Some useful resources for History. There are also separate lists for Newspaper & Magazine archives and Primary Source databases. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: Primary Sources A-Z listNewspaper & Magazines A-Z list HTML Academic Video Online (Alexander St Press/ProQuest) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Academic Video Online is a multidisciplinary collection of videos that touches on the curriculum needs of virtually every department. With over 67,000 titles available now and 400 new titles per month, this collection is unmatched in its breadth. Academic Video Online allows students and researchers alike to analyse unique and valuable content from over 500 producers and distributors around the world. Userguide: HTML Acta Sanctorum Access information. Access on and off campus Description. The Acta Sanctorum Database is an electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta Sanctorum, from the edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Societe des Bollandistes in Antwerp and Brussels. It is a collection of documents examining the lives of saints, organised according to each saint's feast day, and runs from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940. The Acta Sanctorum Database includes all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indices. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina reference numbers, essential references for scholars, are also included. HTML African Diaspora, 1860-present Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The African Diaspora, 1860-present uses digitized primary source documents, secondary sources and videos from around the world to provide a window into the African diasporic communities formed throughout the world after the abolition of slavery. With a focus on communities in the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, and France, content is provided by key partners including The National Archives and Records Administration (US), National Archives at Kew (UK), Royal Anthropological Institute, and Senate House Library (University of London). HTML America: History and Life Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Bibliographic reference to the history of the United States and Canada. The database comprises almost 400,000 bibliographic entries and covers over 2,000 journals published worldwide, providing an incomparable research tool for students and researchers of US and Canadian history. Coverage: Prehistory - present. HTML American Foreign Relations since 1600: a guide to the literature Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This is an e-book and annotated bibliography covering American International Relations throughout wars and presidencies. Coverage: 1600 - 2007 HTML American National Biography Online Access information: Access on and off campus Description: American National Biography (ANB) offers portraits of more than 19,000 men and women -- from all eras and walks of life -- whose lives have shaped the nation. From missionaries to musicians, social workers to statisticians, cowboys to chemists, and Vikings to astronauts, the portraits in the ANB reflect the rich diversity of American life from pre-colonial times to the present day. New biographies are added to the ANB on a regular basis, and revisions are made to already published entries, giving you access to the most up-to-date and accurate information available. HTML American Periodicals Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This database contains over 1500 full-text periodicals published in between 1740 and 1940. Subjects cover history, literature, history of science and medicine, law, news and magazines, politics, religion, education, women’s studies, and art. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and ground-breaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's. Coverage 1740-1940 HTML ArchiveGrid Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: ArchiveGrid includes over 5 million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies. HTML Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature (Brepols) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: In the early Middle Ages, literate individuals in and from the Celtic periphery of Europe (Ireland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, Scotland and the Isle of Man) wrote many and varied Latin works constituting what can arguably be seen as a distinctive literature, whose unusual vocabulary, grammar and phrasing (to say nothing of subject-matter) made it into what has been called “one of the most curious and interesting phenomena of medieval philology”. This database contains more than five hundred Latin works by over a hundred known and unknown authors, spanning the fields of theology, liturgy, computistics, grammar, hagiography, poetry and historiography, and including legal texts, charters, inscriptions, etc HTML Archives Hub Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Archives Hub. Description: The Archives Hub provides a single point of access to descriptions of archives and manuscript collections held in UK universities and colleges. At present these are primarily at collection-level, although where possible they are linked to complete catalogue descriptions. Currently some 800-900 descriptions of Edinburgh University Library collections. Coverage: Thousands of descriptions of archive collections held in over 220 UK repositories. HTML Arts and Humanities Citation Index - part of Web of Science Core Collection Web of Science Core Collection - alternative login Access to the University network via the VPN Access information: Access on and off-campus. Not working? Try clearing your cookies. Alternatively, use the Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu. Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. A multidisciplinary index containing details of every substantive item in 1,200 arts and humanities journals, as well as references to books included in book reviews, and live performances, films, records, and television and radio broadcasts. Contains over 2 million references. Coverage: 1906 - present. HTML Bayeaux Tapestry Digital Edition Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The whole Tapestry (and two facsimiles) with full commentary, maps, genealogies, glossary, libraries of textual and visual analogues. Runs in all major browsers on all major computer systems - please note that this online version uses Flash, so it does not work in an i-Phone or i-Pad. Further information: You may have to enable or download Adobe Flash player to make this resource work properly. HTML Berg Fashion Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: Berg Fashion Library from Bloomsbury Publishing: “the authority on world dress”: an extensive online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to a large and growing range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, 200+ e-books, reference works, and over 20,000 images. Coverage: Content in the collection dates back to before 500 BCE via the taxonomy search and back to 1600 via the timeline search through to the present day and covers all continents of the World. HTML BFI Player SubscriptionAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Individual registration is required - see instructions below.Description:BFI Player is a video-on-demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. BFI Player’s focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases. The availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors.Instructions for registering for access to our BFI Player institutional subscription: Go to and create an account using your UoE email address and a password of your choice OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'.Select University of Edinburgh from the dropdown list and click "Link institution". Authenticate subscription using your university credentials.You will need to re-authenticate your individual account to the University's institutional subscription every subscription period (subscription period runs 1 October - 30 September). Follow steps 1-3 above to re-authenticate.Note:BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK. Content can change throughout the subscription period and films could be removed. Rental section & festival events are unavailable with the Library subscription. For any licensing queries, please contact IS Helpline at list:March title list titles with less than 6 months remaining are highlighted in orange on the first tab.Note:Please note that you first need to register your BFI Player account via a web browser by visiting Once your account is set up, you can log-in via pc, laptop, mobile devices (iOS: iOS 13 or higher ; Android: V11 or higher) and the following TV apps:Samsung Smart TV app (2015-2024)LG Smart TV app (2019-2024)Amazon Fire TV appApple TV appAndroid TV appChromecast with Google PlayFurther details are available in the "Supported Devices” section at: HTML Bibliography of British and Irish History Access information: Access on and off campus. Select Bibliography of British and Irish History on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: The Bibliography of British and Irish History provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. Coverage: 55BC-present. The complete database now contains over 560,000 records, and is updated three times a year, usually in February, June and October. Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle AgesAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:The Bibliography of the History and Archaeology of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages is a fundamental source of information for the study of the history and archaeology of medieval East Central and Eastern Europe, an area of great interference and symbiosis of influences from Scandinavia, Western Europe, the steppe lands of Eurasia, as well as Byzantium. The bibliography provides comprehensive coverage of all publications, in all languages, pertaining to this vast area of the European continent and its impact on European history from about 500 to the aftermath of the Mongol invasion of 1241. The bibliography aims to encourage further research, but also to provide guidance through an enormous amount of information available in a variety of languages and a great multitude of publications. HTML Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches. HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries. HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence. HTML Brill's Medieval Reference Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Choose Brill's Medieval Reference Library to access this database Description: Brill's Medieval Reference Library includes three major encyclopedias on medieval dress and textiles; medieval pilgrimage; the medieval chronicle. HTML British History Online Access information Available on and off campus. Login required. Click login then select Login using Shibboleth. Type University of Edinburgh into box and click continue. Enter your University Login if prompted. Description: British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, it aims to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research. Coverage: 11th – 19th Century HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels. HTML British Periodicals via ProQuest British Periodicals I & II via Journal Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. Userguide: Coverage: from 1680s to 1950s C19 Indexsee Nineteenth Century Index HTML Cambridge Histories Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes. Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory. Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes. Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd. HTML CHCC Historical Censuses Collection Access information: Available on and off-campus from CHCC. Registration is required. Description: The service provides access and support for a range of historical datasets, promoting and facilitating increased and more effective use of data in research, learning and teaching. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service. Church Missionary Society Archives (All Modules)Access information:Access on and off-campusDescription:This digital archive is a repository of source materials on the work of this globally influential organisation, founded in 1799 as an Anglican evangelical movement and still active today. Useful for scholars of missionary and global history, this varied archive, sourced from the Cadbury Research Library at University of Birmingham, includes records of both the CMS and the many other missionary societies which became associated or amalgamated with it. The digital archive covers the period 1619-1981.Modules include: East Asia Missions, Missions to Women, Central Records, Africa Missions, Missions to the Americas, Missions to India, General Secretary’s Papers, Home Papers, Middle East MissionsEast Asia Missions, Missions to Women, Central Records, Africa Missions, Missions to the Americas, Missions to India, General Secretary’s Papers, Home Papers, Middle East MissionsNote: The Library also has access to Church Missionary Society Periodicals which can be accessed from the Databases A-Z list HTML Clavis Clavium Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: Clavis Clavium is an integrated reference database and collaborative update platform to open up Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts. The aim of the project is to unite the leading claves into one database. This is an ongoing effort to update and extend the knowledge of texts, authors and saints. Note that the University of Edinburgh only has access to the Open Access Consultation part of this resource. HTML Complete Classics of Ancient China Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: The digital edition of the great encyclopedic compendium of the most important classics of China. The original printed copy was completed in 1726, consisting of 6 series and 6109 titles and covering nearly every subject in pre-18th century China such as astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine. Contents are displayed in both text and image formats, and are fully searchable in traditional Chinese characters. The compendium is the biggest of its kind in the world (only exceeded in scope by another Chinese encyclopedia, the 15th century Yong Le Da Dian most of which had been destroyed during wars). Ideal for quickly looking up most topics relating to pre-18th century China. HTML Dictionary of Irish Biography Access information: Freely available Description: The Dictionary of Irish Biography is a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy. Over 9,000 signed biographical articles describe and assess the careers of subjects in all fields of endeavour, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport. HTML Digimap CollectionAccess information:Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions providedDescription:Digimap is a collection of EDINA services that delivers maps and map data of Great Britain. Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software. Subscribed collections include:agCensus.Aerial Digimap.Environment Digimap.Geology Digimap.Global Digimap. Historic Digimap.Lidar Digimap.Marine Digimap.Ordnance Survey Digimap. (incl. OS National Geographic Database)Society Digimap. Verisk Digimap.For a complete description of each collection, please see the individual entries on the alphabetical databases pages.Notes:Northern Ireland data will be removed on 31/7/20. Any Northern Ireland data stored must be deleted. HTML Early American Imprints, Series I Access Access on and off campus. Description Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. Digitized from Early American Imprints, Series I is based on Charles Evans' "American Bibliography" and Roger Bristol's supplement. Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions. Coverage 1639-1800 HTML Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive Access Access on and off campus. Description Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports Archive provides detailed coverage of political, economic, and commercial developments covering all countries from 1952 to 1995. Comprehensive quarterly overviews allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of an event, policy, or development. In addition to the highly regarded, impartial insight from EIU researchers, each report contains tables with detailed country-level statistics downloadable to Excel. Coverage 1952-1995. HTML English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801; printed in the British Isles, Colonial America, United States of America (1776-1800), Canada, or territories governed by Britain, in all languages; printed in any other part of the world, wholly or partly in English or other British vernaculars; with false imprints claiming publication in London, in any language. Contains every item in Pollard and Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 (STC); in Wing A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed in Other Countries 1641-1700; in the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (the predecessor of ESTC), including items catalogued by the American Antiquarian Society as part of the North American Imprints Program (NAIP); newspapers and other serials which began publication before 1801. Coverage: 1473-1800. Note: Use code "ed_itw" when following links from ESTC to ECCO. HTML Europeana Access information: Freely available Description: Funded by the European Commission, the Europeana portal provides access to millions of digitised books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records from all over Europe. Use Europeana to explore major European collections including collections from Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the British Library and the Louvre as well as regional archives and local museums from every member of the EU. HTML EUscreen Access information: Freely available Description: The EUscreen portal offers free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage. It brings together clips that provide an insight into the social, cultural, political and economic events that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as chronicling important historical events, the EUscreen portal allows you to explore television programmes that focus on everyday experience HTML Gallica Bibliotheque Numerique Access information: Freely available Description: Bibliotheque Nationale de France and partners' full-text collections. Two million items from books, periodicals, maps, scores, images, sound recordings manuscripts. HTML Historical Abstracts Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. Bibliographic reference to the history of the world (excluding United States and Canada) focusing on the 15th century forward. The database covers over 2,600 journals published worldwide, providing an incomparable research tool for students and researchers of world history. The database provides indexing of historical articles in over 40 languages, published from 1955. Subjects include: history of education, military history, women's history and world history. HTML Historic Digimap Access information: Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided Description: Historic Digimap provides Landmark historic Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain from 1843 to 1996. Maps include County Series (1843-1939), post-war National Grid and Town Plans (1840’s – 1930’s). Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software. HTML Historical Statistics of the United States : Millennial edition onlineAccess information:Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.Description:The standard source for the quantitative facts of American history. This resource brings together 37,000 data series on topics ranging from migration to health, education and crime. Custom tables can be created, and data downloaded in Excel and csv format HTML History of Feminism (Routledge) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: History of Feminism is a new online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. It is the first part of the new Routledge Historical Resources online programme that will provide both academics and students with an in depth research tool for studying the long Nineteenth Century through thematic collections in areas such as Feminism, the History of Economic Thought, Romanticism and Empire. This resource covers the fascinating subject of feminism over the long nineteenth century (1776–1928). It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on its structural themes: Politics and Law Religion and Belief Education Literature and Writings Women at Home Society and Culture Empire Movements and Ideologies HTML International Medieval Bibliography Access information: Access on and off-campus. Select International Medieval Bibliography on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: Covers articles published in journals and in miscellany volumes. All subjects relating to the Middle Ages are included, within the date range 300-1500 AD. Geographical areas covered are Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. HTML JSTOR Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text journal archive service providing access to complete back runs of all the scholarly journals currently available in JSTOR. Recent volumes are excluded, usually the last 3-5 years, but each year a further year is added to the archive. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd. About 4-5% of Artstor images migrated into Jstor are not accessible outside the United States. Coverage: The collections currently available are: Arts & Sciences 1-15 Biological Sciences Business I-IV Collection Business & Economics Ecology & Botany II Global Plants Health & General Sciences Hebrew Journals Ireland Jewish Studies Collection JSTOR Essential Collection Language & Literature Lives of Literature Life Sciences Mathematics & Statistics Music Religion and Theology Security Studies Sustainability World Heritage Sites: Africa The 19th Century British Pamphlets Collections is also available via JSTOR. Userguides to the various collections can be found at HTML Library of Latin Texts Online (Series A+B) Access information. Access on and off campus. Description: The Library of Latin Texts - Series A (formerly known as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts) contains texts taken from the Corpus Christianorum series. These include the Vulgate and the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, the complete corpus of decrees from the ecumenical Church councils from Nicaea to Vatican II and many Latin versions (ancient, medieval or modern) of works by Aristotle, Averroes, Avicenna, Dionysius the Areopagite, Flavius Josephus, Irenaeus of Lyon, Maximus the Confessor, Origen, Plato and Porphyrus. Each text draws on additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre 'Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium'. The complementary Library of Latin Texts - Series B database gathers other Latin texts of all genres and all periods including chronicles, medieval saints' lives and travel narratives, legal texts, and theological, philosophical and scientific treatises from the early modern period, drawn from existing scholarly editions. HTML Literary Print Culture : The Stationers’ Company Archive Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Explore this unique archive relating to the history of printing, publishing and bookselling dating from 1554 to the 21st century. The Stationers’ Company was a key agent in the process by which the book trade was regulated and monitored and thus it is widely regarded as one of the most important sources for studying the history of the book, publishing history, the history of copyright and the workings of an early London Livery Company. HTML Loeb Classical Library Online Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Digital Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek and English texts aiming to be a virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin Literature, epic and lyric poetry, history, travel, philosophy and oratory, medical writers and mathematicians, and the Church Fathers who make particular use of pagan culture. Readers can browse, search, bookmark, annotate and use a Greek keyboard. HTML Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH) (Brepols) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: The Monumenta Germaniae Historica was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde. It is without doubt one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts. In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, the Monumenta not only continues its editorial programme but it has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions. HTML Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This project, conceived by the Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and funded by the JISC Digitisation Programme, preserves and provides online access to the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries. Selected by RLUK, the pamphlets provide a wide focus on the political, social, and economic issues of 19th century Britain. This project has captured as much as possible from a number of smaller collections associated with individuals or families (Durham, Liverpool, Newcastle and UCL) or organizations (Manchester), and supplemented these with pamphlets drawn from larger collections (Bristol and LSE). Coverage: 19th Century. HTML Nineteenth Century Index Access information: Available on and off campus Description: C19 Index draws on the strength of established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC), The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index, Periodicals Index Online and the Cumulative Index to Niles' Register 1811–1849 to create integrated bibliographic coverage of over 1.7 million books and official publications, 70,000 archival collections and 22.7 million articles published in over 2,500 journals, magazines and newspapers. C19 Index now provides integrated access to 13 bibliographic indexes, including more than three million records from British Periodicals Collections I and II, together with the expanded online edition of the Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (DNCJ). HTML Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Online (Gale Primary Sources Platform)Supported browsers (also clear cache if having difficulties)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:This includes Series 1 and 2 of a collection of digitised versions of key 19th century UK periodicals sourced from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and other libraries.Series 1: New Readerships: Women’s, Children’s, Humour and Leisure/Sport.Series 2: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary & Colonial.Coverage:See the title lists below for full details of coverage.Full list of the titles available in Series 1: New Readerships.Full list of the titles available in Series 2: Empire. HTML Online Egyptological Bibliography Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: The Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) holds the largest available collection of references in Egyptological literature. It includes the volumes of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB) for 1947 to 2001 with abstracts, combined with Bibliographie Altägypten (BA) for 1822 to 1946, the Aigyptos database with keywords, and many thousands of more recently added records. It provides coverage of Egyptological literature from 1822 to the present and is updated nearly every day. OEB is a living site: improvements and extensions to functionality and to coverage are being developed and will be announced as they are introduced. HTML Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Biographies of over 60,000 people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to the year 2013. This resource is updated in January, May and September. HTML Oxford Handbooks Online Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: OHO brings together the world’s leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. The articles review the key issues and major debates, and provide an original argument for how those debates might evolve. Coverage: The following subject collections are available to the University of Edinburgh - Archaeology, Business & Management, Classical Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics & Finance (up to 2020), History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Sociology up to the end of 2021 copyright year. If the chapters in these books have 2022 onwards updates, these will not be accessible. HTML Prelinger Archives Access information: Freely available Description: Almost 2,000 key titles from the film collection acquired by the US Library of Congress from the collection's founder, Rick Prelinger. The ephemeral (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films from between 1927-1987 are public domain and made available under creative commons licence for free downloading and reuse. All subjects. HTML ProQuest Congressional Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional offers a comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present. This primary source collection offers you an opportunity to understand the present by comparing today’s events and opinions with trends and patterns throughout our nation’s history. The Library has access to the following collections through ProQuest Congressional: Congressional Basic. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-C (1824-2010). Congressional House and Senate Unpublished Hearings, Parts A-C (1973-1992). Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1789-2009). Congressional Research Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-B (1830-2010). Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013. Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6 (1789-1952). Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1789-Present. U.S. Serial Set 1 Digital Collection, 1789-1969. U.S. Serial Set 2 Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1970-2010). U.S. Serial Set Maps Digital Collection Complete. Coverage: 1789 - present. HTML ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global via Web of Science Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Millions of searchable citations to worldwide dissertation and theses. Around 70,000 new dissertations and theses added annually. Coverage: Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Full-text: 1997 to date, with selected coverage from earlier years. Full-text dissertations are archived as submitted by the degree-granting institution. HTML Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Online/Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period Online (PMBZ Online) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early Medieval Period (641-1025 AD) documenting more than 21,000 persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit which appeared in two parts 1998 and 2013. PMBZ Online documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East. HTML Roper iPoll Access information: Access on and off campus. Optional individual registration. Click the login button, find the University of Edinburgh from the drop-down menu and use your University email address to register. Description: The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is one of the world's leading archives of social science data, specialising in data from surveys of public opinion. The data held by the Roper Center range from the 1930s to the present. Most of the data are from the United States, but over 50 nations are represented. You can search for datasets by keyword, country, surveying agency, timeframe and type of sample. Note: Some datasets require a separate agreement with the individual researcher(s) requesting access and are unrelated to institutional membership.Specific requirements vary across studies. HTML SAGE Research Methods Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Content from SAGE publisher (some unique to SRM) on the steps involved in a research project. Full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioural sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences. Topics: Key concepts in research, Philosophy of research, Research ethics, Planning research, Research design, Data collection, Data quality and data management, Qualitative data analysis, Quantitative data analysis, Writing and disseminating research. Userguide: Coverage: 1000+ books, case studies, datasets, encyclopaedias and journal articles, as well as features, such as the Methods Map visual browse tool using a custom taxonomy of 700+ methods terms. Over 900 videos. HTML The SHAFR Guide Online Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The SHAFR Guide Online: An Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1600 is a near-comprehensive, 2.1 million-word online annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations. It aims to jump-start the research of both students from high school to graduate school as well as the most advanced scholars. The SHAFR Guide Online should be the first place to which researchers turn when establishing a bibliography, whether it be about US-Latin American relations in the 19th century, World War II, or US-China/East Asia relations since the Vietnam War HTML Social Sciences Citation Index - Web of Science Core Collection Alternative login VPN Service Access information: Access on and off campus. Not working? Try clearing your cookies. Or, use Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu. Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. Indexes 2,100 core journals in all areas of the social sciences, plus relevant items from 3,500 scientific and technical journals. Contains over 2.3 million records. Coverage: 1990 onwards. HTML The Statistical Accounts of Scotland Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A free version of the service may be used by clicking the "non-academic login" button. The two Statistical Accounts of Scotland, covering the 1790s and the 1830s, are among the best contemporary reports of life during the agricultural and industrial revolutions in Europe. HTML Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first to cover all the Latin texts from the classical period up to about 600 A.D. 31 academies, and scholarly societies from 23 countries support the work of the Bayerische Akademie (Thesaurusburo Munchen). The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches. HTML Translated Texts for Historians E-LibraryAccess information:Access on and off campusThe University's access to content from Translated texts for historians is limited to c.76 volumes published between 1987 and 2018. A green full access indicator applies to the volumes we have access to.Description:Translated Texts for Historians book series makes available historical sources from 300-800 AD translated into English, in many cases for the first time. The geographic range covers Syria, Arabia, Armenia, Georgia and Egypt in the East; North Africa; major cities of the Roman Empire (Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople); and Spain, Gaul, Italy, Britain and Ireland in the West. Types of writing include histories, chronicles, letters, annals, formularies, compendia, political speeches, military and theological handbooks, poems, documentary sources, records of church councils, biblical and theological commentaries, sermons, church histories, Christian treatises, Christian and pagan panegyric and polemic, Neoplatonic texts, Lives of saints, bishops and popes. HTML Who's Who and Who Was Who Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Who’s Who and Who Was Who have been published since 1849, and contain biographical information about over 134,000 influential noteworthy and influential individuals worldwide. Approximately one thousand new entries are added every year. HTML Women and Social Movements in the U.S. - Scholar's Edition Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000 is a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. women's history. Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000, this collection seeks to advance scholarly debates and understanding about U.S. women’s history generally and at the same time make those insights accessible to teachers and students at universities, colleges, and high schools. The collection currently includes 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools. Related LinksSubject guide: HistoryNewspapers and Magazines AZ listPrimary Sources AZ listImages and moving images AZ list This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Academic Video Online (Alexander St Press/ProQuest) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: Academic Video Online is a multidisciplinary collection of videos that touches on the curriculum needs of virtually every department. With over 67,000 titles available now and 400 new titles per month, this collection is unmatched in its breadth. Academic Video Online allows students and researchers alike to analyse unique and valuable content from over 500 producers and distributors around the world. Userguide:
HTML Acta Sanctorum Access information. Access on and off campus Description. The Acta Sanctorum Database is an electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta Sanctorum, from the edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Societe des Bollandistes in Antwerp and Brussels. It is a collection of documents examining the lives of saints, organised according to each saint's feast day, and runs from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940. The Acta Sanctorum Database includes all prefatory material, original texts, critical apparatus and indices. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina reference numbers, essential references for scholars, are also included.
HTML African Diaspora, 1860-present Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The African Diaspora, 1860-present uses digitized primary source documents, secondary sources and videos from around the world to provide a window into the African diasporic communities formed throughout the world after the abolition of slavery. With a focus on communities in the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, and France, content is provided by key partners including The National Archives and Records Administration (US), National Archives at Kew (UK), Royal Anthropological Institute, and Senate House Library (University of London).
HTML America: History and Life Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Bibliographic reference to the history of the United States and Canada. The database comprises almost 400,000 bibliographic entries and covers over 2,000 journals published worldwide, providing an incomparable research tool for students and researchers of US and Canadian history. Coverage: Prehistory - present.
HTML American Foreign Relations since 1600: a guide to the literature Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This is an e-book and annotated bibliography covering American International Relations throughout wars and presidencies. Coverage: 1600 - 2007
HTML American National Biography Online Access information: Access on and off campus Description: American National Biography (ANB) offers portraits of more than 19,000 men and women -- from all eras and walks of life -- whose lives have shaped the nation. From missionaries to musicians, social workers to statisticians, cowboys to chemists, and Vikings to astronauts, the portraits in the ANB reflect the rich diversity of American life from pre-colonial times to the present day. New biographies are added to the ANB on a regular basis, and revisions are made to already published entries, giving you access to the most up-to-date and accurate information available.
HTML American Periodicals Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This database contains over 1500 full-text periodicals published in between 1740 and 1940. Subjects cover history, literature, history of science and medicine, law, news and magazines, politics, religion, education, women’s studies, and art. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and ground-breaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's. Coverage 1740-1940
HTML ArchiveGrid Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: ArchiveGrid includes over 5 million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies.
HTML Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature (Brepols) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: In the early Middle Ages, literate individuals in and from the Celtic periphery of Europe (Ireland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, Scotland and the Isle of Man) wrote many and varied Latin works constituting what can arguably be seen as a distinctive literature, whose unusual vocabulary, grammar and phrasing (to say nothing of subject-matter) made it into what has been called “one of the most curious and interesting phenomena of medieval philology”. This database contains more than five hundred Latin works by over a hundred known and unknown authors, spanning the fields of theology, liturgy, computistics, grammar, hagiography, poetry and historiography, and including legal texts, charters, inscriptions, etc
HTML Archives Hub Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Archives Hub. Description: The Archives Hub provides a single point of access to descriptions of archives and manuscript collections held in UK universities and colleges. At present these are primarily at collection-level, although where possible they are linked to complete catalogue descriptions. Currently some 800-900 descriptions of Edinburgh University Library collections. Coverage: Thousands of descriptions of archive collections held in over 220 UK repositories.
HTML Arts and Humanities Citation Index - part of Web of Science Core Collection Web of Science Core Collection - alternative login Access to the University network via the VPN Access information: Access on and off-campus. Not working? Try clearing your cookies. Alternatively, use the Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu. Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. A multidisciplinary index containing details of every substantive item in 1,200 arts and humanities journals, as well as references to books included in book reviews, and live performances, films, records, and television and radio broadcasts. Contains over 2 million references. Coverage: 1906 - present.
HTML Bayeaux Tapestry Digital Edition Access information: Access on and off campus Description: The whole Tapestry (and two facsimiles) with full commentary, maps, genealogies, glossary, libraries of textual and visual analogues. Runs in all major browsers on all major computer systems - please note that this online version uses Flash, so it does not work in an i-Phone or i-Pad. Further information: You may have to enable or download Adobe Flash player to make this resource work properly.
HTML Berg Fashion Library Access information: Available on and off campus Description: Berg Fashion Library from Bloomsbury Publishing: “the authority on world dress”: an extensive online portal which offers fully cross-searchable access to a large and growing range of Berg content collections – including the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online, 200+ e-books, reference works, and over 20,000 images. Coverage: Content in the collection dates back to before 500 BCE via the taxonomy search and back to 1600 via the timeline search through to the present day and covers all continents of the World.
HTML BFI Player SubscriptionAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Individual registration is required - see instructions below.Description:BFI Player is a video-on-demand service from the British Film Institute, streaming acclaimed, landmark and archive films. BFI Player’s focus is on British and European independent films, as well as international releases. The availability of films is dependent on rights agreements with licensors.Instructions for registering for access to our BFI Player institutional subscription: Go to and create an account using your UoE email address and a password of your choice OR sign in if you already have one by selecting 'Already have an account? Sign in'.Select University of Edinburgh from the dropdown list and click "Link institution". Authenticate subscription using your university credentials.You will need to re-authenticate your individual account to the University's institutional subscription every subscription period (subscription period runs 1 October - 30 September). Follow steps 1-3 above to re-authenticate.Note:BFI Player is unavailable outside the UK. Content can change throughout the subscription period and films could be removed. Rental section & festival events are unavailable with the Library subscription. For any licensing queries, please contact IS Helpline at list:March title list titles with less than 6 months remaining are highlighted in orange on the first tab.Note:Please note that you first need to register your BFI Player account via a web browser by visiting Once your account is set up, you can log-in via pc, laptop, mobile devices (iOS: iOS 13 or higher ; Android: V11 or higher) and the following TV apps:Samsung Smart TV app (2015-2024)LG Smart TV app (2019-2024)Amazon Fire TV appApple TV appAndroid TV appChromecast with Google PlayFurther details are available in the "Supported Devices” section at:
HTML Bibliography of British and Irish History Access information: Access on and off campus. Select Bibliography of British and Irish History on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: The Bibliography of British and Irish History provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. Coverage: 55BC-present. The complete database now contains over 560,000 records, and is updated three times a year, usually in February, June and October.
HTML Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The BTL Online database provides electronic access to all editions of Latin texts published in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, ranging from antiquity and late antiquity to medieval and neo-Latin texts. The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches.
HTML Border and Migration Studies Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: In 2015, the world recorded the largest number of displaced individuals in modern history. Across Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe, the environmental, financial, political, and cultural impacts of migrant populations and borderland disputes dominate headlines. Yet in order to contextualize modern crises, it is vital to understand the historical, geographic, demographic, economic, social, and diplomatic dimensions of past border and migration issues. Border and Migration Studies Online helps students and researchers understand today’s world through primary source documents, archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border areas and events from the 19th to 21st centuries.
HTML Box of BroadcastsAccess Information:Access on and off campusDescription:BoB (Box of Broadcasts) enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from 60+ TV and radio channels. The recorded programmes are then kept indefinitely (no expiry) and added to a growing media archive (currently at over 1 million programmes), with all content shared by users across all subscribing institutions.Additional information:Please note that it not possible to access content in BoB when you are outside the UK, under the terms and conditions of the ERA licence.
HTML Brill's Medieval Reference Library Access information: Access on and off campus. Choose Brill's Medieval Reference Library to access this database Description: Brill's Medieval Reference Library includes three major encyclopedias on medieval dress and textiles; medieval pilgrimage; the medieval chronicle.
HTML British History Online Access information Available on and off campus. Login required. Click login then select Login using Shibboleth. Type University of Edinburgh into box and click continue. Enter your University Login if prompted. Description: British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, it aims to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research. Coverage: 11th – 19th Century
HTML British Library SoundsAccess information:Access on and off campus. Choose University of Edinburgh as your home organisation and if prompted login with your University Login. British Library Sounds is currently unavailable due to a cyber-attack on the British Library at the end of October 2023. Colleagues at the British Library are working to restore services but there is no timescale for the resolution of this outage. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 13/09/2024.Description:Archival Sound Recordings offers selections of music, spoken word and environmental sounds from the British Library Sound Archive available online to UK Higher and Further Education. There are currently over 4000 hours of recordings, with more being added over the coming year. Highlights include in-depth oral history interviews, pre-1957 classical music recordings, ethnomusicological field recordings, accents and dialects, wildlife sounds, radio programmes, public debates, and early recordings originally captured on wax cylinders. Archival Sound Recordings offers a broad range of cross-disciplinary, primary source material for researchers. For teachers it provides engaging, thought-provoking material for lessons and a tool for teaching key skills to students of all levels.
HTML British Periodicals via ProQuest British Periodicals I & II via Journal Archives Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture. Userguide: Coverage: from 1680s to 1950s
HTML Cambridge Histories Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes. Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory. Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes. Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd.
HTML CHCC Historical Censuses Collection Access information: Available on and off-campus from CHCC. Registration is required. Description: The service provides access and support for a range of historical datasets, promoting and facilitating increased and more effective use of data in research, learning and teaching. Additional Information For more information and advice on online Census material is available from the Research Data Service.
HTML Clavis Clavium Access information: Available free on and off campus. Description: Clavis Clavium is an integrated reference database and collaborative update platform to open up Patristic, Medieval and Byzantine texts. The aim of the project is to unite the leading claves into one database. This is an ongoing effort to update and extend the knowledge of texts, authors and saints. Note that the University of Edinburgh only has access to the Open Access Consultation part of this resource.
HTML Complete Classics of Ancient China Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN. Description: The digital edition of the great encyclopedic compendium of the most important classics of China. The original printed copy was completed in 1726, consisting of 6 series and 6109 titles and covering nearly every subject in pre-18th century China such as astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine. Contents are displayed in both text and image formats, and are fully searchable in traditional Chinese characters. The compendium is the biggest of its kind in the world (only exceeded in scope by another Chinese encyclopedia, the 15th century Yong Le Da Dian most of which had been destroyed during wars). Ideal for quickly looking up most topics relating to pre-18th century China.
HTML Dictionary of Irish Biography Access information: Freely available Description: The Dictionary of Irish Biography is a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy. Over 9,000 signed biographical articles describe and assess the careers of subjects in all fields of endeavour, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport.
HTML Digimap CollectionAccess information:Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions providedDescription:Digimap is a collection of EDINA services that delivers maps and map data of Great Britain. Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software. Subscribed collections include:agCensus.Aerial Digimap.Environment Digimap.Geology Digimap.Global Digimap. Historic Digimap.Lidar Digimap.Marine Digimap.Ordnance Survey Digimap. (incl. OS National Geographic Database)Society Digimap. Verisk Digimap.For a complete description of each collection, please see the individual entries on the alphabetical databases pages.Notes:Northern Ireland data will be removed on 31/7/20. Any Northern Ireland data stored must be deleted.
HTML Early American Imprints, Series I Access Access on and off campus. Description Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800 contains virtually every book, pamphlet and broadside published in America over a 160-year period. Digitized from Early American Imprints, Series I is based on Charles Evans' "American Bibliography" and Roger Bristol's supplement. Series I also offers new imprints not available in microform editions. Coverage 1639-1800
HTML Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive Access Access on and off campus. Description Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Reports Archive provides detailed coverage of political, economic, and commercial developments covering all countries from 1952 to 1995. Comprehensive quarterly overviews allow researchers to gain a thorough understanding of an event, policy, or development. In addition to the highly regarded, impartial insight from EIU researchers, each report contains tables with detailed country-level statistics downloadable to Excel. Coverage 1952-1995.
HTML English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801; printed in the British Isles, Colonial America, United States of America (1776-1800), Canada, or territories governed by Britain, in all languages; printed in any other part of the world, wholly or partly in English or other British vernaculars; with false imprints claiming publication in London, in any language. Contains every item in Pollard and Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 (STC); in Wing A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed in Other Countries 1641-1700; in the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (the predecessor of ESTC), including items catalogued by the American Antiquarian Society as part of the North American Imprints Program (NAIP); newspapers and other serials which began publication before 1801. Coverage: 1473-1800. Note: Use code "ed_itw" when following links from ESTC to ECCO.
HTML Europeana Access information: Freely available Description: Funded by the European Commission, the Europeana portal provides access to millions of digitised books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records from all over Europe. Use Europeana to explore major European collections including collections from Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the British Library and the Louvre as well as regional archives and local museums from every member of the EU.
HTML EUscreen Access information: Freely available Description: The EUscreen portal offers free online access to thousands of items of audiovisual heritage. It brings together clips that provide an insight into the social, cultural, political and economic events that have shaped the 20th and 21st centuries. As well as chronicling important historical events, the EUscreen portal allows you to explore television programmes that focus on everyday experience
HTML Gallica Bibliotheque Numerique Access information: Freely available Description: Bibliotheque Nationale de France and partners' full-text collections. Two million items from books, periodicals, maps, scores, images, sound recordings manuscripts.
HTML Historical Abstracts Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. Bibliographic reference to the history of the world (excluding United States and Canada) focusing on the 15th century forward. The database covers over 2,600 journals published worldwide, providing an incomparable research tool for students and researchers of world history. The database provides indexing of historical articles in over 40 languages, published from 1955. Subjects include: history of education, military history, women's history and world history.
HTML Historic Digimap Access information: Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided Description: Historic Digimap provides Landmark historic Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain from 1843 to 1996. Maps include County Series (1843-1939), post-war National Grid and Town Plans (1840’s – 1930’s). Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software.
HTML Historical Statistics of the United States : Millennial edition onlineAccess information:Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.Description:The standard source for the quantitative facts of American history. This resource brings together 37,000 data series on topics ranging from migration to health, education and crime. Custom tables can be created, and data downloaded in Excel and csv format
HTML History of Feminism (Routledge) Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: History of Feminism is a new online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. It is the first part of the new Routledge Historical Resources online programme that will provide both academics and students with an in depth research tool for studying the long Nineteenth Century through thematic collections in areas such as Feminism, the History of Economic Thought, Romanticism and Empire. This resource covers the fascinating subject of feminism over the long nineteenth century (1776–1928). It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on its structural themes: Politics and Law Religion and Belief Education Literature and Writings Women at Home Society and Culture Empire Movements and Ideologies
HTML International Medieval Bibliography Access information: Access on and off-campus. Select International Medieval Bibliography on the Brepolis Login Portal page. Description: Covers articles published in journals and in miscellany volumes. All subjects relating to the Middle Ages are included, within the date range 300-1500 AD. Geographical areas covered are Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
HTML JSTOR Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text journal archive service providing access to complete back runs of all the scholarly journals currently available in JSTOR. Recent volumes are excluded, usually the last 3-5 years, but each year a further year is added to the archive. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd. About 4-5% of Artstor images migrated into Jstor are not accessible outside the United States. Coverage: The collections currently available are: Arts & Sciences 1-15 Biological Sciences Business I-IV Collection Business & Economics Ecology & Botany II Global Plants Health & General Sciences Hebrew Journals Ireland Jewish Studies Collection JSTOR Essential Collection Language & Literature Lives of Literature Life Sciences Mathematics & Statistics Music Religion and Theology Security Studies Sustainability World Heritage Sites: Africa The 19th Century British Pamphlets Collections is also available via JSTOR. Userguides to the various collections can be found at
HTML Library of Latin Texts Online (Series A+B) Access information. Access on and off campus. Description: The Library of Latin Texts - Series A (formerly known as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts) contains texts taken from the Corpus Christianorum series. These include the Vulgate and the Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, the complete corpus of decrees from the ecumenical Church councils from Nicaea to Vatican II and many Latin versions (ancient, medieval or modern) of works by Aristotle, Averroes, Avicenna, Dionysius the Areopagite, Flavius Josephus, Irenaeus of Lyon, Maximus the Confessor, Origen, Plato and Porphyrus. Each text draws on additional intensive research work undertaken by the Centre 'Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium'. The complementary Library of Latin Texts - Series B database gathers other Latin texts of all genres and all periods including chronicles, medieval saints' lives and travel narratives, legal texts, and theological, philosophical and scientific treatises from the early modern period, drawn from existing scholarly editions.
HTML Literary Print Culture : The Stationers’ Company Archive Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Explore this unique archive relating to the history of printing, publishing and bookselling dating from 1554 to the 21st century. The Stationers’ Company was a key agent in the process by which the book trade was regulated and monitored and thus it is widely regarded as one of the most important sources for studying the history of the book, publishing history, the history of copyright and the workings of an early London Livery Company.
HTML Loeb Classical Library Online Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Digital Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek and English texts aiming to be a virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin Literature, epic and lyric poetry, history, travel, philosophy and oratory, medical writers and mathematicians, and the Church Fathers who make particular use of pagan culture. Readers can browse, search, bookmark, annotate and use a Greek keyboard.
HTML Monumenta Germaniae Historica (eMGH) (Brepols) Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: The Monumenta Germaniae Historica was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft für Deutschlands ältere Geschichtskunde. It is without doubt one of the most prestigious editorial undertakings for the critical publication of medieval historical texts. In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, the Monumenta not only continues its editorial programme but it has established for all Western scholarship a standard for critical editions.
HTML Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets Collection Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This project, conceived by the Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and funded by the JISC Digitisation Programme, preserves and provides online access to the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries. Selected by RLUK, the pamphlets provide a wide focus on the political, social, and economic issues of 19th century Britain. This project has captured as much as possible from a number of smaller collections associated with individuals or families (Durham, Liverpool, Newcastle and UCL) or organizations (Manchester), and supplemented these with pamphlets drawn from larger collections (Bristol and LSE). Coverage: 19th Century.
HTML Nineteenth Century Index Access information: Available on and off campus Description: C19 Index draws on the strength of established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC), The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index, Periodicals Index Online and the Cumulative Index to Niles' Register 1811–1849 to create integrated bibliographic coverage of over 1.7 million books and official publications, 70,000 archival collections and 22.7 million articles published in over 2,500 journals, magazines and newspapers. C19 Index now provides integrated access to 13 bibliographic indexes, including more than three million records from British Periodicals Collections I and II, together with the expanded online edition of the Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (DNCJ).
HTML Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Online (Gale Primary Sources Platform)Supported browsers (also clear cache if having difficulties)Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:This includes Series 1 and 2 of a collection of digitised versions of key 19th century UK periodicals sourced from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and other libraries.Series 1: New Readerships: Women’s, Children’s, Humour and Leisure/Sport.Series 2: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary & Colonial.Coverage:See the title lists below for full details of coverage.Full list of the titles available in Series 1: New Readerships.Full list of the titles available in Series 2: Empire.
HTML Online Egyptological Bibliography Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: The Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) holds the largest available collection of references in Egyptological literature. It includes the volumes of the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB) for 1947 to 2001 with abstracts, combined with Bibliographie Altägypten (BA) for 1822 to 1946, the Aigyptos database with keywords, and many thousands of more recently added records. It provides coverage of Egyptological literature from 1822 to the present and is updated nearly every day. OEB is a living site: improvements and extensions to functionality and to coverage are being developed and will be announced as they are introduced.
HTML Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Biographies of over 60,000 people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to the year 2013. This resource is updated in January, May and September.
HTML Oxford Handbooks Online Access information: Access on and off-campus Description: OHO brings together the world’s leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. The articles review the key issues and major debates, and provide an original argument for how those debates might evolve. Coverage: The following subject collections are available to the University of Edinburgh - Archaeology, Business & Management, Classical Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics & Finance (up to 2020), History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Sociology up to the end of 2021 copyright year. If the chapters in these books have 2022 onwards updates, these will not be accessible.
HTML Prelinger Archives Access information: Freely available Description: Almost 2,000 key titles from the film collection acquired by the US Library of Congress from the collection's founder, Rick Prelinger. The ephemeral (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films from between 1927-1987 are public domain and made available under creative commons licence for free downloading and reuse. All subjects.
HTML ProQuest Congressional Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional offers a comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present. This primary source collection offers you an opportunity to understand the present by comparing today’s events and opinions with trends and patterns throughout our nation’s history. The Library has access to the following collections through ProQuest Congressional: Congressional Basic. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-C (1824-2010). Congressional House and Senate Unpublished Hearings, Parts A-C (1973-1992). Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1789-2009). Congressional Research Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-B (1830-2010). Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013. Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6 (1789-1952). Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1789-Present. U.S. Serial Set 1 Digital Collection, 1789-1969. U.S. Serial Set 2 Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1970-2010). U.S. Serial Set Maps Digital Collection Complete. Coverage: 1789 - present.
HTML ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global via Web of Science Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Millions of searchable citations to worldwide dissertation and theses. Around 70,000 new dissertations and theses added annually. Coverage: Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Full-text: 1997 to date, with selected coverage from earlier years. Full-text dissertations are archived as submitted by the degree-granting institution.
HTML Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Online/Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period Online (PMBZ Online) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early Medieval Period (641-1025 AD) documenting more than 21,000 persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit which appeared in two parts 1998 and 2013. PMBZ Online documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East.
HTML Roper iPoll Access information: Access on and off campus. Optional individual registration. Click the login button, find the University of Edinburgh from the drop-down menu and use your University email address to register. Description: The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research is one of the world's leading archives of social science data, specialising in data from surveys of public opinion. The data held by the Roper Center range from the 1930s to the present. Most of the data are from the United States, but over 50 nations are represented. You can search for datasets by keyword, country, surveying agency, timeframe and type of sample. Note: Some datasets require a separate agreement with the individual researcher(s) requesting access and are unrelated to institutional membership.Specific requirements vary across studies.
HTML SAGE Research Methods Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Content from SAGE publisher (some unique to SRM) on the steps involved in a research project. Full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioural sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences. Topics: Key concepts in research, Philosophy of research, Research ethics, Planning research, Research design, Data collection, Data quality and data management, Qualitative data analysis, Quantitative data analysis, Writing and disseminating research. Userguide: Coverage: 1000+ books, case studies, datasets, encyclopaedias and journal articles, as well as features, such as the Methods Map visual browse tool using a custom taxonomy of 700+ methods terms. Over 900 videos.
HTML The SHAFR Guide Online Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The SHAFR Guide Online: An Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1600 is a near-comprehensive, 2.1 million-word online annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations. It aims to jump-start the research of both students from high school to graduate school as well as the most advanced scholars. The SHAFR Guide Online should be the first place to which researchers turn when establishing a bibliography, whether it be about US-Latin American relations in the 19th century, World War II, or US-China/East Asia relations since the Vietnam War
HTML Social Sciences Citation Index - Web of Science Core Collection Alternative login VPN Service Access information: Access on and off campus. Not working? Try clearing your cookies. Or, use Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu. Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. Indexes 2,100 core journals in all areas of the social sciences, plus relevant items from 3,500 scientific and technical journals. Contains over 2.3 million records. Coverage: 1990 onwards.
HTML The Statistical Accounts of Scotland Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: A free version of the service may be used by clicking the "non-academic login" button. The two Statistical Accounts of Scotland, covering the 1790s and the 1830s, are among the best contemporary reports of life during the agricultural and industrial revolutions in Europe.
HTML Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first to cover all the Latin texts from the classical period up to about 600 A.D. 31 academies, and scholarly societies from 23 countries support the work of the Bayerische Akademie (Thesaurusburo Munchen). The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches.
HTML Translated Texts for Historians E-LibraryAccess information:Access on and off campusThe University's access to content from Translated texts for historians is limited to c.76 volumes published between 1987 and 2018. A green full access indicator applies to the volumes we have access to.Description:Translated Texts for Historians book series makes available historical sources from 300-800 AD translated into English, in many cases for the first time. The geographic range covers Syria, Arabia, Armenia, Georgia and Egypt in the East; North Africa; major cities of the Roman Empire (Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople); and Spain, Gaul, Italy, Britain and Ireland in the West. Types of writing include histories, chronicles, letters, annals, formularies, compendia, political speeches, military and theological handbooks, poems, documentary sources, records of church councils, biblical and theological commentaries, sermons, church histories, Christian treatises, Christian and pagan panegyric and polemic, Neoplatonic texts, Lives of saints, bishops and popes.
HTML Who's Who and Who Was Who Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: Who’s Who and Who Was Who have been published since 1849, and contain biographical information about over 134,000 influential noteworthy and influential individuals worldwide. Approximately one thousand new entries are added every year.
HTML Women and Social Movements in the U.S. - Scholar's Edition Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000 is a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. women's history. Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1600 and 2000, this collection seeks to advance scholarly debates and understanding about U.S. women’s history generally and at the same time make those insights accessible to teachers and students at universities, colleges, and high schools. The collection currently includes 124 document projects and archives with more than 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of additional full-text documents, written by 2,800 primary authors. It also includes book, film, and website reviews, notes from the archives, and teaching tools.