
Record Prizes and Awards you have received

Use the Prizes module on Pure to record awards or other types of distinction that you have received for your work as a researcher. This may include a range of distinctions and research esteem indicators including medals, honours, competitive fellowships, commissions, elections to learned societies or appointments.  

Prize records in Pure can be used:

  • to inform viewers of your profile about the recognition or merit that you have received 
  • in Annual Reviews
  • to build your research profile on Edinburgh Research Explorer, and the profile of the University
  • in the environment section for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission 

  • to connect the information to other records held on Pure, e.g. a specific research output for which you have received recognition

  • to enhance discoverability through common search engines


Use the guide below to add a Prize record:

Pure - Add New - prizes (303.5 KB / PDF)

A short video has been created demonstrating how to add a research activity record for an oral presentation at a conference. The principles in this video apply to all the other Activity templates. Click on the ≡ icon in the top left hand corner of the video to skip to different sections. 


In previous versions of Pure Prizes were included in a larger module, Activities. To add other types of activities – such as conference participations, public or industry engagement, or many others - please refer to the guidance on Activities.



Once your Prize record has been created, it is good to link it other related content on Pure, for example, a specific research output that was recognised. This will help to show the full picture of components that make up the body of research and will make it easier for you to find related records on Pure.  



Information held on the Prizes module can be publicly available on your Edinburgh Research Explorer profile if you wish or can be held on the backend if this is appropriate. This will mean that viewers of your profile can see the information about the prize you have won.  


What the information on Pure is used for 

Information held on Prizes records may be used for reporting to gain a summary of activity at a school or college level. In addition, some schools may use the information for annual reviews. If the information is publicly available on the Edinburgh Research Explorer, then it could be viewed by interested members of the public.