Library databases

The databases provided by the Library give you online access to valuable information including full text journal articles, abstracts, and rich digital archives of primary sources, audio-visual materials and more.

The Library subscribes to a large number of online databases and resources. Most can be accessed via your University Login from this website. You'll find full access details and links to each resource through the search box below or in the alphabetical list.

The range of online databases and resources provided by the Library are organised here by subject, helping you find the most relevant resources for your study and research. The majority can be accessed by logging in using your Office 365 Login.

There are many online resources available to help with your research.

The Library regularly arranges trials to new resources. Publishers are usually willing to provide trial access to allow us to use and evaluate a resource before making a decision about purchase.

Previously held e-resource trials. Publishers are usually willing to provide trial access to allow us to use and evaluate a resource before making a decision about purchase.