About Edinburgh Diamond

Edinburgh Diamond, situated within Edinburgh University Library, offers free publishing services to support Diamond Open Access books and journals created by University of Edinburgh academics , staff and students.

We aim to highlight research and projects created by our community of academics, staff and students, and to increase the impact of our books and journals.


None! Edinburgh Diamond publishes under a Diamond Open Access model, meaning:

  • there is no cost to use our service (for academics, staff and students of the University of Edinburgh)
  • there is no cost for authors anywhere in the world to publish in our books and journals
  • there is no cost for readers anywhere in the world to access our online content


Edinburgh Diamond is governed by a Service Board comprising of Library staff, editorial representatives from both academic and student-led journals, a representative from Edinburgh University Press and representatives from our external partners. The Board meets twice a year and ensures the service develops in line with the University's strategic objectives as well as user requirements. The Service Board reports to the University's Library Committee.

Meet the team

Publishing Support

Rebecca Wojturska, Open Access Publishing Officer Rebecca works full-time on the service and is the first point of contact for all publishing-related queries.

Theo Andrew, Scholarly Communications Manager

Tech Support

Ronan Burnett, Open Hosting Developer Ronan works full-time on the service and is the first point of contact for all tech-related queries.

Greig Christie, Information Systems Developer Greig works on the service one day a week.

Ianthe Sutherland, Development and Systems Manager

Service Board Members

Theo Andrew, University of Edinburgh Kevin Ashley, Digital Curation Center, University of Edinburgh Kyle Brady, University of St Andrews Fiona Brown, University of Edinburgh Ronan Burnett, University of Edinburgh Greig Christie, University of Edinburgh Marshall Dozier, University of Edinburgh Adrija Ghosh, Student and Journal Editor, University of Edinburgh Simon Gilmour, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Patrick Honeybone, University of Edinburgh Hannah Mateer, University of Edinburgh Sarah McDonald, Edinburgh University Press Jacqueline Proven, University of St Andrews Adela Rauchova, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Ianthe Sutherland, University of Edinburgh Dominic Tate, University of Edinburgh Jeremy Upton, University of Edinburgh Angus Whyte, Digital Curation Center, University of Edinburgh Rebecca Wojturska, University of Edinburgh

Service provisions

Discover what is and isn't included in the Edinburgh Diamond service.

Service Provisions

Roles and responsibilities

Use of the Edinburgh Diamond publishing service entails signing an agreement. The below roles and responsibilities outline the basis of the agreement, including what you can expect from Edinburgh Diamond and what we expect from you.

Roles and Responsibilities

Criteria for using the service

Please note that there is service criteria for using Edinburgh Diamond. Generally, Edinburgh Diamond supports books and journals in all disciplines and subject areas, providing they are created by academics, staff or students at the University of Edinburgh. However, we will not host content that discriminates against characteristics protected by law.

The library holds the right to refuse content. We are a small team and need to ensure we grow sustainably. This means we unfortunately cannot take on every book or journal proposed to us.

Interested in publishing with us?

Submit a Proposal

Relationship with Edinburgh University Press

Edinburgh University Press (EUP) and Edinburgh Diamond are completely separate entities run from the same parent organisation – The University of Edinburgh. EUP is a long-standing traditional publisher of the arts, humanities and social sciences, whereas Edinburgh Diamond is library-led and offers free publishing services to staff and students of the University of Edinburgh who wish to publish Diamond Open Access books. Edinburgh University Press and the Edinburgh Diamond complement each other, providing different routes of publication to researchers. A member of EUP sits on the Edinburgh Diamond board.

Find out more about Edinburgh University Press.

Edinburgh Diamond, Scholarly Communications Team

Contact details


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