Some useful resources for Life Sciences are listed below. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: HTML BioMed Central Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Description: An independent publishing house committed to providing open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research. The University of Edinburgh is a member. Coverage: Portfolio of 291 journals. HTML BIOSIS Citation Index Access information: Access on and off campus. The link above defaults to search in the Web of Science Core Colletion. Please select BIOSIS Citation Index from the dropdown menu. Description: The electronic version of Biological Abstracts for information about contents of journals, meetings, patents, and books in the life sciences and biomedical research. Covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies. Coverage: 1926 to present. Additional Information: Detailed information about BIOSIS Citation Index HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users. This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML BioMed Central Access information: Free access on and off-campus from Description: An independent publishing house committed to providing open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research. The University of Edinburgh is a member. Coverage: Portfolio of 291 journals.
HTML BIOSIS Citation Index Access information: Access on and off campus. The link above defaults to search in the Web of Science Core Colletion. Please select BIOSIS Citation Index from the dropdown menu. Description: The electronic version of Biological Abstracts for information about contents of journals, meetings, patents, and books in the life sciences and biomedical research. Covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies. Coverage: 1926 to present. Additional Information: Detailed information about BIOSIS Citation Index
HTML CAB Abstracts Access information: Access on and off campus. Accept cookies. Cookies: Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: CAB Abstracts is the world's leading agricultural database. Find journals, books, conferences and reports. It covers significant research and development literature in the fields of animal and crop husbandry, animal and plant breeding, plant protection, genetics, forestry, veterinary medicine, aspects of human health, human nutrition, rural development, leisure and tourism and the management and conservation of natural resources. Coverage: 1973-present. 1910-1972 available by selection from Ovid menu. Note: 8 concurrent users.