What does "Online Access" or "Full text available" mean?

When the Library has access to the item(s) you have found in DiscoverEd online then an "Online access" or "Full text available" link will appear for the item(s).

Click on the link to get access to the online resource e.g. e-journal, e-book, etc.

For e-journals or e-journal articles this will provide you with links to the sites from which the Library has online access. It will also give you information on the years covered by the Library's subscription.

For e-books this will provide you with a link to the e-book site.

Find it in Library

The "Find it in Library" link will also sometimes appear in these records. You can click on this link to see if the Library has the physical (print) copy of the item you are looking for.

Items from the University's institutional repositories

DiscoverEd is also searching the University's institutional repositories, Edinburgh Research Explorer and Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA).  When you click the "Online access" link for these items the full record will appear in a new browser window.

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