Some useful resources for Music are listed below. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: HTML Academic Video Online (Alexander St Press/ProQuest) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Academic Video Online is a multidisciplinary collection of videos that touches on the curriculum needs of virtually every department. With over 67,000 titles available now and 400 new titles per month, this collection is unmatched in its breadth. Academic Video Online allows students and researchers alike to analyse unique and valuable content from over 500 producers and distributors around the world. Userguide: HTML AES e-library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The AES (Audio Engineering Society) e-library contains over 14,000 full-text documents covering the progression of audio research from 1953 to the present day. Documents include all AES Journal papers and all AES conference and convention papers. HTML BabelScores Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: BabelScores gives access to a large and growing library of online contemporary music scores. It selects the works of the most creative, original and innovative contemporary composers offering a wide catalogue to instrumentalists, ensembles, orchestras, composers, musicologists, conservatoires, and universities. HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels. HTML Cambridge Companions Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cross search the complete collection of Cambridge Companions. Full text is available for all publications. The Collections comprises the Companions to Literature and the Classics, the Companions to Music and the Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture. HTML Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Central and Eastern European Online Library: gives access to thousands of academic full-text e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences, from and about Central and Eastern Europe. Our subscription gives you access to the following subject categories: fine arts, performing arts, music, architecture and photography. HTML Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to the 21st century. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Issues have been scanned in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of articles, covers, ads and reviews. The Library has access to: EIMA1: Music, Radio and The Stage EIMA2: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 1) EIMA3: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 2) EIMA4: Rock, Folk and Hip-hop EIMA5: Video Gaming HTML EUscreen Access information: Freely available Description: The EUscreen portal offers free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage. It brings together clips that provide an insight into the social, cultural, political and economic events that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as chronicling important historical events, the EUscreen portal allows you to explore television programmes that focus on everyday experience HTML Film & Television Literature Index with Full TextAccess information.Access on and off campus.Description.A resource for researchers of film and television, providing the most comprehensive, balanced collection of full-text and bibliographic coverage from scholarly and popular sources, and spanning the entire spectrum of film and television studies. Updated on a weekly basis, this database provides full text for hundreds of journals and books and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts and selected coverage for hundreds of publications. Variety movie reviews from 1914 to present and a vast image collection from the MPTV Image Archive are also included. HTML Gallica Bibliotheque Numerique Access information: Freely available Description: Bibliotheque Nationale de France and partners' full-text collections. Two million items from books, periodicals, maps, scores, images, sound recordings manuscripts. HTML Index to Printed Music Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Use IPM to find individual pieces of music printed in standard scholarly editions. With over 425,000 records available for searching, IPM provides detailed indexing across a range of categories, including collection, composer, editor, format, genre, language, librettist, publication year etc. It is also possible to search for titles of music collections, as well as individual compositions. HTML International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance with Full Text Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text is the definitive research tool for the study of theatre and the performing arts. This database was initiated by the American Society for Theatre Research, and since 1984, the Theatre Research Data Center (TRDC) at Brooklyn College has published 14 volumes of the IBTD. These volumes comprise a fully indexed, cross-referenced and annotated databank of over 60,000 journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertation abstracts on all aspects of theatre and performance in 126 countries. International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text contains more than 490 full-text titles, including more than 170 full-text journals, and more than 360 full-text books & monographs. HTML Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the largest online audio-visual catalogues of classical music, opera and dance, consisting of a library of contemporary and historic performances, documentaries on composers and artists, and other interesting resources for Music scholars. More than 100 live events are broadcast each year, in partnership with the world's most prestigious venues, opera houses, festivals and competitions. Coverage: 3000 classical music videos: concerts, operas, ballets, archives, documentaries, artist profiles, master classes and educational programmes. HTML Music and Dance Online Access information: Access on and off campus Description: A large, diverse and comprehensive catalogue of online music content from Alexander Street (a ProQuest company). From classical music, to alternative rock, to zydeco, from ballet to operatic arias to alternative dance, Alexander Street's music and dance resources cover many genres and content formats. Coverage: Over 10 million audio tracks, 3,600+ videos, 1.3 million pages of scores and 124,000+ pages of reference material. Userguide: HTML Music and Performing Arts Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Music & Performing Arts (from Alexander Street, a ProQuest company) combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles to provide an unparalleled learning environment for the teaching of music. Genres covered include African American music, classical, jazz, world music, drama, performance design, and popular music Coverage: Over 12 million audio tracks, 8,200+ videos, 114,000+ pages of reference material. HTML Music Industry Data (previously called ACO Music Data Analysis) Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Music Industry Data tool is a way of gathering information about music trends and the impact of music across countries and cultures. Music Industry Data is a growing repository of historical and current data from Billboard, Official Chart Company, Media Control and many more reporting agencies around the world. This data is presented in Relative Pitch Graphs™ with sophisticated functionality. Based on sales data, Relative Pitch Graphs™ are a way of normalising data over time, and tell the story of the impact of music on society and cultures. Music Industry Data links all the data that exists on music, industry trends and commercial facts so that researchers can make original and rigorous academic enquiries. Previously we could only make qualitative assumptions about the impact of music socially, politically and economically. With Music Industry Data, researchers can use quantitative techniques to verify what really happened and the true context in which music was produced. The following products are included: Music Industry Data Insights, Music Industry Data Capability, Music Industry Data Information and Music Industry Data Context. Coverage: 1956 to the present. HTML Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I-VI Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Music Online: Classical Scores Library is a reliable and authoritative destination for in-copyright digital scores of the classical canon, as well as a resource for the discovery of diverse and lesser-known contemporary works. This five-volume collection encompasses all major classical musical genres and time periods from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and includes full, study, piano, and vocal scores. Access is provided to the following volumes: Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume II Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume III Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume IV Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume V Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume VI HTML Music Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Music Periodicals) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Music Periodicals Database – formerly International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP+IIMP Full Text) – supports music scholarship, theory, and practice with access to about 220 full-text titles and citations sourced from more than 600 music periodicals. Coverage: 1874 to the present. HTML Naxos Music LibraryMac access on campusAccess to the University network via the VPNAccess information:Access on and off campus. To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.Access information:Mac users should use the VPN for off campus accessDescription:A music listening service which allows you to search, browse and listen to over 2.2 million tracks of music, including classical, jazz folk, world music and pop and rock.Note:Lecturers can create institutional playlists. Log in to Naxos and go to the section called “Playlists” where there is a video tutorial on how to set up a playlist. HTML Naxos Music Library JazzMac access on campusHow to access University services using the VPNAccess information.Access on and off campus.Access information.Mac users should use the VPN for off campus access. To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.Description.Naxos Music Library Jazz [NMLJ] offers a mix selection of jazz legends and contemporary jazz. Recordings of over 32,000 artists are represented. The recordings in Naxos Music Library Jazz come from over 200 labels, and include the catalogue of Blue Note Records, Warner Jazz, EMI, Fantasy and others. There are three search modes available: browse the library alphabetically by CD title, keyword search by name of artist, track or disc title, and advanced search by a combination of criteria. Access with iPhone or iPod Touch: The Naxos Music Library Jazz App is available through the iTunes App Store. HTML Oxford Music Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz and The New Grove Dictionary of Opera as well as The Oxford Companion to Music and the Encyclopedia of Popular Music. Entries include biographies, bibliographies and lists of works. HTML Qwest TV via Alexander Street and Qwest TV via original site Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Qwest TV EDU by Quincy Jones is a brand new video streaming service dedicated to jazz, soul, funk and world music performances and documentaries. HTML RILM Abstracts of Music Literature Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts and indexes. It covers nearly one and a half million publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, jazz, classical music and related subjects. Coverage begins in the early 19th century and extends to the present. HTML RILM Music Encyclopedias Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RILM Music Encyclopedias is a collection of over 60 encyclopedias in full text, comprising more than 300,000 entries and including volumes published between 1775 and the present. The content of this extensive multilingual collection spans the most important fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory, on topics ranging from popular music and rock, opera, instruments, blues and gospel, to performers, recorded music and women composers. New titles are being added annually. HTML RIPM Jazz Periodicals Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: An essential, unique collection of American jazz periodicals, a primary source reference and research tool, and of great importance to any lover of jazz and its history. This database benefits from RIPM’s partnership with the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, which holds the most extensive collection of jazz periodicals in the world HTML RIPM Preservation Series Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RIPM [Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full-Text] Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals is a new full-text collection of music journals online. This database covers music and musical life during the Romantic period in world capitals, including Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Milan, New York, Prague, Paris, St. Petersburg and Vienna. HTML Rock's Backpages Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Rock's Backpages is the world’s most comprehensive online database of music writing and journalism, sourced from the pages of the music and mainstream press, it is a library of primary source, full-text articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) from the early 1950s to the present day. There are over 40,000 on the site as of July 2019, with over 60 new text articles and one new audio interview added weekly. These feature over six thousand artists and range from 500-word album (or concert) reviews to 10,000-word interviews and features. There are also over 650 (as of July 2019) exclusive, and previously unpublished, audio interviews with major music artists. A complete list of title represented is available at: A complete list of writers represented is available at: A complete list of artists represented is available at: Coverage: From the late 1950s to the present day. HTML Rolling Stone Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: From the first issue in 1967 to the present, The Rolling Stone magazine has served as a critical source of news, entertainment and cultural information. For generations, students and young adults have turned to this iconic publication for fashion, society, music news, criticism and more. This digital archive will allow scholars to find articles, images and adverts that support their research. The collection provides coverage of cultural and countercultural movements from the 1960’s forward, highlighting key figures and events such as Woodstock, or the Iraq War. It allows for cross-disciplinary teaching and research in music, popular culture, arts, entertainment, politics, and 20th century history. HTML Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text periodicals from 1940-present, highlighting topics and trends of youth culture such as fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality, dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. At completion, this collection will have 200,000 pages from periodicals published in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Content: Content includes Fabulous 208, Clarity Magazine, Flip Magazine and Petticoat. Related LinksSubject guide: Music This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Academic Video Online (Alexander St Press/ProQuest) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Academic Video Online is a multidisciplinary collection of videos that touches on the curriculum needs of virtually every department. With over 67,000 titles available now and 400 new titles per month, this collection is unmatched in its breadth. Academic Video Online allows students and researchers alike to analyse unique and valuable content from over 500 producers and distributors around the world. Userguide:
HTML AES e-library Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The AES (Audio Engineering Society) e-library contains over 14,000 full-text documents covering the progression of audio research from 1953 to the present day. Documents include all AES Journal papers and all AES conference and convention papers.
HTML BabelScores Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: BabelScores gives access to a large and growing library of online contemporary music scores. It selects the works of the most creative, original and innovative contemporary composers offering a wide catalogue to instrumentalists, ensembles, orchestras, composers, musicologists, conservatoires, and universities.
HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels.
HTML Cambridge Companions Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Cross search the complete collection of Cambridge Companions. Full text is available for all publications. The Collections comprises the Companions to Literature and the Classics, the Companions to Music and the Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture.
HTML Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Central and Eastern European Online Library: gives access to thousands of academic full-text e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences, from and about Central and Eastern Europe. Our subscription gives you access to the following subject categories: fine arts, performing arts, music, architecture and photography.
HTML Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to the 21st century. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Issues have been scanned in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of articles, covers, ads and reviews. The Library has access to: EIMA1: Music, Radio and The Stage EIMA2: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 1) EIMA3: Cinema, Film and Television (Part 2) EIMA4: Rock, Folk and Hip-hop EIMA5: Video Gaming
HTML EUscreen Access information: Freely available Description: The EUscreen portal offers free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage. It brings together clips that provide an insight into the social, cultural, political and economic events that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as chronicling important historical events, the EUscreen portal allows you to explore television programmes that focus on everyday experience
HTML Film & Television Literature Index with Full TextAccess information.Access on and off campus.Description.A resource for researchers of film and television, providing the most comprehensive, balanced collection of full-text and bibliographic coverage from scholarly and popular sources, and spanning the entire spectrum of film and television studies. Updated on a weekly basis, this database provides full text for hundreds of journals and books and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts and selected coverage for hundreds of publications. Variety movie reviews from 1914 to present and a vast image collection from the MPTV Image Archive are also included.
HTML Gallica Bibliotheque Numerique Access information: Freely available Description: Bibliotheque Nationale de France and partners' full-text collections. Two million items from books, periodicals, maps, scores, images, sound recordings manuscripts.
HTML Index to Printed Music Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Use IPM to find individual pieces of music printed in standard scholarly editions. With over 425,000 records available for searching, IPM provides detailed indexing across a range of categories, including collection, composer, editor, format, genre, language, librettist, publication year etc. It is also possible to search for titles of music collections, as well as individual compositions.
HTML International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance with Full Text Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text is the definitive research tool for the study of theatre and the performing arts. This database was initiated by the American Society for Theatre Research, and since 1984, the Theatre Research Data Center (TRDC) at Brooklyn College has published 14 volumes of the IBTD. These volumes comprise a fully indexed, cross-referenced and annotated databank of over 60,000 journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertation abstracts on all aspects of theatre and performance in 126 countries. International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text contains more than 490 full-text titles, including more than 170 full-text journals, and more than 360 full-text books & monographs.
HTML Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the largest online audio-visual catalogues of classical music, opera and dance, consisting of a library of contemporary and historic performances, documentaries on composers and artists, and other interesting resources for Music scholars. More than 100 live events are broadcast each year, in partnership with the world's most prestigious venues, opera houses, festivals and competitions. Coverage: 3000 classical music videos: concerts, operas, ballets, archives, documentaries, artist profiles, master classes and educational programmes.
HTML Music and Dance Online Access information: Access on and off campus Description: A large, diverse and comprehensive catalogue of online music content from Alexander Street (a ProQuest company). From classical music, to alternative rock, to zydeco, from ballet to operatic arias to alternative dance, Alexander Street's music and dance resources cover many genres and content formats. Coverage: Over 10 million audio tracks, 3,600+ videos, 1.3 million pages of scores and 124,000+ pages of reference material. Userguide:
HTML Music and Performing Arts Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Music & Performing Arts (from Alexander Street, a ProQuest company) combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles to provide an unparalleled learning environment for the teaching of music. Genres covered include African American music, classical, jazz, world music, drama, performance design, and popular music Coverage: Over 12 million audio tracks, 8,200+ videos, 114,000+ pages of reference material.
HTML Music Industry Data (previously called ACO Music Data Analysis) Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Music Industry Data tool is a way of gathering information about music trends and the impact of music across countries and cultures. Music Industry Data is a growing repository of historical and current data from Billboard, Official Chart Company, Media Control and many more reporting agencies around the world. This data is presented in Relative Pitch Graphs™ with sophisticated functionality. Based on sales data, Relative Pitch Graphs™ are a way of normalising data over time, and tell the story of the impact of music on society and cultures. Music Industry Data links all the data that exists on music, industry trends and commercial facts so that researchers can make original and rigorous academic enquiries. Previously we could only make qualitative assumptions about the impact of music socially, politically and economically. With Music Industry Data, researchers can use quantitative techniques to verify what really happened and the true context in which music was produced. The following products are included: Music Industry Data Insights, Music Industry Data Capability, Music Industry Data Information and Music Industry Data Context. Coverage: 1956 to the present.
HTML Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I-VI Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Music Online: Classical Scores Library is a reliable and authoritative destination for in-copyright digital scores of the classical canon, as well as a resource for the discovery of diverse and lesser-known contemporary works. This five-volume collection encompasses all major classical musical genres and time periods from the Middle Ages to the 21st century and includes full, study, piano, and vocal scores. Access is provided to the following volumes: Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume II Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume III Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume IV Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume V Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume VI
HTML Music Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Music Periodicals) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The Music Periodicals Database – formerly International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP+IIMP Full Text) – supports music scholarship, theory, and practice with access to about 220 full-text titles and citations sourced from more than 600 music periodicals. Coverage: 1874 to the present.
HTML Naxos Music LibraryMac access on campusAccess to the University network via the VPNAccess information:Access on and off campus. To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.Access information:Mac users should use the VPN for off campus accessDescription:A music listening service which allows you to search, browse and listen to over 2.2 million tracks of music, including classical, jazz folk, world music and pop and rock.Note:Lecturers can create institutional playlists. Log in to Naxos and go to the section called “Playlists” where there is a video tutorial on how to set up a playlist.
HTML Naxos Music Library JazzMac access on campusHow to access University services using the VPNAccess information.Access on and off campus.Access information.Mac users should use the VPN for off campus access. To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.Description.Naxos Music Library Jazz [NMLJ] offers a mix selection of jazz legends and contemporary jazz. Recordings of over 32,000 artists are represented. The recordings in Naxos Music Library Jazz come from over 200 labels, and include the catalogue of Blue Note Records, Warner Jazz, EMI, Fantasy and others. There are three search modes available: browse the library alphabetically by CD title, keyword search by name of artist, track or disc title, and advanced search by a combination of criteria. Access with iPhone or iPod Touch: The Naxos Music Library Jazz App is available through the iTunes App Store.
HTML Oxford Music Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz and The New Grove Dictionary of Opera as well as The Oxford Companion to Music and the Encyclopedia of Popular Music. Entries include biographies, bibliographies and lists of works.
HTML Qwest TV via Alexander Street and Qwest TV via original site Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Qwest TV EDU by Quincy Jones is a brand new video streaming service dedicated to jazz, soul, funk and world music performances and documentaries.
HTML RILM Abstracts of Music Literature Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts and indexes. It covers nearly one and a half million publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, jazz, classical music and related subjects. Coverage begins in the early 19th century and extends to the present.
HTML RILM Music Encyclopedias Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RILM Music Encyclopedias is a collection of over 60 encyclopedias in full text, comprising more than 300,000 entries and including volumes published between 1775 and the present. The content of this extensive multilingual collection spans the most important fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, and theory, on topics ranging from popular music and rock, opera, instruments, blues and gospel, to performers, recorded music and women composers. New titles are being added annually.
HTML RIPM Jazz Periodicals Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: An essential, unique collection of American jazz periodicals, a primary source reference and research tool, and of great importance to any lover of jazz and its history. This database benefits from RIPM’s partnership with the Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University, which holds the most extensive collection of jazz periodicals in the world
HTML RIPM Preservation Series Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: RIPM [Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full-Text] Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals is a new full-text collection of music journals online. This database covers music and musical life during the Romantic period in world capitals, including Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Milan, New York, Prague, Paris, St. Petersburg and Vienna.
HTML Rock's Backpages Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Rock's Backpages is the world’s most comprehensive online database of music writing and journalism, sourced from the pages of the music and mainstream press, it is a library of primary source, full-text articles (reviews, interviews, features and more) from the early 1950s to the present day. There are over 40,000 on the site as of July 2019, with over 60 new text articles and one new audio interview added weekly. These feature over six thousand artists and range from 500-word album (or concert) reviews to 10,000-word interviews and features. There are also over 650 (as of July 2019) exclusive, and previously unpublished, audio interviews with major music artists. A complete list of title represented is available at: A complete list of writers represented is available at: A complete list of artists represented is available at: Coverage: From the late 1950s to the present day.
HTML Rolling Stone Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: From the first issue in 1967 to the present, The Rolling Stone magazine has served as a critical source of news, entertainment and cultural information. For generations, students and young adults have turned to this iconic publication for fashion, society, music news, criticism and more. This digital archive will allow scholars to find articles, images and adverts that support their research. The collection provides coverage of cultural and countercultural movements from the 1960’s forward, highlighting key figures and events such as Woodstock, or the Iraq War. It allows for cross-disciplinary teaching and research in music, popular culture, arts, entertainment, politics, and 20th century history.
HTML Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text periodicals from 1940-present, highlighting topics and trends of youth culture such as fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality, dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. At completion, this collection will have 200,000 pages from periodicals published in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Content: Content includes Fabulous 208, Clarity Magazine, Flip Magazine and Petticoat.