Fix your content

Details on fixing errors in your content

As Pure utilises data from several external systems, a significant part of your profile's information arrives in the system as an automatic data sync. This means that any missing or incorrect details should always be corrected in the system of origin rather than Pure itself. Most of the time, this information will also appear as non-editable in Pure - however, even where it can be edited it should not be, as this will result in errors with future syncs.

Because Pure support is not authorised to correct data in the external systems, any queries regarding this sent to Pure support will be passed on to one of the relevant teams. Any further communications will need to take place directly between the enquirer and the relevant team.


Personal details (wrong name, job title, personal title) 

Most of this information enters Pure from the HR systems (Oracle or VRS), so please contact your local (College) HR team, specifying the nature of corrections. Please bear in mind they will need to see proof of the proposed correction.

HR in Colleges


Supervisory details (missing students, incorrect supervision periods, incorrect time split between supervisors)

Student data, including information about supervisors, feeds into Pure from EUCLID, so any corrections are dealt with by the Postgraduate Office within your School. Please specify the exact nature of changes needed when contacting them.


Funding data (incorrect funding amounts, missing or wrong PIs, incorrect project split)

Research grants and projects (funding sources with job codes starting with R, RA, RE) are processed by the Research Grants team and arrive in Pure from Worktribe/eFinancials. Any correction requests should be sent to the Research Grants team, specifying the job code (R0000) of the relevant funding/project. 

Research Grants contacts


Research outputs (incorrectly assigned outputs, record created with the wrong sub-type)

Among your research outputs in Pure you may find some that list you as an author but have not in fact been authored by you. This is a common error that happens when another user is importing their publications from an external source and does not rigorously check that all co-authors are recorded with correct affiliations. Consequently, if you share a surname with another author, you will be listed instead of them even if your given names are different.

If you come across records incorrectly assigned to you, please contact the Research Information Systems team at giving the details of the output and the nature of change required.


Occasionally, you might find that research output records have been created with an incorrect sub-type. For example 'Contribution to article>Article' rather than 'Contribution to article>Editorial'.

If you think any of your research outputs have the incorrect sub-type, please contact your College/School Pure expert giving the details of the output and the nature of the change required.

Pure Contacts