The HUB Collection

The High Use Books (HUB) collection, located on the Ground Floor of the Main Library, comprises the most highly used lending books. Further information about the HUB is provided on this page.

What is the HUB Collection?

The High Use Books (HUB) collection, located on the Ground Floor of the Main Library, comprises the most highly used lending books. This collection provides users with convenient, easy and extensive access to highly used books, whether for learning, teaching or research.

The HUB collection normally comprises HUB Reserve (3 hour loan) and HUB Short Loan (7 day loan) books. 

Alternative book holdings

Please note that the HUB collection represents only a small proportion of the rich and diverse collections of the University Library: there may be more copies of your book, or different books on the same subject, on upper floors of the Main Library or at another site library. In some instances, the book you want may be available electronically as an e-book.


The HUB collection is available at all times the Library is open; however, after staffed hours it is only open to those with swipe cards.

Issuing and Returning

University of Edinburgh staff and students may borrow from the HUB collection.

  • Please use self-issue machines to issue books and offprints before taking them out of the HUB area, even if you are intending to read them in the Library.
  • Please use the self-return machines to return HUB books and offprints.


In addition to the self-issue machines, there are photocopiers and DiscoverEd search points provided in the HUB area. There are no study places.

Information for Course Organisers

The Library manages moves to the HUB Collection and Reserve using course Resource Lists.   


IS Helpdesk staff are happy to help you use the HUB collection. There is a help point near the entrance/exit to the HUB area or you can send a query to EdHelp at the link below. 


Contact details

Related Links

Resource Lists