Linguistics & English language

Some useful resources for Linguistics & English language are listed below.

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Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL)

Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: Covers all aspects and periods of English literature, including British, American and Commonwealth writing. Coverage is international, including material in languages other than English published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards. ABELL is complied under the auspices of The Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA).
Coverage: Anglo-Saxon literature- present day literature


Access information: Access on and off-campus. Not working? Try clearing your cookies. Alternatively, use the Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu.
Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. A multidisciplinary index containing details of every substantive item in 1,200 arts and humanities journals, as well as references to books included in book reviews, and live performances, films, records, and television and radio broadcasts. Contains over 2 million references.
Coverage: 1906 - present.



Arts and Humanities Full Text, Proquest

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Full-text of the contents of hundreds of titles in Art, Archaeology, Architecture, Design, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.


Access Information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers the most comprehensive reference work on Slavic languages ever published, with some 400 articles. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of the interaction of Slavic with other languages. Features and Benefits: - Contributions from leading scholars of Slavic languages worldwide. - Up-to-date references on legal and sociolinguistic developments of languages after the fall of multiethnic states. - Integrated articles on the interactions between linguistics, archaeology, and genetics to illuminate ancient Slavic-speaking communities. - State-of-the art reports on pertinent issues in Slavic semantics, pragmatics, discourse studies and more. - Coverage of theoretical approaches that emerged in Slavic linguistics. - Detailed, color maps.




Access: On and off campus.
Description: CAIRN offers online access to the full text of over 400 journals in French language published in France and Belgium since 2001, in the subjects of humanities and social sciences. There are also several thousand abstracts and hundreds of full-text articles in English which are either originally published in English or translated from French.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes.
  Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory.
  Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes.
Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd.



Dictionary of Old English: A to I online

Access: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (600 - 1150 A.D.) of the English language, and complements the Middle English Dictionary (which covers the period 1100 - 1500 A.D.) and the Oxford English Dictionary (which documents the development of the English language to the present).
  See also entry for Oxford English Dictionary.



Dictionary of the Scots Language

Access information: Freely available from DSL.
Description: Comprises the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST) and the Scottish National Dictionary (SND).
Coverage: DOST contains information about Scots words in use from the twelfth to the end of the seventeenth centuries and SND contains information about Scots words in use from 1700 to the 1970s. There is a 2005 supplement.



Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature.



Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: 2005, second edition covers comprehensively the fundamental linguistic disciplines, with their applications to the study of language and other related disciplines. The online version supplements the written text with additional illustrative material, samples of spoken language or signed langague and videos of the use of language in context.



Enhanced Electronic Grammars Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG), a sophisticated research tool specially designed for the needs of general linguists and typologists, features comprehensive descriptions of languages from around the world. Full grammars are made available together in an interlinked and semantically-annotated format, allowing granular access to the grammatical data and enabling cross-language research of several grammars at the same time. EEG is updated biannually, integrating several new grammar publications each year for even more extensive cross-linguistic research.



Key Resource


Ethnologue : Languages of the World

Access Access on campus. For off-campus access, please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.
Description An authoritative resource that brings together more data than any other resource of its kind, Ethnologue contains the profiles of the current 7,099 living languages of the world.  Regularly updated, Ethnologue provides in depth information covering the number of speakers of languages, location, dialects, usage statistics, linguistic affiliations and autonyms. In addition to living languages, Ethnologue also contains data on languages which have gone out of use since the first appearance of the publication 66 years ago.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Abstracts 2000 journals worldwide with coverage of books, papers, technical reports, dissertations and book reviews in language, linguistics and their various subdisciplines.
Coverage: From 1973 to date.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Access to and interconnectivity between three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, as well as links to an associated network of electronic resources.


Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:Electronic community for the cognitive and brain sciences, which includes the full text of major reference works and over 750 MIT Press cognitive science books, full text of MIT Press journals in the field of cognitive and brain sciences, as well as a growing collection of other relevant books, journals and reference works from other participating publishers.



Key Resource


MLA International Bibliography

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Citations to critical documents on literature, language, linguistics and folklore from over 4,400 journals and series and over 1000 book publishers. Also covers monographs, reference works and collections, including working papers, conference papers and proceedings.  Coverage includes literature from all over the world--Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Folklore is represented by folk literature, music, art, rituals, and belief systems. Linguistics and language materials range from history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, semantics, stylistics, and syntax to translation. Other topics include literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theater), and history of printing and publishing.  A userguide available from
Coverage: Over 2.5 million records from 1926 to date.  Updated 9 times per year with over 66,000 records added annually.


Access information: Available on and off campus

Developed cooperatively with scholars worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.

Each subject area has an Editor in Chief, Editorial Board, and team of peer reviewers overseeing the development and updating of articles ensuring balanced perspective with scholarly accuracy and a robust updating program to keep researchers informed of advances in their field.

At the time of launch, each subject area includes approximately 50 articles; with an additional 50 to 75 articles added each year. New article topics are selected to ensure each subject area offers full and balanced coverage as determined by the Editor in Chief and Editorial Board, scholarly feedback, and research demand.

Coverage: The following modules are available to the University of Edinburgh - African American Studies, African Studies, American Literature, Anthropology, Biblical Studies, British and Irish Literature, Buddhism, Chinese Studies, Cinema & Media Studies, Classics, Criminology, Education, Hindu Studies, International Law, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American, Linguistics, Literary and Critical Theory, Medieval Studies,  Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Renaissance & Reformation, Social Work, Sociology, Victorian Literature.  See for individual module title lists.



Oxford English Dictionary Online

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Fully searchable online version of the Oxford English Dictionary the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language. Includes etymologies, quotations and pronunciation guides.


Access information: Access on and off-campus
Description: OHO brings together the world’s leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. The articles review the key issues and major debates, and provide an original argument for how those debates might evolve.

The following subject collections are available to the University of Edinburgh - Archaeology, Business & Management, Classical Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics & Finance (up to 2020), History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Sociology up to the end of 2021 copyright year.  If the chapters in these books have 2022 onwards updates, these will not be accessible. 


Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: Complete text of scholarly books published by Oxford University Press in the subject areas below.
Coverage: Archaeology, Biology, Business & Management, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Clinical Medicine and Allied Health, Computer and Information Science, Earth Sciences and Geography, Economics and Finance, Education, Environmental Science, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Neuroscience, Palliative Care, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health and Epidemiology, Religion, Social Work and Sociology. We have access to over 20,700 e-books.



PsycINFO - Ovid interface

[PsycINFO via APA PsycNET]

Access information:

Access on and off-campus.

On Ovid interface - Accept cookies.

Cookies (Ovid)Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made.
Description:American Psychological Association produced with citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Coverage:Journal coverage, from 1806 to the present, includes international material selected from more than 2,400 journals written in over 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material from 1806 to the present.
NHS Staff and other authorised users:The Knowledge Network



Treasury of Linguistic Maps Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Treasury of Linguistic Maps presents linguistic maps selected from various atlases and other publications that have been published over the years by De Gruyter Mouton and other De Gruyter imprints. For the first time, this material is made available and searchable in one place and in a new, improved format. All maps have been scanned in high-resolution for maximum quality and enriched with detailed metadata. Thanks to specific search functionalities (e.g. category/subdiscipline, language described in the map, geographical location, period described), Treasury of Linguistic Maps is a unique and indispensable resource for visualized information on various topics in linguistics. Many of these maps have not been digitally available before, and some are difficult to find even in printed form. The map interface allows zooming in on details, printing, and PDF export.

The initial release version contains 2,000 enriched maps. Following the launch year there will be two updates a year with about 1,200 maps added each year. The updates will feature both rediscoveries from De Gruyter's archives and material from new publications.



Web of Science Core Collection

Access information:Access on and off campus.
 Russian Science Citation Index is not presently included in the Web of Science.
Description:Citations and abstracts to millions of journal articles and conference proceedings from all subjects. Cited reference searching, Impact Factors, h-indexes and email alerts available.

Arts & Humanities (1975 onwards), Science and Social Sciences Citation Indexes (both 1900 onwards), Conference Proceedings in Science and Social Science & Humanities (both 1990 onwards).

Also: Book Citation Indexes in Science and Social Sciences & Humanities (both 2005 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1986 onwards), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015 onwards), Current Chemical Reactions (1985 onwards), Index Chemicus (1993 onwards).

Change "Search in:" to use: BIOSIS Citation Index (1926 onwards), Current Contents Connect (1998 onwards), Data Citation Index (1990 onwards), Derwent Innovations Index (1966 onwards), KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980 onwards), Medline (1950 onwards), PrePrint Citation Index (1991 onwards), ProQuest Dissertatoins & Theses Citation Index (1637 onwards), SciELO Citation Index (2002 onwards), Zoological Record (1864 onwards).


Publisher userguide

Finding articles which have in their reference lists a work you found useful ('cited reference searching'):

Cited Reference Searching (pdf)


Journal Citation Reports (JCR): 

Journal Impact Factors and other measures on JCR (pdf)