Some useful resources for Science, Technology & Innovation Studies are listed below. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: HTML Academic Search Complete Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Academic Search Complete multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 8,500 journals, including full text for more than 7,300 peer-reviewed titles. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals. Coverage: 1887-present. HTML ASSIA (Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. Updated monthly, ASSIA provides a comprehensive source of social science and health information for the practical and academic professional. It contains records from over 500 journals published in 16 different countries, including the UK and US. Detailed information about ASSIA Coverage: 1987-present. NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence. HTML British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s) by Wiley Digital Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and connected collections from UK universities covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, history of science and STEM, and government grants for scientific research. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers, grey literature—all presented as fully searchable digital images that can be analyzed, downloaded, manipulated, and compared with content from other societies and universities in the Wiley Digital Archives program. HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users. HTML Practical Action Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Practical Action is a specialist peer-reviewed and evidence-based online book and journal collection for International Development policy, practice and research professionals. The collection reflects the learning of multiple agencies and development professionals across a variety of specialist subject areas. Note: Green indicators show which content we have access to. HTML Econlit Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database version of Journal of Economic Literature and Index of Economic Articles indexing international literature in the field of economics. Abstracts are included. Coverage: From 1886 to date. HTML The EconomistThe Economist Historical ArchiveAccess information:Access on and off campus. Access to The Economist on is via username and password - this is self-created via self-registration on the platform using your University of Edinburgh email address and an own-choice password. Click here to register.Description:Full text of the weekly publication which covers international politics and business news and July 19 1997 to the present.Economist Historical Archive: 1843 until 2015.Additional Information:The Library's subscription to the Economist includes the option to use the Economist app. HTML Engineering Case Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The analysis of engineering failures enables engineers to learn how to create designs with a greater chance of success, by establishing the nature of each failure—structural, corrosive, electrical, etc. The database includes: feature-length video documentaries of major failures; monographs explaining cases in detail and describing key engineering concepts and issues; simulations depicting what went wrong; primary footage of accidents (including related news segments); audio footage and transcripts; testimonies from participants, victims, and witnesses; images, accident reports, blueprints, etc. Over 50 seminal case studies from around the world are covered in depth. HTML Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) 1969 - present Access information: Access on and off campus Description: FSTA® is the key database for faculty and students in the sciences of food and health. From microbiology to psychology, packaging to processes, FSTA covers the science and technology related to food and health, enabling you to carry out in-depth and targeted interdisciplinary research. Records are deep-indexed using the most comprehensive food thesaurus in the world, so that you can find highly relevant information quickly and easily. Updated weekly, FSTA holds over 1.2 million high quality records from over 22,500 journals, books, trade publications, conference proceedings, patents and more, including 5,300 journals. For more information, visit HTML History of Science, Technology and Medicine Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Describes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science and technology and allied historical fields. Comprises three bibliographies: the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Culture), and the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza. Updated annually. Coverage: 1975 to the present. HTML IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research focusing on the four core social science subjects of anthropology, economics, politics, and sociology. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and chapter records are included each year. Abstracts are provided for around 80% of all current journal articles and users can link to the full text of articles in journals subscribed to by the University of Edinburgh. Userguide: HTML JSTOR Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text journal archive service providing access to complete back runs of all the scholarly journals currently available in JSTOR. Recent volumes are excluded, usually the last 3-5 years, but each year a further year is added to the archive. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd. About 4-5% of Artstor images migrated into Jstor are not accessible outside the United States. Coverage: The collections currently available are: Arts & Sciences 1-15 Biological Sciences Business I-IV Collection Business & Economics Ecology & Botany II Global Plants Health & General Sciences Hebrew Journals Ireland Jewish Studies Collection JSTOR Essential Collection Language & Literature Lives of Literature Life Sciences Mathematics & Statistics Music Religion and Theology Security Studies Sustainability World Heritage Sites: Africa The 19th Century British Pamphlets Collections is also available via JSTOR. Userguides to the various collections can be found at HTML Newspapers (general) LexisLibrary Factiva Nexis UK Acces information: LexisLibrary - access on and off campus; NexisUK - access on and off campus; Factiva - on campus and off campus and via VPN. Description: Use LexisLibrary, Factiva or Nexis UK for online access to the full text of the majority of UK national and regional newspapers . Factiva also provides access to full text of the world press. Many titles are archived back to the 1980s. Information on each title is included by clicking the info icon next to the title listing. Many newspapers also have their own online archive available from their website. Some are free, with others you may have to register or pay a fee to view articles. The library also has a subscription to the Financial Times online. See separate entry for details. For historical newspaper content see entries for: Burney Newspaper Collection, Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers, The Historical Scotsman, Palmer's Index to the Times and Times Digital Archive. Further information: Newspaper content HTML The New York Academy of Sciences -Wiley Digital Archives Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The New York Academy of Sciences mission is to drive innovative solutions to society’s challenges by advancing scientific research, education, and policy. Among the oldest scientific organizations in the United States, it is also one of the most significant organizations in the global scientific community. Accessible through the Wiley Digital Archives platform, the New York Academy of Sciences collection contains the vast range of original sources that have shaped two centuries of scientific progress, Spanning a wide range of disciplinary research from medical research and botanical studies to climate science and zoological research, the Wiley Digital Archives: New York Academy of Sciences collection contains an extensive body of diverse and interdisciplinary original materials. HTML OECD iLibrary Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Subscribed resources available via the iLibrary include the OECD/IEA Energy iLibrary, OECD Observer and OECD Economic Surveys. The iLibrary also provides access to a substantial amount of free content, including the OECD Factbook, OECD Working Papers, Key Tables, Multilingual Summaries and most 'At a Glance' publications. Alternative source: Not all content is subscribed to. An alternative source is the UK Data Service's UKDS.Stat service. Access to full content available from the National Library of Scotland. Registration required. Please note your main address must be in Scotland HTML Royal College of Physicians Part I Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: WDA RCP Part I extends to over 700,000 pages and includes over 7,000 early printed books and more than 100 incunabula from the John Dee collection and Dorchester library. The archive records reflect the RCP’s changing role in setting standards of medical practice and the fellows wide-ranging medical and non-medical interests. As a result, the archives contain an eclectic range of 14th- to 19th-century manuscripts. All Wiley Digital Archives are available on the same advanced platform designed to power research, support teaching, and foster learning. The platform includes Automated Text Recognition (ATR), downloadable tabular data, digital humanities visualisation tools as well as translation and sharing features to highlight research and support teaching. Note: Cross-search all Wiley Digital Archives at Wiley Digital Archives HTML Scopus Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office: Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards. User guide: Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus). Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested. HTML Sociological Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Primary resource for accessing the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Draws information from an international selection of over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations. Records added after 1952 contain in-depth and non-evaluative abstracts of journal articles. HTML Springer e-books Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The collection includes all Lecture Notes titles, plus English language e-books published from 2005 to date with the following exceptions: Energy Collection: perpetual access from 2015 onwards (this collection began in 2013 and we don't have access to 2013-14). Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Collection: we only have lease access to this newer collection until our SHEDL contract is renewed in 2021. Palgrave: Palgrave merged with Springer in 2016. We have perpetual access to Palgrave collections from 2016 onwards with the following exceptions: History collection - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards. Religion & Philosophy collections - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards. Individual titles are listed in DiscoverEd, but it is also possible to search or browse the SpringerLink platform to access material. HTML Web of Science Core Collection Access information:Access on and off campus. Russian Science Citation Index is not presently included in the Web of Science.Description:Citations and abstracts to millions of journal articles and conference proceedings from all subjects. Cited reference searching, Impact Factors, h-indexes and email alerts available.Coverage:Arts & Humanities (1975 onwards), Science and Social Sciences Citation Indexes (both 1900 onwards), Conference Proceedings in Science and Social Science & Humanities (both 1990 onwards).Also: Book Citation Indexes in Science and Social Sciences & Humanities (both 2005 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1986 onwards), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1985 onwards), Index Chemicus (1993 onwards).Change "Search in:" to use: BIOSIS Citation Index (1926 onwards), Current Contents Connect (1998 onwards), Data Citation Index (1990 onwards), Derwent Innovations Index (1966 onwards), KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980 onwards), Medline (1950 onwards), PrePrint Citation Index (1991 onwards), ProQuest Dissertatoins & Theses Citation Index (1637 onwards), SciELO Citation Index (2002 onwards), Zoological Record (1864 onwards).Help:Publisher userguideFinding articles which have in their reference lists a work you found useful ('cited reference searching'):Cited Reference Searching (pdf) Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Journal Impact Factors and other measures on JCR (pdf) Related LinksSubject Guide: Science & technology studies This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Academic Search Complete Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Academic Search Complete multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 8,500 journals, including full text for more than 7,300 peer-reviewed titles. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals. Coverage: 1887-present.
HTML ASSIA (Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. Updated monthly, ASSIA provides a comprehensive source of social science and health information for the practical and academic professional. It contains records from over 500 journals published in 16 different countries, including the UK and US. Detailed information about ASSIA Coverage: 1987-present. NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network
HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence.
HTML British Association for the Advancement of Science – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s) by Wiley Digital Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and connected collections from UK universities covers astronomy, biology, technology, industrial design, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, agriculture, meteorology, physics, history of science and STEM, and government grants for scientific research. It contains administrative records, correspondence, illustrations, manuscripts, photographs, prototypes, clippings, personal papers, grey literature—all presented as fully searchable digital images that can be analyzed, downloaded, manipulated, and compared with content from other societies and universities in the Wiley Digital Archives program.
HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users.
HTML Practical Action Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Practical Action is a specialist peer-reviewed and evidence-based online book and journal collection for International Development policy, practice and research professionals. The collection reflects the learning of multiple agencies and development professionals across a variety of specialist subject areas. Note: Green indicators show which content we have access to.
HTML Econlit Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The database version of Journal of Economic Literature and Index of Economic Articles indexing international literature in the field of economics. Abstracts are included. Coverage: From 1886 to date.
HTML The EconomistThe Economist Historical ArchiveAccess information:Access on and off campus. Access to The Economist on is via username and password - this is self-created via self-registration on the platform using your University of Edinburgh email address and an own-choice password. Click here to register.Description:Full text of the weekly publication which covers international politics and business news and July 19 1997 to the present.Economist Historical Archive: 1843 until 2015.Additional Information:The Library's subscription to the Economist includes the option to use the Economist app.
HTML Engineering Case Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The analysis of engineering failures enables engineers to learn how to create designs with a greater chance of success, by establishing the nature of each failure—structural, corrosive, electrical, etc. The database includes: feature-length video documentaries of major failures; monographs explaining cases in detail and describing key engineering concepts and issues; simulations depicting what went wrong; primary footage of accidents (including related news segments); audio footage and transcripts; testimonies from participants, victims, and witnesses; images, accident reports, blueprints, etc. Over 50 seminal case studies from around the world are covered in depth.
HTML Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) 1969 - present Access information: Access on and off campus Description: FSTA® is the key database for faculty and students in the sciences of food and health. From microbiology to psychology, packaging to processes, FSTA covers the science and technology related to food and health, enabling you to carry out in-depth and targeted interdisciplinary research. Records are deep-indexed using the most comprehensive food thesaurus in the world, so that you can find highly relevant information quickly and easily. Updated weekly, FSTA holds over 1.2 million high quality records from over 22,500 journals, books, trade publications, conference proceedings, patents and more, including 5,300 journals. For more information, visit
HTML History of Science, Technology and Medicine Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Describes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science and technology and allied historical fields. Comprises three bibliographies: the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Culture), and the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza. Updated annually. Coverage: 1975 to the present.
HTML IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research focusing on the four core social science subjects of anthropology, economics, politics, and sociology. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and chapter records are included each year. Abstracts are provided for around 80% of all current journal articles and users can link to the full text of articles in journals subscribed to by the University of Edinburgh. Userguide:
HTML JSTOR Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text journal archive service providing access to complete back runs of all the scholarly journals currently available in JSTOR. Recent volumes are excluded, usually the last 3-5 years, but each year a further year is added to the archive. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd. About 4-5% of Artstor images migrated into Jstor are not accessible outside the United States. Coverage: The collections currently available are: Arts & Sciences 1-15 Biological Sciences Business I-IV Collection Business & Economics Ecology & Botany II Global Plants Health & General Sciences Hebrew Journals Ireland Jewish Studies Collection JSTOR Essential Collection Language & Literature Lives of Literature Life Sciences Mathematics & Statistics Music Religion and Theology Security Studies Sustainability World Heritage Sites: Africa The 19th Century British Pamphlets Collections is also available via JSTOR. Userguides to the various collections can be found at
HTML Newspapers (general) LexisLibrary Factiva Nexis UK Acces information: LexisLibrary - access on and off campus; NexisUK - access on and off campus; Factiva - on campus and off campus and via VPN. Description: Use LexisLibrary, Factiva or Nexis UK for online access to the full text of the majority of UK national and regional newspapers . Factiva also provides access to full text of the world press. Many titles are archived back to the 1980s. Information on each title is included by clicking the info icon next to the title listing. Many newspapers also have their own online archive available from their website. Some are free, with others you may have to register or pay a fee to view articles. The library also has a subscription to the Financial Times online. See separate entry for details. For historical newspaper content see entries for: Burney Newspaper Collection, Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers, The Historical Scotsman, Palmer's Index to the Times and Times Digital Archive. Further information: Newspaper content
HTML The New York Academy of Sciences -Wiley Digital Archives Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The New York Academy of Sciences mission is to drive innovative solutions to society’s challenges by advancing scientific research, education, and policy. Among the oldest scientific organizations in the United States, it is also one of the most significant organizations in the global scientific community. Accessible through the Wiley Digital Archives platform, the New York Academy of Sciences collection contains the vast range of original sources that have shaped two centuries of scientific progress, Spanning a wide range of disciplinary research from medical research and botanical studies to climate science and zoological research, the Wiley Digital Archives: New York Academy of Sciences collection contains an extensive body of diverse and interdisciplinary original materials.
HTML OECD iLibrary Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Subscribed resources available via the iLibrary include the OECD/IEA Energy iLibrary, OECD Observer and OECD Economic Surveys. The iLibrary also provides access to a substantial amount of free content, including the OECD Factbook, OECD Working Papers, Key Tables, Multilingual Summaries and most 'At a Glance' publications. Alternative source: Not all content is subscribed to. An alternative source is the UK Data Service's UKDS.Stat service. Access to full content available from the National Library of Scotland. Registration required. Please note your main address must be in Scotland
HTML Royal College of Physicians Part I Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: WDA RCP Part I extends to over 700,000 pages and includes over 7,000 early printed books and more than 100 incunabula from the John Dee collection and Dorchester library. The archive records reflect the RCP’s changing role in setting standards of medical practice and the fellows wide-ranging medical and non-medical interests. As a result, the archives contain an eclectic range of 14th- to 19th-century manuscripts. All Wiley Digital Archives are available on the same advanced platform designed to power research, support teaching, and foster learning. The platform includes Automated Text Recognition (ATR), downloadable tabular data, digital humanities visualisation tools as well as translation and sharing features to highlight research and support teaching. Note: Cross-search all Wiley Digital Archives at Wiley Digital Archives
HTML Scopus Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office: Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards. User guide: Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus). Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested.
HTML Sociological Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Primary resource for accessing the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Draws information from an international selection of over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations. Records added after 1952 contain in-depth and non-evaluative abstracts of journal articles.
HTML Springer e-books Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The collection includes all Lecture Notes titles, plus English language e-books published from 2005 to date with the following exceptions: Energy Collection: perpetual access from 2015 onwards (this collection began in 2013 and we don't have access to 2013-14). Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Collection: we only have lease access to this newer collection until our SHEDL contract is renewed in 2021. Palgrave: Palgrave merged with Springer in 2016. We have perpetual access to Palgrave collections from 2016 onwards with the following exceptions: History collection - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards. Religion & Philosophy collections - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards. Individual titles are listed in DiscoverEd, but it is also possible to search or browse the SpringerLink platform to access material.
HTML Web of Science Core Collection Access information:Access on and off campus. Russian Science Citation Index is not presently included in the Web of Science.Description:Citations and abstracts to millions of journal articles and conference proceedings from all subjects. Cited reference searching, Impact Factors, h-indexes and email alerts available.Coverage:Arts & Humanities (1975 onwards), Science and Social Sciences Citation Indexes (both 1900 onwards), Conference Proceedings in Science and Social Science & Humanities (both 1990 onwards).Also: Book Citation Indexes in Science and Social Sciences & Humanities (both 2005 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1986 onwards), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1985 onwards), Index Chemicus (1993 onwards).Change "Search in:" to use: BIOSIS Citation Index (1926 onwards), Current Contents Connect (1998 onwards), Data Citation Index (1990 onwards), Derwent Innovations Index (1966 onwards), KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980 onwards), Medline (1950 onwards), PrePrint Citation Index (1991 onwards), ProQuest Dissertatoins & Theses Citation Index (1637 onwards), SciELO Citation Index (2002 onwards), Zoological Record (1864 onwards).Help:Publisher userguideFinding articles which have in their reference lists a work you found useful ('cited reference searching'):Cited Reference Searching (pdf) Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Journal Impact Factors and other measures on JCR (pdf)