Macmillan Cancer Support - Stories
Access information: | Freely available. |
Description: | Written and video experiences of cancer patients, survivors, family, carers and healthcare professionals. |
Copyright: | For information purposes and for your non-commercial, personal use only. |
The Mafia in Florida and Cuba: FBI surveillance of Meyer Lansky and Santo Trafficante, Jr.
Access Information: | Access on or off campus |
Description: | This collection comprises materials on Santo Trafficante, Jr., Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano, including FBI surveillance and informant reports and correspondence from a variety of offices including, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, New York City, New Orleans, Atlanta, New Haven, New York City, Philadelphia, and Chicago; Justice Department memoranda, correspondence, and analyses; Newsclippings and articles; Domestic Intelligence Section reports; Transcriptions of wiretaps, typewriter tapes, and coded messages; Memoranda of conversations. |
Coverage: | 1946-1977 |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | The Making of Modern Law is the world's most comprehensive full-text collection of British Commonwealth and American legal treatises from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It allows for full text searching of more than 21,000 works from casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches and more. |
Malawi Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1907-1967
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | This collection contains annual reports compiled by the British colonial government of Nyasaland (modern day Malawi). The documents cover the period from the dissolution of the Central African Protectorate in 1907 to Malawi’s declaration of independence and beyond. The Annual Departmental Reports provide a unique insight into the colonial administration’s evolving attitude towards native power structures. For convenience, the documents are divided into nine sections. These are Administration, Finance, Judicial and Police, Natural Resources (1), Natural Resources (2), Social Services, Transport and Public Works, Communication and Post Office Savings, and Miscellaneous. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Manuscript Women’s Letters and Diaries from the American Antiquarian Society brings together 100,000 pages of the personal writings of women of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, displayed as high-quality images of the original manuscripts, extensively indexed and online for the first time. The letters and diaries reveal, in each woman’s own hand, the details of the authors’ daily lives, their activities and concerns, and their attitudes towards the people and world around them. The collection is drawn entirely from the extensive holdings of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Massachusetts. |
Marine Digimap
Access information: | Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided |
Description: | Marine Digimap provides marine and coastal zone mapping licensed from OceanWise, the service includes raster marine maps of various scales and detail (derived from Admiralty Charts), which are ideal for back-drop mapping in the UK coastal zone, vector thematic marine data suitable for advanced spatial analysis, and customised mapping. Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Marketline Advantage, now owned by Informa, aims to sort through data and deliver accurate, up-to-date information on companies, industries and countries across the world. with great breadth of coverage. It claims to cut the data padding and present information in easy to digest formats, so users can absorb key facts in minutes rather than hours. 34,000+ companies, updated annually, 5,000+ Industry Profiles, updated annually 110 Country Profiles, updated annually, Country Statistics Database covering 205 countries and 46 political and geographic groupings 50,000+ financial deals published annually relating to companies and industries tracked by MarketLine 60,000+ news articles published annually relating to companies and industries tracked by MarketLine 75+ company-focused Case Studies added annually. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | "I seem to have no life and no history apart from the birth control movement", Margaret Sanger wrote in 1938. And, indeed, there was almost no phase of the birth control movement in which Margaret Sanger did not play a significant role. Her collection of papers reveals a complex portrait of the personal and public lives of one of the 20th century’s most influential and controversial figures. The collection is a premier resource for examining changing attitudes towards women’s roles and sexuality over time. Coverage spans the birth control movement, including the movement’s changing ideologies, its campaign for legitimacy, and its internal conflicts and organizational growth. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies is a database curated by an international board of advisors and part of the Global Issues Library. Organized around a selection of key historical and contemporary events and mixing a case and thematic approach, this resource will look at the history of incarceration not only in the United States but also globally. The main themes and events related to mass incarceration and the history of prisons are easily explored by providing multiple perspectives and points of entries: court cases; prison experience: first-hand accounts; law and government documents; rehabilitation; training materials; policing and law; prison and identity, and theory. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: | This archive contains papers on everyday life in Britain (from the Mass-Observation social research organisation. The material is especially rich on life in Britain during the Second World War. Based at the University of Sussex. |
Coverage: | 1937 to 1967 |
Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
Launched in 1981 by the University of Sussex as a rebirth of the original 1937 Mass Observation, its founders' aim was to document the social history of Britain by recruiting volunteers to write about their lives and opinions. Still growing, it is one of the most important sources available for qualitative social data in the UK. This collection consists of the directives (questionnaires) sent out by Mass Observation between 1980 and 2010 and the thousands of responses to them from the hundreds of Mass Observers. |
Material ConneXion
Access information: | Access on and off campus. Click "Member log in" to access the database and all its features. |
Description: | Material ConneXion is the world's largest resource of new materials. The Library houses over 7,000 advanced, sustainable and innovative materials representing eight categories: polymers, naturals, metals, glass, ceramics, carbon-based materials, cement-based materials, and processes. It features cutting-edge materials and applications, including the world's only collection of Cradle to Cradle sustainable materials. |
Material ConneXion researches materials for all design disciplines, including: aerospace design; architecture; art; automobile design; fashion design; graphic design; industrial design; interior design; landscape architecture; package design; product design and textiles. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | American Mathematical Society's searchable database comprising Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications. Contains bibliographic records with abstracts (or reviews) of mathematics, statistics, computer science articles published, in more than 2,700 journals, book series and conference proceedings. Updated daily. Citation searching is possible. |
Coverage: | from 1940 to the present. |
Access information | Access on and off campus |
Description | This is a fully updated online edition of the Encyclopedia of Public International Law published in print between 1991 and 2001 under the general editorship of Rudolf Bernhardt. |
MDPI Open Access Books
Access information: | Free access |
Description: | MDPI Books is a publishing platform for scholarly and scientific open access books. The book publishing program includes monographs, book series, edited books and reprint books of special issues and topical collections. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | One of the largest online audio-visual catalogues of classical music, opera and dance, consisting of a library of contemporary and historic performances, documentaries on composers and artists, and other interesting resources for Music scholars. More than 100 live events are broadcast each year, in partnership with the world's most prestigious venues, opera houses, festivals and competitions. |
Coverage: | 3000 classical music videos: concerts, operas, ballets, archives, documentaries, artist profiles, master classes and educational programmes. |
Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
This digital research source from Adam Matthew provides you with access to a huge range of primary sources covering social, cultural, political, scientific and religious perspectives, from the 15th to early 18th centuries. The breadth of sources provided within this collection is extensive, from sources concerning the Black Death to the Restoration of the English monarchy and the Glorious Revolution. Includes illuminated manuscripts, personal papers, diaries and journals, correspondence, rare books, receipt books, account books and manuscript sheet music. |
Medieval Family Life
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
Medieval Family Life - The Paston, Cely, Plumpton, Stonor and Armburgh Papers. This resource contains full colour images of the original medieval manuscripts that comprise these family letter collections along with full text searchable transcripts from the printed editions, where they are available. The original images and the transcriptions can be viewed side by side. Along with the letter collections themselves there are many additional features useful for teaching and research. These include: A chronology, a visual sources gallery, an interactive map, a glossary, family trees and links to other scholarly free to access digital resources useful for researching the medieval period. |
Coverage: |
Medieval Family Life (MFL) is a collection of manuscripts from c1400-1490. See contents list (.csv file). |
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. |
Cookies: | Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. |
Description: |
US National Library of Medicine database, covering worldwide medical literature including research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues and health care services. Corresponds to three printed indexes - Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature and International Nursing Index. Covers 5,600 journals published in the USA and about 70 other countries. Detailed information about Medline MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different? |
Coverage: | From 1946 to date. |
NHS staff and other authorised users: | The Knowledge Network |
MedOne Neurosurgery
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
MedOne Neurosurgery is a unique online resource providing the global neurosurgical community with unprecedented access to Thieme’s entire neurosurgery collection (E-Books, Journals, Procedures, Cases, Media and Training Center).
MedOne Ophthalmology
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
Thieme's MedOne Ophthalmology is a postgraduate educational resource for ophthalmologists, providing a range of resources to support learning, diagnosis and management within surgical eye disease.
NHS Lothian staff: | MedOne Ophthalmology access with your Knowledge Network Login |
MedOne Plastic Surgery
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
Thieme's MedOne Plastic Surgery is a postgraduate educational resource for plastic surgeons and students, providing a range of resources to support learning and practice. The collection contains 8 ejournals, 150+ ebooks (including the core text, Essentials of Plastic Surgery by Janis), videos, procedures, other media, and over 1000 self-test Question and Answers categoried by region and procedure. |
NHS Lothian staff: | MedOne Plastic Surgery access with your Knowledge Network login | - Preprint service
Access information: | Freely available. |
Description: | Searchable, full-text repository of author-submitted research papers in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences. Preprints are preliminary versions of work yet to be peer reviewed and published. |
Coverage: | 2019-present |
Notes: | From the site: "medRxiv can save authors time in submitting papers to journals [of participating publishers] by transmitting their manuscript files and metadata directly from medRxiv." |
Access information: |
Use VPN for off campus access, the publisher is experiencing technical difficulties with it's Shibboleth set up. 30/8/22 Access and off campus. |
Description: | Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO) is an essential resource for the study of Britain and its place in the world during the medieval and early modern period (c. 1100-1800). MEMSO contains a large repository of state papers, chronicles, accounts and correspondence from the archives of Britain, Ireland and continental Europe. Books and manuscripts are added to the database weekly. Printed sources are complemented by a collection of original manuscript images taken from the English State Papers held at the National Archives in London. The manuscripts are arranged for easy viewing, and are linked with corresponding printed sources wherever possible. |
Access information: | Access and off campus. |
Description: | Men’s Magazine Archive offers digital access to the backfiles of six major US and UK men’s-interest consumer magazines, together covering the mid-19th century to 21st century. The archive offers researchers insights into contemporary issues and trends in history and society, masculinity, sex roles, literature, sports, fashion, popular culture / entertainment, and more. Titles covered are All Sports Illustrated Weekly, Argosy, Esquire (UK edition), M: The Civilized Man, National Police Gazette and Sports Budget. |
Coverage: | 1845-2015 |
Access information: | Access and off campus. |
Description: | This collection presents more than 1,800 carefully selected records, tracing U.S.-Mexican counternarcotics cooperation from the Nixon administration through the first term of the Obama presidency. Beginning with Operation Intercept, President Nixon’s unilateral attempt to stem marijuana traffic by closing the Mexico-U.S. border, the set follows the often contentious relationship between the hemisphere’s largest consumer of illegal drugs and a principal producer and transit point for those substances. It chronicles the impact of U.S. drug policy on Mexico-U.S. relations; the infusion of U.S. counternarcotics aid in the form of equipment, training, and joint eradication programs; the transformation of drug control from a law enforcement to a national security concern; the increased role of the Mexican military in drug control; the rise of Mexican cartels, drug violence, and official corruption; and efforts, through the Merida Initiative, to support judicial reform, institution-building, and institutionalization of rule-of-law. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Michigan Chronicle offers primary source material essential to the study of African American history, culture, politics, and arts. Historical Black Newspapers provide researchers with unprecedented access to perspectives and information that was excluded or marginalized in mainstream sources. Michigan Chronicle was founded in 1936 by John Sengstacke, the owner of the Chicago Defender, who played a pivotal role in civil rights and has continued to be a leading voice for Blacks in Detroit and beyond. |
Coverage: | 1936-2010 |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: |
The Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection includes publications from across this dynamic region, providing unique insights into the history of individual countries, as well as broad viewpoints on key historic events from the late nineteenth century through the present. Key topics include the decline of colonialism, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Suez Crisis, the Cold War, the rise of the petroleum industry, twentieth-century pan-Arab movements, both World Wars, the establishment of the state of Israel, the Iran-Iraq War, and the recent Arab Spring. Content in the Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection is predominantly in Arabic, but also includes key titles in English and French. The following newspaper titles, plus more, are included: Al-Iqbal (from Lebanon, in Arabic); Tangier Gazette (from Morocco, in English and French); and La Vérité (from Algeria, in French and Arabic). This is Open Access resource made available by East View and the Center for Research Libraries. Please note that in spite of this collection being Open Access and these titles being included, there is no access to the following titles as an Institutional Purchase is required for access:
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Access to and interconnectivity between three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, as well as links to an associated network of electronic resources. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Migration to New Worlds explores the movement of peoples from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia. From government-led population drives during the early nineteenth century through to mass steamship travel, it showcases unique primary source material recounting the many and varied personal experiences of migration. Most material comes from the period 1800-1924, the ‘Century of Immigration’, but there is some earlier and later material included as well. Explore Colonial Office files on emigration, diaries and travel journals, ship logs and plans, printed literature, objects, watercolours, and oral histories. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | PRINCE. BOB DYLAN. Husker Du. The Andrews Sisters. These musicians are just some of the many notable people – including artists, activists, scientists and politicians – who have contributed to the progressive, independent and creative climate of Minneapolis. Researchers will find robust primary source insights on the development of this slice of American culture in the city’s long time newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Early issues of the Star Tribune also document the rise of Minneapolis as a business hub, with coverage of growth in flour- and graining-milling industries, culminating in the foundation of General Mills, Pillsbury and the Washburn-Crosby Company. Related stories trace the railroad boom of the late 1800s, the debut of the first hydroelectric power plant in 1882, and the advent of worker protection laws resulting from the Teamsters strike of 1934. |
Coverage: | 1867-2001. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: |
Mintel Reports provides market research reports on a range of UK consumer and industrial products and services. Coverage: Reports on Beauty and Personal Care; Drink; Food; Leisure; Retail Overview; Technology Report sections can be printed or downloaded, but it is not possible to print or download entire reports. Mintel Trends provides reports on shifts in consumer behaviour by industry, demographic, theme and region. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. Select Log In, Federated Log In and University of Edinburgh, you may be prompted for your University Login. |
Description: | Mintel Market Sizes containing global data on market size, market share and forecast data for thousands of consumer goods categories worldwide. |
The Mirror Historical Archive, 1903-2000
Access information: |
Access on and off campus |
Description: |
Founded in 1903, the Mirror plays a pivotal role in the history of journalism. Peaking in 1967, with a daily circulation of 5.25 million, the newspaper has had a history full of highs and lows. Today, it is the only mainstream left-wing tabloid remaining in the UK. Gale's Mirror Historical Archive, 1903-2000 features more than 800,000 pages of brand-new, full text searchable, scans of the complete run of the Mirror from 1903-2000, including the Sunday Mirror. |
Access information: | On campus or off campus. |
Description: | Missionary Studies is a global resource for the study of missionary work, educational work, medical work, evangelism, political conflict, and the emergence of indigenous churches. Formed from archival collections relating to Africa, East and South Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, and the Americas, it includes records of female missionaries and women’s missionary organisations. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Electronic community for the cognitive and brain sciences, which includes the full text of major reference works and over 750 MIT Press cognitive science books, full text of MIT Press journals in the field of cognitive and brain sciences, as well as a growing collection of other relevant books, journals and reference works from other participating publishers. |
MLA International Bibliography
Access information: | Access on and off campus. |
Description: | Citations to critical documents on literature, language, linguistics and folklore from over 4,400 journals and series and over 1000 book publishers. Also covers monographs, reference works and collections, including working papers, conference papers and proceedings. Coverage includes literature from all over the world--Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Folklore is represented by folk literature, music, art, rituals, and belief systems. Linguistics and language materials range from history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, and syntax to translation. Other topics include literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theater), and history of printing and publishing. A userguide available from |
Coverage: | Over 2.5 million records from 1926 to date. Updated 9 times per year with over 66,000 records added annually. |
Le Monde
Access information: |
Access on and off-campus. |
Description: | One of France's leading newspapers. |
Coverage: |
Full text from December 1944 to April 2010. Access to certain freelance articles and other features within this publication (e.g. photographs, classifieds, etc.) may not be available. |
Alternative Access: |
Print copies - current 2 months Main Library Level 4. Le Monde website provides free access to some content at |
Le Monde Historical Archive
Access information: |
Access on and off campus. |
Description: | ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde empowers researchers to digitally travel back through decades to become eyewitnesses to history. Written in the French language and covering leading issues and events, like World War II and the Fifth Republic, to French, European and international politics, society and business, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde reveals the day-to-day news coverage valued by researchers. |
Coverage: | 1944-2000 |
Montreal Gazette
Access information: |
Access on or off-campus. |
Description: | The Montreal Gazette is Montreal’s only surviving English-language newspaper, as well as the oldest daily still in print in all of Canada. Originally founded as The Gazette, the paper offers much insight into Canadian history in the late 19th Century as well as important coverage of international, national, provincial, and local events. The Montreal Gazette is also home to a number of National Newspaper Award winning editorial writers including Edgar A Collard’s chronicle of the history of Montreal, Henry Aubin’s groundbreaking environmental investigations and award-winning editorial cartoonist “Aislin” (Terry Mosher). |
Coverage: |
1857-2010. |
Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH) (Brepols)
Access information: |
Access on and off-campus |
Description: |
The Monumenta Germaniae Historica was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde. It is without doubt one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts. In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, the Monumenta not only continues its editorial programme but it has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions. |
Access Information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: | The Music Industry Data tool is a way of gathering information about music trends and the impact of music across countries and cultures. Music Industry Data is a growing repository of historical and current data from Billboard, Official Chart Company, Media Control and many more reporting agencies around the world. This data is presented in Relative Pitch Graphs™ with sophisticated functionality. Based on sales data, Relative Pitch Graphs™ are a way of normalising data over time, and tell the story of the impact of music on society and cultures. Music Industry Data links all the data that exists on music, industry trends and commercial facts so that researchers can make original and rigorous academic enquiries. Previously we could only make qualitative assumptions about the impact of music socially, politically and economically. With Music Industry Data, researchers can use quantitative techniques to verify what really happened and the true context in which music was produced. The following products are included: Music Industry Data Insights, Music Industry Data Capability, Music Industry Data Information and Music Industry Data Context. |
Coverage: | 1956 to the present. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: | A large, diverse and comprehensive catalogue of online music content from Alexander Street (a ProQuest company). From classical music, to alternative rock, to zydeco, from ballet to operatic arias to alternative dance, Alexander Street's music and dance resources cover many genres and content formats. |
Coverage: | Over 10 million audio tracks, 3,600+ videos, 1.3 million pages of scores and 124,000+ pages of reference material. |
Userguide: | |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: | Music & Performing Arts (from Alexander Street, a ProQuest company) combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles to provide an unparalleled learning environment for the teaching of music. Genres covered include African American music, classical, jazz, world music, drama, performance design, and popular music |
Coverage: | Over 12 million audio tracks, 8,200+ videos, 114,000+ pages of reference material. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: |
Music Online: Classical Scores Library is a reliable and authoritative destination for in-copyright digital scores of the classical canon, as well as a resource for the discovery of diverse and lesser-known contemporary works. This five-volume collection encompasses all major classical musical genres and time periods from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and includes full, study, piano, and vocal scores. Access is provided to the following volumes: Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume II Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume III Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume IV |
Music Online: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Access information: | On and off campus. |
Description: | Music Online: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music is the first comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world’s peoples. More than 9,000 pages of material and 300 audio recordings, combined with entries by more than 700 expert contributors from all over the world, make this the most complete body of work focused on world music. |
Access information: | Access on and off campus |
Description: | The Music Periodicals Database – formerly International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP+IIMP Full Text) – supports music scholarship, theory, and practice with access to about 220 full-text titles and citations sourced from more than 600 music periodicals. |
Coverage: | 1874 to the present. |