Sir Charles Lyell's Books and Publications

Lyell's Books

Lyell's Books

“If in England a man really wants to have the satisfaction of influencing public opinion in his favourite science and getting fame at the same time, the way is certainly to give Murray a readable book.”

Charles to Mary Lyell, née Horner, 1831

Sir Charles Lyell’s reputation and impact is largely based on his bestselling books and influential reviews, articles and essays. He updated and revised his main works throughout his life. Whilst embodying the highest scientific standards he managed to appeal to general and international audiences. The University has long held a section of Lyell’s personal library, largely volumes of offprints and contemporary geological publications; these books were transferred from the Grant Institute of Geology to the University Library in the mid-20th century. Further additions to this collection include later editions and translations of Lyell’s works, as well as Lyell’s own marked-up copies of his texts for later editions.

Read about the collection on the Library Blog - Through Lyell's Eyes