Can I search for print books only?

Once you have performed a search in DiscoverEd you can use the "Refine My Results" options on the left-hand menu to refine your results to just print (physical) books.

  1. Perform your search in DiscoverEd
  2. On the menu to the left of your search results click on the "Physical Items" link under "Show Only".
  3. When the search results list has updated then click on the "Books" link under Resource Type.
  • If "Books" is not appearing on the menu click on "Show More" under "Resource Type" to see the full list of resources and select "Books".

Once your search results list has updated, it will include only print books.


  • If the option Books does not appear under Resource Type this means no books have been found for that particular search.
  • Some e-books may appear if both the print and e-copy are held by the Library.

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