Due to the multidisciplinary nature of International Development studies the Library provides access to many general databases that will be of use. Below is a selection of the databases that will be most relevant to Development Studies. For a full list of our databases please see A-Z databases. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at:https://edin.ac/MFAinfo HTML allAfrica.com Access Information: Access on campus or off campus. Description: allAfrica's news and information archive is a distinctive large and growing collection containing over 3.6 million articles and documents. AllAfrica collects and aggregates articles from African news organizations, as well as documents and releases from several hundred governmental, nongovernmental and international institutions. Coverage: 1996 - present HTML BLDS (British Library for Development Studies) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from BLDS. Description: Depository library at The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, for publications from international organisations (including the UN system and World Bank) with a strong collection from developing countries. Coverage: Contains over 150,000 records of documents on economic and social development including serial titles held and monographs acquired since 1987 Journal articles selectively indexed since 1990. HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries. HTML Practical Action Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Practical Action is a specialist peer-reviewed and evidence-based online book and journal collection for International Development policy, practice and research professionals. The collection reflects the learning of multiple agencies and development professionals across a variety of specialist subject areas. Note: Green indicators show which content we have access to. HTML Documents on British Policy Overseas Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Documents on British Policy Overseas offers researchers the opportunity to see beneath the surface of the major events of the twentieth century. Users can access contemporary accounts and follow the detailed exchanges that shaped British foreign policy from the origins of the First World War and beyond. HTML Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive Access Access on and off campus. Description Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports Archive provides detailed coverage of political, economic, and commercial developments covering all countries from 1952 to 1995. Comprehensive quarterly overviews allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of an event, policy, or development. In addition to the highly regarded, impartial insight from EIU researchers, each report contains tables with detailed country-level statistics downloadable to Excel. Coverage 1952-1995. HTML Global Health (via CABI), also available via Ovid Access information: Access on and off-campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: Covers human health and disease, including communicable diseases, tropical diseases, parasitic diseases and parasitology, nutrition, community and public health, and medicinal and poisonous plants, from more than 16,000 journals as well as books and grey literature (dissertations, conferences, patents, standards, annual reports, etc.) from more than 130 countries. Coverage: 1910 to present. HTML IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research focusing on the four core social science subjects of anthropology, economics, politics, and sociology. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and chapter records are included each year. Abstracts are provided for around 80% of all current journal articles and users can link to the full text of articles in journals subscribed to by the University of Edinburgh. Userguide: http://proquest.libguides.com/IBSS HTML Migration to New Worlds Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Migration to New Worlds explores the movement of peoples from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia. From government-led population drives during the early nineteenth century through to mass steamship travel, it showcases unique primary source material recounting the many and varied personal experiences of migration. Most material comes from the period 1800-1924, the ‘Century of Immigration’, but there is some earlier and later material included as well. Explore Colonial Office files on emigration, diaries and travel journals, ship logs and plans, printed literature, objects, watercolours, and oral histories. HTML News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Offering full runs of 15 major 20th-century titles, in full-color, page-image format. News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive makes newly available and accessible these key sources, for which the archival print issues have not consistently been retained by libraries. Titles include Newsweek, UN Chronicle, NATO Review and New Internationalist. Coverage: 1918-2015 HTML OECD iLibrary Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Subscribed resources available via the iLibrary include the OECD/IEA Energy iLibrary, OECD Observer and OECD Economic Surveys. The iLibrary also provides access to a substantial amount of free content, including the OECD Factbook, OECD Working Papers, Key Tables, Multilingual Summaries and most 'At a Glance' publications. Alternative source: Not all content is subscribed to. An alternative source is the UK Data Service's UKDS.Stat service. Access to full content available from the National Library of Scotland. Registration required. Please note your main address must be in Scotland HTML PAIS Index Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. This resource covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Topics covered include: Economic conditions, Education, Energy resources and policy, Government, Health conditions, Human rights, International Relations, Labor conditions and policy, Politics, Social conditions, Civil rights movement. PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976. HTML Political Science Complete Access information Access on and off campus. Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory. Coverage: 1965 - present. HTML Scopus Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office: ipo.gov.uk. Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards. User guide: https://elsevier.libguides.com/Scopus/home Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus). Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested. HTML Summaries of EU legislation (replaces SCAD) Access information: Freely available Description: The “Summaries of EU legislation” website presents the main aspects of European Union (EU) legislation in a concise, easy-to-read and unbiased way. It provides approximately 3 000 summaries of European legislation, divided into 32 subject areas corresponding to the activities of the European Union. HTML Sustainable Organization Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Online collection of approximately 8000 papers drawn from around 600 books and journals in sustainability, CSR, corporate governance, ethics, environmental policy and management. Coverage: All content published to end of 2018. HTML UNESCO Documents and Publications Access information: Freely available Description: Education, social and natural science, culture and communication database of bibliographic records which also provides access to the full text of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) documents, publications, periodicals. Coverage: From 1945. Additional information: UNESCO thesaurus HTML World Bank: Documents & Reports World Bank: Data & Research Access information: Freely available Description: For global economic policies. Using Documents & Reports (previously known as World Development Sources (WDS)) search and a browse the full-text of 27,000 World Bank publications: Analytic & Advisory (in-depth background, strategic priorities, and direction for lending activities). Project Documents (loan documents released to the public according to the project cycle; Publications & Research (Formal publications, working papers & informal series from departments around the Bank). The Data & Research section provides access to statistics and research output, including: research briefs, policy research reports, World Bank economic classification of countries, Global Economic Prospects online. HTML World Health Organization (WHO) Institutional Repository (IRIS) Access information: Freely available Description: Search the entire collection of WHO publications. Access to online publications in full where available. Additional information: WHO's Regional Offices' web pages have links to full-text of their publications, their library services and information listed under health topics: Africa Pan-America South East Asia Europe Eastern Mediterranean Western Pacific Related LinksSubject Guide: International Development This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML allAfrica.com Access Information: Access on campus or off campus. Description: allAfrica's news and information archive is a distinctive large and growing collection containing over 3.6 million articles and documents. AllAfrica collects and aggregates articles from African news organizations, as well as documents and releases from several hundred governmental, nongovernmental and international institutions. Coverage: 1996 - present
HTML BLDS (British Library for Development Studies) Access information: Free access on and off-campus from BLDS. Description: Depository library at The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, for publications from international organisations (including the UN system and World Bank) with a strong collection from developing countries. Coverage: Contains over 150,000 records of documents on economic and social development including serial titles held and monographs acquired since 1987 Journal articles selectively indexed since 1990.
HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries.
HTML Practical Action Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Practical Action is a specialist peer-reviewed and evidence-based online book and journal collection for International Development policy, practice and research professionals. The collection reflects the learning of multiple agencies and development professionals across a variety of specialist subject areas. Note: Green indicators show which content we have access to.
HTML Documents on British Policy Overseas Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Documents on British Policy Overseas offers researchers the opportunity to see beneath the surface of the major events of the twentieth century. Users can access contemporary accounts and follow the detailed exchanges that shaped British foreign policy from the origins of the First World War and beyond.
HTML Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive Access Access on and off campus. Description Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports Archive provides detailed coverage of political, economic, and commercial developments covering all countries from 1952 to 1995. Comprehensive quarterly overviews allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of an event, policy, or development. In addition to the highly regarded, impartial insight from EIU researchers, each report contains tables with detailed country-level statistics downloadable to Excel. Coverage 1952-1995.
HTML Global Health (via CABI), also available via Ovid Access information: Access on and off-campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: Covers human health and disease, including communicable diseases, tropical diseases, parasitic diseases and parasitology, nutrition, community and public health, and medicinal and poisonous plants, from more than 16,000 journals as well as books and grey literature (dissertations, conferences, patents, standards, annual reports, etc.) from more than 130 countries. Coverage: 1910 to present.
HTML IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research focusing on the four core social science subjects of anthropology, economics, politics, and sociology. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and chapter records are included each year. Abstracts are provided for around 80% of all current journal articles and users can link to the full text of articles in journals subscribed to by the University of Edinburgh. Userguide: http://proquest.libguides.com/IBSS
HTML Migration to New Worlds Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Migration to New Worlds explores the movement of peoples from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia. From government-led population drives during the early nineteenth century through to mass steamship travel, it showcases unique primary source material recounting the many and varied personal experiences of migration. Most material comes from the period 1800-1924, the ‘Century of Immigration’, but there is some earlier and later material included as well. Explore Colonial Office files on emigration, diaries and travel journals, ship logs and plans, printed literature, objects, watercolours, and oral histories.
HTML News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Offering full runs of 15 major 20th-century titles, in full-color, page-image format. News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive makes newly available and accessible these key sources, for which the archival print issues have not consistently been retained by libraries. Titles include Newsweek, UN Chronicle, NATO Review and New Internationalist. Coverage: 1918-2015
HTML OECD iLibrary Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Subscribed resources available via the iLibrary include the OECD/IEA Energy iLibrary, OECD Observer and OECD Economic Surveys. The iLibrary also provides access to a substantial amount of free content, including the OECD Factbook, OECD Working Papers, Key Tables, Multilingual Summaries and most 'At a Glance' publications. Alternative source: Not all content is subscribed to. An alternative source is the UK Data Service's UKDS.Stat service. Access to full content available from the National Library of Scotland. Registration required. Please note your main address must be in Scotland
HTML PAIS Index Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. This resource covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Topics covered include: Economic conditions, Education, Energy resources and policy, Government, Health conditions, Human rights, International Relations, Labor conditions and policy, Politics, Social conditions, Civil rights movement. PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.
HTML Political Science Complete Access information Access on and off campus. Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory. Coverage: 1965 - present.
HTML Scopus Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office: ipo.gov.uk. Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards. User guide: https://elsevier.libguides.com/Scopus/home Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus). Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested.
HTML Summaries of EU legislation (replaces SCAD) Access information: Freely available Description: The “Summaries of EU legislation” website presents the main aspects of European Union (EU) legislation in a concise, easy-to-read and unbiased way. It provides approximately 3 000 summaries of European legislation, divided into 32 subject areas corresponding to the activities of the European Union.
HTML Sustainable Organization Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Online collection of approximately 8000 papers drawn from around 600 books and journals in sustainability, CSR, corporate governance, ethics, environmental policy and management. Coverage: All content published to end of 2018.
HTML UNESCO Documents and Publications Access information: Freely available Description: Education, social and natural science, culture and communication database of bibliographic records which also provides access to the full text of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) documents, publications, periodicals. Coverage: From 1945. Additional information: UNESCO thesaurus
HTML World Bank: Documents & Reports World Bank: Data & Research Access information: Freely available Description: For global economic policies. Using Documents & Reports (previously known as World Development Sources (WDS)) search and a browse the full-text of 27,000 World Bank publications: Analytic & Advisory (in-depth background, strategic priorities, and direction for lending activities). Project Documents (loan documents released to the public according to the project cycle; Publications & Research (Formal publications, working papers & informal series from departments around the Bank). The Data & Research section provides access to statistics and research output, including: research briefs, policy research reports, World Bank economic classification of countries, Global Economic Prospects online.
HTML World Health Organization (WHO) Institutional Repository (IRIS) Access information: Freely available Description: Search the entire collection of WHO publications. Access to online publications in full where available. Additional information: WHO's Regional Offices' web pages have links to full-text of their publications, their library services and information listed under health topics: Africa Pan-America South East Asia Europe Eastern Mediterranean Western Pacific