Social Policy

Useful resources for Social Policy.

To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at:


Access information: Access on and off campus.

Indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. Updated monthly, ASSIA provides a comprehensive source of social science and health information for the practical and academic professional. It contains records from over 500 journals published in 16 different countries, including the UK and US.

Detailed information about ASSIA

Coverage: 1987-present.
NHS Staff and other authorised users:  The Knowledge Network



BFI Player Subscription

Access information:Access on and off-campus. Individual registration is required - see instructions below.

BFI Player is a video-on-demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. BFI Player’s focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases. The availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors.

Instructions for registering for access to our BFI Player institutional subscription: 

  1. Go to and create an account using your UoE email address and a password of your choice OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'.
  2. Select University of Edinburgh from the dropdown list and click "Link institution". 
  3. Authenticate subscription using your university credentials.
  4. You will need to re-authenticate your individual account to the University's institutional subscription every subscription period (subscription period runs 1 October - 30 September). Follow steps 1-3 above to re-authenticate.
Note:BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK. Content can change throughout the subscription period and films could be removed. Rental section & festival events are unavailable with the Library subscription. For any licensing queries, please contact IS Helpline at
Title list:

March title list

Any titles with less than 6 months remaining are highlighted in orange on the first tab.


Please note that you first need to register your BFI Player account via a web browser by visiting Once your account is set up, you can log-in via pc, laptop, mobile devices (iOS: iOS 13 or higher ; Android: V11 or higher) and the following TV apps:

  • Samsung Smart TV app (2015-2024)
  • LG Smart TV app (2019-2024)
  • Amazon Fire TV app
  • Apple TV app
  • Android TV app
  • Chromecast with Google Play

Further details are available in the "Supported Devices” section at: 



Border and Migration Studies Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries.



Box of Broadcasts

Access Information:Access on and off campus
Description:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.
Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence.



Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement contains a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich the research of disability in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. 



Indian Claims Insight

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Unique compiled docket histories provide full text of all content related to each Indian claims throughout U.S. history up to the present time. The compilation includes court documents, cites treaties, related congressional publications, and maps.  It also includes histories for both Court of Claims and Indian Claims Commissions dockets.




IBSS (International Bibliography of Social Science) Online

Access information: Access on and off campus.

Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research focusing on the four core social science subjects of anthropology, economics, politics, and sociology. IBSS includes over 2.5 million bibliographic references to journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 book and chapter records are included each year. Abstracts are provided for around 80% of all current journal articles and users can link to the full text of articles in journals subscribed to by the University of Edinburgh.




News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive

Access information:

Access on or off campus.


Offering full runs of 15 major 20th-century titles, in full-color, page-image format. News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive makes newly available and accessible these key sources, for which the archival print issues have not consistently been retained by libraries. Titles include Newsweek, UN Chronicle, NATO Review and New Internationalist.

Coverage: 1918-2015



Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive

Access information: Freely available from The Library at Queen’s University Belfast .

The Library at Queen’s University Belfast has been developing an online archive, known as the Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA).

NIOPA is fully searchable with browsing and full text functionality and, as a digital archive of Northern Ireland official publications, makes documents available to support the research community, government departments and the wider public.

For your information, NIOPA records and documents are deposited with the British Library under the Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations 2013.



OECD iLibrary

Access information: Access on and off campus.

Subscribed resources available via the iLibrary include the OECD/IEA Energy iLibrary, OECD Observer and OECD Economic Surveys.

The iLibrary also provides access to a substantial amount of free content, including the OECD Factbook, OECD Working Papers, Key Tables, Multilingual Summaries and most 'At a Glance' publications.

Alternative source:

Not all content is subscribed to. An alternative source is the UK Data Service's UKDS.Stat service.

Access to full content available from the National Library of Scotland. Registration required. Please note your main address must be in Scotland



Overton Index

Access information:Access on and off campus - see registration guidance below.

First time users need to create a personal account associated with the Library's institutional subscription.

To create your account, please your University of Edinburgh email and the unique link on our usernames and password page available here.

After the initial account creation, future access can then be direct from

Overton API 

Includes basic browsing access (only) to Overton Engage.


A large searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers from sources that are typically difficult to find in one place. Documents are parsed to find references, people and key concepts in relevant news stories, academic research, think tank output and other policy literature.  Full-text indexing can lead to discovery of additional citations.

Overton undertakes to add 7 new high priority policy sources per customer per year, within 7 days of request, and welcomes more substantial lists of suggested additional sources.

Coverage:Over 13.4 million full-text policy documents and grey literature from 32,000 organisations in 190 countries


Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. This resource covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Topics covered include: Economic conditions, Education, Energy resources and policy, Government, Health conditions, Human rights, International Relations, Labor conditions and policy, Politics, Social conditions, Civil rights movement. PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.



Policy Commons (full suite)

Access Information:

Access on and off campus.


Difficult to find publications in one place, built around a directory of over 21,000 policy organisations. Provides access to 2.4 million books, articles, working papers, reports, policy briefs, data sets, tables, charts, media, case studies, and statistical publications from organisations including inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks and other research centres.

The search interface also enables searching for tables within reports.

Registered users can receive alerts of material added to the database.

Coverage: 11+ million grey literature documents. Individual documents are not searchable in DiscoverEd. Modules included are Global Think Tanks, North American City Reports, Public Health and Social Care, World Cities, World Governments.

Political Science Complete

Access information Access on and off campus.
Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory.
Coverage: 1965 - present.

Project Syndicate

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Project Syndicate provides commentaries by distinguished economists and policymakers. Sections include Economics, Politics, Development, Sustainability, Culture, and Innovation. Includes archive of past articles, including in-depth thematic coverage via ‘Big Picture’


ProQuest Congressional

Access information:

Access on or off campus.


ProQuest Congressional offers a comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present. This primary source collection offers you an opportunity to understand the present by comparing today’s events and opinions with trends and patterns throughout our nation’s history. The Library has access to the following collections through ProQuest Congressional:

  • Congressional Basic.
  • Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-C (1824-2010).
  • Congressional House and Senate Unpublished Hearings, Parts A-C (1973-1992).
  • Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1789-2009).
  • Congressional Research Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-B (1830-2010).
  • Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013.
  • Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6 (1789-1952).
  • Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1789-Present.
  • U.S. Serial Set 1 Digital Collection, 1789-1969.
  • U.S. Serial Set 2 Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1970-2010).
  • U.S. Serial Set  Maps Digital Collection Complete.
Coverage: 1789 - present.

Roper iPoll

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 

Optional individual registration. Click the login button, find the University of Edinburgh from the drop-down menu and use your University email address to register.

Description: The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is one of the world's leading archives of social science data, specialising in data from surveys of public opinion. The data held by the Roper Center range from the 1930s to the present. Most of the data are from the United States, but over 50 nations are represented. You can search for datasets by keyword, country, surveying agency, timeframe and type of sample.
Note: Some datasets require a separate agreement with the individual researcher(s) requesting access and are unrelated to institutional membership.Specific requirements vary across studies.
Access Information: Access on and off campus

Content from SAGE publisher (some unique to SRM) on the steps involved in a research project. Full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioural sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences.

Topics: Key concepts in research, Philosophy of research, Research ethics, Planning research, Research design, Data collection, Data quality and data management, Qualitative data analysis, Quantitative data analysis,  Writing and disseminating research.


1000+ books, case studies, datasets, encyclopaedias and journal articles, as well as features, such as the Methods Map visual browse tool using a custom taxonomy of 700+ methods terms.  Over 900 videos.  


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources.  Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office:
Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards.  
User guide:
Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus).
Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested.



Social Care Online (1980-2022)

Access information: Free access on and off-campus.
Description: UK social care academic literature but also legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, research briefings and UK grey (informally-published) literature, reports. Produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).
Additional Information:

No updates after December 2022 and the site will close in January 2024.

Social Care Online’s bibliographic data will be subsumed in the subscription-based abstracting and indexing database, Social Policy & Practice.




Sociology Source Ultimate

Access information: Access on and off campus.

This fulltext database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. Sociology Source Ultimate contains full text for more than 1000 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 1000 books and monographs, and full text for over 40,000 conference papers.  Sociology Source Ultimate features more than 26,000 author profiles covering the most cited and most influential authors in the database, who are experts in their field.

Coverage: 1908-present.  Coverage of topics ranges from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.



Sociological Abstracts

Access information:

Access on and off campus.

Description: Primary resource for accessing the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Draws information from an international selection of over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations.
  Records added after 1952 contain in-depth and non-evaluative abstracts of journal articles.



Web of Science Core Collection

Access information:Access on and off campus.
 Russian Science Citation Index is not presently included in the Web of Science.
Description:Citations and abstracts to millions of journal articles and conference proceedings from all subjects. Cited reference searching, Impact Factors, h-indexes and email alerts available.

Arts & Humanities (1975 onwards), Science and Social Sciences Citation Indexes (both 1900 onwards), Conference Proceedings in Science and Social Science & Humanities (both 1990 onwards).

Also: Book Citation Indexes in Science and Social Sciences & Humanities (both 2005 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1986 onwards), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1985 onwards), Index Chemicus (1993 onwards).

Change "Search in:" to use: BIOSIS Citation Index (1926 onwards), Current Contents Connect (1998 onwards), Data Citation Index (1990 onwards), Derwent Innovations Index (1966 onwards), KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980 onwards), Medline (1950 onwards), PrePrint Citation Index (1991 onwards), ProQuest Dissertatoins & Theses Citation Index (1637 onwards), SciELO Citation Index (2002 onwards), Zoological Record (1864 onwards).


Publisher userguide

Finding articles which have in their reference lists a work you found useful ('cited reference searching'):

Cited Reference Searching (pdf)


Journal Citation Reports (JCR): 

Journal Impact Factors and other measures on JCR (pdf)

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