
Record media coverage of your work or your media contributions

Use the Press/Media module in Pure to record non-academic articles that publicise or explain your research. This includes articles you have written or that are written by somebody else, for example blog posts, newspaper articles, radio or TV shows that reference your research, expert comments, or press releases such as those that are written by the Press team.


Signal AI Integration

Signal AI is a media monitoring software used by the University of Edinburgh Press Office to track coverage of the institution. A project team has been working on a semi-automated solution for populating Pure with Press/media records using information from Signal AI. This integration will involve bulk exporting content from Signal AI and bulk importing it into Pure. 

Press/Media records on Pure can be used: 

  • to build your research profile on Edinburgh Research Explorer, and the profile of the University 

  • in your Annual reviews  

  • to keep track of press/media activity that may lead to impact and potentially impact case studies 

  • in the environment section for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission 

  • to connect the information to other records held on Pure, e.g. a research output that was cited in a media article 

  • to enhance discoverability through common search engines


Use the guide below to add a Press/Media record:

Pure - Add New - press_media (333.88 KB / PDF)


Media contributions and media coverage 

Press/media generally comes in 2 forms - media coverage or media contributions. Media coverage is when an article written by somebody else which contains information about your research; for example, your research is cited in a news article. This differs from a media contribution, which is written by yourself (e.g. a blog post that you wrote). The Press/Media module on Pure can be used for both types of media and there is an option on Pure to indicate what type you are recording.  


Multiple media articles 

If there has been a lot of media coverage over a piece of research, then it’s good to have one Press/Media record with several media references – this will help to keep similar items together. It is fine to add media references to a Pure record at any time, even if a lot of time has elapsed between adding items. There is no limit on the number of items that can be added. If there is a lot of media coverage, make sure you include the most prominent articles.



It's important to consider copyright when adding information about media articles on Pure. It's OK to store a URL link to an article, but don't copy and paste the article itself into the Pure record as this could violate copyright terms. Likewise, if the contribution is a radio show or a video, you should save a link to the show in Pure. 



Once your Press/Media record has been created, it is good to link it other related content on Pure, for example a research output that was covered in a press article, or an impact that occurred as a result of press activity. This will help to show the full picture of components that make up the body of research and will make it easier for you to find related records on Pure.  


What the information on Pure is used for 

Information held on Pure Press/Media records may be used for reporting to gain a summary of activity at a school or college level. In addition, some schools may use the information for annual reviews. If the information is publicly available on the Edinburgh Research Explorer, then it could be viewed by interested members of the public.  



Press/Media records can be publicly available on your Edinburgh Research Explorer profile if you wish or can be held on the backend of Pure if this is appropriate.