We offer a journal and book hosting service, using Open-Source software, to members of the Scottish Confederation of University & Research Libraries (SCURL) Welcome!Welcome to the Open Hosting SCURL Shared Service! We are part of a vibrant community of academics, researchers, students and librarians who all champion Open Access publishing and Open-Source software. This site contains all the information you need about the shared service, as well as about launching your own publishing initiative.Visit the SCURL website to find out more about SCURL. For more information, please contact the Open Hosting team at open.hosting@ed.ac.uk.About the ServiceUsing Open-Source software, Edinburgh University Library offers book and journal hosting on a shared service basis to other Scottish universities and organisations. For journals, the Library uses Open Journal Systems (OJS). For books, the Library uses Open Monograph Press (OMP). OJS and OMP are web-based content management systems and publishing platforms. They can be used either to manage the full editorial workflow, including submission and peer review, or just for publishing online. Using OJS and OMP requires minimal technical expertise. The shared service is provided at cost on a collaborative basis, without profit margin or contingency for commercial performance claims. The service will therefore be provided on a best endeavours basis. We guarantee that the service will never be bought out by a commercial enterprise.CostsThe current cost of the service is £1,800 + 20% VAT per annum. This includes all the services outlined within the scope of the service. Additional work outwith this scope is charged at £350 per day. Service GovernanceThe shared service is: Hosted and supported through Edinburgh University Library .Led by a Steering Group made up of the SCURL shared service users. The Steering Group includes up to two spaces per institution, and meets four times per year. Governed by SCURL. A representative of the Steering Group reports into the SCURL Business Committee. Scope of ServiceBelow sets out what the Open Hosting SCURL Shared Service includes and doesn't include.Service Inclusions:Technical SupportGeneralWe provide ongoing technical support and are on hand to fix bugs and answer all system-related queries at any point. We have a 1 FTE expert dedicated to the service, along with our own service, Edinburgh Diamond. Servers & StorageA hosted service for OJS and OMP utilising a managed Linux Virtual Machine, for running production and test services. Two (2) application servers: production and test servers for each OJS/OMP installation. The test environment will consist of an individual installation per partner of OJS/OMP on an individual server. All servers mentioned above are Virtual Machines running CentOS. The service includes configuration of one URL for each OJS/OMP instance. There will be an additional charge for mapping existing URLs to new ones, charged at day rate (minimum ½ day). Backup & RecoveryWe run regular back-up of the OJS/OMP installations and their databases nightly. Data backup of virtual machines can be provided using Veeam disk-based block-level backup software. This copies block-level changes to remotely held storage nightly Additionally a SQL dump is taken daily. Third-Line Support When your 1st and 2nd line cannot resolve an issue, OR when five (5) or more end-users (academics/students etc) experience a common issue, OR Application errors, OR there is complete non access THEN you should contact us. Site monitored 9-5pm, Mon-Fri. Key Maintenance & UpgradesKey maintenance of OJS/OMP, as well as upgrades, are included. Additional technical support available, charged at day rate (minimum ½ day). Migrations If you have archived content, we can migrate it over to OJS/OMP site, no matter where it was hosted before. Service Levels Excluding planned outages for key maintenance and upgrades etc., after the implementation & stabilization period, system availability is targeted to be circa 99% pa. We will make best endeavours to provide you with reasonable notice of any planned outages.Custom ThemeChoice limited to existing custom themes. Additional customisation is available and charged at day rate (minimum ½ day). Website & Content HostingWebsite set up | We will support you at all stages of setting up your publishing initiative, including the initial configuration of your website and basic customisation of the user interface. Website design | We will work closely with you to create a website design that reflects your brand, including colours, logos, fonts and feel. Content hosting | We will work with you to ensure your content is presented in a user-friendly and accessible manner. Workflow Management System OJS & OMP | The Library uses the latest versions of Open Journal Systems (OJS) and Open Monograph Press (OMP), web-based journal and book management & publishing platforms used worldwide. Both OJS and OMP can be used either to manage the full editorial workflow, including submission and peer review, or just for publishing online. Using OJS and OMP requires minimal technical expertise and full training and guidance will be given.Plugins | We can enable relevant plugins where possible, including Crossref, DOAJ, PubMed, and ORCID integration. Workflow TrainingGeneral training | We will provide training on using OJS/OMP and on the publishing workflow processes. Workflow guidance | We are on hand to provide guidance about industry developments and good practice advice on academic publishing issues. We develop and share user guides and resources on subjects including: Using OJS/OMP Being a journal editor Managing the publication process Managing peer review Publication ethics and publication malpractice Creative commons licenses Copyright and permissions Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) Copyediting and production Promotion and discovery Experience | We have over ten years’ experience of working with this open-source software and in the publishing industry. Policy & Publishing GuidanceWe will give any and all guidance around publishing best practices. We will also help you develop your policies, in line with industry standards. This includes policies around: Peer review Digital preservation Open Access Licensing Publication ethics Discoverability GuidanceIndexing | We will share our extensive book and journal indexing spreadsheets, to give you a jumpstart on getting your content indexed. We will provide advice on how to ensure your content is eligible and attractive for indexing databases. Metrics & Reporting GuidanceWe will provide guidance around gathering metrics, creating reports, understanding data, and presenting it in an accessible manner to non-technical people. This includes: Website usage and article downloads, taken from OJS/OMP and Google Analytics. For journals, top article and issue information. Where applicable, citation information and usage metrics, taken from the Web of Science, Scopus, and Altmetrics. Promotion GuidanceWe will provide guidance around promoting your publishing initiative, as well as advising your users how to promote their books, journals, articles and chapters. Service Exclusions:First & Second-Line SupportAll partners are expected to remain the initial contact point for queries, fault logging etc. for all of their users, staff and students. Edinburgh University Library staff should only be contacted on issues that partners are unable to resolve in-house. ISSN, ISBN & DOI ManagementAll partners are expected to source and manage their own ISSNs and ISBNs. All partners are expected to source their own DOI providers and manage the allocation and payment of their own DOIs. Content Management Partners are responsible for managing the editorial, marketing, production, rights, and legal processes for their publishing initiative (whether through coordinating it themselves or training their users on coordinating it). User Workflow TrainingWe will give you workflow training on using OJS/OMP, and show you how we provide training for our users. It is then up to you to provide that training to your users as and when needed. There are excellent guides provided by PKP which we send to our Edinburgh Diamond users. See our Resources page. Copyediting & Production ServicesThe shared service does not currently include the following services: Copyediting Proofreading TypesettingPrinted versions, including hardbacks and paperbacks HTML Contact us through an online sign language interpreter British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Contact us through an online sign language interpreter British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website