George Mackay Brown Materials in Other EUL Collections

This page lists material of Mackay Brown interest in other Edinburgh University Library Collections, including letters from Mackay Brown to Helen Cruickshank, Hamish Henderson, Maurice Lindsay, and Fred Urquhart, extensive correspondence with Hugo Brunner of publishers Chatto & Windus, and critical material by Norman MacCaig.



Hugo Brunner (Coll-1294)

  • 236 letters, 4 postcards, and 1 greeting card from Mackay Brown, 1974-1996 (E2011.09)

Helen Cruickshank (Coll-81)

  • Letter from Mackay Brown, 10 Oct. 1969, giving Cruickshank permission to quote from An Orkney Tapestry in her Autobiography (Gen 1929/3/2)
  • Inscribed presentation copy of An Orkney Tapestry (JA3388)

Hamish Henderson (Coll-1438)

  • Letter from Mackay Brown, 8 January 1968 (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 7)

Maurice Lindsay (Coll-56)

  • 4 letters from Mackay Brown, 1967-74 (Gen 2030/30/19-22)

Norman MacCaig (Coll-69)

  • MS of Mackay Brown's poem 'Beachcomber' included in anthology of Scottish verse edited by MacCaig for Poetry Review (ca. 1965) (Gen 767/28/1)
  • Notes by MacCaig on Mackay Brown and Iain Crichton Smith - MS (MS 3202/4)
  • Review by MacCaig of Mackay Brown's The Year of the Whale - MS (MS 3203/4/66)
  • Review by MacCaig of Mackay Brown's A Calendar of Love (1965) - MS and corrected TS (MS 3203/4/53)
  • Review by MacCaig of poems by Mackay Brown - MS (MS 3203/4/66)

Hugh MacDiarmid (Coll-18)

  • Mentioned in correspondence from Charles Senior to Hugh MacDiarmid (MS 2960.8)

Edwin Muir (Coll-445)

  • 38 letters from Muir to Mackay Brown, 1951-58 (Gen 767/7)

Ian S. Munro (Gen 2188)

  • 3 letters from Mackay Brown, 1967-71

Robert Nye (Coll-54)

  • 10 letters and 1 Christmas card, 1968-75, with MSS of 12 poems* (MS 2900)
  • 2 letters, 6 December 1977 and 14 December 1981 (MS 2904)

*(Poems: 'Butter', 'Crofter's Death', 'The Day of the Dove', 'Dead Fires', 'Foldings', 'Haddock Fisherman', 'Helmsman', 'Love Letter', 'A Poem for Yule', 'The Scarecrow in the Schoolmaster's Oats', 'Taxman')

Photographs of Scottish Writers (Coll-1070)

  • Photograph of Mackay Brown by Gordon Wright, 1975 (E89/45/4)

Records of Scottish International Review (Coll-232)

  • TS of 'The Return of the Women', Section VI of Mackay Brown's Fishermen with Ploughs (Gen 2159/3)

Tom Scott (Coll-1077)

  • Mentioned in letter to Scott from Hugh MacDiarmid, 8 October 1963 (E2001.34)
  • Mentioned in letters to Scott from Alexander Scott, 7 February 1966 and 4 August 1967 (E95.02)
  • Mentioned in letter to Scott from Charles Senior, 18 July 1969 (E95.02)
  • Mentioned in letter to Scott from Christine Troughton (Hogarth Press), 8 June 1965 (E95.02)

Fred Urquhart (Coll-49)

  • 18 letters from Mackay Brown to Urquhart, 1979-84 (MS 2832)
  • Mackay Brown mentioned in letter from Margaret Hamilton to Urquhart, 19 August 1972 (MS 2832)
  • Mentioned in copy of letter from Urquhart to David Moody of Blairgowrie Branch Library, 7 November 1976 (MS 2836)
  • Mentioned in copy of letter from Urquhart to the Carcanet Press, 7 February 1977 (MS 2836)
  • Mentioned in 2 letters from Maurice Lindsay to Urquhart, 30 June 1977 and 6 January 1983, and in 2 copies of letters from Urquhart to Lindsay, 25 October 1980 and 10 January 1983 (MS 2838)

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