Examples of Activities

Some examples of the most recorded activities


I attended a conference recently.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Participation in conference template, to record this Activity. You can specify your role in the conference, e.g. conference advisor, chair, invited/keynote/panel speaker, contributor, organiser or participant.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I participated in a course or seminar.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Participation in workshop, seminar, course template, to record this Activity. You can specify your role in the workshop/seminar/course, e.g. organiser, speaker, host or participant. You can also use this template to record participation in online courses, seminars or workshops.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I hosted a colleague from a different institution.

Use the Hosting a visitor Activity type, selecting the Hosting an academic visitor template, to record this Activity. You can record visits from academics, researchers or students from other institutions.

Refer to the Add Activity - Hosting a visitor guide.



I am an editor (for journals, monographs or other publications).

Use the Publication peer-review and editorial work Activity type, selecting the Editorial Activity template, to record this Activity. You can specify your role in the editorial activity, e.g. editor, editorial board member, associate or guest editor or editorial assistant.

Refer to the Add Activity - Publication peer-review and editorial work guide.



I am a peer-reviewer or referee (for journals or publishers) and I would like to record this as a research activity.

Use the Publication peer-review and editorial work Activity type, selecting the Publication peer-review template, to record this Activity. 

Refer to the Add Activity - Publication peer-review and editorial work guide.



I do blind peer-reviewing for a journal / publisher.

Please do not record this Activity in Pure.



I have curated an exhibition or installation.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Public Engagement - Festival/Exhibition template, to record this Activity. You can specify your role in the exhibition, e.g. artist, curator, participant. 

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I have created an artwork.

If the artwork was created as part of your research process, add the artwork as a Research Output in Pure.

Refer to the Add Research Output - Non-textual form guide

If the artwork was shown or presented at the exhibition, use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Public Engagement - Festival/Exhibition template, to record this Activity. You should specify your role as artist.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I visited another academic institution or university.

Use the Visiting and external institution Activity type, selecting the Visiting an external academic institution template, to record this Activity. If the purpose of your visit was to teach or conduct research, please select the Research and teaching at External Organisation template.

Refer to the Add Activity - Visiting an external institution guide.



I gave a public talk or lecture.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Public Engagement - Public lecture/debate/seminar template, to record this Activity.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I was the external examiner for a PhD examination.

Use the Examination Activity type, selecting the External Examiner or Assessor template, to record this Activity. You can information about the examinee and the organisation that you were external examiner at.

Refer to the Add Activity - Examination guide.



I gave a talk / I was an invited speaker at another HE institution.

If the talk or presentation was for an academic audience, use the Talk or presentation Activity type, selecting the Invited talk template, to record this Activity. 

If the audience were members of the public, use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Public lecture/debate/seminar template.

Refer to the Add Activity - Talk or presentation guide.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising and event guide.



I created or organised a MOOC or online course for public, non-academic audiences.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Participation in workshop, seminar, course template, to record this Activity. You should specify your role as Organiser or Contributor, the Type as Course, and the Location as Digital or Online.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in organising an event guide.



I am a research advisor for a governmental or public body.

Use the Consultancy Activity type, selecting the Work on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation template, to record this Activity. You should give details of your involvement in the Description field. You should create an Impact record on Pure to record any outcomes or results of the Activity.

Refer to the Add Activity - Consultancy guide.



I presented to pupils in a primary or secondary school.

Use the Participating in or organising an event Activity type, selecting the Public engagement - Schools engagement template, to record this Activity. You can also use this template to record workshops held in secondary schools or contributions to innovative learning weeks. You should create an Impact record in Pure to record any feedback or evidence resulting from your engagement with schools.

Refer to the Add Activity - Participating in or organising an event guide.



I am a member of a committee.

Use the Membership Activity type, selecting the Membership committee template, to record this Activity.

Refer to the Add Activity - Membership guide.



I have been awarded a prize.

You should record prizes and awards using the Prizes content type in Pure. 

Refer to the Add Prize guide.



I have been interviewed by the media.

You should record media participations and contributions using the Press/Media content type in Pure. You would use the Expert Comment template if you were interviewed on your area of research.

Refer to the Add Press/Media - Expert Comment guide.



My research was picked by a local/national newspaper.

You should record media coverage of your research using the Press/Media content type in Pure.

Refer to the Add Press/Media guide.



The templates do not include the type of activity I want to record.

 Please contact your College/School Pure expert for advice.