Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the U.S.

Death Squads, Guerilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the U.S.

Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the U.S.     

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This collection contains 2,071 declassified documents describing U.S. relations with Guatemala during the decades of violent conflict sparked by the CIA-controlled coup in 1954. The documents include CIA operational records produced during the coup, National Security Council deliberations on consolidating a post-coup regime friendly to the United States, and extensive intelligence and embassy reporting on Guatemala's U.S.-trained security apparatus. The material includes detailed information on the human rights catastrophe that gripped Guatemala during its 30-year civil conflict.