Time Traveller: Charles Lyell at Work

Today we understand the earth as an interconnected system involving life and its environment, including the atmosphere, oceans, ice, volcanoes, and the rocks of the crust. How do we comprehend forces that operate on global scales and deep in the past, beyond the capacities of human observation? How do we think about the relation between humans and animals? Can we establish a science that transcends deep divides of religion, race, culture, and politics?  This exhibition explores these questions through the work of a key figure in establishing this planetary vision, the geologist and science writer Charles Lyell (1797-1875), revealing how he travelled to gather evidence, and collaborated with others.

27 October 2023 until 30 March 2024 

Engraving of Charles Lyell
Black and white engraving of Sir Charles Lyell, 1849 (Coll-1518/1/2/1-6)