Librarianship & Information Science

Some useful resources for Librarianship and Information Science are listed below.

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Emerald Insight

Access information: Access on and off-campus.

Access to over 120 journals. The journals cover general management, human resource management, information management, library & information services, marketing, operations, production & economics, property, quality, training and education and engineering & material science.



Access information: Access on or off campus
Description: Series of video lectures included within Hentry Stewart Talks (Business) collection relating to libraries.  Includes management issues, content, services and case studies.
Coverage: 2012 – present


Access information: Freely available from EBSCOhost
Description: Searchable database of librarianship, classification, cataloguing, bibliometrics, online information retrieval and information management abstracts from the contents of nearly 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Email and RSS alerts available.
Coverage: Mid-1960s – present.