Books from Helen Cruickshank's Library

Edinburgh University Library holds eight volumes from the personal library of Helen Cruickshank.

These consist of a signed copy of Cruickshank's Sea Buckthorn (Dunfermline: H.T. MacPherson, 1954) (JA3375) and presentation copies of books by the following writers:

George Mackay Brown

  • An Orkney Tapestry (London: Gollancz, 1969) (JA3388)

Inscribed by the author; also signed by illustrator Sylvia Wishart.

Duncan Glen

  • A Cled Score: Poems (Preston: Akros Publications, 1974) (JA3374)

Inscribed by the author.

Bessie MacArthur

  • And Time Moves On (West Linton: Castlelaw Press, 1972) (JA3377)

Inscribed by the author.

Norman MacCaig

  • Rings on a Tree (London: Chatto and Windus, 1968) (JA3810)
  • Surroundings (London: Chatto and Windus, 1966) (JA3811)

Both inscribed by the author.

Compton Mackenzie

  • Robert Louis Stevenson (London: Morgan-Grampian, 1968) (JA3378)

Inscribed by Lillian Mackenzie, the author's widow.

Tom Scott

  • At the Shrine o the Unkent Sodger: A Poem for Recitation (Presto: Akros Publications, c1968) (JA3376)