Manuscripts of Works by Helen Cruickshank

This page lists highlights of Edinburgh University Library's collection of literary manuscripts by Helen Cruickshank.

For a fuller listing, see Related Links at the foot of the page.




The Cruickshank Papers include working materials for the following volumes:

  • Up the Noran Water and Other Scots Poems (1934), corrected proof (Gen 1929/53)
  • Sea Buckthorn (1954), TS (Gen 1929/50), corrected proofs (Gen 1929/27, Gen 2188/1), galley proofs (Gen 1929/49)
  • The Ponnage Pool (1968), MSS, TSS, and galley proofs (Gen 1929/27)
  • Collected Poems (1971), MSS or TSS of 17 of the poems (Gen 2122/5), MSS of 'Author's Note', 'Biographical Notes', and 'Acknowledgements' (Gen 2122/5)
  • More Collected Poems (1978), MSS or TSS of 18 included and 13 excluded poems (Gen 2122/5)

Individual Poems

There are also manuscripts or typescripts of the following poems:

  • 'The Bracelet', 'Dear Lovely Ghost' and 2 untitled poems (Gen 1966/61)
  • 'Epistle for Christopher Murray Grieve on his 75th Birthday' (Gen 1929/20/6-7*)
  • 'In Memoriam: Florence Marian McNeill' (Gen 1966/58)
  • 'A Lang Guidnicht' (Gen 1966/50)
  • 'On Epstein's Adam in the Waverley Market', 'Re Duncan Macrae's Festival Outburst on Laurence Durrell's Sappho', and 'A Maid Am I' (Gen 886)
  • 'Spring in the Mearns (for Lewis Grassic Gibbon)' (Gen 2188/1)
  • Voices from the Waterside', MS (Gen 2188/1)
  • 'The White Horse', MS (Gen 1966/60)

At Gen 1929/29 there is also a ring binder with cuttings of poems by Cruickshank published in newspapers and journals, 1922-33.

Autobiographical Writings

There is a complete manuscript of Octobiography, Cruickshank's posthumously published autobiography, and other autobiographical materials:

  • Octobiography (1976), MS (Gen 1929/1) and TSS (Gen 1967)
  • 'Friends at the Back Door' (1964), TS article for Scots Magazine (Gen 1929/53/IV)
  • 'Seventy Years on: A Montrose Retrospect', TS article for Scots Magazine (Gen 1966/51)
  • 'There and Back Again', TS article for Scots Magazine (Gen 1929/24)
  • Autobiographical notes, MSS (Gen 1929/60)


Although Cruickshank is little-known as a writer of fiction, there are typescripts of the following short stories:

  • 'A Feather in her Hat' (Gen 1929/62)
  • 'In Glenprosen' (Gen 1929/5)
  • 'Low down in the Broom' (Gen 1929/6)


There are manuscripts or typescripts of the following plays written for local players or school-children:

  • The Birken Bush (1947), one-act play in Scots (Gen 1929/28 and Gen 1929/57)
  • The Cock and the Groset, three-act play in Scots, written for the Glenesk Players (Gen 1929/56)
  • When Fairies Glide, one-act play written for the pupils of Tarfside School (Gen 1929/30 and Gen 1929/63)

Critical Writings

The Cruickshank Papers include manuscripts or typescripts for the following talks and essays on the Scottish Literary Renaissance:

  • 'A Fellow-Countrywoman's View of Lewis Grassic Gibbon' (Gen 1929/12*/53 and Gen 1966/52)
  • 'Four Contemporary Scots Poets: Lewis Spence, Marion Angus, Hugh MacDiarmid, William Soutar', lecture to Colinton Literary Society, 1939 (Gen 1929/4)
  • 'Marion Angus: A Personal Note' (1948), MS (Gen 1929/55) and TS (Gen 2122/6/1-10)
  • 'Scotland To-Morrow', MS of talk (Gen 1966/57)
  • 'Some Trends in the Development of Modern Poetry', talk for the Society of Certificated Teachers of Speech and Drama (Gen 1929/26)

Further Details

The above are highlights of Edinburgh University Library's extensive collection of Helen Cruickshank manuscripts. For a fuller listing, see the Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue and the manual Index to Manuscripts held in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Library.