Beck Online Premium

Beck Online Premium

Beck Online Premium

Access information: Available on campus only however during COVID-19 closure, access is available via the VPN see note below. 
Description: Beck Online Premium covers German law and is a leading provider of German language material. Beck Online Premium includes about 500 (full text) handbooks, lexica and commentaries, over 90 (full text) professional law journals and an abundance of statutes and court decisions.

Beck have now authorised the University of Edinburgh for remote access to their database. Please go to Access to beck-online via VPN  to read the registration instructions (English language further down the page).

While you are on the VPN and at the login box on the right hand side will display University of Edinburgh and then you can start the registration process using  your University of Edinburgh email address.

You will create your own username and password after that, use it to log into the Beck database whilst still on the VPN.