated password. First time users register here using your University of Edinburgh email address. BoF will then send you an email to confirm the subscription. Description: BoF Professional membership gives you access to agenda-setting fashion business content unavailable elsewhere, including daily analysis and advice, weekly members-only email briefings and full access to the BoF Professional iOS app. All Access members also receive monthly case studies on key business opportunities, unlimited access to a library of watch-on-demand masterclasses, and invitations to digital live events, including a weekly #BOFLive series, Sustainability Summit and VOICES, an annual gathering for big thinkers. Coverage: UoE has access to the BoF iPhone app - BoF Professional on the App Store ( HTML Business Source Complete Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Complete provides full text for nearly 3,300 scholarly business journals, including full text for more than 1000 peer-reviewed business publications. This database provides full text for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals. Updated daily. Coverage: 1922-present. This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML BabelScores Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: BabelScores gives access to a large and growing library of online contemporary music scores. It selects the works of the most creative, original and innovative contemporary composers offering a wide catalogue to instrumentalists, ensembles, orchestras, composers, musicologists, conservatoires, and universities.
HTML The Baltimore Afro-American Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Baltimore Afro-American was the most widely circulated black newspaper on the U.S. Atlantic coast. It was the first black newspaper to have correspondents reporting on World War II, foreign correspondents, and female sports correspondents. This archive collection gives you access to all issues between 1893 and 1988. Issues have been scanned from cover to cover and you can search or browse the database. Coverage: 1893, 1895-1899, 1901-1988.
HTML The Baltimore Sun Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: FOUNDED BY ARUNAH Shepherdson Abell as a paper devoted to the news that most directly affected the lives of its readers, The Baltimore Sun’s history is among the most distinguished in American journalism. It represented this bustling port city by reporting on pivotal issues and events of the 19th and early 20th centuries: immigration, the slave trade, commerce, the Civil War, Washington D.C. politics (The Baltimore Sun began publishing 40 years before the Washington Post), Americana, and literature. H.L. Mencken, the “Sage of Baltimore” and one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century, wrote for this renowned newspaper. Provide genealogists, researchers, and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time, now available from ProQuest. Coverage: 1837-1931.
HTML BAS Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BAS Library is the Biblical Archaeology Society’s online archive and includes access to the journals Biblical Archaeology Review (1975 to present), Bible Review (1985-2005) and Archaeology Odyssey (1998-2006). It also includes the 5th volume of the New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations published by BAS and the Israel Exploration Society, as well as books published in collaboration with the Smithsonian. A selection of videos by noted scholars is also included. While BAS Library is fully searchable they have put together some Collections that allow you to browse a selection of relevant articles on popular topics in one place.
HTML Bayeaux Tapestry Digital Edition Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The whole Tapestry (and two facsimiles) with full commentary, maps, genealogies, glossary, libraries of textual and visual analogues. Runs in all major browsers on all major computer systems - please note that this online version uses Flash, so it does not work in an i-Phone or i-Pad. Further information: You may have to enable or download Adobe Flash player to make this resource work properly.
HTML BBC Landmark Video Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. The Library's subscription to this resource expires 31 July 2024. Description: More than 100 BBC natural history documentaries, including the series: "Africa", "Blue Planet", "Civilisations", "Dynasties", "Frozen Planet", "Icons", "Life", "Life Story", "Mission Galapagos", "Nature's Great Events", "Planet Earth", "Rituals", "Secrest of the Human Body" and "Spy in the Wild".
HTML BBC Literary Adaptations in Video Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection of 236 titles comprises a treasure trove of BBC productions of famous literary works, many that were buried in the BBC archive for the past few decades. From Dickens to Shakespeare, from Chekhov to Arthur Miller, from Jane Austen to Mary Shelley, a great breadth of works is included. Talent like Mark Rylance, John Gielgud, Ian McKellen, Colin Firth, and more make this product a must-have for theatre, drama, performing arts, and literature courses. In addition to actual performances, the product includes titles like Face to Face where actors and directors discuss their craft.
HTML Beck Online Premium Access information: Available on campus only however during COVID-19 closure, access is available via the VPN see note below. Description: Beck Online Premium covers German law and is a leading provider of German language material. Beck Online Premium includes about 500 (full text) handbooks, lexica and commentaries, over 90 (full text) professional law journals and an abundance of statutes and court decisions. Note: Beck have now authorised the University of Edinburgh for remote access to their database. Please go to Access to beck-online via VPN to read the registration instructions (English language further down the page). While you are on the VPN and at the login box on the right hand side will display University of Edinburgh and then you can start the registration process using your University of Edinburgh email address. You will create your own username and password after that, use it to log into the Beck database whilst still on the VPN.
HTML Beckett Digital Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The BDL is a digital reconstruction of Samuel Beckett's personal library, based on the volumes preserved at his apartment in Paris which currently houses 760 extant volumes and 248 virtual entries. The BDL module, being part of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, contains scans of book covers, title pages, all pages with reading traces, flyleaves, colophons, tables of contents, indexes and inserts of various kinds. In addition to facsimiles, it also offers transcriptions of readings traces and links to Beckett's manuscripts. The module is both browsable and full text searchable. The BDL is accompanied by a monograph (Dirk Van Hulle and Mark Nixon, Samuel Beckett's Library, Cambridge UP, 2013) which can be found in DiscoverEd.
HTML Berg Fashion Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: Berg Fashion Library from Bloomsbury Publishing: “the authority on world dress”: an extensive online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to a large and growing range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, 200+ e-books, reference works, and over 20,000 images. Coverage: Content in the collection dates back to before 500 BCE via the taxonomy search and back to 1600 via the timeline search through to the present day and covers all continents of the World.
HTML The Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962 Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Beginning with documents from late 1953, when the Eisenhower administration began to formulate its Berlin contingency plans, and closing with a series of declassified State Department histories from the late 1960s, The Berlin Crisis contains more than 11,500 pages from almost 3,000 documents. It provides a record of U.S. policy during the most prolonged U.S.-Soviet crisis of the Cold War era. The collection covers the most salient aspects of the Berlin confrontation – so central to the superpower conflict – during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, including East-West negotiations, military preparations, contingency planning, the "Wall Crisis," and other developments in Berlin and the two Germanies. Coverage: 1958-1962.
HTML Bertolt Brechts Werke Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The first authorized electronic edition of Brecht's writings, Bertolt Brechts Werke (Jubiläumsausgabe) comprises the poetry, drama, and major critical writings contained within the Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden. Produced with the cooperation of German publishers Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, this new literary resource will provide scholars with much broader access to a range of Brecht's works. It will enable researchers to carry out more comprehensive analyses that compare and contrast his approach to the role of drama and his philosophy from his early work during the Weimar Republic through his time in the United States to his final residence in the German Democratic Republic. This edition is based on Bertold Brecht - Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden - Jubiläumsausgabe zum 100. Geburtstag, which collects Brecht's works and writings in six volumes, with brief notes on each text.
HTML Bexar Archives: Colonial Archives of Texas during the Spanish and Mexican Periods, 1717-1836 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: From 1717 through 1836 the governments of Spain and Mexico collected in San Antonio de Bexar (when that city was the capital of Texas under Spanish and Mexican rule) an amazing series of official documents detailing the military, civilian, and political life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican state of Coahuila y Texas. Having formerly worked together on a microfilm version, now, in cooperation with the Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin, ProQuest is digitizing the Bexar Archives in History Vault. Coverage: Consisting of more than 200,000 pages of manuscript documentation and more than 4,000 pages of printed material, produced during the Spanish and Mexican periods, 1717-1836.
HTML BFI Player SubscriptionAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Individual registration is required - see instructions below.Description:BFI Player is a video-on-demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. BFI Player’s focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases. The availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors.Instructions for registering for access to our BFI Player institutional subscription: Go to and create an account using your UoE email address and a password of your choice OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'.Select University of Edinburgh from the dropdown list and click "Link institution". Authenticate subscription using your university credentials.You will need to re-authenticate your individual account to the University's institutional subscription every subscription period (subscription period runs 1 October - 30 September). Follow steps 1-3 above to re-authenticate.Note:BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK. Content can change throughout the subscription period and films could be removed. Rental section & festival events are unavailable with the Library subscription. For any licensing queries, please contact IS Helpline at list:March title list titles with less than 6 months remaining are highlighted in orange on the first tab.Note:Please note that you first need to register your BFI Player account via a web browser by visiting Once your account is set up, you can log-in via pc, laptop, mobile devices (iOS: iOS 13 or higher ; Android: V11 or higher) and the following TV apps:Samsung Smart TV app (2015-2024)LG Smart TV app (2019-2024)Amazon Fire TV appApple TV appAndroid TV appChromecast with Google PlayFurther details are available in the "Supported Devices” section at:
HTML Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China (Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng, 标 点古今图书集成) was edited by Chen Meng-lei, a renowned scholar of the Qing Dynasty. The first edition, comprised of 64 texts, was accessible exclusively to the royal court and was not available to scholars or commoners. The present digital edition of The Complete Classics includes the most seminal classics of Chinese literature and culture, from ancient China through the Qing Dynasty. The collection includes works on astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economics, art, education, agriculture, medicine, and more.
HTML Bibliographia Franciscana Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: This is the digitised version of the Bibliographia Franciscana. The Bibliographia Franciscana is the annual supplement of the international peer-reviewed journal Collectanea Franciscana published by the Historical Institute of Capuchins. The Bibliographia Franciscana is a systematically ordered collection of bibliographic references to the principal works (books, pamphlets, articles, etc.) of every language in the area of Franciscan studies, from 1929 to the present day. This is a guest Open Access database currently being hosted by Brepolis.
HTML Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: The BIS (Bibliographia Internationalis Spiritualitatis) offers an academic bibliography in spiritual theology, Carmelite studies and theological anthropology and is proposed by the Pontifical Theological Faculty Teresianum in cooperation with the Institutum Carmelitanum, both located in Rome. The current version (December 2020) includes the bibliography since 2007 and counts with about 16,000 entries and 200 reviews. This is a guest Open Access database currently being hosted by Brepolis.
HTML Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: This on-line version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) contains 900,000 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. Through the 1991 printed volume, the BAS included citations to Western-language periodical articles, monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc. Monographs published since 1992, however, have not been added to the database, and users seeking such monographs are urged to consult other general resources and databases such as WorldCat.
HTML Bibliography of British and Irish History Access information: Access on and off campus. Select Bibliography of British and Irish History on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: The Bibliography of British and Irish History provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. Coverage: 55BC-present. The complete database now contains over 560,000 records, and is updated three times a year, usually in February, June and October.
HTML Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches.
HTML BioMed Central Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Description: An independent publishing house committed to providing open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research. The University of Edinburgh is a member. Coverage: Portfolio of 291 journals.
HTML - Preprint service Access information: Freely available. Description: Searchable, full-text repository of author-submitted research papers in the life sciences. Preprints are preliminary versions of work yet to be peer reviewed and published. Coverage: 2013-present Notes: From the site: "bioRxiv can save authors time in submitting papers to journals [of participating publishers] or peer review services by transmitting their manuscript files and metadata directly from bioRxiv"
HTML BIOSIS Citation Index Access information: Access on and off campus. The link above defaults to search in the Web of Science Core Colletion. Please select BIOSIS Citation Index from the dropdown menu. Description: The electronic version of Biological Abstracts for information about contents of journals, meetings, patents, and books in the life sciences and biomedical research. Covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies. Coverage: 1926 to present. Additional Information: Detailed information about BIOSIS Citation Index
HTML Black Abolitionist Papers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This digital primary source collection, spanning 1830-1865, details the extensive efforts of African Americans to abolish slavery in the writings and publications of the activists themselves. Approximately 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence, proceedings, manuscripts, and literary works of nearly 300 black abolitionists show the full range of their activities in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Germany.
HTML Black Drama Third Edition Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Black Drama, now in its third edition, contains the full text of more than 1,700 plays written from the mid-1800s to the present by more than 200 playwrights from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries. Many of the works are rare, hard to find, or out of print. James Vernon Hatch, the playwright, historian, and curator of the landmark Hatch-Billops Collection, is the project’s editorial advisor. More than 40 percent of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays by writers such as Langston Hughes, Ed Bullins, Willis Richardson, Amiri Baraka, Randolph Edmonds, Zora Neale Hurston, and many others.
HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal Government Records Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The focus of the Federal Government Records module is on the political side of the freedom movement, the role of civil rights organizations in pushing for civil rights legislation, and the interaction between African Americans and the federal government in the 20th century. Major collections in this module include the FBI Files on Martin Luther King Jr.; Centers of the Southern Struggle, an exceptional collection of FBI Files covering five of the most pivotal arenas of the civil rights struggle of the 1960s: Montgomery, Albany, St. Augustine, Selma, and Memphis; and records from the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations, detailing the interaction between civil rights leaders and organizations and the highest levels of the federal government.
HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal Government Records, Supplement Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This module supplements the original module of Federal Government records by adding civil rights records from the Ford and Reagan presidencies. The Ford administration records in this module consist of the subject files of J. Stanley Pottinger, the assistant attorney general in charge of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, which enforced civil rights laws, and the subject files of Anne R. Clarke, a special assistant in the Research Unit of the Civil Rights Division’s Sex Discrimination Program. The files of Pottinger and Clarke detail the implementation of federal civil rights law from 1973 through 1977 and thus are an important complement to the other Black Freedom modules that focus on the campaigns that led to the passage of landmark legislation like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights of 1965.
HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Part 1 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Organizational Records and Personal Papers Part 1 brings a new perspective to the Black Freedom Struggle via the records of major civil rights organizations and personal papers of leaders and observers of the 20th century Black freedom struggle. The three major civil rights organizations are the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and the National Association of coloured Women’s Clubs.
HTML Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Part 2 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This Black Freedom module is highlighted by the records of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Africa-related papers of Claude Barnett, and the Robert F. Williams Papers. SNCC, formed by student activists in 1960 after the explosion of the sit-in movement, was one of the three most important civil rights organizations of the 1960s, alongside SCLC and the NAACP. With the addition of SNCC records, History Vault now includes SNCC, SCLC, and NAACP records. Rounding out this module are the papers of Chicago Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell, the Chicago chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality, and records pertaining to the Mississippi Freedom Summer.
HTML Black Thought and Culture Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A digital collection of approximately 100,000 pages of nonfiction writings by major American black leaders covering 250 years of history including previously inaccessible material such as letters, speeches, prefatory essays, political leaflets, interviews, periodicals, and trial transcripts. The collection includes the words of Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Ida B. Wells, Mary McLeod Bethune, Constance Baker Motley, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesse Jackson and more.
HTML BLDS (British Library for Development Studies) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from BLDS. Description: Depository library at The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, for publications from international organisations (including the UN system and World Bank) with a strong collection from developing countries. Coverage: Contains over 150,000 records of documents on economic and social development including serial titles held and monographs acquired since 1987 Journal articles selectively indexed since 1990.
HTML Bloomberg Terminal Access information: Bloomberg is subscribed to by the Business School. 10 Bloomberg terminals are located in the Business School Finance Lab and available to Business School Year 3 and Year 4 undergraduate students and Business School postgraduate students only. An alternative source for company and financial information is S&P Capital IQ. If you require further information on Bloomberg, email the Business School: Description: Bloomberg is a global financial markets database providing news, analytics, real time pricing for over 5 million securities world-wide plus extensive historical pricing and stock charts. Coverage: 1965- present (varies)
HTML Bloomsbury Architecture LibraryAccess information:Access on and off-campus.Description:Bloomsbury Architecture Library is a leading digital resource for the study of architecture, urbanism, and interior design. Its dynamic digital platform offers access to wide-ranging collections of text and image content, from architectural history to cutting-edge design guidance. The platform is comprised of multiple collections, including the newly updated ebook edition of Bannister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, 21st edition.
HTML Bloomsbury Design LibraryAccess information:Access on and off campusDescription:The Bloomsbury Design Library provides cutting-edge scholarly coverage of design and crafts worldwide, from 1500 BCE to the present day. It offers a range of authoritative reference and book content, alongside a full searchable selection of museum object images.A valuable research and learning tool for design and visual arts, it will support both students and academics by allowing them to explore the history and context of influential design schools, people, periods, places, and disciplines. It offers cross-searchable access to a broad range of reference works, e-books, images, exhibitions, collections, and more.
HTML Bloomsbury E-book Collections Access Information: Access on or off campus. Description: Bloomsbury eBook Collections delivers instant access to Bloomsbury’s research publications with unlimited user access and the facility to download and print chapter PDFs without DRM restriction. Collections available include: Anthropology, Biblical Studies, Christian Doctrines, Christology, Education, Film & Media, International Critical Commentary, Law (Hart Publishing), Literary Studies, Middle East, Political Theory and Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Religious Studies and Second Language Acquisition.
HTML Bloomsbury Screen Studies Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Bloomsbury Screen Studies offers a broad range of content to support moving-image studies. It comprises award-winning screenplays, presented in industry-standard studio format, from ‘Orlando’ to ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. It also includes critical and contextual books on film from the late nineteenth century to the present, and an interactive timeline of cinema history. It is an essential resource for academics and students engaged in research and learning around film history, theory and practice.
HTML BMJ Best PracticeBMJ Best Practice - mobile/app accessAccess code for uploading new casesAccess information:On campus or off campus and mobile app access.Description:BMJ Best Practice is a point of care tool from BMJ Evidence Centre designed to support clinical decision making from diagnosis to treatment. The latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion are combined in a single source and presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosisNotes:Further instructions on mobile app installation at please note the library has set up IP address and/or Shibboleth authentication.An access code is required to upload any new cases - see link above.
HTML BMJ Case ReportsAccess code to upload Case ReportsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Description:BMJ Case Reports delivers a peer-reviewed collection of cases in all disciplines so that healthcare professionals, researchers and others can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions.Notes:An access code is required to upload any new Case Reports - see link above.
HTML BMJ Learning Access information On campus and off campus (off campus users: see initial access notes below). Remote access Initial access: You need to create your own BMJ login for this resource, using either a computer on campus or if you are off campus using the Virtual Private Network (VPN), to register for the first time. After this you can access the information with your user name and password without needing to be on campus or using the VPN. If you already have a BMJ account, you will need to log in with your existing user name and password, either with VPN or on campus, to refresh the account. If you cannot remember your password please click the forgotten password link on the website. How to set up VPN: Description BMJ Learning offers online, accredited and peer reviewed learning sessions in text, video, and audio formats for students, doctors and other healthcare professionals. All modules are based on the latest available evidence and are sorted by profession and specialty and can be stored in a personal BMJ portfolio.
HTML Books of Modern China (1840-1949) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Digital archive from Shanghai Library collections of over 120,000 books published in China between 1840-1949, covering the following categories: politics, economics, law, literature, lifestyle, contemporary biographies, children’s books, school textbooks, as well as communist publications. Additional information: Books of Modern China Title List (.xlsx)
HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries.
HTML The Boston Globe Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: THE DEVASTATING 1872 Boston fire. The suspenseful 1893 Lizzie Borden ax murder trial. The catastrophic 1919 police strike. Mid-twentieth century decline and renewal. These dramatic stories as well as accounts of everyday life in historical New England await your online researchers in the digitized pages of The Boston Globe (1872-1985), part of ProQuest’s Historical Newspapers. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Boston, already one of America’s largest cities, was struggling to absorb the immigrants that continued to pour onto its shores. It was a time of rapid industrialization, technological innovation, and urban development. It also was an era that saw a dramatic rise in the cost of living, the deterioration of labor relations, and an increase in poverty and crime. By the mid-twentieth century, Boston had entered a period of decline, which was followed by controversial urban renewal projects and an economic boom in the 1970s. Whether your researchers are interested in genealogy, “Yankee” perspectives on local and national events, politics, culture, urban development, business, religion, or other topics, The Boston Globe provides a window through which to study firsthand this fascinating time and place in American history. Coverage: 1872-1986.
HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence.
HTML Bridgeman Education Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Over 3 million images from museums, galleries, private collections and contemporary artists all copyright cleared for educational use. Bridgeman Education gives you access to the visual culture of every civilization and every period from Prehistory to the present day across continents and civilisations.
HTML Brill's Companions in Classical Studies Online I Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: This first online collection of Brill's acclaimed series of Companions in Classical Studies presents the best in current scholarship in a variety of subjects. These 25 volumes, ranging from Homer to Ovid and from Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC to Flavian Rome, will be of use to scholars and students alike as excellent starting points for teaching as well as research.
HTML Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions. Its 438 essays are original work written by the world’s foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia presents a balanced and even-handed view of Hinduism, recognizing the divergent perspectives and methods in the academic study of a religion that has ancient historical roots with many flourishing traditions today. Including all essays from the heralded printed edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now to be regularly updated with new articles and available in a fully searchable, dynamic digital format.
HTML Brill's Jacoby Online Access information: Access on and off-campus. Choose Jacoby Online to access this database Description: ‘Jacoby’ is short for die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (FGrHist, or FGrH), a collection of ancient Greek historic texts that were lost, except for fragments (citations, extracts and summaries) found in other sources. Most of these fragments are attributed to a particular author and/or work in the source text, but some remain anonymous and can only be categorized by their subject matter. Jacoby Online contains both Brill’s New Jacoby and Brill’s New Jacoby, Second Edition and is updated twice a year with new content. Most entries in Jacoby Online focus on a lost author, but some entries contain anonymous fragments on a particular era or region, or even a single fragmentary text from a papyrus or manuscript.
HTML Brill's Medieval Reference Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Choose Brill's Medieval Reference Library to access this database Description: Brill's Medieval Reference Library includes three major encyclopedias on medieval dress and textiles; medieval pilgrimage; the medieval chronicle.
HTML Brill's New Pauly Access information: Access on and off-campus. Choose New Pauly Online to access this database. Description: Recognized standard reference work for students and scholars of the ancient world. Brill's New Pauly is the English edition of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly, published by Verlag J.B. Metzler since 1996, and both versions of the text are available online, fully searchable and cross referenced. Coverage: Fifteen volumes (Antiquity, 1-15) are devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity and cover more than two thousand years of history, from the second millennium BC to early medieval Europe. Five volumes (Classical Tradition, I-V) are uniquely concerned with the long and influential aftermath of antiquity and the process of continuous reinterpretation and revaluation of the ancient heritage, including the history of classical scholarship.
HTML Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Formed in 1929 and owned by the Illustrated London News, this magazine marketed itself to a predominantly female readership, and especially to wealthy and conservative women. It maintained an emphasis on fashion, beauty and the home, and featured contributions from some of the most influential female artists and writers of the time. It became well known for the artistry of its illustrations and for its wide-ranging coverage. Given its popularity, eclecticism and influence, it provides critical insights into the history of fashion, gender history and British print culture.
HTML British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Covers with data derived from Index of Archaeological Papers, Archaeological Bibliography of Great Britain and Ireland and British Archaeological Abstracts. Abstracts are available for most publications from 1967. Coverage: Publications from 1695 to present day.
HTML British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: British and Irish Women’s Letters and Diaries spans more than 400 years of personal writings, bringing together the voices of women from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Complementing Alexander Street’s North American Women's Letters and Diaries, the database lets researchers view history in the context of women’s thoughts—their struggles, achievements, passions, pursuits, and desires.
HTML British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s) by Wiley Digital Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and connected collections from UK universities covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, history of science and STEM, and government grants for scientific research. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers, grey literature—all presented as fully searchable digital images that can be analyzed, downloaded, manipulated, and compared with content from other societies and universities in the Wiley Digital Archives program.
HTML British Cartoon Archive Access information. Free access on and off campus. You will be prompted to select University of Edinburgh and then your University Login when downloading images. Description. The British Cartoon Archive, from the University of Kent at Canterbury, exists to encourage and facilitate the study of cartoons and caricatures published in the United Kingdom. This is achieved by collecting, preserving, cataloguing, exhibiting, and distributing the work of cartoonists and caricaturists, and by encouraging and publishing studies of their art. The BCA database contains details of the main cartoon collections held in the archive which can be searched online. Cartoons can be found under any of the cataloguing terms used (eg cartoonist, publication, date, name or subject). The database gives access to cartoon images and catalogue information. For publication purposes, digital images with supporting copyright details can be ordered through the feedback section of the website. Coverage. The database is a unique archive of over 140,000 pieces of cartoon artwork published in the UK.
HTML British Education Index Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Compiled and edited at the University of Leeds, This collection covers educational policy and administration, evaluation and assessment, technology and special educational needs. The BEI provides coverage of all areas of education from pre-school to higher education and is searchable by educational level and age group. This comprehensive index currently includes more than 310,000 records for articles published in UK journals from 1929 onwards and over 11,650 records for UK thesis. Sources in the BEI include education and training journals, mostly published in the UK along with international literature. An education thesaurus with thousands of terms is also included. Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls)
HTML British History Online Access information Available on and off campus. Login required. Click login then select Login using Shibboleth. Type University of Edinburgh into box and click continue. Enter your University Login if prompted. Description: British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, it aims to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research. Coverage: 11th – 19th Century
HTML British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Parliamentary Labour Party is the organisation of Labour members of Parliament (MPs) founded in 1906. These papers cover that foundation; then follow the Party through Ramsay MacDonald's Governments, two world wars, the first Harold Wilson Government and the early part of his second Government. The events in these records are a reflection of current events as much as of the Party itself. From the suffrage campaign for the electoral enfranchisement of women, to nuclear tests over the Pacific Ocean, through the Beveridge Report, the Trade Union Bill and the development of the United Nations.
HTML British Labour Party Papers, 1968-1994 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Parliamentary Labour Party is the organisation of Labour members of Parliament (MPs) founded in 1906. Included in this collection are all the minutes of the Party Meetings, the Liaison Committee and the Parliamentary Committee (Shadow Cabinet) for the period 1968-1994. This period represents a turbulent one in British politics, during the early part of which Labour were twice in power. It begins with the latter half of a Labour government under Harold Wilson and ends during the period of Margaret Beckett’s caretaker leadership after the death of John Smith. It covers the three-day week, becoming members of the EEC, the Margaret Thatcher years, including the Falklands War and the miners’ strike, the sift to New Realism and the progress to the top of Tony Blair.
HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels.
HTML British Library Newspapers, Parts I-VI (1732-1950)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:British Library Newspapers from Gale consists of collections from the British Library which span over two hundred years of newspaper publishing in the UK. The rise of newspapers in Britain was a phenomenon which characterised a new age and the huge production of newspapers provides an enormous resource for research on all subjects for all of the UK, both urban and rural. Over 150 regional and local titles are included.Coverage:1732 to 1950. Title lists and further info can be found at we have access to the British Newspaper Archive? (
HTML British National Formulary Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This essential reference provides up-to-date, practical guidance on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines. The BNF evaluates clinical evidence from diverse sources with information validated by a network of clinical experts and is published under the authority of a Joint Formulary Committee. The BNF reflects current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the uses of medicines. The resource includes: Guidance on the drug management of common conditions Details of medicines with special reference to their uses, cautions, contra-indications, side-effects, doses, and relative costs Guidance on prescribing, monitoring, dispensing, and administering medicines The BNF is published jointly by the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
HTML British Online Archives Access information. Free access on and off campus. Description. British Online Archives offers scholars and academics the primary sources to advance their research within the humanities and social sciences. BBC Listener Research Department, 1937-c.1950 Britannia and Eve, 1926-1957 British Labour Party Papers 1906-1969 British Labour Party Papers 1968-1994 Colonial Law in Africa, 1808-1919 Independent Labour Party Papers Records, 1893-1960 (Independent Labour Party Papers Records, 1893-1960) Kenya under colonial rule, in Government reports Prosecuting the Holocaust: British Investigations into Nazi Crimes, 1944-1949 Scottish Nationalist Leaflets 1844-1973 (Scottish Nationalist Leaflets 1844-1973) Slavery: supporters and abolitionists, 1675-1865 (Slavery: supporters and abolitionists, 1675-1865 Tanzania and Malawi in records from colonial missionaries, 1857-1965 The Tatler, 1901-1965 Uganda Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1903-1961 Zimbabwe Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1897-1980
HTML British Periodicals via ProQuest British Periodicals I & II via Journal Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. Userguide: Coverage: from 1680s to 1950s
HTML British Periodicals III Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BRITISH PERIODICALS COLLECTION III extends the scope of the series by focusing on the first half of the twentieth century. The titles are from the prestigious stable of illustrated periodicals known as the “Great Eight” in British publishing history. They are among the foremost popular periodicals of the period and were highly influential in their mix of news/politics, miscellany, art, photography, literature and comedy/satire, while launching the careers of many leading artists/illustrators of the age. With the increased use of illustration, photography and colour in magazines of this period, British Periodicals III becomes a compelling collection for research and teaching in the areas of bibliographic and art history, while reinforcing the broad cross-disciplinary value of the British Periodicals series. Coverage: 1869-1970.
HTML British Periodicals IV Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: BRITISH PERIODICALS COLLECTION IV launched in September 2015 and continues the expansion into the twentieth century, with particular strengths in the areas of politics (notably socialism and the labour movement), international affairs and conflict, the arts, rural/sporting history, humour/illustration, travel and empire, and family/teen publications. The collection offers complete runs of ten major publications from the period, serving many other areas of teaching and research in twentieth-century topics, such as social history, journalism history, and gender studies. They include: Answers to Correspondents (1888-1965), The Field (1850-2005), Halfpenny Marvel (1893-1922), The Highway (1907-1959), Humorist (1922-1940), Picture Show (1919-1960), Top Spot (1958-1960), Tribune (1937-2005), War Weekly (1939-1941), Wide World Magazine (1898-1965). Coverage: 1850-2005.
HTML British Pharmacopoeia Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Updated annually, the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the only comprehensive collection of authoritative official standards for UK pharmaceutical substances and medicinal products. It includes approximately 4,000 monographs which are legally enforced by the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. Medicinal products or active pharmaceutical ingredients sold or supplied in the UK must comply with the relevant monograph. All monographs and requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) are reproduced in the BP, making the BP a convenient and fully comprehensive set of standards that can be used across Europe and beyond.
HTML British Standards OnlineAccess information:Access on and off campus. Description:Full-text of over 39,000 current, draft and historic British Standards, more than 16,000 of which are BSI adopted European and International Standards (ISO) including the full-text of all Eurocodes. As of June 2023, we subscribe to the Wiring Regulations Collection and the BSI Unadopted ISO (full collection). An email alert service is available to track any changes in selected current Standards.Coverage:Updated daily.Note:Authorised users are academic staff, students & library staff.
HTML British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Some resources on BUFVC require sign in - click sign in, enter "University of Edinburgh" in the search box and if prompted sign in with your University Login. Description: BUFVC provides a range of services to promote the production, study and use of film and related media for education and research. Services and projects include: Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching (TRILT); News on Screen - a resource for the study of news reels and cinemagazines (1910-1983) complete with Pathe film clips where they exist; the subject-based Moving Image Gateway. Coverage: International.
HTML Bronze and Stone Rubbings Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The National Central Library of Taiwan purchased stone rubbings of Meng Chi-Hsuan from Tianjin when it was first established. The core parts of this collection are 150 or so stone rubbings with Meng’s inscriptions. Among the library’s collections, the most important are the bronze and stone rubbings rescued from Jiangnan in 1940 and 1941, as well as the bronze ribbings purchased from Shang Cheng-Tso. The library has a total of 6,462 articles and 12,462 bronze and stone rubbings, most of which are inscriptions on the memorial tablet within a tomb (2,820), followed by carved stones (2,826), and bronze rubbings (771).
HTML BSAVA Library Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) publishes resources covering small animal clinical practice. The BSAVA Library is much more than a collection of their manuals - it provides a resource enabling users to discover the content, including book chapters, hundreds of hours of lecture recordings from the annual Congress, articles from Companion, drug dosages from the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary and much more, in one place. The BSAVA Library provides online access to BSAVA’s publications at the granularity of chapter, article, drug entry, client leaflet, congress lecture summary etc. A search will show everything that is relevant to your enquiry – whether from a manual, a Companion article or a Congress lecture.
HTML Burney Newspaper CollectionSupported browsers (also clear cache if having difficulties)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:The newspapers and news pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757 - 1817) represent the largest single collection of 17th and 18th century English news media. The present digital collection provides nearly 1 million pages from approximately 1,270 titles of newspapers, news pamphlets, and newsbooks of the period. They were published mostly in London, however there are also some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India.Coverage:17th to 18th century.
HTML Business of Fashion (BoF) Access information: Access is via a user generated password. First time users register here using your University of Edinburgh email address. BoF will then send you an email to confirm the subscription. Description: BoF Professional membership gives you access to agenda-setting fashion business content unavailable elsewhere, including daily analysis and advice, weekly members-only email briefings and full access to the BoF Professional iOS app. All Access members also receive monthly case studies on key business opportunities, unlimited access to a library of watch-on-demand masterclasses, and invitations to digital live events, including a weekly #BOFLive series, Sustainability Summit and VOICES, an annual gathering for big thinkers. Coverage: UoE has access to the BoF iPhone app - BoF Professional on the App Store (
HTML Business Source Complete Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Complete provides full text for nearly 3,300 scholarly business journals, including full text for more than 1000 peer-reviewed business publications. This database provides full text for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals. Updated daily. Coverage: 1922-present.