Databases beginning with the letter C. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: C19 Indexsee entry for Nineteenth Century Index HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users. HTML CAIRN Access: On and off campus. Description: CAIRN offers online access to the full text of over 400 journals in French language published in France and Belgium since 2001, in the subjects of humanities and social sciences. There are also several thousand abstracts and hundreds of full-text articles in English which are either originally published in English or translated from French. HTML Calgary Herald Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Calgary Herald is a daily newspaper published in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Publication began in 1883 as The Calgary Herald, Mining and Ranche Advocate and General Advertiser. HTML Cambridge Books Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Individual titles are also available via DiscoverEd. Description: This collection provides access to over 50,000 Cambridge University Press e-books across all disciplines. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd and further titles will be added to the collection on a monthly basis. HTML Cambridge Companions Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cross search the complete collection of Cambridge Companions. Full text is available for all publications. The Collections comprises the Companions to Literature and the Classics, the Companions to Music and the Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture. HTML Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson Online Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This is the online edition of the same seven-volume print title, but not just. The fully searchable online edition includes all the original introductions, collations, and commentary, but it also complements, develops, and vastly extends the print edition with a large and flexible array of textual and contextual materials. In addition, the Online Edition includes a comprehensive body of essays and archives necessary for full study of Jonson’s life, performance history, and afterlife. In total, the edition contains around 90 old-spelling texts, 550 contextual documents, 80 essays, several hundred high-quality images, and 100 music scores; it lists details of more than 1300 stage performances, and has a cross-linked bibliography of over 7000 items. HTML Cambridge Histories Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes. Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory. Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes. Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd. HTML CancerLit via Medline Also available via PubMed Access information: CancerLit is now only available as a subset of Medline or PubMed. To access via Medline, go to Edit Limits and select Cancer from the subject subsets menu. The National Cancer Institute has set up tailor-made searches on more than 100 topics that can be run against the PubMed databases. See additional information for details. Description: See Medline or PubMed. HTML Capital IQ (S&P) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Self-registration required. To register, click on "New User?", enter your University email address and follow the instructions to complete registration. Description: Capital IQ is widely used in industry and combines deep global company information, credit ratings and research and market research with tools for risk assessments. It provides access to both real-time and historical information and: • Global Company Data: financials, fixed income, estimates and ownership • Qualitative Data: key developments, transactions, profiles, people, relationships, private equity • Macroeconomic and commodity data Note: If you encounter login issues, try accessing via on campus, and if off campus, via the VPN. HTML Capital IQ Pro (S&P) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Self-registration required. Click on “New User Sign Up” and select “S&P Capital IQ Pro New User Sign Up.” Enter your University email address and follow the instructions to complete registration. Description: S&P Capital IQ Pro (formerly Market Intelligence) is a global financial database, providing corporate, financial, and market data plus news and analytics for banks and insurance companies. It covers 50,000+ listed, non-listed and subsidiary banks (30,000+ active) in the Americas, AsiaPacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. It provides financial data, news, company documents, market data and country profiles. S&P Capital IQ Pro also provides access to the universe of companies from S&P Capital IQ with additional coverage of small companies. Further information: Product reference materials, technical guides, on-demand videos and training webinars are available in the Support section at You need to be registered and signed in to your S&P account to view these pages. Note: If you encounter login issues, try accessing via on campus, and if off campus, via the VPN. HTML Carcanet Poetry Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Carcanet publishes the most comprehensive and diverse list of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, as well as a range of inventive fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism. The digital Carcanet Collection offers access to more than 100 titles, including career-defining new work from the poets laureate of Jamaica (Mervyn Morris) and Wales (Gillian Clarke), a debut from rising star Joey Connolly, plus much-anticipated follow-up collections from Sinead Morrissey, Tara Bergin, Caroline Bird and Karen McCarthy Woolf. Each title, and the collection as a whole, is fully-searchable by keyword. Mobile users can also download the 'Exactly' app on an iOS or Android device from the relevant app store, and instantly access the book collection. Access will be granted to new e-books published throughout the year. HTML Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876, a comprehensive primary resource from the American Antiquarian Society, is the largest online collection of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers published in the region. It is a valuable resource for studying the development of Western society and international relations within this important group of islands. This unique resource is essential for researching colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and U.S. relations with the region, as far back as the early 18th century. Created in cooperation with the American Antiquarian Society—one of the world's largest and most important newspaper repositories—this collection will provide students and scholars with easy access to more than 150 years of Caribbean and Atlantic history, cultures and daily life. Featuring more than 140 newspapers from 22 islands, this resource will chronicle the region’s evolution across two centuries through eyewitness reporting, editorials, legislative information, letters, poetry, advertisements, obituaries and other news items. To summarise, it is: The largest collection of fully searchable 18th- and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers online demonstrating the evolution of the region across two centuries, chronicled within more than 140 titles from 22 islands Essential for research on colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and related topics. HTML Carlyle Letters Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: The Carlyle Letters Online includes over 12,000 letter written by Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle from 1812 to 1859, including correspondence with more than 600 recipients, such as Rober Browning, George Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Stuart Mill and Charles Dickens. Coverage: 1812-1859. Additional Information: For further information about the Carlyle Letters project, please see the School of English Literature website here. HTML Casalini E-Books Collection Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Casalini full text platform (Torrossa) provides access to several thousand scholarly books and primary literary works from Italian and Spanish academic publishers since 2000 for University of Edinburgh users. As of July 2022, the collection consists of 2,463 Italian e-books (including a digital library called Biblioteca Italiana Zanichelli of 1,171 titles of Italian literary works – added in July 2022) and about 14,500 Italian book chapters and journal articles, 772 Spanish e-books and 2,450 Spanish book chapters and journal articles, as well as a small number of e-books, chapters and articles in English, French, Portuguese, German and Catalan. The database is full text searchable. Bibliographic records of the individual e-books are findable in DiscoverEd, but titles of book chapters and journal articles from this database are not yet indexed in DiscoverEd. HTML CBS News Video Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported. HTML CC Search: Creative Commons images search Access information: Freely available. Description: Openly licensed and public domain images. CC does not verify whether the images are properly CC licensed, or whether the attribution and other licensing information we have aggregated is accurate or complete. Copyright: Verification of the licensing status and attribution information of an image is required before it is re-used. HTML The Cecil Papers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: ProQuest has teamed with Hatfield House Archives to digitize their privately held collection of almost 30,000 documents, gathered by William Cecil (1521-1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563-1612), First Earl of Salisbury. William Cecil (1521-1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563-1612), First Earl of Salisbury were at the heart of events during one of the most dynamic periods in Western history. One of Elizabeth’s I’s closest advisors, William Cecil was both her Lord High Treasurer and her Secretary of State – a position also held by his son who continued to serve Elizabeth and her successor, James I. Previously, the essential historic documents available in the Cecil Papers were only available at Hatfield House in the United Kingdom. Now, ProQuest has made this collection available to scholars, students, and general users for the thorough study of significant events and individuals of the 16th and 17th centuries. HTML Census Data Support Unit: Census Flow Data Access information: Available on and off-campus from WICID (the Web-based Interface to Census Interaction Data). Choose Login via UK Federation. Registration is required. Follow the registration link for details. Description: Census flow data (also known as interaction data) relate to flows of people between places, both origins and destinations. Coverage: Migration and commuting data from the 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011census data. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service. HTML Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Central and Eastern European Online Library: gives access to thousands of academic full-text e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences, from and about Central and Eastern Europe. Our subscription gives you access to the following subject categories: fine arts, performing arts, music, architecture and photography. HTML CERN Document Server (CDS) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from CERN. Description: Approximately 950,000 bibliographic records for particle physics material and related areas, includes 360,000 full text documents and covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs and standards. Email alerts or RSS feeds are available. Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Textssee Library of Latin Texts Online HTML CHCC Historical Censuses Collection Access information: Available on and off-campus from CHCC. Registration is required. Description: The service provides access and support for a range of historical datasets, promoting and facilitating increased and more effective use of data in research, learning and teaching. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service. HTML Chicago Defender Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Chicago Defender provides more than six decades of this newspaper’s historic coverage, online and easily searchable. The newspaper was a proponent of The Great Migration, the move of over 1.5 million African-Americans from the segregated South to the industrial North from 1915 to 1925. It reported on the Red Summer race riots of 1919, and editorialized for anti-lynching legislation and the integration of blacks into the U.S. military. Coverage: 1910-1975. HTML Chicago Tribune Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Coverage: 1849-2013. HTML Child Development and Adolescent Studies Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This database provides references to the current and historical literature related to growth and development of children through the age of 21. This includes all of the issues of Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography from 1927-2001 previously published by the Society for Research in Child Development, plus new coverage on child rights and welfare issues. Book reviews and abstracts from hundreds of journals and a bibliography of thousands of technical reports, books, book chapters, thesis and dissertations covering biomedical and social sciences worldwide are indexed in this database. More than 510,000 records are included, with over 58,000 new records added each year. Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls) HTML Children’s Magazine Archive, 1866-2020 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The backfiles of a variety of 20th-century serials covering many aspects of children's lives and interests. These include titles focusing on education, entertainment / literature, news, and religion / moral development. As well as shedding light on the history of childhood and family life during this period, these titles provide alternative perspectives in the study of 20th-century advertising/marketing, popular culture, education, media, and print culture. HTML Chile and the United States: U.S. Policy toward Democracy, Dictatorship, and Human Rights, 1970–1990 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection presents 2,842 once-secret, U.S. records--among them hundreds of declassified Top Secret CIA operational memos, cables, and reports--as well as records from the archives and courts of other nations tracing the U.S. role in Chile from the Nixon administration's covert efforts to block the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende, through the military takeover of September 11, 1973, to the end of Gen. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship and his eventual arrest in London. HTML China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This collection pulls together more than 2,000 documents concerning the relationship between the United States and China, emphasizing the pivotal years 1969-1998. The documents include memos, cables, and studies of the bilateral relationship; records on U.S.-PRC security ties and scientific association with the PRC; intelligence estimates; and studies of the PRC's foreign policy objectives, military capabilities, and internal conditions. The documents were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the State Department, Defense Department, Commerce Department, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pacific Command, and the military services. HTML China Academic Journals (Simplified Chinese language version) China Academic Journals (Traditional Chinese language version) China Academic Journals (English language version) Access information: Access on and off campus. Use this link for off campus access if you encounter difficulties: Due to a change in Chinese law, there could be some further restrictions on content in CAJ on 31/3/23. For further info, please see Chinese_regulatory_actions_impact_map.indd ( NB: Due to changes in Chinese law, CNKI will be required to update its licenses with Chinese journal publishers to confirm that individual authors affirm their permission for content to be redistributed in database form in certain circumstances. 495 of the total 10,110 journals appearing in CAJ are impacted. A title list detailing the impacted journals can be found on East View’s website here. CNKI has informed us that the contract exercise has commenced, and we are informed that content is being restored to public view as each publisher contract is amended in accordance with the new requirements. This process may vary greatly depending on the publisher and title lists will be updated as each is addressed. 30/01/2023 Description: Full-text database of 10,243 China academic journals covering all subject areas in science, technology, medicine, arts, humanities and social sciences. The database consists of 10 series which are further divided into 168 subjects. Edinburgh University users have access to all these. Some journals date back to the first issue in 1915. Articles are in simplified Chinese in PDF format. The database is fully searchable in simplified Chinese by article title, journal title, author, and keyword in the full texts across all the journals and all the subjects. Searching in English will also retrieve a certain number of articles which have English abstracts. The default database platform is in English, but you can easily switch it to the Chinese interface at the top right corner. User Guide is also downloadable from the button at the very top of the database screen. Coverage: 1915 to present. Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here. HTML China Core Newspapers (access to index level content only) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Access to index level content only. Use this link if you encounter difficulties - Description: A full-text database of articles from 633 newspapers in China. Updated daily. Although we have not purchased the full-text access, searching for bibliographical information is free. Coverage: 2000 to present. Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here. HTML China Culture and Society Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Spanning three centuries (c. 1750-1929), this resource makes available for the first time extremely rare pamphlets from Cornell University Library’s Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia, one of the oldest and most distinctive collections of its kind and a very rich source for research on China for teachers and students from undergraduate-level to research-level and beyond. Digitised in its entirety and in full colour, the Wason collection of c. 1,200 pamphlets encompasses speeches, guides, reports, essays, catalogues, magazine articles and other material addressing Chinese history, culture, and everyday life. The resource is full-text searchable, allowing for the collection to be comprehensively explored and studied. The wide variety of research interests and themes covered by the pamphlets include education, emigration, the foreign presence, missionaries, wars, rebellion, reform, opium, healthcare and language. HTML China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (Simplified Chinese Version) China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (Traditional Chinese Version) China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (English version) Access information: Access on and off-campus (select China Doctor/Master Dissertations Full-Text Database). Use this link if you encounter difficulties Description: The database consists of two parts: China Doctoral Dissertations and China Masters’ Theses. They contain thousands of such texts from higher education institutions and research institutes in China since 1984, in the broad subject areas in arts, humanities and social sciences, including art, literature, language, history, philosophy, military affairs, law, education, economics and management. Coverage of dissertations and theses from top universities and research institutes, including "985 Project" and "211 Project" universities and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is almost complete. The database is cross-searchable with China Academic Journals which we also subscribe to. Coverage: 1984 onwards Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here. (Microsoft Word document) HTML China Law Info (Chinese language version) China Law Info (English language version) Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Also known as Beida fabao, China Law Info is a bilingual database for China legal documents and information. The database provides both the original Chinese version and the English translation of China laws and regulations, judicial cases, tax treaties, white papers, law journals and gazettes, as well as other China legal information such as legal news and legislative/regulatory updates. The database is updated daily. . Note: The English version can also be accessed from the Chinese version by clicking the menu button ‘English’. All the English translations are accompanied by their original Chinese texts and the English and Chinese texts can be displayed side by side. All the documents can be read online or downloaded by clicking the ‘Download’ button in the top right corner. HTML Chinamaxx Digital Library Access information: Available on campus and off campus. Description: This is a digital library of some 710,000 Chinese e-books covering all subjects of learning. The Library has purchased no more than 1,189 e-books from this database. All the titles, whether purchased or not, can be searched and contents displayed. Purchased items can be read in full text in their entirety while other items are available as full text for the first 17 pages. We will continue to purchase more items on user recommendation. If you see anything important to you, click on ‘tuijian’ (recommend) and the whole book will be available within a week. Chinese e-books from this database are not yet listed in DiscoverEd. HTML Chinese Foreign Policy Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Chinese Foreign Policy Database enhances the ability of contemporary observers and historians to gain broader perspectives on Chinese policies. Curating 1000s of documents from Chinese and international archives, it offers insights into China’s foreign policy since 1949 and its relationship to ideology, revolution, the economy, and traditional Chinese culture. The Database is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation. HTML Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database provides access to the full text of about a dozen English language newspapers published in China during the said period. It includes historical local, regional and national news on a wide range of issues of the day. The database is cross searchable with other ProQuest historical newspapers or with all the ProQuest databases we have purchased or subscribed to. Coverage: 1832-1953 HTML Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database currently consists of eleven series, containing the full text of more than 10,000 periodicals published during this important Minguo (i.e. Republic of China) period. it is cross searchable with the Late Qing Dynasty Full-text Periodicals 1833-1911. Further information User manual can be downloaded here HTML Chosun Ilbo Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the major newspapers in South Korea, available in PDF format. Coverage: 1920 to present User guide: Guide for Chosun Ilbo Archive (KOR) HTML Christian-Muslim Relations Vol 1 and 2 Access information: Access on and off campus. Vol.1 Link Vol. 2 Link Description: Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History Online is a general history of relations between the two faiths as this is represented in works written by Christians and Muslims about the other and against the other. Vol.1 covers the period from 600 to 1500, when encounters took place through the extended Mediterranean basin and are recorded in Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin and other languages. Vol.2 covers all parts of the world in the period 1500-1914. HTML The Christian Science Monitor Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: AFTER BEING PROVOKED by Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World newspaper for her unconventional religious ideas, 87-year-old Mary Baker Eddy founded The Christian Science Monitor. In contrast to the yellow journalism of the day, this newspaper’s directive was to “injure no man, but to bless all mankind.” Over the decades, her newspaper has earned many awards for journalistic excellence — including, ironically, several “Pulitzer” Prizes. With the exception of publishing one religious article each day at the request of the pioneering Mrs. Eddy, The Christian Science Monitor provides secular, balanced coverage of international news and events, as a public service. For more than 100 years, its staff writers and correspondents around the world have reported on wars, scientific discoveries, human rights abuses, political campaigns, the arts, the environment, and people trying to make a positive difference. Coverage: 1908-2006. HTML Churchill Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Until recently the only way to access this historical resource was to visit the Churchill Archives Centre in Cambridge, now researchers can browse the nearly 800,000 private letters, speeches, telegrams, manuscripts, government transcripts and other key historical documents within the archive. Search the Churchill catalogue online, browse by topic and period and explore the people and places which appear in the archive. Church Missionary Society Archives (All Modules)Access information:Access on and off-campusDescription:This digital archive is a repository of source materials on the work of this globally influential organisation, founded in 1799 as an Anglican evangelical movement and still active today. Useful for scholars of missionary and global history, this varied archive, sourced from the Cadbury Research Library at University of Birmingham, includes records of both the CMS and the many other missionary societies which became associated or amalgamated with it. The digital archive covers the period 1619-1981.Modules include: East Asia Missions, Missions to Women, Central Records, Africa Missions, Missions to the Americas, Missions to India, General Secretary’s Papers, Home Papers, Middle East MissionsEast Asia Missions, Missions to Women, Central Records, Africa Missions, Missions to the Americas, Missions to India, General Secretary’s Papers, Home Papers, Middle East MissionsNote: The Library also has access to Church Missionary Society Periodicals which can be accessed from the Databases A-Z list HTML Church Missionary Society Periodicals Module 1: Global Missions and Contemporary Encounters, 1804-2009Access information:Access on and off campusDescription:From its roots as an Anglican evangelical movement driven by lay persons, this resource encompasses publications from the CMS and the latterly integrated South American Missionary Society. Documenting missionary work from the 19th to the 21st century, the periodicals include news, journals and reports offering a unique perspective on global history and cultural encounter. HTML Church Missionary Society Periodicals Module 2: Medical Journals, Asian Missions and the Historical RecordAccess information:Access on or off campus.Description:The focus of this second module is on the publications of CMS medical mission auxiliaries, the work of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society among women in Asia and the Middle East, newsletters from native churches and student missions in China and Japan, and 'home' material including periodicals aimed specifically at women and children subscribers. Articles, often in the form of letters authored by missionaries abroad, are enhanced by detailed illustrations and photographs of their surroundings, the mission community and the people among whom they worked. The CIA and the Behavioral Sciences: Mind Control, Drug Experiments and MKULTRAAccess information:Access on and off-campus.Description:This collection brings together the most essential primary source documents on MKULTRA and related human behavior control research projects developed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. agencies from World War II to the 1970s, and under which the CIA secretly tested combinations of drugs, hypnosis, and other extreme psychological techniques on unwitting individuals, often U.S. citizens, in an effort to develop mind control techniques that could be applied to intelligence and military operations. HTML CIA Cold War Research Reports and Records on Communism in China and Eastern Europe (1917-1976) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This module consists of two major series of records: CIA Research Reports from 1946-1976 and records collected by Raymond Murphy on Communism in China and Eastern Europe from 1917-1958. Beginning in 1946 with reports of the CIA’s predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group, CIA Research Reports reproduces over 1,500 reports on eight areas: Middle East; Soviet Union; Vietnam and Southeast Asia; China; Japan, Korea, and Asian security; Europe; Africa; and Latin America. This series deals with international questions and biographical reports, offering profiles of relatively unknown leaders. The Murphy Collection provides information on war recovery efforts, international aid, the formation of countries and substantial information on the Chinese Communist Party. Coverage: 1917-1976 HTML CIA Covert Operations: From Carter to Obama, 1977-2010 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This set represents the first part of what will be an even broader collection focused on covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency throughout its history. This segment covers management and control of covert operations, as well as specific activities carried out during the Carter, Reagan, Bush (I), Clinton, Bush (II) and Obama presidencies. Containing 2,337 documents, the publication brings together declassified documents and other materials, including key congressional records (necessary for understanding the scope and context of CIA activities), to offer unprecedented detail on a vital but poorly represented aspect of United States foreign activity. Coverage: 1977-2010. HTML CIA Covert Operations II: The Year of Intelligence, 1975 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The first full year of the Gerald R. Ford administration is sometimes known as “The Year of Intelligence,” denoting a season of inquiry into America’s spy agencies set off by a wave of media revelations of official abuses and wrongdoing that predate the current era of media and congressional investigations by decades. The “Year of Intelligence” set, the second in the Archive’s series on CIA covert activities and their context, documents these investigations. The set shows how the agency reported on the revelations, how President Ford’s White House staff created and managed a strategy to limit and restrain the investigations, how the Rockefeller Commission and congressional committee members pursued their inquiries, and many of the secrets they uncovered. HTML CIA Covert Operations, Part III: From Kennedy to Nixon, 1961-1974 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The third in the National Security Archive's unparalleled series of primary source compilations on the CIA's clandestine side, takes the story from the epic disaster of the Bay of Pigs through a series of little-known or under-explored covert activities in Cuba (including the Mongoose operation), British Guiana, Bolivia, Indonesia, the Dominican Republic, Iraq (the Kurds) and more. Coverage: 1961-1974. HTML CIA Covert Operations IV: The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1961Access information:Access on and off campus. Description:This collection focuses on a highly active, if checkered, period in the history of the CIA, during which President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized numerous clandestine programs around the world. These include Iran 1953, Tibet 1956-57, and the Congo, beginning in 1960. A highlight is Eisenhower’s original decision and plans to mount operations against Castro’s Cuba that led to the Bay of Pigs. The set thus dovetails neatly with previous DNSA publications covering not only events in Cuba but also in Berlin, Guatemala, and Vietnam.Coverage:1953-1961. HTML CIA Family Jewels Indexed Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The work of the National Security Archive's efforts over 15 years to obtain the CIA's most closely held secrets about their domestic intelligence activities conducted at the height of the Cold War, through 1973. Among the most controversial documents ever compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency, the "Family Jewels" represents the CIA's own view, in 1973, of those domestic activities it had engaged in up to that time that were outside its charter, hence illegal. HTML CIAO - Columbia International Affairs Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A source for theory and research in international affairs containing a wide range of scholarship on that includes working papers from university conferences. Each section of CIAO is regularly updated with new material. Coverage: From 1991. HTML CINAHL Plus- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Covers 4,175 nursing, allied health, biomedicine, behavioural science, education and consumer health journal sand a wide range of other material including books, dissertations, educational software and audiovisual material. Abstracts and alerts are available. Detailed information about CINAHL Coverage: From 1937. Help: Online tutorial Additional Information: NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network HTML The Cincinnati Enquirer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: WHEN THE CINCINNATI Enquirer printed its first issue 1841, the thriving city – the nation’s 6th largest in the mid-19th century - was known as “The Queen of the West.” A remarkable period of rapid growth, epitomizing the expansive spirit of the country at large, gave The Cincinnati Enquirer a unique perspective to report on international, national and regional news. Sports, music, historic architecture and unique culinary staples, like “Cincinnati Chili” (which is served over spaghetti) and Goetta (a German-inspired fried meat and grain sausage) are central to the city’s culture. Cincinnati’s major league baseball team, the Cincinnati Reds, originated as America’s first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings. A vibrant jazz scene, which continues to the present day, contributed to the careers of such luminaries and Louis Armstrong, Jellyroll Morton and Hoagy Carmichael. Additionally, several Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in Cincinnati, including Procter & Gamble, Kroger and Macy’s, Inc. The digitized pages of this historic newspaper (1841-2009) provide researchers from a range of studies, including history, political science, economics and genealogy, with reports on world affairs, national events and a record of regional topics related to agriculture, manufacturing, government and people from the exciting, dynamic viewpoint of a quintessential western boomtown. Coverage: 1841-2009. HTML CiNii Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, pronounced like "sigh-knee") is a database service which can be searched with academic information of articles, Books, Journals & Dissertations. It is available free of charge for anyone. CiNii Articles enables you to search information on academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database. About CiNii Articles CiNii Books enables you to search information of books and journals held by university libraries in Japan. About CiNii Books CiNii Dissertations enables you to search information on dissertations written for doctoral degrees in Japan conferred by Japanese Universities and the National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation. About CiNii Dissertations HTML Cite Them Right Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cite them right online is a comprehensive guide to referencing almost anything you will come across in the course of your studies or research. Cite Them Right also includes a Referencing Tutorial. To access the Tutorial, you will now have the option to create an account and sign in as an authenticated user so that the Tutorial can remember your progress, or to explore freely without signing in and therefore without remembering your progress HTML Civil War Letters and Diaries Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection contains 2,009 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of diaries, letters and memoirs. Particular care has been taken to index this material so it can be searched more thoroughly than ever. Each source has been carefully chosen using leading bibliographies. The product includes 4,000 pages of previously unpublished manuscripts such as the letters of Amos Wood and his wife and the diary of Maryland Planter William Claytor. The collection also includes biographies, an extensive bibliography of the sources in the database, and material licensed from The Civil War Day-by-Day by E.B. Long. HTML Classical Music Reference Library Access Information: Access on and off campus. The Library's subscription to this resource expires 31 December 2021. Description: Classical Music Reference Library brings together a variety of essential reference materials, spanning the entire history of Western classical music, in a unified online database. Included are the authoritative reference titles Baker's Dictionary of Music, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker's Student Encyclopedia of Music, which are available for the first time in electronic form. HTML Clavis Clavium Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: Clavis Clavium is an integrated reference database and collaborative update platform to open up Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts. The aim of the project is to unite the leading claves into one database. This is an ongoing effort to update and extend the knowledge of texts, authors and saints. Note that the University of Edinburgh only has access to the Open Access Consultation part of this resource. HTML Cleveland Call & Post Access information: Access on and off campus. amps, and cigarettes. It also encouraged donations to the defense fund for the innocent youths, reminding its readers that the freedom of nine Southern black boys wasn’t all that was at stake — so were the rights of all black Americans to a fair jury trial. Through his newspaper, Walker also promoted participation in politics, urged the establishment of legal aid societies by the African-American community, and encouraged black solidarity and self-reliance. Today’s researchers can explore online 57 years of the Cleveland Call & Post. Coverage: 1934-1991. HTML Climate Change and Law Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: This comprehensive collection of climate change and law documents contains original source, non-edited and non-redacted “grey literature” (non-peer reviewed) in English, centered on climate change and the law. Incorporated in the category of ‘law’ is any discipline of law which addressed climate change, including corporate law, environmental law and human rights law. Materials in the collection originate from a wide range of organizations in the public and private sector, institutions, and/or individuals, world-wide. HTML ClinicalKeyAccess information:Access on and off campus.To access fulltext you may need to log in on the ClinicalKey site. Select Login in > Other institution login. then select University of Edinburgh.Description:ClinicalKey (from Elsevier) is a clinical search engine that helps health professionals make decisions anywhere, anytime, in any patient scenario. ClinicalKey’s Smart Search saves time by preventing unnecessary extra searches. ClinicalKey allows you to access the latest (indexed daily), most evidence-based answers in every medical and surgical speciality and contains the fulltext of Elsevier e-journals, e-books as well as videos, images and guidelines.Note:Videos cannot be downloaded for offline viewing. Additional institution login is required to download e-book chapter PDFs.Coverage:See HTML Cochrane Clinical Answers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews. HTML Cochrane Interactive LearningAccess information:Access on and off campus.Initial registration must be via Library proxy server - see Notes.Description:Self-paced learning modules on the full process for conducting systematic reviews according to Cochrane Collaboration guidance. The content is created by systematic review methods experts. There are 11 modules presented using text and multi-media, and including self-assessment in the form of exercises and quizzes.Your progress through the modules is recorded so that you can see what you’ve completed and pick up where you left off.For more information please see Notes:The first time you use this resource, you need to register to create account so that your progress may be recorded: click here for a step by step registration guide. There is a two-stage registration process – if you already have a Cochrane account, you can skip the first step. HTML Cochrane Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Restricted to UK IP addresses. Description: Used to inform the practice of evidence-based medicine. Cochrane includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, the Cochrane Review Methodology Database and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register. Updated quarterly. Cold Spring Harbor Protocolssee entry for CSH Protocols HTML Colonial State Papers Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The Colonial State Papers offers access to over 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 40,000 bibliographic records with this incredible resource on Colonial History. In addition to Britain's colonial relations with the Americas and other European rivals for power, this collection also covers the Caribbean and Atlantic world. It is an invaluable resource for scholars of early American history, British colonial history, Caribbean history, maritime history, Atlantic trade, plantations, and slavery. Coverage: Coverage: 1574 - 1757. HTML Colonial Law in Africa, 1946 -1966 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This database provides access to the African Government Gazettes from 1946-1966. These gazettes contain copies of the laws and ordinances which were introduced in the years they cover. Each item was originally published as the Government Gazette for a colony and year. Their contents include tenders of property, probate records and insolvency notices. The papers in this database cover the Mau Mau uprising, the creation of the first legislative councils and legal changes to transfer power to those councils. HTML Colonial Legacies: Empire & Commonwealth Periodicals Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The backfiles of over 30 periodicals concerning the 20th-century history of the British Empire, decolonization, and the history and culture of former colonies. This archive offers a mixture of British publications about the empire and titles published in Commonwealth countries. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century to the 21st – these publications encompass the key events in the empire's later phase and its post-independence legacies. HTML Columbia Gazetteer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online contains over 170,000 articles or entries on all types of places throughout the world; both physical places and political entities. HTML Colombia and the United States: Political Violence, Narcotics, and Human Rights, 1948-2010 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The National Security Archive's Colombia collection traces 50 years of U.S. policy toward its most important Andean ally throughout a period of sustained conflict, political corruption, and civil unrest. The approximately 2,000 documents from the State Department, Pentagon, Central Intelligence Agency, and other agencies focus on U.S. efforts during the Cold War, when insurgent groups first formed; during the drug war, when powerful narcotics trafficking organizations threatened the country's political institutions; during the rise of paramilitary violence in the 1990's, when right-wing militias terrorized rural Colombia; and during Plan Colombia and beyond, when human rights came up against a multi-billion dollar U.S. investment in Colombian security forces. HTML Communist Historical Newspaper Collection Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Collection of Communist American and British papers: The Daily Worker (1936-1958); The Ohio Socialist (1917-1919); People's Daily World (1986-1990); People's Weekly World (1990-2013); Sunday Worker (1936-1958); The Toiler(1919-1922); The Worker (1922-1924); New York; and The Worker (1958-1968); London. Coverage: 1917-2013. HTML Compendex Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The database of Engineering Index, providing coverage of the world's significant engineering and technological literature including journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings. With over 20 million records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Coverage: 1884 - present HTML Complete Anatomy by 3D4MedicalAccess information:Access on and off campus (requires application to be downloaded - see notes for instructions)Description:Interactive 3D anatomy learning resource. Complete Anatomy includes: layering of anatomical elements; interactive labelling; animations; courses & videos, quizzes and other tools.Notes:In order to gain access, you need to register while on campus, or if you are off-campus with Virtual Private Network (VPN) enabled. To set up the VPN on your device, see: get started;Download the Complete Anatomy 2024 app via the Apple, Microsoft or Google app stores.Register in-app while on-campus or using VPN while off-campus. After registration, the app may be used off-campus without VPN.Open the app and complete the “sign up for free” process using your university email addressOpen Settings, My Account and enter your University Activation Code (Click here for University Activation Code) HTML Complete Classics of Ancient China Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: The digital edition of the great encyclopedic compendium of the most important classics of China. The original printed copy was completed in 1726, consisting of 6 series and 6109 titles and covering nearly every subject in pre-18th century China such as astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine. Contents are displayed in both text and image formats, and are fully searchable in traditional Chinese characters. The compendium is the biggest of its kind in the world (only exceeded in scope by another Chinese encyclopedia, the 15th century Yong Le Da Dian most of which had been destroyed during wars). Ideal for quickly looking up most topics relating to pre-18th century China. HTML Computer Index of Nuclear Reaction Data (CINDA) Access information: Freely available. Description: Bibliographic references to measurements, calculations, reviews, and evaluations of neutron cross-sections and other microscopic neutron data. Includes index references to numerical neutron data from four regional neutron data centers. Photonuclear and charged particle reaction data included since 2005. Coverage: Two automatic updates from EXFOR and NSR each year. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Termssee description at entry for Oxford Art Online HTML Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe 1940-45Access information:Access on and off-campus.Description:This collection contains searchable British government documents from the National Archives of the UK, a linked Chronology of World War II, cine film from the Imperial War Museum London and newly commissioned thematic essays to create a primary-source research environment for students, teachers and researchers.Coverage:1940-1945. HTML Confederate Military Manuscripts and Records of Union Generals and the Union Army (1854-1870) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This module delivers manuscripts sourced from Virginia Historical Society; Louisiana State University; University of Texas at Austin; and the University of Virginia. Several previously unpublished collections of records include papers of spies, scouts, guides and detectives; records on military discipline from courts-martial; and records of the U.S. coloured Troops. HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Africa and Middle East Access information: Access on and off campus. Description A number of fascinating issues are chronicled including the brutal civil war between Biafra and Nigeria in the late 1960s; the 1964 Rivonia trial of Nelson Mandela and seven leaders of the African National Congress; violent protest against the South African government coupled with police crackdowns on the resistance; the first years of independence in Ghana and the Congo; and political developments in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Israel, including Ali Amin’s tenure as prime minister and his succession by Asadollah Alam in Iran, developments in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), the political fortunes of important members of the Israeli government, and the fragile security situation faced by Israel. The countries covered: Biafra/Nigeria; Congo; Egypt; Ghana; South Africa; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Lebanon; Palestine; Saudi Arabia; and the Persian & Gulf States (Aden, Bahrein, Kuwait, Muscat & Oman, Qatar, Trucial Sheiks); Yemen. HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Asia Access information: Access on and off campus. Description This module focuses on those U.S. State Department Files that have not been microfilmed by the National Archives or distributed by other publishers. It contains a wide range of sensitive materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: reports on political, military, and socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; and reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers. Topics in the third module, Asia, cover the Cultural Revolution in China, and relations between Buddhists and the Vietnamese government. HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Europe and Latin America Access information: Access on and off campus. Description The U.S. State Department Central Files are an important source of American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments throughout the world in the 20th century. Concentrating exclusively on those Central Files that have not been microfilmed by the National Archives or distributed by other publishers, the Central Files in History Vault contain a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: special reports on political and military affairs; studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; full texts of important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers; and countless translations of high-level foreign government documents. HTML Congressional Record Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional is a comprehensive online collection of primary source congressional publications and legislative research materials covering all topics, including government, current events, politics, economics, business, science and technology, international relations, social issues, finance, insurance, and medicine. Finding aid for congressional hearings, committee prints, committee reports and documents from 1970-present, and the daily Congressional Record from 1985-present. Compiled legislative histories from 1969-present. HTML Construction Information ServiceNote:Use the British Standards Online database for full-text access to British Standards and EurocodesAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:The Construction Information Service provides instant full-text access to current regulations, standards, technical advice and a vast array of related news and briefings. Key institutes and organisations that contribute to the service include: IStructE, CIRIA, CIOB, SCI, The Concrete Society, TRL, AJ, BSRIA, RIAI.Additional information:British Standards Online for full text access to British Standards and Eurocodes HTML Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods brings together archival and textual material relating to archaeological excavations, methods, and practices done in the late 20th century to present day. It provides insights into the lives, cultures, and societies of ancient and not-so-distant civilizations through the analysis of material remains and artifacts from the past. This collection allows researchers and students to use archival material and published works to better understand, analyse, and critique archaeological research. Featured in this collection is the The Cusichaca Trust Archive sourced from the Senate House Library, University of London. Led by archaeologist Ann Kendall, the Trust did numerous excavations in the South-Central Andes from 1980s-2010s. The archaeology, archaeobotany and ethnohistorical work focused on human occupation of the area from the late first millennium BC, through Inca expansion and into the Spanish Colonial period. HTML Contemporary World Drama Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Contemporary World Drama examines the richness and diversity of contemporary theatre and drama from a global context, bringing together new work from established and up-and-coming contemporary playwrights from around the world, including recently produced world premieres and previously unpublished works from every continent. At completion, the collection will include 1,000 contemporary plays, from 2000 to present day. HTML Context of Scripture Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Context of Scripture Online is a reference work aiming to provide access to a broad, balanced, and representative collection of Ancient Near Eastern texts that have an impact on the interpretation of the Bible. These ancient Egyptian, Semitic, Akkadian and Sumerian writings form the rich background to the literature of the Hebrew Bible. Access via Brill Reference Online. HTML The Coptic Gnostic Library Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Coptic Gnostic Library is a complete online edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices, which continue where the Dead Sea Scrolls left off. Written in Coptic, they are the main sources of information for the Gnostic religion. In order to view the contents, installation of the Unicode font Antinoou is recommended. Access via Brill Reference Online. HTML Cordis Access information: Freely available Description: Community Research and Development Information Service database, produced by Directorate General XIII of the EC, giving access to information on EC-sponsored scientific and technical research and development. HTML Coronavirus Research Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Coronavirus Research Database brings together trusted content from journals, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. This database brings together not only content from open-access journals, but also pre-prints and additional content being made freely available by major publishers from around the world. This versatile content set is designed to help students, researchers, and health care professionals investigate answers to pressing questions arising in the wake of the pandemic. The database will continue to grow as more is learned and new content is published. Further information About Coronavirus Research Database Corpus Christianorumsee Library of Latin Texts Online HTML Country Life Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A comprehensive archive (1897 to 2005) of the weekly British culture and lifestyle magazine, Country Life, focusing on fine art and architecture, the great country houses, and rural living. Every page is fully searchable, and reproduced in full color and high resolution. Country Life Archive presents a chronicle of more than 100 years of British heritage, including its art, architecture, and landscapes, with an emphasis on leisure pursuits such as antique collecting, hunting, shooting, equestrian news, and gardening. Coverage: 1897 to 2005 HTML CovidenceAccess information:Access on and off campus - see registration guidance in notes belowDescription:Covidence is a web-based platform that supports the established and rigorous methods for systematic reviews. The platform helps review teams to work together more efficiently, and supports collaborators who are geographically separated. Authentication note:See for instructions.Guidance and tutorials: HTML Creation of Israel: British Foreign Office Correspondence on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The British Foreign Office Political Correspondence files on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948 are essential for understanding the modern history of the Middle East, the establishment of Israel as a sovereign state, and the wider web of postwar international world politics. Early records in the collection focus on events in Palestine, Britain’s policy toward Palestine, and how the situation in Palestine affected relations with other nations. The files also survey the contours of Arab politics in the wider Middle East. Since the interests, rivalries, and designs of various Arab leaders were often played out with reference to Palestine, the documents provide insight into the complex and sometimes bloody Arab world. In the 1947-1948 period, this module explores the tensions within Anglo-American relations over the creation and recognition of Israel as a sovereign state. A large section of the material is devoted to United Nations deliberations on the Palestine question. The records also illuminate the political, philosophical, and personal fractures within and between both the Jewish and Arab communities from 1940-1948. HTML Critical Editions of the New Testament Online Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Digital collection of the principal critical editions of the New Testament including lists of variant readings and collections of manuscript transcriptions and collations from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century. A number of the most useful editions of the ancient versions and of ancillary materials have been included. HTML Croner-i Corporate Financial Reporting Access: Access on and off campus Description: Croner-i Corporate Financial Reporting provides authoritative and practical guidance with tools and checklists for accounting professionals. Coverage: UK GAAP standards and guidance IFRS standards and guidance Company law and governance Audit and accounting tools News HTML Cross-National Time-Series (CNTS) Data Archive Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Cross-National Time-Series (CNTS) Data Archive provides ranges of annual data from 1815 for circa 240 countries. Variable groups include: area and population data, computer usage, domestic conflict events, elections, energy, highway vehicle data, industrial and labour force data, industrial production, international status indicators, legislative processes, mail, media, military, national government revenue and expenditure, national income and currency, telephones, physicians, political data, railroads, school enrollment, telegraph, trade, and urbanization. Derived variables include percent annual increase. 2023 Edition includes tags for Anti-Government Demonstrations, assassinations, general strikes, major government crises, revolutions, riots, terrorism/guerrilla warfare and purges. Culverhouse Classical Musicsee Film & Sound Online HTML CSH (Cold Spring Harbour) Protocols Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Cold Spring Harbor Protocols is an interdisciplinary journal providing a definitive source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience and imaging. Each monthly issue details multiple essential methods-a mix of cutting-edge and well-established techniques. Newly commissioned protocols and unsolicited submissions are supplemented with articles based on Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s renowned courses and manuals. All protocols are up-to-date and presented in a consistent, easy-to-follow format. Coverage: 2006-present HTML Cuba and the U.S.: The Declassified History of Negotiations to Normalize Relations, 1959-2016 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: These documents record the hidden history of secret talks between the United States and Cuba from the Eisenhower era to Obama’s back-channel dialogue that led to a U.S. policy of engagement. The collection opens a new dimension into the contentious relationship between Washington and Havana. HTML The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 (from the Digital National Security Archive) presents an integrated, comprehensive record of U.S. decision making during the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation in the nuclear era. Much of the documentation focuses on U.S. decision making during what Robert Kennedy called the "Thirteen Days" of the missile crisis—from McGeorge Bundy's October 16, 1962 briefing of President Kennedy on the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba to Nikita Khrushchev's October 28 decision to withdraw the weapons. The numerous intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, political analyses, military situation reports, and meeting minutes included in the set portray both the deliberative process and the execution of critical decisions made by the Kennedy administration during the crisis. HTML The Cuban Missile Crisis: 50th Anniversary Update Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This is a rich update consisting the latest declassified documentation on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, supplementing the DNSA’s collections, with never-before-published records from U.S. and Soviet archives, highlights from the archive of Anastas Mikoyan - the Soviet leader who negotiated the end of the crisis, U.S. Navy tracking reports, briefing documents for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and formerly classified U.S. intelligence materials. Also in this update are 4 volumes of the CIA’s internal history of the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961. HTML Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited: An International Collection of Documents, from the Bay of Pigs to the Brink of Nuclear War Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection on the Cuban Missile Crisis is a unique contribution to that history. Published here for the first time is a multinational set of records – declassified documentation from the United States, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other key countries – covering events leading up to and through the missile crisis in 1962. Consisting of 1,463 documents providing details that have reshaped our understanding of history, the collection covers the CIA-led invasion at the Bay of Pigs; covert operations leading up to the Soviet installation of intermediate range weapons in Cuba; the crisis itself as it played out in Washington, Moscow and Havana; the negotiations to end the crisis between the U.S. and the Soviets; and previously poorly understood tensions between the Soviets and Fidel Castro. HTML Current Digest of the Russian Press Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Founded in 1949, The Current Digest was first published as The Current Digest of the Soviet Press (1949-1991), followed by The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press (1992-2010), and now The Current Digest of the Russian Press since January 2011 (from issue No. 3, Vol. 63). Each week the Current Digest presents a selection of Russian-language press materials, translated into English. The translations are intended for use in teaching and research. They are therefore presented as documentary materials without elaboration or comment, and state the opinions and views of the original authors, not of the publisher of the journal. Coverage: 1949-current. HTML Current Index to Statistics Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Bibliographic index with abstracts of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields from approximately 160 core journals, 1,200 journals in related fields, and 11,000 books. Developed by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association. Coverage: Bulk of publications published 1975-2017. This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users.
HTML CAIRN Access: On and off campus. Description: CAIRN offers online access to the full text of over 400 journals in French language published in France and Belgium since 2001, in the subjects of humanities and social sciences. There are also several thousand abstracts and hundreds of full-text articles in English which are either originally published in English or translated from French.
HTML Calgary Herald Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Calgary Herald is a daily newspaper published in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Publication began in 1883 as The Calgary Herald, Mining and Ranche Advocate and General Advertiser.
HTML Cambridge Books Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Individual titles are also available via DiscoverEd. Description: This collection provides access to over 50,000 Cambridge University Press e-books across all disciplines. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd and further titles will be added to the collection on a monthly basis.
HTML Cambridge Companions Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cross search the complete collection of Cambridge Companions. Full text is available for all publications. The Collections comprises the Companions to Literature and the Classics, the Companions to Music and the Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture.
HTML Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson Online Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This is the online edition of the same seven-volume print title, but not just. The fully searchable online edition includes all the original introductions, collations, and commentary, but it also complements, develops, and vastly extends the print edition with a large and flexible array of textual and contextual materials. In addition, the Online Edition includes a comprehensive body of essays and archives necessary for full study of Jonson’s life, performance history, and afterlife. In total, the edition contains around 90 old-spelling texts, 550 contextual documents, 80 essays, several hundred high-quality images, and 100 music scores; it lists details of more than 1300 stage performances, and has a cross-linked bibliography of over 7000 items.
HTML Cambridge Histories Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes. Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory. Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes. Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd.
HTML CancerLit via Medline Also available via PubMed Access information: CancerLit is now only available as a subset of Medline or PubMed. To access via Medline, go to Edit Limits and select Cancer from the subject subsets menu. The National Cancer Institute has set up tailor-made searches on more than 100 topics that can be run against the PubMed databases. See additional information for details. Description: See Medline or PubMed.
HTML Capital IQ (S&P) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Self-registration required. To register, click on "New User?", enter your University email address and follow the instructions to complete registration. Description: Capital IQ is widely used in industry and combines deep global company information, credit ratings and research and market research with tools for risk assessments. It provides access to both real-time and historical information and: • Global Company Data: financials, fixed income, estimates and ownership • Qualitative Data: key developments, transactions, profiles, people, relationships, private equity • Macroeconomic and commodity data Note: If you encounter login issues, try accessing via on campus, and if off campus, via the VPN.
HTML Capital IQ Pro (S&P) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Self-registration required. Click on “New User Sign Up” and select “S&P Capital IQ Pro New User Sign Up.” Enter your University email address and follow the instructions to complete registration. Description: S&P Capital IQ Pro (formerly Market Intelligence) is a global financial database, providing corporate, financial, and market data plus news and analytics for banks and insurance companies. It covers 50,000+ listed, non-listed and subsidiary banks (30,000+ active) in the Americas, AsiaPacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. It provides financial data, news, company documents, market data and country profiles. S&P Capital IQ Pro also provides access to the universe of companies from S&P Capital IQ with additional coverage of small companies. Further information: Product reference materials, technical guides, on-demand videos and training webinars are available in the Support section at You need to be registered and signed in to your S&P account to view these pages. Note: If you encounter login issues, try accessing via on campus, and if off campus, via the VPN.
HTML Carcanet Poetry Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Carcanet publishes the most comprehensive and diverse list of modern and classic poetry in English and in translation, as well as a range of inventive fiction, Lives and Letters and literary criticism. The digital Carcanet Collection offers access to more than 100 titles, including career-defining new work from the poets laureate of Jamaica (Mervyn Morris) and Wales (Gillian Clarke), a debut from rising star Joey Connolly, plus much-anticipated follow-up collections from Sinead Morrissey, Tara Bergin, Caroline Bird and Karen McCarthy Woolf. Each title, and the collection as a whole, is fully-searchable by keyword. Mobile users can also download the 'Exactly' app on an iOS or Android device from the relevant app store, and instantly access the book collection. Access will be granted to new e-books published throughout the year.
HTML Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Caribbean Newspapers, 1718-1876, a comprehensive primary resource from the American Antiquarian Society, is the largest online collection of 18th- and 19th-century newspapers published in the region. It is a valuable resource for studying the development of Western society and international relations within this important group of islands. This unique resource is essential for researching colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and U.S. relations with the region, as far back as the early 18th century. Created in cooperation with the American Antiquarian Society—one of the world's largest and most important newspaper repositories—this collection will provide students and scholars with easy access to more than 150 years of Caribbean and Atlantic history, cultures and daily life. Featuring more than 140 newspapers from 22 islands, this resource will chronicle the region’s evolution across two centuries through eyewitness reporting, editorials, legislative information, letters, poetry, advertisements, obituaries and other news items. To summarise, it is: The largest collection of fully searchable 18th- and 19th-century Caribbean newspapers online demonstrating the evolution of the region across two centuries, chronicled within more than 140 titles from 22 islands Essential for research on colonial history, the Atlantic slave trade, international commerce, New World slavery and related topics.
HTML Carlyle Letters Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: The Carlyle Letters Online includes over 12,000 letter written by Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle from 1812 to 1859, including correspondence with more than 600 recipients, such as Rober Browning, George Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Stuart Mill and Charles Dickens. Coverage: 1812-1859. Additional Information: For further information about the Carlyle Letters project, please see the School of English Literature website here.
HTML Casalini E-Books Collection Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Casalini full text platform (Torrossa) provides access to several thousand scholarly books and primary literary works from Italian and Spanish academic publishers since 2000 for University of Edinburgh users. As of July 2022, the collection consists of 2,463 Italian e-books (including a digital library called Biblioteca Italiana Zanichelli of 1,171 titles of Italian literary works – added in July 2022) and about 14,500 Italian book chapters and journal articles, 772 Spanish e-books and 2,450 Spanish book chapters and journal articles, as well as a small number of e-books, chapters and articles in English, French, Portuguese, German and Catalan. The database is full text searchable. Bibliographic records of the individual e-books are findable in DiscoverEd, but titles of book chapters and journal articles from this database are not yet indexed in DiscoverEd.
HTML CBS News Video Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported.
HTML CC Search: Creative Commons images search Access information: Freely available. Description: Openly licensed and public domain images. CC does not verify whether the images are properly CC licensed, or whether the attribution and other licensing information we have aggregated is accurate or complete. Copyright: Verification of the licensing status and attribution information of an image is required before it is re-used.
HTML The Cecil Papers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: ProQuest has teamed with Hatfield House Archives to digitize their privately held collection of almost 30,000 documents, gathered by William Cecil (1521-1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563-1612), First Earl of Salisbury. William Cecil (1521-1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563-1612), First Earl of Salisbury were at the heart of events during one of the most dynamic periods in Western history. One of Elizabeth’s I’s closest advisors, William Cecil was both her Lord High Treasurer and her Secretary of State – a position also held by his son who continued to serve Elizabeth and her successor, James I. Previously, the essential historic documents available in the Cecil Papers were only available at Hatfield House in the United Kingdom. Now, ProQuest has made this collection available to scholars, students, and general users for the thorough study of significant events and individuals of the 16th and 17th centuries.
HTML Census Data Support Unit: Census Flow Data Access information: Available on and off-campus from WICID (the Web-based Interface to Census Interaction Data). Choose Login via UK Federation. Registration is required. Follow the registration link for details. Description: Census flow data (also known as interaction data) relate to flows of people between places, both origins and destinations. Coverage: Migration and commuting data from the 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011census data. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service.
HTML Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Central and Eastern European Online Library: gives access to thousands of academic full-text e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences, from and about Central and Eastern Europe. Our subscription gives you access to the following subject categories: fine arts, performing arts, music, architecture and photography.
HTML CERN Document Server (CDS) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from CERN. Description: Approximately 950,000 bibliographic records for particle physics material and related areas, includes 360,000 full text documents and covers preprints, articles, books, journals, photographs and standards. Email alerts or RSS feeds are available.
HTML CHCC Historical Censuses Collection Access information: Available on and off-campus from CHCC. Registration is required. Description: The service provides access and support for a range of historical datasets, promoting and facilitating increased and more effective use of data in research, learning and teaching. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service.
HTML Chicago Defender Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Chicago Defender provides more than six decades of this newspaper’s historic coverage, online and easily searchable. The newspaper was a proponent of The Great Migration, the move of over 1.5 million African-Americans from the segregated South to the industrial North from 1915 to 1925. It reported on the Red Summer race riots of 1919, and editorialized for anti-lynching legislation and the integration of blacks into the U.S. military. Coverage: 1910-1975.
HTML Chicago Tribune Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Coverage: 1849-2013.
HTML Child Development and Adolescent Studies Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This database provides references to the current and historical literature related to growth and development of children through the age of 21. This includes all of the issues of Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography from 1927-2001 previously published by the Society for Research in Child Development, plus new coverage on child rights and welfare issues. Book reviews and abstracts from hundreds of journals and a bibliography of thousands of technical reports, books, book chapters, thesis and dissertations covering biomedical and social sciences worldwide are indexed in this database. More than 510,000 records are included, with over 58,000 new records added each year. Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls)
HTML Children’s Magazine Archive, 1866-2020 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The backfiles of a variety of 20th-century serials covering many aspects of children's lives and interests. These include titles focusing on education, entertainment / literature, news, and religion / moral development. As well as shedding light on the history of childhood and family life during this period, these titles provide alternative perspectives in the study of 20th-century advertising/marketing, popular culture, education, media, and print culture.
HTML Chile and the United States: U.S. Policy toward Democracy, Dictatorship, and Human Rights, 1970–1990 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection presents 2,842 once-secret, U.S. records--among them hundreds of declassified Top Secret CIA operational memos, cables, and reports--as well as records from the archives and courts of other nations tracing the U.S. role in Chile from the Nixon administration's covert efforts to block the election and inauguration of Salvador Allende, through the military takeover of September 11, 1973, to the end of Gen. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship and his eventual arrest in London.
HTML China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This collection pulls together more than 2,000 documents concerning the relationship between the United States and China, emphasizing the pivotal years 1969-1998. The documents include memos, cables, and studies of the bilateral relationship; records on U.S.-PRC security ties and scientific association with the PRC; intelligence estimates; and studies of the PRC's foreign policy objectives, military capabilities, and internal conditions. The documents were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the State Department, Defense Department, Commerce Department, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pacific Command, and the military services.
HTML China Academic Journals (Simplified Chinese language version) China Academic Journals (Traditional Chinese language version) China Academic Journals (English language version) Access information: Access on and off campus. Use this link for off campus access if you encounter difficulties: Due to a change in Chinese law, there could be some further restrictions on content in CAJ on 31/3/23. For further info, please see Chinese_regulatory_actions_impact_map.indd ( NB: Due to changes in Chinese law, CNKI will be required to update its licenses with Chinese journal publishers to confirm that individual authors affirm their permission for content to be redistributed in database form in certain circumstances. 495 of the total 10,110 journals appearing in CAJ are impacted. A title list detailing the impacted journals can be found on East View’s website here. CNKI has informed us that the contract exercise has commenced, and we are informed that content is being restored to public view as each publisher contract is amended in accordance with the new requirements. This process may vary greatly depending on the publisher and title lists will be updated as each is addressed. 30/01/2023 Description: Full-text database of 10,243 China academic journals covering all subject areas in science, technology, medicine, arts, humanities and social sciences. The database consists of 10 series which are further divided into 168 subjects. Edinburgh University users have access to all these. Some journals date back to the first issue in 1915. Articles are in simplified Chinese in PDF format. The database is fully searchable in simplified Chinese by article title, journal title, author, and keyword in the full texts across all the journals and all the subjects. Searching in English will also retrieve a certain number of articles which have English abstracts. The default database platform is in English, but you can easily switch it to the Chinese interface at the top right corner. User Guide is also downloadable from the button at the very top of the database screen. Coverage: 1915 to present. Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here.
HTML China Core Newspapers (access to index level content only) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Access to index level content only. Use this link if you encounter difficulties - Description: A full-text database of articles from 633 newspapers in China. Updated daily. Although we have not purchased the full-text access, searching for bibliographical information is free. Coverage: 2000 to present. Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here.
HTML China Culture and Society Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Spanning three centuries (c. 1750-1929), this resource makes available for the first time extremely rare pamphlets from Cornell University Library’s Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia, one of the oldest and most distinctive collections of its kind and a very rich source for research on China for teachers and students from undergraduate-level to research-level and beyond. Digitised in its entirety and in full colour, the Wason collection of c. 1,200 pamphlets encompasses speeches, guides, reports, essays, catalogues, magazine articles and other material addressing Chinese history, culture, and everyday life. The resource is full-text searchable, allowing for the collection to be comprehensively explored and studied. The wide variety of research interests and themes covered by the pamphlets include education, emigration, the foreign presence, missionaries, wars, rebellion, reform, opium, healthcare and language.
HTML China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (Simplified Chinese Version) China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (Traditional Chinese Version) China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database (English version) Access information: Access on and off-campus (select China Doctor/Master Dissertations Full-Text Database). Use this link if you encounter difficulties Description: The database consists of two parts: China Doctoral Dissertations and China Masters’ Theses. They contain thousands of such texts from higher education institutions and research institutes in China since 1984, in the broad subject areas in arts, humanities and social sciences, including art, literature, language, history, philosophy, military affairs, law, education, economics and management. Coverage of dissertations and theses from top universities and research institutes, including "985 Project" and "211 Project" universities and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, is almost complete. The database is cross-searchable with China Academic Journals which we also subscribe to. Coverage: 1984 onwards Note: The CNKI platform user manual can be found here. (Microsoft Word document)
HTML China Law Info (Chinese language version) China Law Info (English language version) Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Also known as Beida fabao, China Law Info is a bilingual database for China legal documents and information. The database provides both the original Chinese version and the English translation of China laws and regulations, judicial cases, tax treaties, white papers, law journals and gazettes, as well as other China legal information such as legal news and legislative/regulatory updates. The database is updated daily. . Note: The English version can also be accessed from the Chinese version by clicking the menu button ‘English’. All the English translations are accompanied by their original Chinese texts and the English and Chinese texts can be displayed side by side. All the documents can be read online or downloaded by clicking the ‘Download’ button in the top right corner.
HTML Chinamaxx Digital Library Access information: Available on campus and off campus. Description: This is a digital library of some 710,000 Chinese e-books covering all subjects of learning. The Library has purchased no more than 1,189 e-books from this database. All the titles, whether purchased or not, can be searched and contents displayed. Purchased items can be read in full text in their entirety while other items are available as full text for the first 17 pages. We will continue to purchase more items on user recommendation. If you see anything important to you, click on ‘tuijian’ (recommend) and the whole book will be available within a week. Chinese e-books from this database are not yet listed in DiscoverEd.
HTML Chinese Foreign Policy Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Chinese Foreign Policy Database enhances the ability of contemporary observers and historians to gain broader perspectives on Chinese policies. Curating 1000s of documents from Chinese and international archives, it offers insights into China’s foreign policy since 1949 and its relationship to ideology, revolution, the economy, and traditional Chinese culture. The Database is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation.
HTML Chinese Newspapers Collection (1832-1953) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database provides access to the full text of about a dozen English language newspapers published in China during the said period. It includes historical local, regional and national news on a wide range of issues of the day. The database is cross searchable with other ProQuest historical newspapers or with all the ProQuest databases we have purchased or subscribed to. Coverage: 1832-1953
HTML Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (1911-1949) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database currently consists of eleven series, containing the full text of more than 10,000 periodicals published during this important Minguo (i.e. Republic of China) period. it is cross searchable with the Late Qing Dynasty Full-text Periodicals 1833-1911. Further information User manual can be downloaded here
HTML Chosun Ilbo Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the major newspapers in South Korea, available in PDF format. Coverage: 1920 to present User guide: Guide for Chosun Ilbo Archive (KOR)
HTML Christian-Muslim Relations Vol 1 and 2 Access information: Access on and off campus. Vol.1 Link Vol. 2 Link Description: Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History Online is a general history of relations between the two faiths as this is represented in works written by Christians and Muslims about the other and against the other. Vol.1 covers the period from 600 to 1500, when encounters took place through the extended Mediterranean basin and are recorded in Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin and other languages. Vol.2 covers all parts of the world in the period 1500-1914.
HTML The Christian Science Monitor Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: AFTER BEING PROVOKED by Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World newspaper for her unconventional religious ideas, 87-year-old Mary Baker Eddy founded The Christian Science Monitor. In contrast to the yellow journalism of the day, this newspaper’s directive was to “injure no man, but to bless all mankind.” Over the decades, her newspaper has earned many awards for journalistic excellence — including, ironically, several “Pulitzer” Prizes. With the exception of publishing one religious article each day at the request of the pioneering Mrs. Eddy, The Christian Science Monitor provides secular, balanced coverage of international news and events, as a public service. For more than 100 years, its staff writers and correspondents around the world have reported on wars, scientific discoveries, human rights abuses, political campaigns, the arts, the environment, and people trying to make a positive difference. Coverage: 1908-2006.
HTML Churchill Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Until recently the only way to access this historical resource was to visit the Churchill Archives Centre in Cambridge, now researchers can browse the nearly 800,000 private letters, speeches, telegrams, manuscripts, government transcripts and other key historical documents within the archive. Search the Churchill catalogue online, browse by topic and period and explore the people and places which appear in the archive.
HTML Church Missionary Society Periodicals Module 1: Global Missions and Contemporary Encounters, 1804-2009Access information:Access on and off campusDescription:From its roots as an Anglican evangelical movement driven by lay persons, this resource encompasses publications from the CMS and the latterly integrated South American Missionary Society. Documenting missionary work from the 19th to the 21st century, the periodicals include news, journals and reports offering a unique perspective on global history and cultural encounter.
HTML Church Missionary Society Periodicals Module 2: Medical Journals, Asian Missions and the Historical RecordAccess information:Access on or off campus.Description:The focus of this second module is on the publications of CMS medical mission auxiliaries, the work of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society among women in Asia and the Middle East, newsletters from native churches and student missions in China and Japan, and 'home' material including periodicals aimed specifically at women and children subscribers. Articles, often in the form of letters authored by missionaries abroad, are enhanced by detailed illustrations and photographs of their surroundings, the mission community and the people among whom they worked.
HTML CIA Cold War Research Reports and Records on Communism in China and Eastern Europe (1917-1976) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This module consists of two major series of records: CIA Research Reports from 1946-1976 and records collected by Raymond Murphy on Communism in China and Eastern Europe from 1917-1958. Beginning in 1946 with reports of the CIA’s predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group, CIA Research Reports reproduces over 1,500 reports on eight areas: Middle East; Soviet Union; Vietnam and Southeast Asia; China; Japan, Korea, and Asian security; Europe; Africa; and Latin America. This series deals with international questions and biographical reports, offering profiles of relatively unknown leaders. The Murphy Collection provides information on war recovery efforts, international aid, the formation of countries and substantial information on the Chinese Communist Party. Coverage: 1917-1976
HTML CIA Covert Operations: From Carter to Obama, 1977-2010 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This set represents the first part of what will be an even broader collection focused on covert operations of the Central Intelligence Agency throughout its history. This segment covers management and control of covert operations, as well as specific activities carried out during the Carter, Reagan, Bush (I), Clinton, Bush (II) and Obama presidencies. Containing 2,337 documents, the publication brings together declassified documents and other materials, including key congressional records (necessary for understanding the scope and context of CIA activities), to offer unprecedented detail on a vital but poorly represented aspect of United States foreign activity. Coverage: 1977-2010.
HTML CIA Covert Operations II: The Year of Intelligence, 1975 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The first full year of the Gerald R. Ford administration is sometimes known as “The Year of Intelligence,” denoting a season of inquiry into America’s spy agencies set off by a wave of media revelations of official abuses and wrongdoing that predate the current era of media and congressional investigations by decades. The “Year of Intelligence” set, the second in the Archive’s series on CIA covert activities and their context, documents these investigations. The set shows how the agency reported on the revelations, how President Ford’s White House staff created and managed a strategy to limit and restrain the investigations, how the Rockefeller Commission and congressional committee members pursued their inquiries, and many of the secrets they uncovered.
HTML CIA Covert Operations, Part III: From Kennedy to Nixon, 1961-1974 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The third in the National Security Archive's unparalleled series of primary source compilations on the CIA's clandestine side, takes the story from the epic disaster of the Bay of Pigs through a series of little-known or under-explored covert activities in Cuba (including the Mongoose operation), British Guiana, Bolivia, Indonesia, the Dominican Republic, Iraq (the Kurds) and more. Coverage: 1961-1974.
HTML CIA Covert Operations IV: The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1961Access information:Access on and off campus. Description:This collection focuses on a highly active, if checkered, period in the history of the CIA, during which President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized numerous clandestine programs around the world. These include Iran 1953, Tibet 1956-57, and the Congo, beginning in 1960. A highlight is Eisenhower’s original decision and plans to mount operations against Castro’s Cuba that led to the Bay of Pigs. The set thus dovetails neatly with previous DNSA publications covering not only events in Cuba but also in Berlin, Guatemala, and Vietnam.Coverage:1953-1961.
HTML CIA Family Jewels Indexed Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The work of the National Security Archive's efforts over 15 years to obtain the CIA's most closely held secrets about their domestic intelligence activities conducted at the height of the Cold War, through 1973. Among the most controversial documents ever compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency, the "Family Jewels" represents the CIA's own view, in 1973, of those domestic activities it had engaged in up to that time that were outside its charter, hence illegal.
HTML CIAO - Columbia International Affairs Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A source for theory and research in international affairs containing a wide range of scholarship on that includes working papers from university conferences. Each section of CIAO is regularly updated with new material. Coverage: From 1991.
HTML CINAHL Plus- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Covers 4,175 nursing, allied health, biomedicine, behavioural science, education and consumer health journal sand a wide range of other material including books, dissertations, educational software and audiovisual material. Abstracts and alerts are available. Detailed information about CINAHL Coverage: From 1937. Help: Online tutorial Additional Information: NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network
HTML The Cincinnati Enquirer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: WHEN THE CINCINNATI Enquirer printed its first issue 1841, the thriving city – the nation’s 6th largest in the mid-19th century - was known as “The Queen of the West.” A remarkable period of rapid growth, epitomizing the expansive spirit of the country at large, gave The Cincinnati Enquirer a unique perspective to report on international, national and regional news. Sports, music, historic architecture and unique culinary staples, like “Cincinnati Chili” (which is served over spaghetti) and Goetta (a German-inspired fried meat and grain sausage) are central to the city’s culture. Cincinnati’s major league baseball team, the Cincinnati Reds, originated as America’s first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings. A vibrant jazz scene, which continues to the present day, contributed to the careers of such luminaries and Louis Armstrong, Jellyroll Morton and Hoagy Carmichael. Additionally, several Fortune 500 companies are headquartered in Cincinnati, including Procter & Gamble, Kroger and Macy’s, Inc. The digitized pages of this historic newspaper (1841-2009) provide researchers from a range of studies, including history, political science, economics and genealogy, with reports on world affairs, national events and a record of regional topics related to agriculture, manufacturing, government and people from the exciting, dynamic viewpoint of a quintessential western boomtown. Coverage: 1841-2009.
HTML CiNii Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, pronounced like "sigh-knee") is a database service which can be searched with academic information of articles, Books, Journals & Dissertations. It is available free of charge for anyone. CiNii Articles enables you to search information on academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database. About CiNii Articles CiNii Books enables you to search information of books and journals held by university libraries in Japan. About CiNii Books CiNii Dissertations enables you to search information on dissertations written for doctoral degrees in Japan conferred by Japanese Universities and the National Institute for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation. About CiNii Dissertations
HTML Cite Them Right Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cite them right online is a comprehensive guide to referencing almost anything you will come across in the course of your studies or research. Cite Them Right also includes a Referencing Tutorial. To access the Tutorial, you will now have the option to create an account and sign in as an authenticated user so that the Tutorial can remember your progress, or to explore freely without signing in and therefore without remembering your progress
HTML Civil War Letters and Diaries Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection contains 2,009 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of diaries, letters and memoirs. Particular care has been taken to index this material so it can be searched more thoroughly than ever. Each source has been carefully chosen using leading bibliographies. The product includes 4,000 pages of previously unpublished manuscripts such as the letters of Amos Wood and his wife and the diary of Maryland Planter William Claytor. The collection also includes biographies, an extensive bibliography of the sources in the database, and material licensed from The Civil War Day-by-Day by E.B. Long.
HTML Classical Music Reference Library Access Information: Access on and off campus. The Library's subscription to this resource expires 31 December 2021. Description: Classical Music Reference Library brings together a variety of essential reference materials, spanning the entire history of Western classical music, in a unified online database. Included are the authoritative reference titles Baker's Dictionary of Music, Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, and Baker's Student Encyclopedia of Music, which are available for the first time in electronic form.
HTML Clavis Clavium Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: Clavis Clavium is an integrated reference database and collaborative update platform to open up Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts. The aim of the project is to unite the leading claves into one database. This is an ongoing effort to update and extend the knowledge of texts, authors and saints. Note that the University of Edinburgh only has access to the Open Access Consultation part of this resource.
HTML Cleveland Call & Post Access information: Access on and off campus. amps, and cigarettes. It also encouraged donations to the defense fund for the innocent youths, reminding its readers that the freedom of nine Southern black boys wasn’t all that was at stake — so were the rights of all black Americans to a fair jury trial. Through his newspaper, Walker also promoted participation in politics, urged the establishment of legal aid societies by the African-American community, and encouraged black solidarity and self-reliance. Today’s researchers can explore online 57 years of the Cleveland Call & Post. Coverage: 1934-1991.
HTML Climate Change and Law Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: This comprehensive collection of climate change and law documents contains original source, non-edited and non-redacted “grey literature” (non-peer reviewed) in English, centered on climate change and the law. Incorporated in the category of ‘law’ is any discipline of law which addressed climate change, including corporate law, environmental law and human rights law. Materials in the collection originate from a wide range of organizations in the public and private sector, institutions, and/or individuals, world-wide.
HTML ClinicalKeyAccess information:Access on and off campus.To access fulltext you may need to log in on the ClinicalKey site. Select Login in > Other institution login. then select University of Edinburgh.Description:ClinicalKey (from Elsevier) is a clinical search engine that helps health professionals make decisions anywhere, anytime, in any patient scenario. ClinicalKey’s Smart Search saves time by preventing unnecessary extra searches. ClinicalKey allows you to access the latest (indexed daily), most evidence-based answers in every medical and surgical speciality and contains the fulltext of Elsevier e-journals, e-books as well as videos, images and guidelines.Note:Videos cannot be downloaded for offline viewing. Additional institution login is required to download e-book chapter PDFs.Coverage:See
HTML Cochrane Clinical Answers Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews.
HTML Cochrane Interactive LearningAccess information:Access on and off campus.Initial registration must be via Library proxy server - see Notes.Description:Self-paced learning modules on the full process for conducting systematic reviews according to Cochrane Collaboration guidance. The content is created by systematic review methods experts. There are 11 modules presented using text and multi-media, and including self-assessment in the form of exercises and quizzes.Your progress through the modules is recorded so that you can see what you’ve completed and pick up where you left off.For more information please see Notes:The first time you use this resource, you need to register to create account so that your progress may be recorded: click here for a step by step registration guide. There is a two-stage registration process – if you already have a Cochrane account, you can skip the first step.
HTML Cochrane Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Restricted to UK IP addresses. Description: Used to inform the practice of evidence-based medicine. Cochrane includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, the Cochrane Review Methodology Database and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register. Updated quarterly.
HTML Colonial State Papers Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The Colonial State Papers offers access to over 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 40,000 bibliographic records with this incredible resource on Colonial History. In addition to Britain's colonial relations with the Americas and other European rivals for power, this collection also covers the Caribbean and Atlantic world. It is an invaluable resource for scholars of early American history, British colonial history, Caribbean history, maritime history, Atlantic trade, plantations, and slavery. Coverage: Coverage: 1574 - 1757.
HTML Colonial Law in Africa, 1946 -1966 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This database provides access to the African Government Gazettes from 1946-1966. These gazettes contain copies of the laws and ordinances which were introduced in the years they cover. Each item was originally published as the Government Gazette for a colony and year. Their contents include tenders of property, probate records and insolvency notices. The papers in this database cover the Mau Mau uprising, the creation of the first legislative councils and legal changes to transfer power to those councils.
HTML Colonial Legacies: Empire & Commonwealth Periodicals Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The backfiles of over 30 periodicals concerning the 20th-century history of the British Empire, decolonization, and the history and culture of former colonies. This archive offers a mixture of British publications about the empire and titles published in Commonwealth countries. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century to the 21st – these publications encompass the key events in the empire's later phase and its post-independence legacies.
HTML Columbia Gazetteer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Columbia Gazetteer of the World Online contains over 170,000 articles or entries on all types of places throughout the world; both physical places and political entities.
HTML Colombia and the United States: Political Violence, Narcotics, and Human Rights, 1948-2010 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The National Security Archive's Colombia collection traces 50 years of U.S. policy toward its most important Andean ally throughout a period of sustained conflict, political corruption, and civil unrest. The approximately 2,000 documents from the State Department, Pentagon, Central Intelligence Agency, and other agencies focus on U.S. efforts during the Cold War, when insurgent groups first formed; during the drug war, when powerful narcotics trafficking organizations threatened the country's political institutions; during the rise of paramilitary violence in the 1990's, when right-wing militias terrorized rural Colombia; and during Plan Colombia and beyond, when human rights came up against a multi-billion dollar U.S. investment in Colombian security forces.
HTML Communist Historical Newspaper Collection Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Collection of Communist American and British papers: The Daily Worker (1936-1958); The Ohio Socialist (1917-1919); People's Daily World (1986-1990); People's Weekly World (1990-2013); Sunday Worker (1936-1958); The Toiler(1919-1922); The Worker (1922-1924); New York; and The Worker (1958-1968); London. Coverage: 1917-2013.
HTML Compendex Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The database of Engineering Index, providing coverage of the world's significant engineering and technological literature including journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings. With over 20 million records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Coverage: 1884 - present
HTML Complete Anatomy by 3D4MedicalAccess information:Access on and off campus (requires application to be downloaded - see notes for instructions)Description:Interactive 3D anatomy learning resource. Complete Anatomy includes: layering of anatomical elements; interactive labelling; animations; courses & videos, quizzes and other tools.Notes:In order to gain access, you need to register while on campus, or if you are off-campus with Virtual Private Network (VPN) enabled. To set up the VPN on your device, see: get started;Download the Complete Anatomy 2024 app via the Apple, Microsoft or Google app stores.Register in-app while on-campus or using VPN while off-campus. After registration, the app may be used off-campus without VPN.Open the app and complete the “sign up for free” process using your university email addressOpen Settings, My Account and enter your University Activation Code (Click here for University Activation Code)
HTML Complete Classics of Ancient China Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: The digital edition of the great encyclopedic compendium of the most important classics of China. The original printed copy was completed in 1726, consisting of 6 series and 6109 titles and covering nearly every subject in pre-18th century China such as astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine. Contents are displayed in both text and image formats, and are fully searchable in traditional Chinese characters. The compendium is the biggest of its kind in the world (only exceeded in scope by another Chinese encyclopedia, the 15th century Yong Le Da Dian most of which had been destroyed during wars). Ideal for quickly looking up most topics relating to pre-18th century China.
HTML Computer Index of Nuclear Reaction Data (CINDA) Access information: Freely available. Description: Bibliographic references to measurements, calculations, reviews, and evaluations of neutron cross-sections and other microscopic neutron data. Includes index references to numerical neutron data from four regional neutron data centers. Photonuclear and charged particle reaction data included since 2005. Coverage: Two automatic updates from EXFOR and NSR each year.
HTML Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe 1940-45Access information:Access on and off-campus.Description:This collection contains searchable British government documents from the National Archives of the UK, a linked Chronology of World War II, cine film from the Imperial War Museum London and newly commissioned thematic essays to create a primary-source research environment for students, teachers and researchers.Coverage:1940-1945.
HTML Confederate Military Manuscripts and Records of Union Generals and the Union Army (1854-1870) Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: This module delivers manuscripts sourced from Virginia Historical Society; Louisiana State University; University of Texas at Austin; and the University of Virginia. Several previously unpublished collections of records include papers of spies, scouts, guides and detectives; records on military discipline from courts-martial; and records of the U.S. coloured Troops.
HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Africa and Middle East Access information: Access on and off campus. Description A number of fascinating issues are chronicled including the brutal civil war between Biafra and Nigeria in the late 1960s; the 1964 Rivonia trial of Nelson Mandela and seven leaders of the African National Congress; violent protest against the South African government coupled with police crackdowns on the resistance; the first years of independence in Ghana and the Congo; and political developments in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Israel, including Ali Amin’s tenure as prime minister and his succession by Asadollah Alam in Iran, developments in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), the political fortunes of important members of the Israeli government, and the fragile security situation faced by Israel. The countries covered: Biafra/Nigeria; Congo; Egypt; Ghana; South Africa; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Lebanon; Palestine; Saudi Arabia; and the Persian & Gulf States (Aden, Bahrein, Kuwait, Muscat & Oman, Qatar, Trucial Sheiks); Yemen.
HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Asia Access information: Access on and off campus. Description This module focuses on those U.S. State Department Files that have not been microfilmed by the National Archives or distributed by other publishers. It contains a wide range of sensitive materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: reports on political, military, and socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; and reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers. Topics in the third module, Asia, cover the Cultural Revolution in China, and relations between Buddhists and the Vietnamese government.
HTML Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files - Europe and Latin America Access information: Access on and off campus. Description The U.S. State Department Central Files are an important source of American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments throughout the world in the 20th century. Concentrating exclusively on those Central Files that have not been microfilmed by the National Archives or distributed by other publishers, the Central Files in History Vault contain a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: special reports on political and military affairs; studies and statistics on socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; court proceedings and other legal documents; full texts of important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers; and countless translations of high-level foreign government documents.
HTML Congressional Record Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional is a comprehensive online collection of primary source congressional publications and legislative research materials covering all topics, including government, current events, politics, economics, business, science and technology, international relations, social issues, finance, insurance, and medicine. Finding aid for congressional hearings, committee prints, committee reports and documents from 1970-present, and the daily Congressional Record from 1985-present. Compiled legislative histories from 1969-present.
HTML Construction Information ServiceNote:Use the British Standards Online database for full-text access to British Standards and EurocodesAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:The Construction Information Service provides instant full-text access to current regulations, standards, technical advice and a vast array of related news and briefings. Key institutes and organisations that contribute to the service include: IStructE, CIRIA, CIOB, SCI, The Concrete Society, TRL, AJ, BSRIA, RIAI.Additional information:British Standards Online for full text access to British Standards and Eurocodes
HTML Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Contemporary Anthropology: Archaeological Fieldwork and Methods brings together archival and textual material relating to archaeological excavations, methods, and practices done in the late 20th century to present day. It provides insights into the lives, cultures, and societies of ancient and not-so-distant civilizations through the analysis of material remains and artifacts from the past. This collection allows researchers and students to use archival material and published works to better understand, analyse, and critique archaeological research. Featured in this collection is the The Cusichaca Trust Archive sourced from the Senate House Library, University of London. Led by archaeologist Ann Kendall, the Trust did numerous excavations in the South-Central Andes from 1980s-2010s. The archaeology, archaeobotany and ethnohistorical work focused on human occupation of the area from the late first millennium BC, through Inca expansion and into the Spanish Colonial period.
HTML Contemporary World Drama Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Contemporary World Drama examines the richness and diversity of contemporary theatre and drama from a global context, bringing together new work from established and up-and-coming contemporary playwrights from around the world, including recently produced world premieres and previously unpublished works from every continent. At completion, the collection will include 1,000 contemporary plays, from 2000 to present day.
HTML Context of Scripture Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Context of Scripture Online is a reference work aiming to provide access to a broad, balanced, and representative collection of Ancient Near Eastern texts that have an impact on the interpretation of the Bible. These ancient Egyptian, Semitic, Akkadian and Sumerian writings form the rich background to the literature of the Hebrew Bible. Access via Brill Reference Online.
HTML The Coptic Gnostic Library Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Coptic Gnostic Library is a complete online edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices, which continue where the Dead Sea Scrolls left off. Written in Coptic, they are the main sources of information for the Gnostic religion. In order to view the contents, installation of the Unicode font Antinoou is recommended. Access via Brill Reference Online.
HTML Cordis Access information: Freely available Description: Community Research and Development Information Service database, produced by Directorate General XIII of the EC, giving access to information on EC-sponsored scientific and technical research and development.
HTML Coronavirus Research Database Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Coronavirus Research Database brings together trusted content from journals, preprints, conference proceedings, dissertations and more related to COVID-19 and other coronaviruses. This database brings together not only content from open-access journals, but also pre-prints and additional content being made freely available by major publishers from around the world. This versatile content set is designed to help students, researchers, and health care professionals investigate answers to pressing questions arising in the wake of the pandemic. The database will continue to grow as more is learned and new content is published. Further information About Coronavirus Research Database
HTML Country Life Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A comprehensive archive (1897 to 2005) of the weekly British culture and lifestyle magazine, Country Life, focusing on fine art and architecture, the great country houses, and rural living. Every page is fully searchable, and reproduced in full color and high resolution. Country Life Archive presents a chronicle of more than 100 years of British heritage, including its art, architecture, and landscapes, with an emphasis on leisure pursuits such as antique collecting, hunting, shooting, equestrian news, and gardening. Coverage: 1897 to 2005
HTML CovidenceAccess information:Access on and off campus - see registration guidance in notes belowDescription:Covidence is a web-based platform that supports the established and rigorous methods for systematic reviews. The platform helps review teams to work together more efficiently, and supports collaborators who are geographically separated. Authentication note:See for instructions.Guidance and tutorials:
HTML Creation of Israel: British Foreign Office Correspondence on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948 Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The British Foreign Office Political Correspondence files on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948 are essential for understanding the modern history of the Middle East, the establishment of Israel as a sovereign state, and the wider web of postwar international world politics. Early records in the collection focus on events in Palestine, Britain’s policy toward Palestine, and how the situation in Palestine affected relations with other nations. The files also survey the contours of Arab politics in the wider Middle East. Since the interests, rivalries, and designs of various Arab leaders were often played out with reference to Palestine, the documents provide insight into the complex and sometimes bloody Arab world. In the 1947-1948 period, this module explores the tensions within Anglo-American relations over the creation and recognition of Israel as a sovereign state. A large section of the material is devoted to United Nations deliberations on the Palestine question. The records also illuminate the political, philosophical, and personal fractures within and between both the Jewish and Arab communities from 1940-1948.
HTML Critical Editions of the New Testament Online Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Digital collection of the principal critical editions of the New Testament including lists of variant readings and collections of manuscript transcriptions and collations from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century. A number of the most useful editions of the ancient versions and of ancillary materials have been included.
HTML Croner-i Corporate Financial Reporting Access: Access on and off campus Description: Croner-i Corporate Financial Reporting provides authoritative and practical guidance with tools and checklists for accounting professionals. Coverage: UK GAAP standards and guidance IFRS standards and guidance Company law and governance Audit and accounting tools News
HTML Cross-National Time-Series (CNTS) Data Archive Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Cross-National Time-Series (CNTS) Data Archive provides ranges of annual data from 1815 for circa 240 countries. Variable groups include: area and population data, computer usage, domestic conflict events, elections, energy, highway vehicle data, industrial and labour force data, industrial production, international status indicators, legislative processes, mail, media, military, national government revenue and expenditure, national income and currency, telephones, physicians, political data, railroads, school enrollment, telegraph, trade, and urbanization. Derived variables include percent annual increase. 2023 Edition includes tags for Anti-Government Demonstrations, assassinations, general strikes, major government crises, revolutions, riots, terrorism/guerrilla warfare and purges.
HTML CSH (Cold Spring Harbour) Protocols Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Cold Spring Harbor Protocols is an interdisciplinary journal providing a definitive source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience and imaging. Each monthly issue details multiple essential methods-a mix of cutting-edge and well-established techniques. Newly commissioned protocols and unsolicited submissions are supplemented with articles based on Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s renowned courses and manuals. All protocols are up-to-date and presented in a consistent, easy-to-follow format. Coverage: 2006-present
HTML Cuba and the U.S.: The Declassified History of Negotiations to Normalize Relations, 1959-2016 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: These documents record the hidden history of secret talks between the United States and Cuba from the Eisenhower era to Obama’s back-channel dialogue that led to a U.S. policy of engagement. The collection opens a new dimension into the contentious relationship between Washington and Havana.
HTML The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 (from the Digital National Security Archive) presents an integrated, comprehensive record of U.S. decision making during the most dangerous U.S.-Soviet confrontation in the nuclear era. Much of the documentation focuses on U.S. decision making during what Robert Kennedy called the "Thirteen Days" of the missile crisis—from McGeorge Bundy's October 16, 1962 briefing of President Kennedy on the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba to Nikita Khrushchev's October 28 decision to withdraw the weapons. The numerous intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, political analyses, military situation reports, and meeting minutes included in the set portray both the deliberative process and the execution of critical decisions made by the Kennedy administration during the crisis.
HTML The Cuban Missile Crisis: 50th Anniversary Update Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This is a rich update consisting the latest declassified documentation on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, supplementing the DNSA’s collections, with never-before-published records from U.S. and Soviet archives, highlights from the archive of Anastas Mikoyan - the Soviet leader who negotiated the end of the crisis, U.S. Navy tracking reports, briefing documents for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and formerly classified U.S. intelligence materials. Also in this update are 4 volumes of the CIA’s internal history of the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961.
HTML Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited: An International Collection of Documents, from the Bay of Pigs to the Brink of Nuclear War Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection on the Cuban Missile Crisis is a unique contribution to that history. Published here for the first time is a multinational set of records – declassified documentation from the United States, the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other key countries – covering events leading up to and through the missile crisis in 1962. Consisting of 1,463 documents providing details that have reshaped our understanding of history, the collection covers the CIA-led invasion at the Bay of Pigs; covert operations leading up to the Soviet installation of intermediate range weapons in Cuba; the crisis itself as it played out in Washington, Moscow and Havana; the negotiations to end the crisis between the U.S. and the Soviets; and previously poorly understood tensions between the Soviets and Fidel Castro.
HTML Current Digest of the Russian Press Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Founded in 1949, The Current Digest was first published as The Current Digest of the Soviet Press (1949-1991), followed by The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press (1992-2010), and now The Current Digest of the Russian Press since January 2011 (from issue No. 3, Vol. 63). Each week the Current Digest presents a selection of Russian-language press materials, translated into English. The translations are intended for use in teaching and research. They are therefore presented as documentary materials without elaboration or comment, and state the opinions and views of the original authors, not of the publisher of the journal. Coverage: 1949-current.
HTML Current Index to Statistics Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Bibliographic index with abstracts of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields from approximately 160 core journals, 1,200 journals in related fields, and 11,000 books. Developed by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association. Coverage: Bulk of publications published 1975-2017.