
Some useful resources for Law are listed below.

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Beck Online Premium

Access information: Available on campus only however during COVID-19 closure, access is available via the VPN see note below. 
Description: Beck Online Premium covers German law and is a leading provider of German language material. Beck Online Premium includes about 500 (full text) handbooks, lexica and commentaries, over 90 (full text) professional law journals and an abundance of statutes and court decisions.

Beck have now authorised the University of Edinburgh for remote access to their database. Please go to Access to beck-online via VPN  to read the registration instructions (English language further down the page).

While you are on the VPN and at the login box on the right hand side will display University of Edinburgh and then you can start the registration process using  your University of Edinburgh email address.

You will create your own username and password after that, use it to log into the Beck database whilst still on the VPN.



Business Source Complete

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: The world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Complete provides full text for nearly 3,300 scholarly business journals, including full text for more than 1000 peer-reviewed business publications. This database provides full text for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals. Updated daily.
Coverage: 1922-present.



China Law Info (Chinese language version)

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Also known as Beida fabao, China Law Info is a bilingual database for China legal documents and information. The database provides both the original Chinese version and the English translation of China laws and regulations, judicial cases, tax treaties, white papers, law journals and gazettes, as well as other China legal information such as legal news and legislative/regulatory updates. The database is updated daily. .
Note: The English version can also be accessed from the Chinese version by clicking the menu button ‘English’. All the English translations are accompanied by their original Chinese texts and the English and Chinese texts can be displayed side by side. All the documents can be read online or downloaded by clicking the ‘Download’ button in the top right corner.



Climate Change and Law Collection

Access information:

Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.


This comprehensive collection of climate change and law documents contains original source, non-edited and non-redacted “grey literature” (non-peer reviewed) in English, centered on climate change and the law. Incorporated in the category of ‘law’ is any discipline of law which addressed climate change, including corporate law, environmental law and human rights law. Materials in the collection originate from a wide range of organizations in the public and private sector, institutions, and/or individuals, world-wide.



Emerald Insight

Access information: Access on and off-campus.

Access to over 120 journals. The journals cover general management, human resource management, information management, library & information services, marketing, operations, production & economics, property, quality, training and education and engineering & material science.



European Sources Online

Access information: Open access
Description: European Sources Online (ESO) is an online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe, and on issues of importance to European researchers, citizens and stakeholders.


Access information: Access on and off campus

Full text legal journals, includes all U.S Treaties and Agreements, and published U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Over 15 million pages of image-based, fully searchable material. Access to several smaller collections for example: Civil Rights and Social Justice, Criminal Justice Journals, European Centre for Minority Issues, International Commission of Jurists Library, Law Journal Library, Law Library of Congress Reports, LGBTQ+ Rights, Scottish Legal History, Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law and the Open Society Justice Initiative.



House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

Access information:

Access on and off campus.

Description: The 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Century House of Commons Parliamentary Papers contains bibliographic records and searchable full text for papers printed between 1688-2014. It also includes Hansard 1803-2005.
Further information: The collection does not include the House of Commons Journal, or daily business papers, such as Order papers and Votes and Proceedings, nor does it include Acts.  User guide located at



House of Lords Parliamentary Papers (1800-1910)

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


The House of Lords Parliamentary Papers (1800-1910) is an essential research resource that, along with the existing House of Commons Parliamentary Papers database, provides a complete picture of the working and influence of the UK Parliament during the pivotal 19th century. As the working documents of government, the papers encompass wide areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, and many contributors were found outside the official world – providing evidence to committees and commissions during a time when the Lords still wielded considerable power.

The Library already has access to the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers and the two databases are cross-searchable.

Further information: User guide located at



IAReporter (Investment Arbitration Reporter )

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Investment Arbitration Reporter is a news and analysis service tracking international arbitrations between foreign investors and governments.   It offers proprietary insight into breaking legal developments and policy trends in investment treaty arbitration, as well as reports on the latest legal pleadings, decisions and arbitral awards



ICC Dispute Resolution Library (

Access information:Access on and off-campus. Username and password are required - please see Electronic resources: usernames for details.
Description:Provided by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, this channel contains material from ICC publications on arbitration as well as other types of dispute resolution. Content includes material from the ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, access to the Dossiers of the Institute of World Business Law, the Secretariat’s Guide to ICC Arbitration, extracts from awards from ICC arbitral tribunals, ICC reference documents, Commission Reports and the ICC Guide to National Procedures for Recognition and Enforcement of Awards under the New York Convention and the complete collection of ICC Dispute Resolution Rules.



i-law Maritime

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 5 concurrent users. 

Individual registration required. Use you University email address and create a password.

Covers publications, forms & documents, legislation, practice notes & events relating to maritime law.



Access information:

Access on and off campus - for off campus access please use the University VPN - Click here for Access to the University network via the VPN.


A comprehensive research tool for international trade and investment law.  It includes decisions and awards for investment-treaty claims cases, arbitration rules, and investment and trade treaties and agreements.  Through its research tools, including article, jurisprudence and publication citators, ISLG has mapped the world of investment treaty law by capturing the relationships between treaties, arbitral rules, cases and other key materials.


Access information. Available on or off campus.
Description. JUTA Law is one of the leading publishers of legal content from Africa, an extremely important resource for comparative study. Content in Jutastat includes: South African Law Reports from 1947 to date and South African case law from 1838, South African Statutes, Zimbabwe Law Reports, Statutes of Zimbabwe, Tanzania Law Reports, Statutes of Tanzania, Zambia Law Reports, Statutes of Zambia, Namibia Law Reports, Statutes of Namibia, as well as Juta’s online journal content: Acta Juridica, Annual Survey of SA Law, South African Law Journal, South African Journal of Criminal Justice, South African Mercantile Law Journal, Stellenbosch Law Review, Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse Reg / Journal of South African Law.  Subject coverage includes administrative, civil procedure, commercial, constitutional, criminal, intellectual property, international, labour, mining, revenue and shipping law.



Kluwer Arbitration

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Kluwer Arbitration contains a wealth of full text arbitration related material and primary sources, covering over 195 international jurisdictions.  Content includes books, looseleaf publications, journals, Bilateral Investment Treaties, the text of almost 600 laws, rules for major institutions, and court decisions (including Chinese court decision summaries)


LexisLibrary is a key resource

Access information:Access on and off-campus. 
Description:Online legal research service covering case law, legislation and most UK national and regional newspapers. Includes key resources such as Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia (found in the ‘Content’ tab), and UK Weekly Law Reports of England and Wales (published as ICLR reports under My Sources).

Authorised Users do not include:

a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at any other institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.


Lexis PSL is a key resource

Access information:

Access on and off-campus.


Aimed at diploma level students it offers practice notes, precedents, forms and current awareness alerts. Access is provided to 5 specific modules within this database – Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Property. Specific Scots Law content is available within these modules. To access this area of Lexis+, select ‘Practical Guidance’ option on left of screen, and then navigate to your topic using the links in the main Practice Area pane.


Authorised Users do not include:

a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at any other institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.


The Making of Modern Law is a key resource

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The Making of Modern Law is the world's most comprehensive full-text collection of British Commonwealth and American legal treatises from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It allows for full text searching of more than 21,000 works from casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches and more.
Access information:On and off campus.
Description:Access to over 23,000 UK and international news and business sources, financial and market reports, biographical data and thousands of legal and regulatory services. Includes Company Dossier which delivers company information on 100 million international companies and executives.

Authorised Users do not include:

(a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

(b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at an institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.


Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Oxford Reports on International Law brings together decisions on public international law from international law courts, domestic courts, and ad hoc tribunals. In this resource, the full scope of international case law is available in one place, accompanied by expert analysis and cross-case navigation via the Oxford Law Citator. New cases are added daily, making Oxford Reports on International Law the most up-to-date source of international case law available.



Political Science Complete

Access information Access on and off campus.
Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory.
Coverage: 1965 - present.


Practical Law is a key resource

Access: Available on campus and off campus via VPN.
Description: Practical Law is a database of legal know-how, transactional analysis and market intelligence for lawyers.




ProQuest Law Sources via Proquest Congressional Platform

Proquest Law Sources via History Vault Platform

Access information. Access on and off campus.

ProQuest enables access to historical material that legal historians will find of interest. Resources include:

  • Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations 1789-Present - Congressional Platform Link;
  • History Vault: African American Police League Records, 1961-1988 - History Vault link;
  • History Vault: Law and Society since the Civil War - History Vault link;
  • History Vault: Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998 - History Vault link;
  • History Vault: Slavery and the Law - History Vault link; Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-2013 - Congressional Platform Link;
Coverage: 1789 onwards.



PsycINFO - Ovid interface

[PsycINFO via APA PsycNET]

Access information:

Access on and off-campus.

On Ovid interface - Accept cookies.

Cookies (Ovid)Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made.
Description:American Psychological Association produced with citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Coverage:Journal coverage, from 1806 to the present, includes international material selected from more than 2,400 journals written in over 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material from 1806 to the present.
NHS Staff and other authorised users:The Knowledge Network
Access information: Freely available
Description: The “Summaries of EU legislation” website presents the main aspects of European Union (EU) legislation in a concise, easy-to-read and unbiased way. It provides approximately 3 000 summaries of European legislation, divided into 32 subject areas corresponding to the activities of the European Union.



Taxation of Non-Residents and Foreign Domiciliaries

Access information:

Available on and off campus via username and password - please see Electronic resources: usernames page for details.

Access has been offered on a complimentary basis and expires July 2025.


This site provides comprehensive information about:

  1. Taxation of foreign domiciliaries
  2. Taxation of non-residents on UK income and assets
  3. Taxation of UK residents on foreign income and assets
  4. Other topics arising in this context, including tax avoidance, and disclosure and compliance

It is the online version of Taxation of Non-Residents and Foreign Domiciliaries by James Kessler in the 23rd edition (2024/25).




Access information:

Access on and off campus


TradeLawGuide provides comprehensive research tools that facilitate methodical research of international trade law, including WTO law and regional trade agreements (RTAs).

Its primary document collection consists of the WTO agreements and instruments, jurisprudence, dispute settlement procedural documents, negotiating history and the agreements and codes from the pre-WTO GATT regime. A suite of citators provides comprehensive substantive jurisprudence references to WTO, pre-WTO and Vienna Convention provisions as well as cross-references within the jurisprudence. Researchers can quickly pinpoint the most recent developments for a provision or research its complete jurisprudential and negotiating history. Additional resources, such as the Annotated Agreements, Treaty Interpretation, Terms & Phrases, Subject Navigator, and Dispute Settlement Body Minutes (for policy issues arising in jurisprudence) provide value-added content to facilitate dynamic and thorough research.

In addition, TradeLawGuide provides a fully searchable database of regional trade agreements (RTAs), providing researchers with ready access to the texts of bilateral and plurilateral agreements currently in force throughout the world. Researchers have one-click access to the full legal text of agreements as well as shortcuts to the key sections, such as the rules of origin, tariff elimination schedules, market access commitments, reservations (non-conforming measures), and side instruments. A comparison tool for selecting and reviewing the text in two or more agreements at the same time allows researchers to efficiently assess similarities and differences between RTAs.


Westlaw is a key resource

Access information:

Access on and off campus. Westlaw International can be accessed via the More Resources box on the lower right hand corner of the Westlaw homepage.

Description: Online legal research service delivering case law, legislation, journals, books, news & business information and current awareness. Scots law materials can be accessed through the More tab. Content includes Scottish Legislation, Cases, regulatory and guidance materials, journals and books. Covers EU law.
Note: When registering for the first time, users should use their University of Edinburgh email address.


Related Links

Subject guides: Law