New College Library

Founded in 1843 as the library of the Free Church College, New College Library now serves the University's School of Divinity. It is one of the largest theology libraries in the UK.

****Please note that users unable to self-evacuate will require a PEEP (Personal  Emergency Evacuation Plan) arranged by their department. Non-UoE visitors unable to self-evacuate should contact the library in advance of visit. ****

Please note between 5pm and 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays during semester, we will be offering a reduced EdHelp service. Staff on duty at these times will forward any enquiries they are unable to resolve to minimise any inconvenience. If you have any comments about our service, please email us at


Location and contacts

New College Library, Mound Place, Edinburgh EH1 2LX. Tel: 0131 650 8957

Campus maps and travel information

New College Library virtual orientation

Access and opening hours

Staff and students of the University of Edinburgh have full access and borrowing rights. 

 Please note, that for some external users, the membership application process has changed. Please check up-to-date information on the Joining the Library web pages before visiting any library. 

Joining the Library

Opening hours

New College Library accessibility information

Study Space

Please see the Study Space pages for more information and guidance.

Study Space

British Sign Language support

A video relay service is available, enabling British Sign Language users to contact public bodies and vice-versa.

This service operates from 8am to 12 midnight, 7 days a week.

Please visit for full details.