The Arts Award in Craigmillar Library

We run a number of Arts Award programmes in partnership with Craigmillar Library.

Capturing Craigmillar: An Arts Award Bronze Programme

In partnership with Craigmillar Library, we held sessions at the library weekly after school from February to May 2023 and the young people considered how they could capture life in the community of Craigmillar through different art forms. We did photography, landscape painting, sculpting and more, finishing with an exhibition of the young people's work at the library.

Read more about Capturing Craigmillar in this blog post, published by the Arts Award.

We plan to run this programme again in February to May 2024.

Display boards showing work created by participants of Capturing Craigmillar programme

[Would you recommend the programme to a friend?] Yes definitely. It makes you creative, have fun, teaches you, and helps you for Uni

Bronze Arts Award Achiever

 Find out more about the programme in our video:

Bronze Award in a Week Programme

Our first ever Bronze Award in a Week programme took place in the October holidays 2023. Over the course of five days, young people visited the National Gallery, St Cecilia's Hall and participated in a range of art activities including learning about photography via the work of photographers in our collections and how to make decorated papers. They also learned skills that will be useful to them in future education, such as research and presentation skills. We hope to run this programme again in future.

This was the best thing I ever went to

Programme Participant
A poster for the Craigmillar Bronze Arts Award in a Week programme