


Access information:

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AccessEngineering provides access to authoritative, regularly-updated engineering reference information and includes dynamic online features such as interactive tables and charts, calculators and instructional videos, as well as personalization tools which allow users to easily organise project information. Content includes:

  • key sources such as Perry's Handbook for Chemical EngineersMarks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers and Roark’s formulas for stress and Strain.
  • Excel spreadsheet calculator tools for commonly used calculations
  • Personalization tools for organising, highlighting and annotating critical information
  • over 3900 interactive graphs as well as thousands of downloadable tables to make it easier to use and analyze key data.
  • Over 600 instructional videos, demonstrating step-by-step solutions to real-world engineering problems
  • Engineering news feed delivers global news for all major engineering disciplines
  • Business suite of references and videos for developing management, presentation and process skills.
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