Manuscripts of Works by Hamish Henderson

Edinburgh University's Hamish Henderson Archive contains manuscripts from all points of his career as a writer, scholar, and activist.

The manuscripts are partially sorted and fall under the following categories:

  • Original poems and songs
  • Talks and lectures
  • Essays and articles
  • Letters to the press
  • Translations (primarily from Italian and German)
  • Notebooks (containing drafts of poems, lectures, talks, and letters)
  • Fieldwork notes (including transcripts of songs)
  • School of Scottish Studies materials
  • Materials relating to political campaigns (Nuclear Disarmament, Anti-Apartheid, Scottish Assembly)
  • Personal Papers (including World War II-related documents, diaries, address books, and financial papers)
  • Sketches
  • Scrapbooks

A detailed catalogue is currently being prepared. In the meantime, please contact the Centre for Research Collections for fuller information.

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