Other library catalogues

Other local, national and international library catalogues are available to search online. When the University Library doesn't provide immediate access, consider using Library Resources Plus.

The Library can help staff and students gain access to resources held at other libraries.

Edinburgh University Library catalogues

Centre for Research Collections (Heritage Collections)

The Centre for Research Collections provides access to the University's heritage collections for the purposes of teaching, research and public engagement. The collections include archives, rare books, manuscripts, art and musical instruments.

Orchestral sets

The Library holds a collection of over a thousand orchestral sets, a list of which may be consulted at the HelpDesk or downloaded via the link below.


Other library catalogues - Scotland

National Library of Scotland

National Library of Scotland catalogues and indexes available online.

Other library catalogues - national and international

British Library

All online British Library catalogues.

The European Library

Access to the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe and leading European Research Libraries.

Library of Congress (LC)

Contains 18 million catalog records for books, serials, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic resources in the Library of Congress collections.

LIBDEX: the Library Index

Libdex is a worldwide directory of library websites, web-based catalogues and other information.


WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.