Databases E

Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter E below.


Early American Imprints, Series I

Access Access on and off campus.
Description Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. Digitized from Early American Imprints, Series I is based on Charles Evans' "American Bibliography" and Roger Bristol's supplement. Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions.
Coverage 1639-1800


Early American Newspapers Series 2, 1758-1900

see entry for America's Historical Newspapers



Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment

Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. The project brings coherence to a wide range of published and unpublished accounts, including narratives, diaries, journals, and letters.



Early English Books Online - ProQuest website


Access information: Access on and off campus.

Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700. Most books are in English (134,417), but there are also hundreds of books in other European languages including Latin (9060), French (678), Welsh (205), Ancient Greek (147), Greek (112), Italian (95), Scots (88), German (63), Spanish (32), Hebrew (12), Scottish Gaelic (8), Portuguese (7), Arabic (6), and other Roman languages (795).

Users can explore complete, digitized images of all the works listed in these key bibliographic records of English literature: The Short-Title Catalogue (Pollard & Redgrave, 1475-1640); The Short-Title Catalogue II (Wing, 1641-1700); The Thomason Tracts; and the Early English Books Tract Supplements, as well as original almanacs, pamphlets, musical scores, prayer books and other primary sources.

Cross-searchable with Early European Books on the Early Modern Books platform.

Cross searchable with Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century collection and the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) on the JISC Historical Texts platform. The JISC Historical Texts platform does not contain any annual updates.


Coverage: 1470-1700. Approximately 200-500 new titles are added to EEBO every year (on the ProQuest platform).



Early European Books Online

Access information:Access on and off campus. 

Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century, offering full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources.

Cross searchable with Early English Books Online on the Early Modern Books platform.

Early European Books is divided into 24 collections:

  • Collection 1 contains 2500 titles (P); Collection 2 contains 2700 titles(P);
  • Collection 3 contains 10,000 titles(P); Collection 4 contains 9200 titles(P);
  • Collection 5 contains 5500 titles (S);  Collection 6 contains 3500 titles(S);
  • Collection 7 contains 7400 titles (S); Collection 8 contains 5300 titles(S);
  • Collection 9 contains 3300 titles (S); Collection 10 contains 2600 titles(S);
  • Collection 11 contains 2200 titles (S); Collection 12 contains 1200 titles(S);
  • Collection 13 contains 5000 titles (S); Collection 14 contains 1100 titles(S);
  • Collection 15 contains 3000 titles (S); Collection 16 contains 1350 titles(S);
  • Collection 17 contains 1180 titles (S); Collection 18 contains 900 titles(S);
  • Collection 19 contains 1043 titles (S); Collection 20 contains 900 titles (S);
  • Collection 21 contains 5,100 titles (S); Collection 22 contains 556 titles (S).
  • Collection 23 contains 1900 titles (S); Collection 24 contains 266 titles (S)
  • Collection 25 contains 1190 titles (S)

Early European Books Online is a mix of perpetually licensed content, marked (P) above and subscribed content, marked (S) above.

Coverage:Over 77,000 e-books. The University of Edinburgh has access to Collections 1 - 25 and the Wellcome Trust collection. Further details can be found at



Early Experiences in Australasia: Primary Sources and Personal Narratives 1788-1901

Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Early Experiences in Australasia: Primary Sources and Personal Narratives 1788–1901 provides a unique and personal view of events in the region from the arrival of the first settlers through to Australian Federation at the close of the 19th century. Through first-person accounts, including letters and diaries, narratives, and other primary source materials, the collection shares the voices of the time and fosters an enhanced understanding of the experiences of those who took the great challenge in new lands.



Early Modern Books

Access information: Access on and off campus.

An integrated search across both Early English Books Online and Early European Books.

Early Modern Books covers material from the British Isles and Europe for the period 1450-1700. An integrated search across both Early English Books Online and Early European Books allows scholars to view materials from over 225 source libraries worldwide. EEBO's content draws on authoritative short-title catalogues of the period and features many text transcriptions specially created for the product. Content from Europe covers the curated Early European Books Collections from 4 national libraries and London's Wellcome Library.



Early Western Korans Online

Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This remarkable collection demonstrates the impact of the holy book of Islam in Europe. Long before printing with movable type became common practice in the Islamic world, Korans had been printed in Arabic type in several European cities. The collection includes Korans and Koran translations, printed between 1537 and 1857, and is of interest to book historians, theologians, philologists, and scholars of Islamic Studies alike.



East African Newspapers Collection

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


The East African Newspapers collection provides insight into this region during the 20th and early 21st centuries, a time of great change for Africa. In East Africa, this time witnessed the growth of decolonization as independence movements swelled, and local, autonomous self-governance took hold throughout the region. This period was also punctuated by famine, drought, political uprisings, border disputes, and war as countries worked to navigate the post-colonial landscape. The collection includes 3 key newspapers: Daily Nation (Kenya), The Ethiopian Herald, and The Monitor (Uganda).



E-Books for National Central Library of Taiwan for Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) Partner Institutions

Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.
Description: Database of e-books provided by the National Central Library of Taiwan for Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) partner institutions. E-books are searchable by full text, author, publisher, publication year, and ISBN. Once a title is selected, the full text can be viewed online. The interface language can be changed from "語言" at the top of the screen (English and other languages available).




ECA Photography Collection

Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description The ECA Photography Collection consists of nearly 20,000 high-quality digital images, the majority of which are photographs of Edinburgh College of Art students' work from 1999-2010. The collection also includes internal and external views of the College buildings, photographs of College events, reproductions of items from the College Archive and general views of Edinburgh.




Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The database version of Journal of Economic Literature and Index of Economic Articles indexing international literature in the field of economics. Abstracts are included.
Coverage: From 1886 to date.



Economic Social Data Service (ESDS)

see entry for UK Data Service


Access information:Access on and off campus.  Access to The Economist on is via username and password - this is self-created via self-registration on the platform using your University of Edinburgh email address and an own-choice password. Click here to register.
Description:Full text of the weekly publication which covers international politics and business news and opinion.
Coverage: July 19 1997 to the present.

Economist Historical Archive: 1843 until 2015.

Additional Information:The Library's subscription to the Economist includes the option to use the Economist app.



Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive

Access Access on and off campus.
Description Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports Archive provides detailed coverage of political, economic, and commercial developments covering all countries from 1952 to 1995. Comprehensive quarterly overviews allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of an event, policy, or development. In addition to the highly regarded, impartial insight from EIU researchers, each report contains tables with detailed country-level statistics downloadable to Excel.
Coverage 1952-1995.



Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA)

Access Information: Freely available.
Description: Full-text digital institutional repository of research published by the members of the University of Edinburgh. Includes theses and dissertations, book chapters, working papers, technical reports, journal pre-prints and peer-reviewed journal reprints.



Edinburgh Research Explorer

Access information: Freely available
Description: Institutional repository of University of Edinburgh staff's research outputs. Includes information on awards, projects and press coverage as well as publications, many of which are available on an Open Access basis.



Edmonton Journal

Access Information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.



Education Abstracts

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This database covers a broad range of education-related subjects for students, professionals and policy makers. Education Abstracts features content on a range of subject areas including adult education, comparative education, government funding, higher education, school administration, teacher evaluation and much more.
Coverage: Provides indexing back to 1969 and abstracts back to 1990 for more than 1,100 periodicals, books and yearbooks.
Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls)



Education at Alexander Street Press

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Education at Alexander Street Press focuses on the development and training of teachers. Content includes primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms, demonstrations, lectures, and documentaries to help both new and experienced teachers develop their abilities to teach, mentor, understand, and communicate with students of all levels of need and you have access to over 3800 videos
Note: We have access to the Teachers TV from Education in Video Collection
Additional Information: Title List (Excel)



Education Magazine Archive

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Education Magazine Archive offers unprecedented digital access to the archives of leading education trade magazines of the 20th century, covering multiple aspects of the history of education of this period, with magazines devoted to a range of educational levels, topics, and audiences. The availability of this material enables researchers to explore multiple perspectives on the key events of the age and opens up countless new opportunities for research in the history of education, as well as on related subjects such as social history, childhood studies, psychology, and politics.
Coverage: 1910-2015



 Education Source Ultimate

Access information: Access on and off campus.

Education Source Ultimate is the world's largest and most comprehensive full-text research database designed for education students, researchers, professionals and policymakers. Coverage spans all levels of education and includes a range of topics including education ethics, educational technology, literacy, research methodology and more



Educational Administration Abstracts

Access information: Access on and off campus.

This research database includes more than 180,000 bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, and educational research.

Records are selected from the most important sources within the discipline, such as the Educational Administration Quarterly, the Review of Higher Education, and the Journal of Educational Administration. EBSCO has digitised the full archive of this index, including coverage dating back over 55 years.
Further information: A full title list is available. (.xls)



Access information:Access on and off-campus.
Description:Contains over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes) published during the 18th Century, covering a range of subjects including history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, and science. The full text of the collection is searchable, from books and directories, Bibles, sheet music and sermons to advertisements.
Coverage:18th Century.


Access: On and off campus
Description: The Eighteenth Century Journals portal consists of five Sections, containing digitised images of about 270 rare journals printed between c1685 and 1835. Topics cover a very wide range of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life, including: colonial life; provincial and rural affairs; the French and American revolutions; reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe; political debates; and London coffee house gossip and discussion, etc. Many of these journal are ephemeral, lasting only for a handful of issues, others run for several years. The publisher suggests that all of the titles in this portal have been carefully screened against other eighteenth century e-resources to ensure that there is minimal overlap. Resources checked include Early English Books Online (EEBO); Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers, Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), The Burney Newspaper Collection, and British Periodicals (1680s to 1930s), all of which are in our Database list.
Coverage: 1685-1835



See entry for LSEG Workspace



Electronic Enlightenment

Access information:Access on and off-campus.
Description:This scholarly research project of the University of Oxford Humanities Division provides online access to correspondence between 18th-century thinkers and writers, from over 70,000 historical documents.



Electronic Surveillance and the National Security Agency: From Shamrock to Snowden

Access Access on and off campus.
Description A collection of leaked and declassified records documenting U.S. and allied electronic surveillance policies, relationships, and activities. It serves as an addition to several National Security Archive documents sets - including those on U.S. Intelligence and the National Security Agency. The records provide information on the limitations imposed on electronic surveillance activities, organizations, legal authorities, collection activities, and liaison relationships.



El Salvador: The Making of US Policy 1977-1984

Access information: Access on and off-campus. 

This set of documents focuses on United States policy toward El Salvador and events in El Salvador from the Carter administration's formulation of a new Central American policy in January 1977 through the Salvadoran presidential elections of May 1984 that brought José Napoleón Duarte to power. Major events include: the military coup of October 1979; the agrarian reform efforts launched in 1980 and 1981; significant labour and peasant protests followed by a growing number of leftist guerrilla actions; and a series of political slayings widely attributed to government affiliated forces including those of Archbishop Oscar Romero, leaders of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (FDR), four American churchwomen, and three land reform proponents.



El Salvador: War, Peace and Human Rights, 1980-1994

Access information: Access on and off-campus. 

This second set of declassified U.S. records concerning El Salvador focuses on a series of human rights cases that became a subject of special attention by the United Nations Truth Commission. With the 1993 release of the commission's ground-breaking investigation, members of Congress appealed to President Clinton to declassify those records for public inspection. Many of those documents are included in this compilation.  Altogether, the collection, spanning  four presidencies, constitutes an extraordinarily rich account of a controversial and still highly relevant U.S. foreign policy issue.




Access information:

Access on and off-campus.

Accept cookies.


Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made.


The Excerpta Medica database, a major pharmacological and biomedical literature database covering about 8,500 journals from110 countries. Covers mainly journal literature (plus some book reviews and conference proceedings) with strong coverage of European journals.

Detailed information about EMBASE

Coverage: From 1947 to date.
NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network



Emerald Insight

Access information: Access on and off-campus.

Access to over 120 journals. The journals cover general management, human resource management, information management, library & information services, marketing, operations, production & economics, property, quality, training and education and engineering & material science.





Access on and off campus. 

Click on "Client log in" in the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Over 9000 publications available in the database containing company (Financials, company news, M&A Deals/ Rumours, analytical tools), country (Forecasts, reports,..etc) and industry data (Global industry reports, news, competition and market info) .
  • Leading aggregator with top sources such as BMI, Global Data, Dun & Bradstreet, Allied Research, Buddecom, Grandview as well as data sourced locally in each emerging market.
  • Unlimited access remote and campus wide.
  • 3.5m company profiles and financials in hard to get locations.
  • Access to local content (research reports, news,.. etc) in emerging markets.
  • 540,000 research reports published every year.


Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Collection of 60,000 images of original manuscripts and printed material with accompanying thematic essays. The content comes from library and archive collections worldwide, and can used to support teaching and learning. Full details of how to incorporate images into course materials are provided.
Coverage: 1492-1962.



Encyclopaedia Iranica Online

Access Access on and off campus.
Description Encyclopaedia Iranica is the most renowned reference work in the field of Iran studies. Founded by the late Professor Ehsan Yarshater and edited at the Ehsan Yarshater Center for Iranian Studies at Columbia University, this monumental international project brings together the scholarship about Iran of thousands of authors around the world.



Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE

Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st Edition

Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd Edition

Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd Edition Glossary and Index of Terms

Historical Atlas of Islam

Access information: Access on and off-campus. Choose one of the above links to access this database. 

Comprehensive reference works on the Islamic World. Widely recognised as hugely important in its field, it is a unique and invaluable reference tool not only on the religion, but also on the believers and the countries in which they live.

Articles cover distinguished Muslims of every era and origin, tribes and dynasties, crafts and sciences, political and religious institutions, the geography, ethnography, flora and fauna of the various countries and on the history, topography and monuments of the major towns and cities.

In its geographical and historical scope it encompasses the old Arabo-Islamic empire, the Islamic countries of Iran, Central Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Indonesia, as well as the Ottoman Empire and all other Islamic countries.



Encyclopaedia Judaica

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Second edition is a comprehensive reference work on the culture, history and religion of the Jewish people. The 22,000 articles include coverage of gender issues, the Bible, Jewish Law, community life, popular culture and the Holocaust.


Encyclopedia of Aesthetics

see description at entry for Oxford Art Online




Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.



Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of the Hebrew language from its earliest attested form to the present day. It features advanced search options, as well as extensive cross-references and full-text search functionality using the Hebrew character set. With over 850 entries and approximately 400 contributing scholars, the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Online is the authoritative reference work for students and researchers in the fields of Hebrew linguistics, general linguistics, Biblical studies, Hebrew and Jewish literature, and related fields.



Encyclopedia of Hinduism

Access information: Access on and off campus. Access via Brill Reference Online.

Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism presents the latest research on all the main aspects of the Hindu traditions in essays written by the world's foremost scholars on Hinduism. The encyclopedia encompasses a variety of regional traditions as well as the global world religion.

Including all essays from the heralded printed edition, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism is now to be regularly updated with new articles and available in a fully searchable, dynamic digital format.



Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: 2005, second edition covers comprehensively the fundamental linguistic disciplines, with their applications to the study of language and other related disciplines. The online version supplements the written text with additional illustrative material, samples of spoken language or signed langague and videos of the use of language in context.



Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR) offers a comprehensive survey of the origins and development of the Bible in its different canonic forms in Judaism and Christianity. It also documents the history of the Bible's reception in the Christian churches and the Jewish Diaspora; in Islam, in other religious traditions and current religious movements, Western and non-Western alike, as well as in literature, art, music, and film.



Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures Online

Access information: Access on and off campus.

The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant Muslim populations. It aims to cover every topic for which there is significant research, examining these regions from the period just before the rise of Islam to the present.

The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online crosses history, geographic borders and disciplines to create a groundbreaking reference work reflecting the very latest research on gender studies and the Islamic world.



Engineering Case Studies Online

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

The analysis of engineering failures enables engineers to learn how to create designs with a greater chance of success, by establishing the nature of each failure—structural, corrosive, electrical, etc. The database includes:

  • feature-length video documentaries of major failures;
  • monographs explaining cases in detail and describing key engineering concepts and issues;
  • simulations depicting what went wrong; primary footage of accidents (including related news segments);
  • audio footage and transcripts;
  • testimonies from participants, victims, and witnesses;
  • images, accident reports, blueprints, etc.

Over 50 seminal case studies from around the world are covered in depth.



English Historical Documents Online

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

English Historical Documents Online contains over 5,500 expertly indexed and fully searchable primary documents from 500-1914 from 13 volumes including American Colonial Documents (previously out of print). Documents have been selected by generations of eminent historians, and their comment provides context for each document. Sources include government and cabinet proceedings, military dispatches, newspaper articles, pamphlets, personal and official letters and diaries. They cover political and constitutional topics and social, economic, religious and cultural history. Each document has been indexed and classified by experts at the Institute of Historical Research



English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) 

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801; printed in the British Isles, Colonial America, United States of America (1776-1800), Canada, or territories governed by Britain, in all languages; printed in any other part of the world, wholly or partly in English or other British vernaculars; with false imprints claiming publication in London, in any language. Contains every item in Pollard and Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 (STC); in Wing A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed in Other Countries 1641-1700; in the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (the predecessor of ESTC), including items catalogued by the American Antiquarian Society as part of the North American Imprints Program (NAIP); newspapers and other serials which began publication before 1801.

Coverage: 1473-1800.
Note: Use code "ed_itw" when following links from ESTC to ECCO.



Enhanced Electronic Grammars Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG), a sophisticated research tool specially designed for the needs of general linguists and typologists, features comprehensive descriptions of languages from around the world. Full grammars are made available together in an interlinked and semantically-annotated format, allowing granular access to the grammatical data and enabling cross-language research of several grammars at the same time. EEG is updated biannually, integrating several new grammar publications each year for even more extensive cross-linguistic research.



Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive

Access information: Access on and off campus.

An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to the 21st century. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Issues have been scanned in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of articles, covers, ads and reviews.

The Library has access to:

  • EIMA1: Music, Radio and The Stage
  • EIMA2: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 1)
  • EIMA3: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 2)
  • EIMA4: Rock, Folk and Hip-hop
  • EIMA5: Video Gaming



Environmental Issues Online

Access information: Access on and off campus.

Multimedia materials (text, archival primary sources, video and audio) around key environmental challenges, including climate change, water/air pollution, etc. Specific environmental case studies enable study of particular problems and how solutions have been created (or not created) in globally scale-able ways. Each case study includes published text, films, documentaries, government reports, NGO publications, monographs, regulations debates, contextualizing resources, and archival primary sources, putting each case in its historical context.



Environment Digimap

Access: Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided
Description: Environment Digimap provides land cover mapping from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), the service includes Land Cover Maps from 2015, 2007, 2000, & 1997. Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software.



ERIC via EBSCOhost

ERIC via ProQuest

ERIC - Education Information Resource Center link

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Indexes the journal and technical literature in the field of education and corresponds to the printed Resources in Education and Current Index to Journals in Education. ERIC contains more than 1.6 million records and links to more than 750,000 full-text documents.
Coverage: From 1966 to date.



see entry for UK Data Service



ESDU: Engineering Sciences Data Unit

Access Information: Access on-campus. For off-campus access, please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.
Description: Design data and methods for Material Science, Aerospace, Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Structural and Environmental engineering. Highly relevant to students and researchers in these fields to help explore and optimise design iterations and validate final designs. ESDU is the only collection of validated data of this kind.



Espacenet patent search

Access information: Free access on and off-campus from the European Patent Organisation.
Description: Index to more than 90 million patent documents worldwide from 1836 onwards. Full-text access to British patents from 1859. Full-text acces to patents from other countries includes US from 1836 and various starting dates for EPO, WIPO, France, Germany and Switzerland.
Additional information:

Coverage of worldwide database


Access information: Access on or off campus.
Description: Science performance statistics and science trends data based on journal article publication counts and citation data from 8,500 multi-disciplinary journals in the Thomson Reuters databases.  An analytical tool for data to rank scientists, institutions, countries, and journals.
Coverage: The Essential Science Indicators database has been updated as of September 2020 to cover a 10-year and six-month period, January 1, 2010 – June 30, 2020. Data is updated bi-monthly (six times a year).


Ethnicity and Culture Magazine Archive

Access information:Access on and off campus. 
Description:The backfiles of more than thirty 20th and 21st-century magazines, each aimed at ethnically specific audiences. Titles range from political publications to those concerned with lifestyle, fashion / beauty, culture, and identity. The collection reflects diverse voices and gives insight into cultural perspectives, societal shifts, and historical events. Titles are presented in color page-image format with article-level metadata and searchable text.



Ethnographic Sound Archives Online

Access Access on and off campus. 
Description Ethnographic Sound Archives Online brings together previously unpublished historic audio recordings and their supporting field materials, opening new paths for the study of music in its cultural context. The collection brings together 2,000 hours of audio recordings from field expeditions around the world, particularly from the 1960s through the 1980s—the dawn of ethnomusicology as a codified discipline.



Ethnographic Video Online, Teaching Edition

Access Access on and off campus. 
Description A collection of videos, segments, teaching guides, and fieldwork-driven learning objects and classroom activities created in partnership with the Royal Anthropological Institute.



Ethnologue : Languages of the World

Access Access on campus. For off-campus access, please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.
Description An authoritative resource that brings together more data than any other resource of its kind, Ethnologue contains the profiles of the current 7,099 living languages of the world.  Regularly updated, Ethnologue provides in depth information covering the number of speakers of languages, location, dialects, usage statistics, linguistic affiliations and autonyms. In addition to living languages, Ethnologue also contains data on languages which have gone out of use since the first appearance of the publication 66 years ago.



EThOS - Electronic Theses Online Service

Access information:

Access on and off-campus. Registration required for full-text access and there may be a delay of some days in receiving required copy.

EThOS is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 08/12/2023.

Description: British Library service providing full text of thousands of UK Higher Education theses (free to staff and students of the University of Edinburgh).
Additional information:

Items unavailable from EThOS may be available through the Inter-Library Loan service (I.L.L.):

Inter-Library Loan (I.L.L.) Service

For more comprehensive searches of theses awarded in your subject area, use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global:

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global



European Patent Register

Access information: Free access on and off-campus from the European Patent Office.
Description: Publicly available information on European patent applications as they pass through the grant procedure. Including: oppositions, patent attorney/EPO correspondence and more. Also provides for public file inspection.



European Sources Online

Access information: Open access
Description: European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on issues of importance to European researchers, citizens and stakeholders.




Access information: Freely available
Description: Funded by the European Commission, the Europeana portal provides access to millions of digitised books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records from all over Europe. Use Europeana to explore major European collections including collections from Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the British Library and the Louvre as well as regional archives and local museums from every member of the EU.



Europeana Newspapers

Access information: Freely available
Description: Funded under the European Commission’s CIP 2007 – 2013 programme, this is a three-year project, running until January 2015 in which 18 million historic newspaper pages are aggregated for Europeana and The European Library. the project aim is to convert 10 million newspaper pages to full text. This will help users quickly search for specific articles, people and locations mentioned within the newspaper, creating a special content viewer to improve online newspaper browsing.




Access information:

Access on and off campus. 

Description: Europresse provides access to over 61,000 sources including journals, newspapers, blogs, and magazines. Coverage is international with many of the publications included available in their original language and layout. The database includes numerous European national newspapers such as Le Monde, Libération and Le Figaro, along with regional newspapers. English language titles such as The Guardian and The New York Times are also available. Thematically, Europresse titles cover the Humanities and Social Sciences, Politics, Law, Economics, Finance, Science, Environment, IT, Transports, Industry, Energy, Agriculture, Arts and culture (Lire, Le Magazine littéraire, World Literature Today, Télérama, Rock and Folk…), Health, and event Sports (L’Équipe, France Football, Sport 24…). It also includes some TV and radio transcripts, biographies and reports, images, audio and video content.
Further information: A User Guide to Europresse is available here.




Access information: Freely available
Description: Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union.  It provides the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.




Access information: Freely available
Description: The EUscreen portal offers free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage. It brings together clips that provide an insight into the social, cultural, political and economic events that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as chronicling important historical events, the EUscreen portal allows you to explore television programmes that focus on everyday experience