Research output

From peer-reviewed papers to book chapters, monographs and conference proceedings

From peer-reviewed papers to book chapters, monographs, conference proceedings and practice-based outputs. 
  • There are three ways to add your research outputs to Pure. This section refers to creating records from the pre-built templates that are available in Pure. 

  • You can also import your research outputs from an online source or using a BibTeX or RIS file.

  • There are a variety of research outputs and Pure has 47 sub-type templates that can be used. The most common types are listed in the table at the bottom of this section. Please refer to the guide for each type when adding research output records. 

  • A short video has been created demonstrating how to add a publication using the Contribution to Journal > Article template. The principles in this video apply to all the other research output templates. Click on the ≡ icon in the top left hand corner of the video to skip to different sections. 


There are a variety of research outputs and Pure has 47 sub-type templates that can be used. These are listed in the table below. Please refer to the guide for each type when adding research output records.

Research output type Research output sub-type

Contribution to journal


Article, Letter, comment/debat, Book/Film/Article review, Literature review, Editorial, Special issue, Meeting abstract, Review article, Short survey

Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding


Chapter (peer-reviewed), Chapter, Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary, Conference contribution, Foreword/postscript, Other chapter contribution



Book, Anthology, Scholarly edition, Commissioned report, Other report
Contribution to specialist publication Article, Featured article, Book/Film/Article review, Editorial, Letter, Special issue
Working paper Working paper, Discussion paper
Contribution to conference Paper, Poster, Abstract, Other
Non-textual form Software, Data set/Database, Digital or Visual Products, Web publication/site, Artefact, Exhibition, Performance, Composition, Design, Devices and Products


Guide - Authored Thesis

Guide - Supervised Thesis

Doctoral Thesis, Master's Thesis
Patent Patent
Other contribution Other contribution

If you are not sure which template to use, please ask your local Pure contact for guidance. They will also be able to advise you on Open Access and/or REF-related requirements.

Please note that the research output records that you add will be validated by your College or School research administrator. Only validated research output records will be displayed on Edinburgh Research Explorer


External Persons Affiliations

The external persons affiliations on research output records in Pure populate the research network map on the Pure Portal. If there are no external persons affiliations on a research output record, the network map on profile pages will not include that research output record and may appear empty.

Please follow the steps below to add external persons affiliations to the research output records.

Claim content

It is also possible that there is already a research output record in Pure for your research output. You can ask to be added to this existing record by claiming the record. Please use the guide below to claim content.

Pure - Claim content (236.07 KB / PDF)