Information about BrowZine, which provides additional ways of viewing and connecting to University of Edinburgh Library resources What is BrowZine?BrowZine presents many of the scholarly journals available via Library subscriptions, and also open access content, in an easy-to-use platform designed to allow browsing of journal content.Additional, personal account features include My Articles and My Bookshelf.My Articles enables offline reading of saved articles.Use My Bookshelf to follow titles of interest and be notified when new articles are published.Integration with EndNote and other reference management software tools is available.BrowZine links in DiscoverEdThe following links to BrowZine may appear when you are searching DiscoverEd:View Issue Contents - browse other articles from the same issue of the journal.View Journal Contents - browse other issues of the journal which are available on BrowZine.BrowZine on the webFor access to the web version of BrowZine it may be necessary to "Choose my Library" and select University of Edinburgh.Web version of BrowZineBrowZine for smartphone and tabletTo install the BrowZine app on your smartphone or table, use Third Iron's "Get Started with BrowZine!". Third Iron is the company which owns BrowZine.Download the BrowZine App (Third Iron) from the App Store for your device.Choose Library, Select University of Edinburgh and use your University login when prompted.Get Started with BrowZine! When to look beyond BrowZineBrowZine does not contain all scholarly journal content available to staff and students of The University of Edinburgh and journal issues often only begin at 2005 at the earliest on BrowZine.Full journal listing on DiscoverEdKnow what has been published on a topic and is available from The Library by using DiscoverEd's search features.DiscoverEd Advanced SearchKnow what has been published on a topic by using appropriate abstracting and indexing databases in your subject area.Databases by subjectHelp finding relevant academic literature for your workAcademic Support Librarians provide guidance on academic literature searching, referencing, use of reference management software tools and locating the full-text of what you need. Help in those areas as well as contact details for the Academic Support Librarian for your School or Deanery are on the relevant Library Subject Guide.Library Subject Guides This article was published on 2024-08-21