
Access on and off campus. 

Click on "Client log in" in the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Over 9000 publications available in the database containing company (Financials, company news, M&A Deals/ Rumours, analytical tools), country (Forecasts, reports,..etc) and industry data (Global industry reports, news, competition and market info) .
  • Leading aggregator with top sources such as BMI, Global Data, Dun & Bradstreet, Allied Research, Buddecom, Grandview as well as data sourced locally in each emerging market.
  • Unlimited access remote and campus wide.
  • 3.5m company profiles and financials in hard to get locations.
  • Access to local content (research reports, news,.. etc) in emerging markets.
  • 540,000 research reports published every year.