Public data from across the European Union, enabling comparisons between countries and regions. Description Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Union whose main role is to process, harmonise and publish comparable statistical information from the National Statistical Institutes of each of the member states of the European Union, including statistics from the 2011 census for each member state. Eurostat's dissemination policy is characterised by free access to European statistics for all users. URL Eurostat Spatical Coverage Europe Data Access Aggregate data are freely available for re-use for both non-commercial and commercial purposes according to the Eurostat user license Eurostat user licence Anonymised microdata is accessible for academic research purposes only. Access requires users to submit a research proposal (the procedure takes around 8-10 weeks) and must comply with the terms of the relevant licence. Application procedure for access to Eurostat Microdata University of Edinburgh is a recognised Eurostat research entity and Edinburgh University users should contact for assistance with their application. Key pages or related resources Public opinion Surveys Eurobarmometer (provided by GESIS) European Voter Project (provided by GESIS) This article was published on 2024-08-21