Publisher open access agreements

The University of Edinburgh has signed transformative ('Read and Publish') agreements to enable corresponding authors from the University to publish eligible research articles open access for no extra cost.

Transformative agreements

Read and publish deals cover both subscription payments (allowing you to read) and open access article processing charges (allowing you to publish). They are known as Transformative Agreements because they aim to transition towards a full open access model.


To qualify for any of the deals below, you must:

  1. be a current University staff member or registered student.
  2. be a corresponding author (ie. the author completing the online publisher forms).
  3. use your University email address ( when submitting articles to the journal (so that publishers can identify you as UOE-affiliated).
  4. check the article type is covered by the deal (more detail on the terms of each deal can be found below).

Please be aware that the deals do not cover visiting, honorary or emeritus researchers because of licensing terms imposed by the national agreements.

You can find a searchable list of all journals included in our memberships and agreements here:  Read and Publish Journals

We have signed agreements with the publishers (and eligible journals) listed below:

Institutional memberships

All corresponding authors from the University of Edinburgh can publish open access with the following publishers for no extra cost. 

Other agreements

(UKRI, Wellcome, CRUK and BHF funded authors only)

UKRI and Wellcome Trust, CRUK and BHF funded authors are eligible to have their open access costs covered by pre-pay schemes or central billing schemes set up with the following publishers. 

Help & Support

If you have any queries about open access please contact the Scholarly Communications Team who are on hand to help.

Scholarly Communications Team

Contact details