
Pure is the University's Current Research Information System (CRIS). Information held in Pure relates to research staff and their publications, projects and activities information. Pure allows for relationships and associations to be created between research inputs and outputs, providing a broad picture of research activity at the individual, research unit, School, College, and University levels.

Edinburgh Research Explorer

Edinburgh Research Explorer (ERE) is a non-editable web portal that provides a public view of the University's research activity.  All the information that is displayed on the ERE is added and edited in Pure. Units are also able to access data held in Pure to feed information into their own local web presence, such as publication lists and staff profiles.   

Access to Pure and requesting an ERE profile

Edit your research profile on Pure

Your Research Profile

Edit your research profile on Pure

Add New Content

Guidance material on adding new content in Pure


Highlight your Pure content

Fix Your Content

Support for fixing errors in your content

 Import your content

Import your content into Pure from a range of sources

Postgraduate students

Students' records and roles in Pure


Frequently asked questions from Pure users

Professional Services Staff

Guidance for professional services staff whose remit includes the population and validation of content in Pure is available on the Pure User Group SharePoint site. You will need to log in to Office 365 to access the SharePoint site.

Please contact us at pure@ed.ac.uk if you would like to gain access to the Pure User Group SharePoint site.


Developer access to the Pure web services is strictly controlled to ensure that any usage does not adversely impact on the performance of the Pure system. Please note that all requests for access will be reviewed on a case by case basis. We also reserve the right to withdraw access to web services at any time in the event that IS Applications management and/or Pure support team consider that their continued use is having an adverse effect on system performance.


In the first instance, please contact Pure support specifying the nature of work you are looking to do. You will be given access to test environment only at this stage. After your test has been successfully completed, please get in touch with Pure support again to request access to dev and/or live environments.